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Wed, 18 Apr 07 - “ More Reasons For Lily To HATE Men “

Guest JosieTash

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My very UNOFFICIAL title for this ep, “ More Reasons For Lily To HATE Men “

(Screened in Australia on Wed, 18 Apr 07 - Episode # 4398)

Leah (diner) gets a phone call – form Greece – form her brother Alex. He’s is trouble – for trying to take illegal drugs (codine, as in medicine) into Greece.

She rushes, with the help of the likes of brad, sally & Dan to get her bags etc packed so she can get on the earliest available flight. She decides to take VJ with her.

Irene (diner) says that she will hold the fort whilst Leah is away, whilst when sally & brad enters Leah’s place, not only did they enter via the front door (which is rare enough), but rather than the camera being behind Leah etc as she open to door and looks out of the house, the scene was filmed side on instead (with cameraman in a corridor beside to the side of the door that we’ve never seen before).

Leah, Dan & peter comment about how easily manda handed Ryan over to Dan.

This trio ask drew where Julies is – and wonder if their dysfunctional family scared him away.

Jules is actually near the diner. He throws the number plates that he removed in the in – belle sees him do it, and tells drew after he enters the diner.

Drew confronts Jules about what belle saw – and Jules admits that he did steal the bike, form a rich kid at their boarding school.

At the vph, the female counsellor that Cass has been waiting for (to speak to Lily) arrives. She tells Lilly that the only places that she has available for lily to live at a hostel nearby. However, the counsellor thinks it’s a great idea that lily stays here (at vph) for the time being – when sally or Cass suggest it.

Meanwhile, Ric, lily, Cass & Maddie are walking on the beach near diner (after brad, at vph, commented on how much at ease that lily is with rich – given her previous experiences around men). Cass & Maddie comment on how unfashionable the SBH uniform is.

The 4some approach drew & Jules – who are having trouble staring the motorcycle. Ric says that she can’t help, but lily engages the bike’s reserve fuel tank, and the bike is able to start once more... Jules lily seems to be interested in lily and vice versa, but Maddie & Cass think his pick up lines are hopeless.

They tell belle this (and she agrees) after Maddie & co enter the diner. Lily further indicates that she is interested in Jules.

She then comments that she can’t believe that her mum hasn’t called her today – and after some prodding lily revels that it is her birthday. Cass and the others insist that lily HAS to have a party – and when they rtn to the vph, sally agrees for them to have it at the vph.

Meanwhile, Jules is waaaaaaaaaaaaaaay speeding through some twisting corners on his bike. Drew is riding pillion – and “suggest” that Jules should slow down. When Jules does stop, they have further words of disagreement.

When drew returns to Leah’s place, he talks to peter. Drew says that he had forgotten how much Jules got on his nerves sometimes.

Cass & Lily go to the diner – to pick up a birthday cake. They pick a triple choc example. They invite belle, and although Cass isn’t so keen on the idea, lily invites Jules.

The latter returns to Leah’s place – and tells drew about the party. Drew doesn’t seem interested – until Jules mentions that bell will be there. Jules then goes to the pantry in the kitchen – and (shock) “borrows” some alcohol.

Various things happen at lily’s party. There’s further flirting twenn belle & Drew, the like of Maddie & Cass remind Lily about there old wife’s tale about cutting the cake, whilst Ric sees Jules with the alcohol and

”suggest” that he should take it elsewhere.

Also, lily goes onto the back patio. She is trying for the millionth time to talk to her mum )(who keeps on hanging up) on the phone. Jules approaches Lilly – and she freaks out a bit when he tries to kiss her.

Ric (kitchen) sees this and approaches Jules – telling him to go. When Jules doesn’t, Ric prepares fo a fight – and Lily is LIVID when Ric HITS Jules.

After Drew & Jules arrive back at Leah’s, drew tells his friend that he can’t believe how much Jules has changed, but Jules insists that it’s Drew who has changed.

Soon after, lily tells Ric & Cass that she can’t live here anymore – and the she has phoned up a taxi to take her to the hostel. Lily insists that she told Ric to stop but he wouldn’t – and that make him as bad as Kyle.

As lily bails, sally & brad enter. Sally wonders what has occurred. (end of ep)


Rachel tries to match make Hugh & Nurse Julie – but its clear to Julie (out of uniform, on her date with Hugh) that he is keen on Rachel

It's A Designer Label (IADL)

GOLD – Maddie’s white (sky blue diagonal check pattern) dress

SILVER – Lily’s purple & white top/white shorts/denim jacket

BRONZE – Drew’s dark grey (with maroon back & sleeves) t/black leather jacket


Belle’s red (with black horizontal stripes, and black”stranger” logo) dress

Belle’s white (with silver swirl pattern across the bust, and orange cloud like motifs elsewhere) singlet top)

Cassie’s white (multi colour) tube top/yellow (with white band at waist) shorts

Cassie’s yellow (tropical motifs) halter dress

Irene’s marron & white (floral) top

Jules’ black (white crest) t /black leather jacket

Leah’s black (v neck) top/white long pants

Lily’s red (white US baseball team perhaps? logo) t

Maddie’s brown cami top/orange skirt

Ric’s light blue (black silhouette of a person’s face etc motif) t

Ric’s mustard button up shirt

Sally’s maroon low cut top (with maroon top beneath)

VJ’s apple green polo shirt


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