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Tues, 10 June 08 – Episode # 4657

Guest JosieTash

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My UNOFFICIAL title for this ep, “ Aden's Not Happy At Larry “

[screened in Australia on Tues, 10 June 08 – Episode # 4657]

Note 1 - Jai’s on the starting credits

Note 2 – btw, in ep 4655, the name of Ross’ other daughter [the one who “loves” boarding school] is RUBY!!!


Kane orders Ric to move out of his way, but then Larry decides to struggles with Kane. It ends up that Larry heads his head on one of jewellery display cabinets. Kane runs away, but not before he shoulder charges Ric and knocks him to the ground.


Rachel talks to Irene about the medication that Ollie needs. She gives her a script for the [pharmacy, and Rachel comments on how good that Irene is being [taking care of this little boy]. Rachel hopes the parents turn up soon.


Ric tells Larry [who had blood coming from a cut on his head] that an ambulance is on the way. Ric also “suggest” that this all hadn’t because Larry tried to be a hero.


Kane enters and tells Kirsty to hurry up and pack her things. He’s packing as he says it. Kirsty tries to tell him that she wants to stay, but Kane tells her that he has just done a robbery at yabby crekk and ric saw him etc. Kirsty canlt belive it – and she quickly starts packing.


Outside the shop, as the ambulance officers tend to Larry, Ric tells Jack & Lara that it was Kane was did this -= and that he has a beard now.

Jack goes over to Larry, who is about to loaded into the ambulance. Larry tells Jack that Kane has his gun.

When Larry is in the ambulance, Jack starts dialling a number on his mobile.


Colleen hears Aden’s mobile ring – she comments about ho ppl can’t live without their mobiles these days.

Aden answers the phone =- and when the call ends, he tells Alf & colleen that his dad has been taken to the hospital. Aden accepts Alf’s offer to dive him there.


Belle & maddie are they are talking about Maddie’s possible move to WA. Maddie comments that it’s not so easy because of Ric, but she adds that Belle is in the ideal position to do things, as she is unattached. Maddie then comments about how Aden REALLY likes Belle.

Before bell gets a chance to rally answer, Maddie’s phone rings. She can’t believe what she is hearing – that Ric is at the hospital with the seriously injured Larry.


On the other end of the line, Ric ends the call, as he is keen to see what’s going on with Larry.

Rachel treats Larry – with Alf & Aden now nearby.

Elsewhere, Irene is on Ollie’s room when Kirsty enters. Kirsty tells Iren that she has to take Ollie as KK are on the run again. Kirsty thanks Irene for all she has done, before Kirsty exits the room with Ollie.

In the corridor, Kirsty just evades being seen by Jack & Lara.

Ad Rachel & nurse Julie treat Larry, Aden ask Ric what happened – and he blames Ric for what happened when Ric says that he wasn’t ion sight of Larry when Kane grabbed him. Alf suggest that their bickering is pointless.

Maddie & Belle arrives, and Maddie & Ric hug. Maddie tells Ric that she was so worried when he told her that Kane had a gun pointed at Ric.

Beside them, Alf tells Irene that this has to stop – that she HAS to tell the police about KK. Irene reluctantly agrees.

Nearby, Lara & Jack are talking about contacting all the local van parks, hotels about Kane, but Irene approaches them and tells them that Kane has already left town.


Kane is driving along and Kirsty is annoyed that Kane was the open who put Larry in hospital. Kane insists that he never meant it to happen. Kirsty is also annoyed at how fast Kane is driving – but he reminds her that the police are no doubt already after them [because Ric recognised him].


Rachel tells Aden that that they’ve got to do more tests on his dad, as they are sure as yet as to what is wrong. Aden gets worried when there’s a suggestion that there’s a bleed in Larry’s brain.

Nearby, jack & Lara can’t believe it when Irene tells them about how Kane is Ollie’s dad. As Jack ^& lira bail, lira insists tait she will be speaking to Irene later.


