Chickiboomxx Posted June 19, 2011 Report Posted June 19, 2011 Story Title - Rushed Goodbyes Type of Story - Long fiction Main characters - Belle, Nicole, Aden BTTB rating - T Genre - Drama Does the story include any spoilers? - Maybe a couple Any warnings?- grief (V/D, A) Summary: five lines max - Aden is still at Summer Bay and Belle is still alive. Belle has a terrible secret that she's keeping from Aden that is affecting their relationship together. Chapter one- Dear Diary, My bags are packed and loaded into my car. It hurts me to stay in Summer Bay, pretending to live a normal life when every second I'm hurting inside. I can't stand seeing Aden staring lovingly into my eyes when I know I can't return that love for much longer. I know what I'm doing is cowardly, running away instead of telling him the truth but I can't bring myself to do it. So in ten minutes, I'll be climbing into my car and driving off. I'm getting as far away as I can from this place, away from Aden and all my friends. Belle put down the pen, wiping a single tear from her cheek. She rummaged in her bedside drawer and pulled out some paper. As soon as the pen touched the paper, Belle found herself writing down everything. About why she was leaving and how sorry she was. She then slipped it into an envelope and sealed it, writing one single word on the front. Aden. Nicole walked up Belle's driveway. Belle had left her bag at Nicole's house the other day and Nicole had realized it had her phone and money inside. As Nicole walked up the driveway, she saw Belle climb inside her car. "Belle!" "Nicole!" Bella sounded surprised as she got out of the car again. Nicole handed Belle her bag. "You left this at my place the other day." "Thanks," Belle took the bag. "Could you please give this to Aden?" She handed Nicole an envelope. "Sure!" Nicole put the envelope in her bag. "What's with all the bags? Where are you going?" "I'm so sorry," Belle sobbed, hugging Nicole. "I can't tell you but you're always going to be my best friend Nic, no matter what, yeah?" "Of course!" Nicole smiled. "But Belle tell me the truth, where are you going?" "Oh Nic, I'm leaving because...because... Nicole I'm dying. I have cancer and I don't have long left to live. I'm so sorry, I have to go."
Chickiboomxx Posted June 21, 2011 Report Posted June 21, 2011 Chapter 2- Warning- Grief, anger and suggested suicide Nicole gasped. It couldn't be true. Belle was one of her best friends, she couldn't die! After making sure that Belle was telling the truth, she burst out sobbing, ignoring the curious looks from strangers walking down the street. Belle hugged Nicole tightly and led her inside. "Nic, I'm so sorry!" Belle cried, once safely inside. "Why are you sorry? It's not your fault!" Nicole managed to say between tears. They cried in silence for a while until Nicole finally pulled herself together. "E-explain please," She stammered. Belle explained all about the cancer which set Nicole off crying again. "But why are you leaving?" She demanded. "And why are you explaining all this to Aden in a letter?" Nicole pulled out the envelope. "You're right," Belle sighed, snatching the letter from Nicole, ripping it up and putting it in the bin. "I'll just not tell him at all. I'm sure you can come up with a decent explanation to why I had to leave." "Nice try but that's not what I meant! You have to tell him face to face Belle! He's crazy about you! If you don't tell him I will! And if you think you are leaving Summer bay then you're wrong. Being with your friends is what you need especially in the situation that you're in!" "Nic, I'd rather break his heart then destroy it!" "And if you leave Summer Bay with no explanation, it will be destroyed!" "I'm sorry Nic but you have to leave. I'm still not telling Aden but you've given me a lot to think about. I'll sleep on it and see how I feel in the morning. If I don't feel any different then I'm leaving at eight o clock exactly. I'll text you if that's how I feel, so we can meet up to say goodbye properly." Belle gave her friend a hug and then opened the front door. Nicole sighed, wiped a tear from her eye and then walked out of the door giving one last sad look over her shoulder at Belle. After Nicole had left, Belle collapsed onto her bed and cried a bit more. Once she was feeling a bit better, she climbed into her bed, mind still spinning with thoughts about Nicole and Aden and fell to sleep. Nicole woke up at seven thirty and checked her phone. She had a message from Belle: Hey Nic, its me, Not feeling any different 2day I'm afraid. Meet me at the diner as soon as you get this Belle xx Nicole groaned. She wasn't going to let Belle leave. She got changed and was about to set off when she had an idea. Belle wasn't going to be happy with her but Nicole knew that it had to be done. Belle was sitting in a chair at the diner waiting for Nicole. Her eyes were smudgy from where last night's mascara had run down her face from all the crying but her things were still packed and she had decided it didn't matter. A few people including Irene had asked if she was okay and Belle had very nearly started sobbing again, then and there but she had bitten her lip so