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Tues 30 May 06 - " RED Alert "

Guest JosieTash

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My very UNOFFICIAL title for this ep, " RED Alert "

(Screened in Australia on Tues 30 May 06 - Episode # 4197)

Author Note – Due to various constraints, this is a less detailed version than normal of what occurred.

Tilly encounters Cassie soon after she runs away form Macca. Cassie tells Tilly want happened, and when Macca tries to talk to Cassie, Tilly suggests that he should leave Cassie alone.

Cassie however agrees to speak to Macca – she initially rejects him, but later falls for his “I’ll clean up my act and get rid of the drugs” sob story.

Tilly sees Cassie with Macca at the diner – and she is not impressed. Tilly however, doesn’t tell rich what’s happened, when he KNOWS that she is keeping something from him.

When Peter & jack are investigating the break in at the van park house, Martha arrives home, and she suspects that the stalker is involved. Peter “suggests” that she shouldn’t tell, but sally gets the sense that something isn’t right.

Indeed, sally confronts peter about this at the police station. He insists that if something where happening, the police would inform that public.

After sally as gone, jack confronts peter, he is getting quite testy by this time – and admits that he CAN”T let the stalker beat him this time.

Peter & jack gets word that a Wal Harisse has rented some storage space nearby.

When they investigate, they find (behind a familiar fake wall of boxes) “getting closer, peter” on the wall is red paint.

Meanwhile sally turns on the kitchen light at the van park house. She is shocked to see that there now is an orange/red globe there now (rather that the usual white). She removes the bulb – and sees Tick Tock written on the base of the globe – this brings back MANY memories (flashbacks) of events last year !!!

Back at the storage facility, peer & jack hear a door shut. They rush outside – and see someone running away. They give chase (end of ep)


Sally threatens to tell the public about the stalker - if the police don’t

It's A Designer Label

GOLD – Tilly’s burgundy spaghetti strapped top

SILVER – Sally’s cream-colored top

BRONZE – Cassie’s red singlet top


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