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Tues, 15 July 08 – Episode # 4682

Guest JosieTash

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My UNOFFICIAL title for this ep, “ Where ISLA And Melissa Were Raised “

[screened in Australia on Tues, 15 July 08 – Episode # 4682]

Note – Jai ACTAULLY said "I’m INVINCIBLE!!!!” after he jumped into the water at end of ep 4691


On the back patio, Annie approaches the shirtless Jai. She tells him that she saw him jump and thinks that it’s silly that he did that. Jai insist tat Annie wouldn’t understand why he did it, but Annie urges him to talk to her bout it.

Miles approaches, and Jai goes inside. When Miles ask Annie bout what occurred, she doesn’t tell him what Jai did.

When Annie Is gone, Miles wings out Jai’s soaking wet t shirt.


After seeing a great view of the city, and then the university that Matilda in attending, we cut to Matilda in her dorm room. She is taken things [like a framed pic of her & ric out of her bag].

Matilda answers a knock on the door – its’ the dark haired Nathan, the student RE, who insist that he’s here to help Matilda whenever she needs it.

Just as he is going, Daisy [Matilda’s blonde room mate] enters and comments about how Nathan didn’t seem to be this helpful to Daisy when she arrived.


Kirsty approach ric and sees that he is kinda moping about. She suggests that he should call Matilda, but Ric tells Kirsty that he knows that Matilda isn’t interested in a long distance ‘ship.

Ric tells Kirsty that he has been aced to o the music form Morag’s wedding, and Kirsty agrees to help him – she also admits that Miles did suggest that she tries to get Ric out of this low mood he is in.


Matilda is wandering about the uni campus with a map. She looks lost and this is confirmed when Nathan approaches and she asks him when the computer rooms are. After pointing her in the right direction, Nathan invites Matilda to a party tonight. Matilda tentatively sys yes, so Nathan tells her that he’ll pick her up later tonight.


Geoff approaches Annie wo tells him that Jai is acting starngely. She won’t go into detail, and Geoff suggests gtat Annie should back away from the issue. Annie insists that she is NOT giving up on Jai. Annie bails.


Ric is fishing at the end of the wharf when Kirsty sits beside him. They joke about how Ric is sampling bait for the new business.

Both also wonder if/how life would be different if the makes other decisions, like Kirsty ambits that she could have turned Kane in sooner, as she must have truly known that he wasn’t only getting their money in legitimate ways.


Geoff talks to Jai. He insists that jai needs ppl to help him through such a tough time and Geoff realtes this to when his grandfather died. After Jai does the “are you finished? Thing, Geoff “sluggers” that Jai shouldn’t take all of this out of Annie. Btw, Jai does seem pleased that Annie didn’t actually tell Geoff what Jai did.


Matilda enters her room, and comments to Daisy about the party. Daisy however is rather surprised by all the rock n’ roll tracks on Matilda’s iPod. Matilda tells Daisy bout her old b/f – and shows her the pic of Ric that in her wallet. Daisy insists that there is NO WAY that Matilda is really over Ric.


R2 & Ric enters and are joking about the fishing they’ve just done.

After Ric heads upsets, Miles wonders if Kirsty has seen jai but then Jai enters the room [via back patio].

After Kirsty bails, Miles tells Jia that the funeral for Axel is tomorrow but Jia say that he is not going. When Miles pushes the pointy, Jai bails.


Jai enters and talks to Annie. He tells her that he did the jump of the cliff to prove to himself that he’s invisible, as Jai truly believes that that is the truth. He tells Annie about how he was the only one of his family not to die in the tsunami [after he went to higher ground to get his siblings an ice-cream before the wave hit]. Annie looks rather sceptical at all of this.


Kirsty enters and RI tells her that he is taking a break form al the tig that Alf has him doing for the bait shop.

Kirsty urges Ric to call Matilda.

In Perth, Daisy is about to bail form her & Matilda’s room when Nathan enters looking for Matilda. Daisy insists that she doesn’t know where Matilda is and that Nathan should write her a note as Matilda has left her phon in the room.

Ric rings Maddies’ pone and Nathan picks it up and answers, Ric is shocked when he hears a male voice. Ric tells Nathan to tell Maddie that he called.

When of the phone, Ric tells Kirsty about what’s just occurred. Ric looks downbeat.


Annie talk to her brother about why some ppl live and others die, in light of the Axel & Jai situation. Geoff tries to tell Annie that when your time’s up, its up, but the look on Annie’s face suggest that she doesn’t exactly like that answer


Kirsty & miles are in the kitchen. Miles comments about how Ric is pelying with Ollie.

Mile wonders if Kirsty & Ollie would like to move into the house – as they are oft her anyway etc. Kirsty thanks Miles for the offer – and accepts, on the proviso that Alf etc agrees.


Ruby, Charlie, Ross & Morag have a toast to the soon to be marred couple. Ross gives Morag an exquisite bracelet, whilst Morag give Ross her present to him – a trip for 2 to Europe incl a few on the Orient Express. Bote agree to hold off on the trip about they know etc more about Martha’s situation.


Miles tells Leah about how Kirsty & Ollie are moving into the vph. Leah sys that she is pleased – but there’s sooooo not much elation in her voice.


In her dorm room. Maddie tells Daisy that she’s not so keen togo the the party now.

Nathan arrives at the door and is about to tell Maddie about Ric’s call, when he is distracted by a text form another student.

Nathan bails, and as Daisy does likewise, Maddie suggest to daisy to tell Nathan arhat Maddie has a migraine etc.


Kirsty is on the back patio when Ric joins her. He comments that he is please that she is moving in. Kirsty tells Ric that she wished that she hadn’t pushed him into phoning Maddie.

Ric then KISSES Kirsty – but its clear from her reaction that she doesn’t like what’s just happened!!!



Jack wants to know who the father of the bub is

It's A Designer Label (IADL)


Daisy: white low cut v neck [orange circle with wings motif just below bust] top/denim sleeveless jacket/dark long pants


Matilda: light aqua [white trim] singlet top/denim knee length skirt/white watch/opal necklace


Daisy: silver (black floral motifs, rich red lining) night gown


Annie: grey singlet top – with apple green [dark green floral?] top beneath/red shorts

Charlie: olive green top/dark long pants

Daisy: blue knee length dress/silver bracelet

Geoff: white [red sunset & black palm trees motifs] t/grey trackpants

Jai: black [white & grey vertical stripe on left leg] board shorts

Jai: fluro orange t/black scarf

Kirsty: black spaghetti strap top/black [red white floral] long skirt

Leah: white [black forest motifs] wide grey strap dress

Miles: dark purple button up shirt/white [green & orange rainbow] t/white [brown check] long pants

Morag: maroon top

Nathan: dark blue [re vertical stripes] jacket/grey long sleeve top/dark long pants

Ric: black [silver V8 engine motif] t

Ric: dark blue button up shirt/black [grey rock band? logo] t

Ross: dark green button up shirt/drown long pants

Ruby: grey [latticed near top] thin strap top


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