hard that she had tasted blood and just nodded putting on the false smile she had been using a lot these past few weeks. Finally she saw Nicole enter and stood up, making her way over to her. Nicole looked nervous and a little ashamed as they left the diner and wandered onto the beach. Nicole began looking around frantically as they stepped onto the beach. Belle sighed. "What have you done, Nic?" But Nicole wasn't looking at her, she was staring, open mouthed at one of the big cliffs behind her. Belle followed her eyes and screamed. Aden was standing on top of the cliff, crying, staring down into the water. "NICOLE, IS THAT ADEN? YOU TOLD HIM! I TRUSTED YOU!" tears poured down her face and she ran as fast as she could towards the cliff. "ADEN!" She yelled. "I'm sorry!" Nicole cried out. "I couldn't bear it! I told him to meet us here! He looked pretty upset but I didn't realize he would do something reckless like this! Quick Belle, I think he's going to jump!" Belle turned in mid run to face Nicole. "I HATE YOU!" She yelled. Nicole bawled harder. "I'm so sorry," she whispered. Belle charged as fast as her legs would carry her. "ADEN!" she sprinted up the hill, only meters away from Aden but it was too late. His legs bent and he prepared to jump into the sea and onto the sharp jagged rocks below.
Chickiboomxx Posted June 22, 2011 Report Posted June 22, 2011 Chapter 3 - warning- an attack ADEN!" Belle cried, grabbing his arm just as he was tipping over the edge. She felt Aden's weight start to pull them both slowly off the cliff. Belle felt a hand tug at her arm and saw Nicole heaving with all her might to try and keep them from falling. She finally found her balance and with Nicole's help managed to haul Aden to safety. She pulled him away from the edge and hugged him tight as he cried gently into her shoulder. "I'm so sorry," She whispered. "You have every right to be mad at me for not telling you but I couldn't bear the thought of what you might do if I did tell you." "You're right I should be mad with you but it's hard, Belle. It's hard for me to be mad at you when, I've just found out that you're going to die in less than a month and there's nothing I can do about it. I could try to stop feeling the way I do about you so that when you're gone, it won't hurt me as much, but for me, that's even harder. I'd rather you stay in Summer Bay, give me a day to get my head around this and then I'll be there for you the whole time, no matter what." He turned to Nicole. "Thank you for telling me Nicole. I would have rather heard it from my girlfriend but I'm still glad you told me. I'll see you at home." He smiled at her, kissed Belle on the forehead and then began to walk back. "I'll text you when my heads a bit clearer," He said over his shoulder to Belle. "But I want to thank you both for stopping me from jumping off that cliff. I guess I just thought I would rather myself die than see you die. I may not regret it now but I will soon." Once Aden had left, Belle turned to Nicole. "I'm so, so, so sorry Nic. You did the right thing and I'm ashamed for shouting at you. I don't hate you at all. If it weren't for you, me and Aden would probably be dead right now so thanks." Nicole smiled and patted her shoulder. "I understand why you did what you did Belle. It was wrong of me to tell Aden but I just couldn't bear Aden not knowing. You're going to do what he said and stay in Summer Bay still aren't you?" "I think so," Belle replied. "I thought the only reason you were leaving was because of Aden?" Nicole said quickly. "Aden and all my other friends in Summer bay. I'm not how to tell them. I know now that it needs to be done but it's not going to be fun breaking it to them. Especially Irene, Geoff and poor Annie." Belle started crying again and Nicole gave her a hug. "It'll be fine," She said, confidently. "Me and Aden will be by your side the whole time if you want us to be." Belle smiled gratefully at Nicole and then said, "Anyway Nic, I should probably get going. I have a lot of unpacking to do." Nicole nodded. "See you later, Belle." And I'm sorry." Nicole watched Belle walk away and then slowly went back to her house. She opened the door. There was a note from Aden lying on the table. To Nic, just nipped out for a bit of fresh air to help clear my head. I promise I won't try anything stupid I'm stopping for a coffee on the way back so I'll be about an hour. Aden Nicole finished reading the note and then pulled her shoes off, flopping down on the sofa. She heard footsteps coming from upstairs. "Aden, is that you?" She shouted. Maybe he had decided against the walk or just come back early. Nicole sighed and went up the stairs. She opened her bedroom door just as a hand slapped over her mouth and her hands were pinned to her sides. Her scream was muffled by the person's hand and she tried kicking but was already being taken downstairs and out of the door. She was led through the shadows and into the boot of a car that was waiting around the next corner. The hand was replaced by a thin, scratchy strip of cloth and her legs and hands were tied together before the boot shut and she was left in the dark, no idea who her kidnapper was.
