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Fri, 4 July 08 – Episode # 4675

Guest JosieTash

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My UNOFFICIAL title for this ep, “ This One Time, At Science Camp “

[screened in Australia on Fri, 4 July 08 – Episode # 4675]

Note – the IADL results for ep 4674 will be at the end of this ep guide [below the IADL results for this, #4675, ep guide]


Charlie & roman are running. Charlie stops and roman catches up to her. They kiss, but Charlie realises that the nearby Nic doesn’t look that impressed. Indeed, Nicole walks away kinda in disgust and Charlie wonders if Roman should go after Nic, but he suggests that they should go back to their run – which they do.


With Nicole in the background, Ross wonders if morag has palns for morrow night. Morag says that she doesn’t so Ross suggests that she keeps that night of plans.

Before he gets the chance to elaborate, Rom4an & Charlie enters, and almost immediately, Nic verbally attacks roman for caring more about everyone but her. Nic bails – and roman goes after her.


Roman catcher up with Nic, and although he thinks it’s just his ‘ship with Charlie that is bothering Nic, she tells him that she thinks that no one would care if she just disappeared.

Nic take it the wrong way when he says that she is crazy for thinking that. Roman tells Nic that he hopes they can sort this out, but she tells him that she’s going on camp, so he & Charlie will have the place to themselves. Nic bails, and roman looks anguished.


Ruby, Annie & Geoff are looking fwd to the science [ecosystemns etc] camp, esp. Annie. Ruby & Annie then kinda start talking in code about a boy that Annie is keen on, but they won’t reveal to Geoff who they are talking about.


Jai is helping Kirsty get “up to speed” with more computer programs, but it’s not exactly going well.

In the kitchen, Alf tells Morag that rich has gone to the city to visit Drew. Talk then turns to Morag & Ross. Morag admits stat things are better now tween her & Charlie, i.e. Charlie is MICH lees hostile. Morag however admits that Ross has seemed distant of late.


Ross tells Charlie that he is pleased that she is making asn effort with Morag, talk then turns to Roman/charlie, and Ross can’t help it when he comments to her about how the impact of any angry daughter can affect a ‘ship. Charlie is worried that maybe she & Roman cant get past tis whole Nicole tikng, but Ross suggest that [like he did] if you can prove that you’re totally committed to a ‘ship, family members will come around,

Ruby sits at the table with Ross & Charlie. All agree that it’s good to spend some time together as a family again.

Ross wanders what his daughter have planed for morrow night, and whilst Ruby reminds him that she will be on camp, Charlie agrees to help Ross with whatever he has in mind.


Next day, in a classroom, Bartlett tells the assembled [going on camp] students that it will be lights out at 9om on campo and that they all will remain ain the room they assigned for the night.

After Bartlett instruvbts miles & Kirsty to do the roll calls, Rub & Nic verbally clash [after Nic runs into Ruby]. Geoff sess that incident and suggest to Ruby that he juts thinks that Nicole is a girl who is very lost, but Rubny7 wishes that Nic would loose her petulant attitude.

Nic then come nets unfavourably about Kirsty, and Ruby suggest tor Geoff that his faith in Nicole turning hie life around is somewhat misguided, i.e. Ruby suggest that Nicole is a train wreck waiting to happen.


Nicole esp. isn’t pleased with she has to share a room with Annie & Ruby, but Kirsty isn’t letting Nic’s protests get to her [and insists tat the decision is final].

When Ruby, Annie & Nic has entered their room, Bartlett tells Kirsty that she handled that situation well. He also makes it clear to her that he knows that she’s not that great with computers [and they she git jai’s help at school], but Bartlett assures Kirsty that whilst computer skills can be learned, she’s a “natural” with the students


In the kitchen Leah coments to roman that she is supposed that the diner is still as busy as ever [despite the school students being away on camp].

Charlie enters the kitchen, and Leah is kinda intrigued by a secret booking that’s been make at the diner tonight. When Charlie exist the kitchen [and goes back into the main area], Leah ask sorman about roiman/charluie, but he underplays how seious their ‘ship is.


Its lunch time, and when Jai & axel see Nic siting by herself, jai comments on how Nic is siting with all her friends, but Nic fires back – suggesting that she prefers her own company rather that the losers here.

After Jai & Axel do sit sown, the nearby Ruby suggests to Annie that she should tell Jai that she is interested in him, but Annie is too embarrassed.

Talk turns to Axel, and whilst annie thinks that axel deserves to have no friends etc for what he did to Melody, Ruby suggest that she thinks that Axel knows what he did is wrong – and is being harder on himself that anyone else is.

Nic approaches the food counter and strikes up a chat with the kitchen hand. She is interested in his tattoo’s, and is even more intrigued when he says that he got the tattoo that she is talking about in Mexico.


Morag arrives at the door, and is surprised that Charlie meets her at the door. Charlie tells Morag that she knows that Morag makes Ross happy, so she is happy about MNorag/ross.

Morag is rather superiores when she enters the diner, as there’s no other customers there – just a candlelit table for two. Ross pours some champagne and its clear that love is waaaaaaaay in this room, as roman/charlie kiss as well.


