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Whispers in the Ward

zara grace

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Story Title: Whispers in the Ward.
Type of story: One Shot
Main Characters: Mackenzie Booth, Cash Newman, Levi Fowler, Bree Cameron 
BTTB rating: T
Genre:  General.
Does the story include spoilers: Yes 
Any warnings: None
Summary: Both Cash and Bree notice that Levi might be beginning to like Mackenzie more then a doctor and patient, the only one not noticing is Mackenzie herself.


"You two seem to be getting to know each other pretty well," Bree remarked,  having observed Mackenzie and Levi's interactions and now she was talking to Mackenzie while Levi was busy elsesquare. Mackenzie responded with a smile before explaining, "Not really. He just knows that I'm anxious and is trying to make me feel better. We watched a few quiz show episodes together; he's a whiz at them." Gratitude filled Mackenzie's expression as she reflected on Levi's presence. He had stayed with her last night, providing comfort and support. For the first time since her admission, Mackenzie managed to get a few hours of sleep. It underscored to her how exceptional of a doctor Levi was, going above and beyond to ensure her well-being.

"So, you would rate him as a good person and a good doctor, then?" Bree inquired, wanting to clarify Levi's character after hearing less-than-positive things from his sister. Mackenzie responded with a warm smile, "Yes, I would. He went above and beyond to make me feel safe, Bree. I've never had a doctor do that for me before, not even Logan." Mackenzie's gaze dropped as she mentioned her ex, a hint of sadness coloring her expression. She loved him, but the relationship had ended so poorly that Mackenzie preferred not to dwell on it.

"Thanks, Mac," Bree said, smiling back. "I'll come back and check on you later." With that, Bree walked away, leaving Mackenzie with her thoughts.


Once Bree exited the room, she spotted Levi not far away, who seemed preoccupied after Eden had walked away from him. "You okay?" Bree's question prompted Levi to turn around. "Yep, it's just complicated," he replied. Bree walked closer and admitted, "Full honesty, I know your sister." Levi looked pleasantly surprised, asking, "You do?" Bree nodded, adding, "It's a small town." She paused, choosing her words carefully. "And while she didn't give you a glowing report, Mac did. She said you even watched quiz shows with her last night."

Levi stepped closer, explaining, "Well, she needed the company. It's clear things aren't easy for her at the moment." Bree nodded understandingly. "They aren't, but remember, Levi, don't get too close to her. People might get the wrong idea." Bree didn't explicitly mention that she was one of those people, but Levi looked at her in confusion, prompting him to ask, "What do you mean by that?" He crossed his arms, awaiting an explanation.

"I mean that you two like each other or are even together," Bree stated straightforwardly. Levi wasn't expecting to hear that from Bree, but he hid his surprise. The truth was, Levi had always believed in knowing your soulmate right away when you first see them, and for some reason, he had felt that way with Mackenzie. However, he wouldn't admit that to anyone. "Well, we aren't, and the fact that people think that is just crazy," Levi asserted, not wanting Bree or anyone else to uncover his true feelings. "Okay then, see you around, Levi," Bree said casually, walking away, leaving Levi standing there, deep in thought.


Meanwhile, in Mackenzie's room, a smile lit up her face as Cash handed her a vibrant bunch of flowers. "Thank you for giving these to me and for coming to visit," Mackenzie expressed her gratitude.

Cash smiled warmly. "Of course, Mac. Besides, I wanted to check in on you. After all, I feel guilty."

Mackenzie looked at her friend with confusion. "Why?" Cash paused, choosing her words carefully. "Because let's face it, Flick caused this in a way."

Mackenzie nodded in understanding. "She did, but that isn't your fault, Cash." She placed her hand on Cash's arm. "So stop feeling guilty."

At that moment, a knock echoed on the door, drawing both their attention. Levi entered, apologizing, "Sorry, I didn't realize you had a visitor. Is this your boyfriend?" Levi's eyes had caught sight of the flowers and the closeness between Mackenzie and Cash, sparking a hint of jealousy even though he barely knew Mackenzie.

Both Mackenzie and Cash responded in unison, "No, we're just mates."

"I'm Cash," Mackenzie interjected, realizing she hadn't made the introduction. "Sorry about that, Cash, this is Dr. Fowler, my surgeon."

Cash extended her hand, and Levi shook it. After a brief exchange, Levi excused himself. As he walked out of the room, a sense of relief washed over him. The realization that the guy wasn't Mackenzie's boyfriend lifted a weight from his shoulders. Perhaps, once he was no longer her surgeon unless she had a secret boyfriend, he could pluck up the courage to ask her out.


Once Cash was certain Levi wasn't within earshot, he looked at Mackenzie with a quizzical expression. "That was weird."

Mackenzie raised an eyebrow in confusion. "What was?"

"The fact he thought I was your boyfriend, the fact he even asked the question," Cash explained. Mackenzie shook her head dismissively. "He was probably just curious."

Cash paused before speaking again. "Guys don't ask that unless they like someone or are jealous."

Mackenzie chuckled lightly. "Firstly, Cash, I'm an overly anxious patient he's dealing with, and doctor-patient romances are off-limits. Besides, I don't see him that way, and I guarantee you he doesn't see me that way."

"Mackenzie, guys are very good at hiding their feelings," Cash pointed out.

Mackenzie looked at Cash with a serious expression. "He doesn't have feelings for me, Cash, and never will."

Cash hesitated. "Or maybe you just haven't noticed."

Mackenzie shook her head adamantly. "No way. He wouldn't think of me like that. End of discussion."

Cash nodded before giving Mackenzie a comforting hug. "Get some rest. I'll check in on you later." With that, Cash left Mackenzie to rest, but his words lingered in Mackenzie's mind, creating a subtle doubt that she tried to push away.






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