Chickiboomxx Posted June 23, 2011 Report Posted June 23, 2011 Chapter 4- Belle slumped down on her sofa, wondering how long Aden would take to get his head around the whole situation. It would probably be tomorrow afternoon, no later than that. Or perhaps very early the next morning. She decided to stop worrying about it. He would call when he was ready. She had just finished unpacking her things and felt a little better but now that she had finished, she didn't know what to do with herself. Her phone buzzed and she opened up the message to find that it was from Aden. Her hopes went right up but as she read it, she found that it wasn't the message she was expecting. Hey Belle, Sorry 2 bother U, this message probably isn't the one that UR expecting but I was just wondering if Nic was at UR house or not. She's not here so I just figured that's where she would B. Can U please ask her what time she'll B home? Aden xxx Belle hit reply and quickly sent one back to Aden. Nic's not at my house. I assumed that she was going straight back home. It's been ages, I wonder where she could B... have you tried phoning her? Belle xxx She hit send. Where could Nicole be? She would have let Aden know if she was stopping somewhere else on the way back. Her phone beeped again. I've tried calling her a few times but she won't answer. Meet me at the diner in ten minutes? We'll ask around. Aden xx Belle sent a quick text back saying she'll meet him there and then got changed. She slipped on a jacket, applied some lip gloss and then set off to the diner. Nicole had been riding in the boot of the car for what felt like hours, her head slamming hard into the sides. She was feeling very claustrophobic. Nicole had felt her phone vibrate in her pocket but couldn't get to it with her hands and legs being tied up. The rope that was binding them together, was digging into her skin and the gag in her mouth was making her want to retch. She was scared and had no idea what was happening. It had all happened so quickly and even if she did manage to get to her phone, it wouldn't be much use. She had no idea what the driver looked like, what the numberplate of the car was or where she was. Nicole decided she would give it a try anyway and wriggled her hands trying to loosen the ropes. It was no use, they were too tight. She needed something sharp to break them apart. Nicole shifted herself into a better position and scanned the small space around her. If only she was prepared and kept a pocket knife or something on her. She moved her hands over to her pocket and tried to squeeze them both into her pocket and get a grab on her phone but it was no use. The only thing she could get her hands on was her house key which wasn't much use in this situation. She took it out anyway and fiddled around with it, thinking of something to do. She stroked the jagged edge of the key, thinking of an escape plan then she had an idea. She took the key in one hand, awkwardly and used it to saw through the ropes, trying to break them. The key wasn't sharp enough to cut through the ropes but if she kept on working on them, eventually they might wear through. She sawed and sawed and sawed, thinking of positive things to motivate her. Eventually the ropes began to get thinner. She smiled and kept sawing through them. Finally it was thin enough to pull apart and she kissed her key before putting it back in her pocket. She then untied her feet and the gag, throwing them down on the floor. She grabbed her phone seeing three missed calls from Aden and two from Belle. She dialed Belle's number and waited for her to pick up. "Hello?" "Belle," Nicole cried, trying to be as quiet as she could. "Nicole! What's wrong? Where are you?" "Belle, after you left, I went home and there was somebody waiting upstairs. They kidnapped me and put me in the boot of their car which was waiting around the corner. I just managed to untie myself but I didn't see who it was and I have no idea where I am! We've been driving for nearly an hour. What should I do?" Nicole whispered. "Oh god, Nic!" Belle exclaimed. "I think you should call the police. It'd be better if you told them yourselves. Ring me back afterwards! I'll tell Aden!" Nicole hung up and decided to just call Charlie. "Hello?" Charlie answered. "Charlie, it's me, Nicole!" Nicole whispered. She quickly filled Charlie in on what was going on. "Okay Nicole, I'm afraid there's not too much that we can do right now if we don't know where you are but I'll send some of the team out now to search for you. All you can do right now is wait for the car to stop. You should have time to see the numberplate once you're out or who the driver is. Then try your best to escape or get somewhere where you're alone so that you can call back and give me more details. Hang in there Nicole, you'll be okay." Nicole put her phone away hoping Charlie was right. Her kidnapper would probably take her phone away when they found out she had used something to help her escape the ropes so Nicole decided that as soon as she felt the car stop, she would prepare her escape. Maybe a hard kick in the stomach would stun the driver long enough to run away. Those athletic classes, she had done as a kid would finally pay off. But what if she was in a forest with nowhere to run? Nowhere to hide? Nicole's thoughts stopped abruptly as the car shuddered to a halt. She heard the car door open and sounds of footsteps. Before she knew it, the boot opened up to reveal her kidnapper.