Nic is chatting to the kitchen hand. She refers to him as “Mexico” – and although she isn't that keen on the school activates at camp, She IS keen for some late nbight fun – its caler that Mexico gets what she is talknmg about.

Jai & axel sneak into the kitchen – to get thing that they wnbat for the prank that they are planning.

Back to Nic & Mexico, and he comments that he thinks she “might” be a tad crazy, but she suggests that she is the sanest person at this camp.

Bartlett sess the two of them flirting with each other, and “suggest” to Nic that she should be eating with the rawest of the students. Nic goes in that direction, whilst Bartlett comments to Mexico that she’s sure to have some work to do.


Roman & Charlie tells Morag & Ross that they are going to go, and that Ross & Morag can just pull to9 [already locked] door to when they bail.

After roman & Charlie bail, Ross shocks Morag when he proposes to her. She suggest that that tay can’t get married at their age, but Ross insists tat Morag makes him very happy, so they should.


Bartlett is in bed when he hears scream outside. We then see Annie & other students approaching jai, who is in the floor screaming. It looks like he had been attacked, but then Axel [dressed up like an Egyptian mummy] approaches], and Miles, Kirsty, Bartlett etc release what’s going – esp. when Jai removes the sausages in a “my guts are spilling out “ kinda fashion.

Bartlett instructs tat student to go back to bed, and he comments to Jai & Axel that the scrubbing brushers must be nearby.

Meabile, Geoff looks worried – with he sees Nic & Mexico wondering of in to9 the nearby forest.

Spoon after, Miles & Kirsty do one last “sweep” – looking to see if everyone is in bed. After miles goes to check on the boys rooms, Kirsty sess Geoff who tells her about Nic & Mexico.

Kirsty & Geoff find Nicole & [the shirtless] Mexico making out – and Kirsty vehemently suggest that Nic should go back to the camp before Bartlett finds out – and Mexico makes it clear that he’s on Kristy’s side.

Bartlett then approaches. He doesn’t look impressed with esp. Nicole!!!!



Martha faces a horrible choice – save herself or her unborn child

There’s a car crash – someone will DIE!!!!

It's A Designer Label (IADL)


Nicole: black, white & silver [white floral on bust, silver horiz stripe just bellow bust, black the rest] thin strap top


Annie: baby pink [red lining, and a single strawberry motif] singlet top/white [red hearts] PJ long pants


Ruby: leopard print dress - with black top beneath


“Mexico”: black t/blue & black check sleeveless flannelette shirt

Alf: yellow [dark check] button up shirt/bone long pants

Annie: apple green [various colour dots] top/dark shorts

Annie: red wide strap top – with black t beneath

Axel: white [rock band?] t

Charlie: black kinda low cut top

Charlie: black top

Charlie: red [white trim] sports singlet top/black [2 red vertical stripes] leggings

Geoff: light blue [yellow tropical motifs] t/olive green long ants

Geoff: olive green singlet/black & white check shorts

Geoff: white [grey dig stripes] t

Jai: fluoro red t/grey hoodie/denim shirts

Jai: white [various closured rays coming out of several suns] t

Kirsty: cream [brown floral] knee length dress

Kirsty: white dressing gown

Kristy: red lattice v neck long sleeve top/dark blue knee length skirt

Leah: red wide strap top

Miles: dark blue button up shirt/white t

Miles: white t/dark long pants

Morag: black blouse/dark long pants

Morag: cream long sleeve blouse/beige top

Mr Bartlett: grey dressing gown/light blue PJs

Mr Bartlett: marron long sleeve button up shirt/bone long pants

Nicole: SBH uniform

Roman: black [G Star] singlet/ black [white “Rip Curl” logo] board shorts

Roman: olive green t/dark long pants

Ross: maroon long sleeve button up shirt/dark suit

Ross: powder blue button up shirt

Ruby: tan singlet top/dark long pants


It's A Designer Label (IADL) ….. for ep #4674


Kristy: dark blue [red floral] low cut v neck dress


Rachel: red wide strap top/red beaded necklace


Ruby: SBH uniform


Alf: yellow [dark check] button up shirt/bone long pants

Annie: SBH uniform

Colleen: bright multicolour floral blouse/purple scarf

Dr Bentos: white [pin stripe] long sleeve button up shirt

Ellie: SBH uniform

Geoff: SBH uniform

Irene: aqua long sleeve blouse

Jack: black button up shirt/dark long pants

Jack: white singlet/dark blue PJ long pants

Jack: bone button up shirt/dark long pants

Jai: SBH uniform

Kristy: red lattice v neck long sleeve top/dark blue knee length skirt

Martha: grey cami top/white (red floral) PJ long pants

Martha: tan [black diamonds] blouse/white singlet top/dark long pants

Martha: mustard [back diamond patent] sleeveless jacket/white singlet top/white [purple floral] skirt

Miles: light blue [dark blue wide vertical stripes] button up shirt/dark jacket

Mr Bartlett: dark suit/white button up shirt/black [white check] tie

Nicole: SBH uniform

Rachel: black kinda low cut dress/dark beaded necklace

Senior Stenographer: dark blue scoop top

Tony: red [white “PUMA”] t


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