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Wed, 25 July 07 - Episode # 4468

Guest JosieTash

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My very UNOFFICIAL title for this ep, “ I Think You’ve Done Enough Already “

(Screened in Australia on Wed, 25 July 07 - Episode # 4468)

Note 1 – where I’ve listed Holden House as a scene location below, that is the place formerly referred to as the Hunter House [since, the last of the Hunters, Maddie, has moved out]

Note 2 - This summary is mostly in sequence [i.e. no A & B story split]

NOAH’S : Jack enters looking for Rory. Martha & Alf say that he appears to have gone missing. Jack tells them about how Sam’s evil husband escaped.

HOLDEN HOUSE : Lara & a male uniform officer enter. Sam wonders where Rory and jack are. Lara says that she will stay with Lara – and that jack is currently on way to pick up Rory.

NOAH’S : Alf tell Martha that there’s no sign of Rory anywhere near surf club. Martha blames herself for all this – as she “fobbed” Rory off to help Alf as Rory has been “raving on” about jack/Sam.

HOLDEN HOUSE : Jack enters, and Sam is waaaaaay stressed/annoyed when jack doesn’t have Rory with him. Jack tells her that they’ve had a witness come fwd and say that they saw Rory get into a green van. Jack also tells Sam that they’ve already set up several roadblocks. Sam emotionally urges jack to find Rory.

POLICE STATION : Soon after jack & Lara entree the station, McGrath tell them that there’s been citing of THAT van near the old ferry wharf.

OLD FERRY WHARF : Jack & Lara arrive – Craig [Rory’s dad] runs to the van and gets in – whilst a boat takes off from the wharf as well. Jack and Lara get back in their police car and drives after the van.

ON THE ROAD : The van is moving at aVERY quick [145 kph] speed, and jack is at the same speed. A 2nd police car backs away from the pursuit – speeds too much. Jack is ordered by McGrath to cease the pursuit – jack does form a moment, but then speeds up again when Craig turns away from the direction of a police road block.

The pursuit continues, and seconds after jack finally slows his car [from its high speed], the van has a MAJOR [barrel rolling] crash!!!!

ROADSIDE : Jack & Lara discover that only Sam’s husband was in the van – he is dead btw. They also find things like passports for Rory, Craig & Bronwyn Hansen – the woman who was wearing the life guard shirt at end of previous ep.

Jack insists that he HAS To go after Rory.

HOLDEN HOUSE : Martha enters – and apologies for what’s happened. Sam says that this is not Martha’s fault. Sam insists that she broke her golden rule – going to a place that she’s been to before – all because she like jack.

POLICE STATION : Lara tells McGrath about what’s happened. McGrath tells lara to speak to Sam about this – and Alf offers to go with Lara.

HOLDEN HOUSE : Alf & Lara enter – and they tell Sam that her evil husband is dead. Lara also tells Sam that Rory is still missing.

OLD FERRY WHARF : Jack & McGrath meet with other police who have captured Bronwyn. Although she initially denies all knowledge, Bronwyn “breaks” when she is told that Craig is dead – she tells jack etc that Rory jumped overboard [when she had him on the boat].

HOLDEN HOUSE : Lara tells Martha that she thinks it was very good of Martha to stay with sam during this tense time. When Lara mentions that she thought that jack/Martha were going to get back together, Martha say stat she believes that jack has taken Sam’s return to be “a sign” that they [jack/Sam] should be togther.

RIVERSIDE : Jack searches for Rory. McGrath calls him on the radio – but jack insists that they can’t end the search yet, as jack thinks the 1/3 hour of daylight left in enough to find Rory.

Jack finds a show that is like Rory’s – and soon after he finds Rory amongst some mangroves.

HOLDEN HOUSE : McGrath contacts Lara – who tells Sam [& Martha] that they’ve found Rory. Sam is overjoyed.

POLICE STATION : Sam is overjoyed when she is reunited with Rory. As Sam is about to bail, Martha lets Sam know that Martha will be there if Sam needs more help, but Sam [catty voice] inist that Martha has already done enough.

McGrath calls jack into hi office – and TOTALLY reads jack the “riot ac” for disobeying a direct order etc. McGrath says that jack might be suspended, or even discharged form the police force altogether because of this!!!

HOSPITAL : Sam enters Rory’s room, and Rory wonders if its ok o be sad about his dad dying. Sam inist hatb Rory can feel however he wants to.

Jack enters, and insists o Sam hat McGrath just called him in to the office for procedural stuff.

Jack hen tells Sam that she’ll have to ID the dead body.

HOSPITAL? : With jack & lira also present, Sam positively ID’s he dead body as her evil husband.

NOAH’S : Martha & Alf are talking about what’s happened, when Alf hears a familiar voice approaching – Donald Fisher then enter the room.

POLICE STATION : McGrath talks to lira about what’s hooned. He says that she will have to provide a statement given her version of events. When lira asks, McGrath say that he thinks that jack is in big trouble – as someone will be made accountable because of what happened.

HOLDEN HOUSE : Sam & jack talk about what’s occurred – and Sam seems VERY pleased that she is totally safe now. [end of ep]


Why is Fisher back ???

It's A Designer Label (IADL)

GOLD – Rory’s yellow [various coloured tractor etc motifs] PJs

SILVER – Martha’s light brown (Noah’s uniform) blouse/black long pants

BRONZE – Sam’s dark green v neck ti/red knee length shorts


Alf’s bone (Noah’s) button up shirt

Alf’s white [blue & faded red checks] button up shirt

Bronwyn Hansen’s denim jeans/dark blue jacket/ white crossover top [with light pink top beneath]

Craig’s [evil husband] mustard button up shirt/dark blue beanie

Fisher’s red button up shirt

Jack’s grey-brown t/black long pants

Lara’s light blue (police uniform) button up shirt

Martha’s orange thin strap singlet top/light brown long pants

Rory’s red [black “Vol Co” logo?] t

Sam’s red long pants/grey singlet top


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