Chickiboomxx Posted June 27, 2011 Report Posted June 27, 2011 Chapter 5- Thanks to pembie, Zetti, Red Ranger 1 and -Carina- for the comments. I'm so sorry for not posting another chapter sooner. I've been really busy but hopefully this one will turn out okay. Nicole forgot about her plan and gasped. "Gardy?" She stammered. "Yes Nicole?" Gardy laughed a humorless laugh. He saw the ropes scattered around behind Nicole. "I didn't think a girl like you would be a match for those ropes. Empty your pockets!" "And if I don't?" Nicole snapped. "If you don't then you will die!" Gardy growled, pulling a gun out from beneath his shirt. Nicole decided to see how far she could push it. "Why would I? Why, Gardy would I listen to you after what you did to my Dad? Why would I do something that stupid? And besides, if you pull that trigger then whatever you came here to do to me would have been pointless." Gardy was getting so angry that he was practically fuming. He made a lunge for Nicole's pocket. Nicole squealed and tried to dodge out of the way but Gardy had already snatched the contents out of it and examined them. He slipped the key into his own pocket and then threw her phone as far as he could into the bushes. He smiled. "Now then, let me escort you to your sleeping quarters." He grabbed Nicole's arm, his fingernails digging into her shoulder and dragged her along further into the trees darkness. Nicole tried to wriggle away but he tightened his grip and carried on walking. She quickly looked behind at the car and memorized the numberplate. GGN 333. G for Gardy, G for got, N for Nicole and then 333. It shouldn't be too hard. Nicole suddenly had an idea. She stretched her free hand out and grabbed a handful of bright yellow flowers from one of the bushes next to her. She began to leave a trail as she walked, hoping that she could follow the trail back to the car later. Gardy spotted what she was doing and slapped her hand away, grabbing that one too and dragging her along faster. Nicole sighed and let herself be dragged along. She finally got a chance to look at her surroundings. Of course, she was in a forest. Nicole stuck her leg out and tripped Gardy up, sending him flying onto his face. She then gave him another kick around the head before charging off, back the way they had come. She ran faster and faster, her feet crunching loudly into the leaves below. Her legs began to ache but she could hear the sound of Gardy sprinting after her. Nicole spotted a huge tree, a couple of meters away and quickly stumbled over to it, pressing her back up against the hard scratchy bark. She could hear Gardy getting closer. "You can't hide from me Nicole. I can hear you breathing." He was only a couple of feet away and Nicole tried to breath quieter. She knew that if she made the slightest noise, she would be given away. Nicole peered through the trees ahead of her. She could see light! Nicole could just make out a sign saying TOILETS. She took a deep breath before charging towards the sign. She kept on running without looking back until she reached the female toilets. She risked taking a quick look over her shoulder and saw Gardy charging angrily towards her. Nicole pushed open the door and ran into the nearest cubicle. She pushed the bolt across and sighed in relief as she saw there were no gaps between the floor and the bottom of the cubicle or the ceiling and the top of the cubicle. Gardy's voice rang out from outside. "Don't think that just because it's a female toilet, I'm afraid to come in because I'm not!" The door creaked as it swung open. "There's nobody around Nicole and you're trapped." He cackled.
