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Thurs, 17 Apr 08 – Episode # 4619

Guest JosieTash

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My UNOFFICIAL title for this ep,

“ The Little Miss Is VERY Interested In What You Have To Say ”

[screened in Australia on Thurs, 17 Apr 08 – Episode # 4619]


Roman expresses his concerns to Martha about how close she is to jack, but she insists that it’s just because he needs spt right now.

Roman tells Martha that he is bailing – to go to the opening of Leah’s new place.


Leah, with her hands over VJ’s eyed] enters with Belle, Colleen & Geoff. When Leah pulls away her hand, VJ LOVES the look of the Den, with its computers, and leopard skin styles chair covering etc.


Martha sits beside jack. They both try to reassure the other that things will get better.


Colleen [kitchen] is raving on about how it’s great that there’s no chance now of JnM going to jail. Roman makes her well aware that he is frustrated by her doing that.


Noel is beside the bed of Stewie, whoa I’m guessing is one of his fighters. Noel insists that guy better stick to their story, or he’ll have a lot worse to worry about than a broken jaw.


Annie & melody enters and they ignore Geoff. Bell tells Geoff hat its just because Annie is pleased that she has friends her own age but then she goes over to Annie and rally has a go at her for siding with Melody, esp. afater everything that Geoff has done for her.

In the kitchen, roman sends a text msg to Martha.


Martha helps maddie & Ric with the new couches [dark blue] that they’ve bought for the house.

Martha gets roman’s txt message – and maddie is sceptical of Martha saying the she & jack are just good friends.


Noel seems annoyed [natural] when Rachel insists that it’s the law that she informs the police of what’s happened to Stewie.

After noel walks way, nurse Julie tells Rachel that she thinks that she recognises Noel form somewhere, but canklt rem where from.


Maddie & miles are after some changes to give a costumer who’s just payed. Maddie grabs ric’s wallet – and can’t believe it when she finds lotsa money in there.

Soon after. In one of the upstairs bedrooms, Maddie confronts Ric about all the money. He tried to go with the casino story that he told miles, but maddie doesn’t believe a word of it.


Noel speaks to 2 unformed police. He says that he doeslkt know anything about what happened to his mate.

Nearby, julie tells rach that she rems where she knows noel form - he was in with her preggers wife eelier, julie says that he wasn’t exactly the moist supportive of husbands either.


Aftre Ric tells Maddie everything, she tells him that worse than that fact that Ric is fighting is that fact that he lied to her so soon after promising that he wouldn’t lie to her again. Maddie isn’t sure if they can survive this.


Rach enters addends room, she tells him that physically he is fine, so its imoossiabke to keep him here in the hospital. Aden insists that he canklt go home – too many bad memories.


I kitchen, roman confronts marth & her & jack. He insists that when he saw the two of them talking [during the celebration that they aren’t responsible for Sam’s murder] it made him feel rally jealous and he doenklt want to feel that way. Roman tells Martha that is free to get together with jack. Martha tells roman that she move out of his place


Leah doenklt exactly thinks it’s hilarious when Axel wonders if they would consider selling alcohol here.

Bell, Melody & Geoff can’t believe in when annie writes [on the white board] :”Geoff sux”

Indeed, melody tells Annie hat this is her fight, not Annie’s. Melody bails – Geoff goes after her.


When geoof catches up to melody, she tells him that its wanklt rally is fault that this happened, and that she [melody\ needs to grow up [and be kale to deal with such this]. Melody thanks Geoff for coming after her = and trying to sort things out the way he did.


Martha enters, and it’s clear that she’ll now be living here. She talks to maddie about what’s havened, and maddie wonders is JnM can ever truly be jut fiends.

Maddie goes into the back patio where Ric is. He says that he’ll do anything to make tags up to her. When he gets a txt from Noel [insisting that they need to talk] Ric immediately shows maddie the msg.


Lea tells Rah that the white board has been already used fiord various things, inch some drawing which make it cleqar that rach doesn't need to educate some of the kids about [i take it women’s] anatomy.

Axel approached rach mad wonders about how Aden is going. Rachel sat stht he is geeing there, but she also say that its nit a god idea for him to have visitor.

Belle points out to Leah a msg on the board that Annie’s just rote – saying sorry to Geoff for the way she’s behaved. Leah comments that someone has finally used the board in the sy that she intended it to be used.


Rachel asks Roman if Aden can move in with him for a while, but roman doesn't like the idea [it seems]


Roman enters Aden’s room, Aden seem surprised that he is three.


Noel is pleased that he’s been bake to speak to Ric without Maddie hanging around, buy then maddie emerges [form kitchen] into noel’s sought. She VERY keen on heading what he has to say.



Nicole, Roman’s daughter, arrives

Looks like Jazz is waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay interested in Miles!!!

It’s A Designer Label [iADL]


Belle: black [silver mosaics] top/red long pants


Annie: plum dress [with light pink t beneath]


Matilda: red thin strap top/dark blue [light pink floral] shorts


Aden: white singlet/olive green long pants

Axel: red [white Norton related motif] t

Colleen: maroon [white floral] blouse

Geoff: light blue [black “fortitude” and lion motif] t

Jack: green t

Leah: yellow [grey double ended tri] dress

Martha: brown [frill shoulders= scoop top/blue [white check] shirts

Melody: mauve thin strap top/denim skirt/red thongs

Miles: brown button up shirt/blue [muli colour cityscape etc] t

Noel: brown [kinda silvery vertical stripes] button up shirt

Nurse Julie: white [blue medi symbols] blouse

Rachel: red [yellow leaves] top/dark brown beaded necklace/grey skirt

Ric: plum [yellow “ed hardy” logo etc] t

Roman: brown t

Roman: white chef’s jacket

VJ: apple green [dark green “shock mix” t


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