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Isabel Lucas's tears for whale slaughter

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Isabel Lucas's tears for whale slaughter

By Saffron Howden

The Daily Telegraph

November 16, 2007

ACTRESS Isabel Lucas was in tears as she filmed pilot whales being slaughtered in Japan recently.

And she has been told Japanese authorities want to arrest her and fellow Australian protesters Dave Rastovich and Hannah Fraser.

"It was heart-rending to witness this barbaric, cruel slaughter," she said yesterday. "Everyone was in tears."

The former Home and Away actress videoed the slaughter in the whaling village of Taiji.

Today , Lucas will lead another protest at Bondi Beach and attempt to create the world's largest human humpback whale using bodies on the sand.

The current record was set by 2500 school children in Los Angeles in May this year.

The protest coincides with the scheduled departure of the Japanese whaling fleet.

It was expected to leave Japan for Antarctic waters early today.

For the first time this year, the whalers plan to kill up to 50 humpbacks plus 1000 minke and fin whales.


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