Chickiboomxx Posted June 28, 2011 Report Posted June 28, 2011 Thanks Red Ranger 1 and -Carina- for the comments. I apologize for the short chapter yesterday. I had written a lot more but then I clicked something and it all disappeared just as I was about to post it. I tried to remember as much as I could but I left a lot out. Chapter 6- Gardy banged his fist on the door. You're gonna have to come out some time Nicole!" He reminded her. "And this door doesn't look too strong to me. I could knock it down in less than ten minutes. But if you'd prefer me to just wait then that's fine too. I have a nice big supply of food in the car that I could eat while I wait for you to starve. Or we could do this the simple way. You can open the door and we can have a lovely discussion without any running away and then I'll decide what to do with you after that." "You would have to leave the toilets to get that food and anyway, I don't see why we couldn't have a discussion now." Nicole pointed out. "That's true but I would enjoy it a lot more if I could see your pretty little face while I'm speaking." "Sorry but it looks like you better get started on trying to knock this door down." Nicole's voice sounded a lot more confident than she felt. She looked desperately around the cubicle. AHA! There was a small window behind her but it was quite high up and very small. BOOM! Gardy's foot made contact with the door and it shook. Nicole knew he was right. The door wasn't very strong and it wouldn't take too much to knock it down. Nicole looked back up at the window and decided it was worth a try. "Just shout out if you change your mind and want to go with the easier option," Gardy shouted. "Don't worry, I will do!" She said, determined to keep him talking so he wouldn't hear her struggling to escape. Nicole shut the toilet seat lid and carefully placed her foot on it. Hopefully it was strong enough to hold her weight. She lifted her other foot on and looked up at the window. If she stood on the tips of her toes she could just reach the ledge but the hardest part was hoisting her whole body up onto it. Gardy was still bashing on the door, muttering to himself. "Still so sure you can knock that door down in less than ten minutes? There might be cameras in here you know. If they track you down they'll charge you for the damage," Nicole said. "Don't worry Nicole, this isn't the first time I've done something like this," He assured her. The door groaned and Nicole got worried. She would have to be quick. The door would probably give in soon. She got a good grip on the ledge and walked her feet up the walls but they just slid back down again with all the grime. The door creaked even more and Nicole tried to heave herself up. Finally her foot found a sturdy spot on the ledge and she pulled the rest of her body up. Nicole had to crouch so her head wouldn't hit the ceiling and her feet only just managed to stay on the ledge but she shoved her hands under the frame and tugged at the window. It didn't budge. She tried again and it moved a bit but it obviously hadn't been opened in a while. She kept on tugging, focusing on staying on the ledge, only vaguely aware of Gardy saying something to her. "What's that noise?" He demanded as the window squeaked. It slid the rest of the way across. "It was my shoe sliding along the floor you idiot!" Nicole lied, lifting a leg out of the window. Gardy muttered something else but Nicole was already swinging her body out of the window. She dropped to the floor, landing in a crouch, her shoes making a soft thudding sound as they hit the dirt. Nicole began running straight away just in case the sound of her landing had been louder than she had thought. Nicole hadn't explored the rest of the area around the toilets, she had been too busy running away from Gardy but now as she looked she saw that there was a small shop about twenty meters away. Nicole heard a bang which she assumed was the sound of Gardy breaking down the door and quickened her speed. Nicole knew she was lucky for escaping the cubicle in time but it wasn't over yet. There was sure to be a phone in this shop or a kind shopkeeper that would be willing to lend her one but Gardy might catch up to her before then. Nicole knew looking back wasn't the best thing to do but she couldn't resist. Gardy was charging towards her, his speed a lot faster than hers. Nicole was determined to get herself out of this mess as soon as possible. She found another burst of energy and sped towards the entrance of the shop. The lights were off and she groaned and kicked the door hard. A hard shoot of pain went through her foot and she clutched it, hopping on one foot. Gardy was a a few meters away, a smile appearing on his face as he realized he had trapped her again. "I must admit, that was a very clever thing you just did but I'm afraid it didn't quite work did it?" He smirked, grabbing her arm. "Fine, you win but before you do anything else I would like you to explain what's going on and why you brought me here!" Nicole shouted, pulling her arm away." "Okay, that would be my pleasure! I was hired to come here actually. I was hired to come and kill you, Nicole." Gardy admitted, happily. "But I thought we'd have a bit of fun first!" Nicole gasped and backed away slowly. Gardy reached his hand into his pocket. A police car screeched to a halt next to them and Charlie jumped out, a gun in her hands. "Put your hands up!" She yelled, pointing the gun at Gardy. He panicked and looked around, hopefully but he was surrounded. Gardy groaned and put his hands up in the air. Nicole sighed in relief and rushed to Charlie's side.