Kirsty is worried about how fast Kane is driving, and it gets worse when Lara & Jack [in three police car] spot the fugitive’s car. With the police is hot pursuit, Kane goes faster, but he backs off a reasonable amounts when Kirsty suggest that he should. In Kane’s favour is Jack’s reluctance to go too fast either – with thoughts of the high sped pursuit that killed Rory’s father last year.


Rachel talks to Irene about Ollie – Rachel insists tait he will need the medication that she prescribed or he’ll become ill again. Irene tells Alf that she is heading for home – in case KK phone her there.

Rachel speaks to Aden. She tells him that a big problem that they are having with his dad is that his system is awash with alcohol [0.15 blood alco reading]. Aden can’t believe it – as his dad said that he had stopped.

Rachel lets Aden into the ICU room and Aden confronts his dad. Aden’s dad tries to suggest otherwise [that he’s not drinking] but that only makes things worse.

Aden exits the room and encounters belle is the corridor. When she wonders what’s happening, Aden tells he that his dad is a LOSER. He also wonders why Belle even cares about the situation.


Jack radios to base that he & Lara seem to have lost Kane, but he & Lara see the vehicle on the side of the road. Kane takes off again, whilst Jack does a u-turn and recommences the pursuit.


As Irene & Alf enter, Irene comments that the police have told her not to leave town [because she assited about Kane]. Alf comment that if he knew Kane was still into crime, he never would have kept quiet.


Aden apologies to Belle four snapping at her.

Nearby, Rachel wonders how Ric [who has a sling on left arm] is felling, as these things can be VERY emotional. He says that he is OK, and Rachel tells Ric that if ever he needs help [dealing with the anxiety, shock of what’s happened], he should contact her.

As Maddie & belle head for the exit, they encounter Aden & Belle. When Maddie asks, Belle says that she is going to stay her do then time being. When Maddie & Ric are gone, Belle comments to aden that now she has time to catch up on all the latest goss in the magazines nearby. She grabs a mag, nd Aden seem very pleased that she is there beside him.


Kirsty leaves a msg on kirsty's phone for Kirsty to call her, but Kirsty [with Ollie] suprises Irene by entering the house at the moment. When Irene asks, Kirsty says that she ran this time because she was panicked by how Kane was behaving.


Lara & jack’s car isn’t that far behind Kane’s. Kane rounds a blind corner, and when Jack & Lara do so, they see kane's car parked up the side of the road. Kane isn’t in the car.


Kane is amongst some big metal barns with jack & Lara [also on foot] approach. They split up to search, whilst Kane hides behind some tall grass. He takes the gun [that he took form Larry] in hand when he sees Jack approaches his position.



Kane versus Jack & Lara – will it end in tragedy???

It’s A Designer Label [iADL]


Belle: maroon [red straps] singlet top - with black singlet top beneath/yellow belt/aqua shorts


Rachel: green wide strap top/dark beaded necklace/dark knee length skirt


Matilda: light aqua [white trim] singlet top/dark long pants


Aden: black t/black long pants/brown jacket

Alf: yellow [dark check] button up shirt/bone long pants

Colleen: orange [white native floral] blouse

Irene: light pink blouse/dark long pants

Jack: light blue police uniform shirt/dark blue cap/dark blue long pants

Kane: tan jacket/red [gold “mustangs”] t/white & black cap/denim jeans/black sunglasses

Kane: olive green button up shirt/white t/dark long pants/blue cap

Kirsty: blue [pink & yellow flowers on bust] dress/denim jacket/black cap/black sunglasses

Lara: light blue police uniform shirt/dark blue cap/dark blue long pants

Larry: white [black security lapels on each shoulder] button up shirt/black long pants

Nurse Julie: mauve [work] blouse

Oliver: red t/blue [2 white vertical stripes] track pants/black & white sneakers

Rachel: yellow scrubs

Ric: white [black security lapels on each shoulder] button up shirt/black long pants


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