Chickiboomxx Posted June 30, 2011 Report Posted June 30, 2011 Chapter 7- (Sorry, this chapters very short, I have to go to horse riding soon) Charlie handcuffed Gardy, shoved him into the police car and turned to Nicole. "Are you okay?" She asked. Nicole was still shaking but she managed to nod. Charlie gave her a quick hug before leading her over to another police car. "You'll be dropped off back home but we'd like you to stop by at the station when you're ready so we can ask you a few questions." "Okay, thanks Charlie," Nicole smiled, climbing into the police car. "I'm really grateful for you coming out here to look for me. There's probably more important things that you could have been doing." Charlie shook her head. "Of course not." She closed the car door and then turned to Watson. "We'd better get David Gardiner to the police station and question him now," She sighed as they walked over to the other police car where Gardy was sitting inside. Watson nodded, climbing into the front seat. Charlie watched the other police car speed away before climbing in the driver's seat next to Watson and driving over to the police station. Belle reached for her phone. Nicole hadn't called back. She hadn't been in contact for hours. Aden had reassured her hundreds of times that everything would turn out fine but she couldn't shake the feeling that something truly terrible had happened to Nicole. What if she was trapped somewhere with no food or water? What if she was hurt? Belle had tried calling Nicole but the phone was "unavailable". She was about to call the police to see if they had found Nicole when her phone rang. "Hello?" "Hi Belle, it's Charlie! We've found Nicole and she's okay. She's just being questioned at the station now but she asked me if I could give you a call to let you know she's safe." "Oh Charlie, that's great news, thanks for letting me know. Who was it that kidnapped her?" "David Gardiner, an old friend of her fathers. He had been paid to kill Nicole. We haven't been able to get much out of him yet but once we've found who paid him, we'll let you both know." "Thanks Charlie. I'll come down to the station now, so when Nic's finished, I can take her home." "Okay Belle, see you soon." "Bye!" Belle hung up and hurried into the kitchen where Aden was making them both a cup of tea. "Who was it?" He asked as he handed Belle a steaming mug. "That was Charlie! Nicole's been found and she's being questioned at the station now. I'm going to wait for her there. Are you coming?" He nodded and grabbed his jacket. "Who had her?" "David Gardener. He was one of Roman's old friends. Somebody had paid him to kill Nicole but they haven't found out who yet." They climbed into the car and set off to the police station. Nicole stood up and left the interview room. Belle and Aden were waiting for her outside. They gave her a hug and after being told by Charlie that Nicole was free to go, set off back to Nicole and Aden's house.
Chickiboomxx Posted July 1, 2011 Report Posted July 1, 2011 Thanks Red Ranger 1, -Carina-, Zetti and pembie for the nice comments. Chapter 8- Nicole and Aden said goodbye to Belle. Nicole was really looking forward to having a good nights sleep after the past events. Even though Gardy had been caught, she couldn't help being a little jumpy and nervous when she was alone, especially because whoever paid him was still out there. She said goodnight to Aden and the went up to her room, pulling on her pajamas and giving her teeth a quick brush. She then ran a comb through her hair, turned off the light and climbed into her bed, trying to get rid of all the thoughts whirling through her head. She was just dropping off to sleep when her phone beeped. She reached a hand out, grabbed her phone and opened the message. The number wasn't one she had seen before. Don't think that just because you've escaped once that you'll be that lucky next time. I'll be watching you... Belle arrived back at her house and greeted Irene and Annie who were in the kitchen. Belle told them the good news about Nicole before saying goodnight and walking, tiredly towards her bedroom. She got all ready for bed and then pulled back the covers and sunk into the welcoming warmth of the sheets, smelling the familiar smell of Irene's washing powder. Belle sighed happily and closed her eyes, lad that everything seemed to have turned out well today except for the fact that Nicole's real killer still hadn't been found but she would make sure that Nicole was always alright and Charlie would look into it anyway. Belle snuggled further into the covers and was about to fall asleep when her phone vibrated from beside her bed. Belle groaned and dragged herself away from the soft pillows and reached for her phone. She saw that she had a message from Nicole and opened it up. Hey Belle, I have something freaky to show you! Please meet me tomorrow at 11, near the entrance to the surf club. Nic x Belle closed the message, wondering what Nicole wanted to show her. She placed her phone back on the bedside table and then fell asleep. The next morning Nicole, walked up to the entrance of the surf club and saw Belle already waiting there. "Hey Nic, what did you want to show me?" Belle asked. Nicole pulled out her phone and showed Belle the message. Belle gasped. "Nic, you have to tell the police. This is probably from whoever paid Gardy to kill you! That's a threatening message! If you show the police they might be able to track the number and catch this horrid person!" Nicole moaned. "I don't know Belle. I'm not sure I can." "What do you mean, Nic? If you don't do something about it then it may keep happening!" "I'm just too scared, I guess. Look, if I get another threatening text message then I'll show it to the police, I promise." Belle looked at her and then sighed. "Fine but I'm just worried. I don't want anything else to happen to you." Nicole smiled. "Don't worry I'll be okay but thanks for being concerned." Belle patted her shoulder. "Let's go grab a coffee." They walked into the Surf Club and ordered two coffees. Colleen came into the Surf Club and walked up to the counter. "Oh hello Nicole. I heard about what happened. I can't believe that man just walked into your house like that. If I were you, I would always lock the house when I'm out. Anyway shouldn't you be at home resting after your terrible ordeal? How about I bake you a nice casserole and you go home and put your feet up?" Nicole smiled at her. "Thanks Colleen but I'm fine now. I appreciate the offer though." "Oh, er alright love, take care. And don't let anymore strangers into your house. Remember to lock your door when you're out!" "Oh, thanks Colleen, I'll try to remember." Nicole took the coffee's from the counter and she walked out the door, rolling her eyes at Belle as they made their way to the beach. Meanwhile Charlie was back in the interview room with Gardy in the chair opposite. "David, I'm not going to ask you again. Who paid you to kill Nicole?" "Please, call me Gardy." "I'll call you whatever I please. Now, who paid you to kill Nicole?" "I thought you weren't going to ask again." "Don't be smart with me Mr Gardiner. If you want to get out of here, then answer my questions!" "So if I tell you then I won't be locked up?" Gardy asked, hopefully. "The matter will be taken to court but you'll probably just be charged," Charlie informed him. "Well I definitely want to get out of here but the only thing is, I can't tell you." "What do you mean, you can't tell me, Mr Gardiner?" "He'll kill me if I don't do what he wants." "If you tell me then we can track him down and stop him from killing Nicole and you. He'll be locked up and you have a better chance of getting out of here if you do give us the information that we need. So Gardy, tell me, is he someone from Summer Bay?" Gardy opened his mouth and then changed his mind and just sat there. Charlie stood up and looked at Watson who was standing in the corner. "Looks like we aren't going to get what we need today. We'll try again tomorrow and if not then we'll see what goes down in court." Watson nodded and they moved Gardy out of the interview room and into a holding cell, determined to find out what they needed to soon.
Chickiboomxx Posted July 3, 2011 Report Posted July 3, 2011 Thanks Red Ranger 1, Zetti and -Carina- for the comments. Chapter 9- Nicole sat up and rubbed her eyes, sleepily. She yawned and went into the bathroom to splash some water on her face but instead found herself standing very still, staring wide eyed at the mirror. It was fogged up with words written on it. I have been keeping a close eye on you Nicole. Don't listen to your friend. Going to the police is a stupid idea and if you do then there might be consequences. Nicole let out a small scream before grabbing her coat and running out of the door. She climbed into the car but spotted a note stuck to the steering wheel. Don't do it Nicole... Nicole cried in fright, got out if the car and began running down the street. She knew she must look a right sight but she didn't care. Somebody had been in the house again. How did they get past Aden? Maybe he went to bed early. He was at work at the moment so Nicole went running straight to Belle's house. She was scared. Belle was right. She should have gone to the police straight away. She reached Belle's door and knocked on it hard. A sleepy looking Belle opened it grumpily but as soon as she saw Nicole, Belle opened the door wider and invited her in. "Nic, what's wrong?" Nicole wiped her eyes and told Belle about the latest messages. Belle grabbed her jacket and her car keys. "Let's go to the police," She said firmly, pulling Nicole outside and into her car. They arrived at the police station in their pajamas and went inside. Charlie was examining some papers at the front desk. She looked up when they entered, a little startled to see them both in their pajamas but came over to them anyway. Nicole looked like she was about to start crying again so Belle quickly filled Charlie in on everything. "How did they get into your house?" Charlie asked. "I don't know. Aden always locks the door before he goes to bed. But... I did leave my window open that night. Just a jar. I didn't really think. I was so tired the night before. And while he was inside, he probably used my car keys for to open the car!" Nicole moaned. "Don't worry, we'll track him down soon. Maybe it would be best if you and Aden stayed somewhere else just until we find the culprit." Charlie explained. "They can stay with me," Belle said to Charlie. "I'm sure Irene won't mind." "Great, thanks Belle." Charlie said. "Thank you Belle. We'll try not to be a bother." Nicole smiled. "We'll send a police officer down with you to collect up your belongings to take to Belle's house then." Charlie assured her. She disappeared into another room and came back with a female police officer and quickly asked her if she could accompany them both to Nicole's house while she packed her things. The other police officer agreed and Charlie quickly called Irene to check that this arrangement was okay. After they had left, Charlie and Watson went to fetch Gardy and see if they could get more out of him today. They sat back down in the same chairs as yesterday and Charlie began to talk. "Now then Mr Gardiner, is there anything you'd like to tell us before we do it the hard way?" Gardy sighed. "It was Elliot. Elliot Gillen. Now please can I leave?"
Chickiboomxx Posted July 5, 2011 Report Posted July 5, 2011 Thanks pembie, -Carina-, Red Ranger 1 and Zetti for the nice comments. -Carina- and pembie - you're right everyone in summer bay seems to leave their door unlocked for some reason! I also apologize for my chapters always being so short. x Chapter 10- Charlie was a little shocked. It had been so hard, trying to get this information out of him yesterday and then today it just poured right out. Charlie clipped a stray piece of hair back into place before standing up. "Well, thanks Mr Gardiner for that information. It is still likely that you will be going to jail for helping the situation take place but we'll see what happens in court. You're going to have to stay in a cell until we follow the information up but when we've tracked down Elliot and made sure this information isn't false, you'll be let on bail until the scheduled court session." Gardy gulped."Fine but please don't tell Elliot I told you! He'll kill me for sure!" "That wouldn't happen Mr Gardiner. If it is him then he'll be locked up and unable to get you and if it isn't then you'll be locked up and he'll still be unable to get you." Charlie assured him. "We'll chase it up as soon as possible." Gardy nodded and let himself be taken back to his cell. Nicole shoved her bags into the car and closed the boot, climbing in the back with Belle. Belle squeezed her hand, reassuringly as the car set off. Once they pulled up at Irene's house, Nicole heaved her bags out of the boot, thanked the police officer and then followed Belle into the house. She smiled happily as she looked around. Nicole always felt comfortable in Belle's house. She knew she'd be safe here. Nicole's phone rang and the caller ID said that it was Charlie. "Hey Charlie, what's up?" Nicole asked, holding the phone to her ear. "Gardy's just told us who paid him," Charlie explained. "Who?" Nicole asked eagerly. "Elliot Gillen," Charlie informed her. Nicole gasped. "E'elliot?" She stammered. "That's right. I've heard you two were romantically involved. After we've tracked him down and interviewed him we might need you to come back down to the station if that's okay." "Yes that's fine," Nicole replied. "Thanks for telling me Charlie." "No worries," Charlie said, hanging up. Nicole put her phone away and looked over at Belle who was sitting on the sofa, gawping. "Elliot?" Belle, murmured, eyebrows raised. Nicole nodded. "I can't believe he would do something like that. I mean, I know we didn't exactly leave things on good terms but..." She broke off. Belle gave her a hug. "At least we've found out who it was. Aden won't be too much longer. I should probably give him a call to tell him what's going on. She grabbed her mobile and called Aden, explaining what was happening, before grabbing Nicole's hand and dragging her to the room she would be staying in. "Yay!" She smiled. "Let's unpack and then I want to give you a makeover!" Nicole giggled. She knew she would have a good time here and for once things seemed to be turning out okay. Elliot was going to be caught, She was staying with her best friend for a while and Belle and Aden already had plans for what they were going to do after Elliot had been caught. They had decided that once Nicole was back safely home, they were both going to travel somewhere nice together. At least that way Belle wouldn't be alone when her life came to an end.
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