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A Perfect Christmas Gift

Guest HighwayUnicorn

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Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year

Story Title: A Perfect Christmas Gift

Type of Story: Two Shot

Main Characters: Aden & Belle

BTTB Rating: T

Genre: Romance

Does the Story Include Spoilers? None

Any Warnings: Sexual Content

Summary: What if Belle and Aden honeymooned in England around Christmas time? What would they do? What would happen?

Christmas Eve

“Aden! Aden!”

Aden awoke to the loud yelling of his wife within the small apartment they were staying.

Usually, hearing Belle screaming or shouting loudly for him would cause him fear to run through his body; but not this type of yelling. There was excitement in her tone. He groaned loudly as her yelling became persistent, rolling out of bed and placing his bare feet on the cold tiles in the bedroom. His eyes instantly averted to the clock that stood on the bedside table, showing seven o`clock. He was always up by six o`clock in order to get to work on time so another hours’ sleep was an improvement, yet, when you’re on your honeymoon, lying in was one of the best things. Running a hand over his face and rubbing his eyes, he exited the bedroom, his muscular chest bare as he breathed softly.

“What is it babe?” he groaned. “It’s seven o`clock. Come back to bed” he requested gently. He observed his wife who was standing by the window, peaking out of the curtains that hung loosely from the railing above her head.

“Aden! Come on, quick!” she requested, her hand gesturing for him to hurry up over to her.

Shuffling past the Christmas tree which stood in the corner of the room, one that they had decorated themselves, the presents beautifully presented underneath it. Placing one hand on her hips, he yawned, pulling one curtain cross the window with the other hand. He gasped in amazement.

“Oh my gosh!” he exclaimed. “Is ... is that ... it’s snowing?” he spoke, although more of a question as opposed to confirmation about the weather.

Belle nodded and giggled. “Yes, Aden! It’s snowing. It’s ... it’s beautiful. It’s like something you see in the movies” she smiled as she gazed at the perfect white snow that falling from the sky.

“Come on” Aden coaxed suddenly.

“Come on, what? Why? I want to watch the snow, Aden” Belle whined slightly causing Aden to laugh.

“I was kind of thinking that maybe we could get ready and then go out in it?”

“Go out in it? Really? Are you serious? Oh my gosh! Really?” she asked, almost not believing what her husband had just said to her.

Aden emitted a breathy laugh before smiling and nodding.

“Yes” he told her confidently. “Now come on!” he encouraged, taking her hand before pulling back the curtain to cover the patio windows which led out towards the balcony.

Heading towards the bathroom, both Aden and Belle decided to take a shower together. Aden turned it on, before turning the dial to ensure the water was warm enough, as Belle removed her night wear before jumping in the shower, shortly joined by Aden.

“And we can build a snowman and then have a snowball fight ... oh, and we can even make a snow angel!” Belle spoke excitedly.

“Babe” Aden laughed at his wife’s excitement. “I don’t think it’s gonna do a lot for my reputation, do you? A snow angel?”

“Oh, baby. You have your masculinity right in check don’t you?” she whispered seductively as she placed a hand on his bare chest, massaging his perfectly toned, muscular abdomen.

“As a matter of fact, I do” he told her confidently, wrapping his arms around her waist, stroking her back tenderly as he ran his fingers up and down her spine. “Even if I am still forced to watch Twilight and Mamma Mia” he groaned, causing Belle to laugh.

Once they had showered, the couple entered the bedroom to get ready for the day ahead of them. Each of them pulled on their wellington boots, scarves, hats, gloves and a coat.

“You all set babe?” Aden asked as Belle nodded.

“Yeah, I just need to get my camera” she pointed out, reaching for it in her bag, delving deep into it before pulling it out and placing it in her coat pocket. “All sorted” she spoke confidently, as Aden picked up the key that was lying on the bedside table.

“Sure?” he asked, as they exited the bedroom, opening the blinds and curtains around the apartment as Belle replied to his question. They finally left, Aden locking the door behind him before they headed down the stairs and into the reception from the block of apartments.

They were greeted politely, with a “have a nice day” before they exited the main entrance and headed out into the blizzard.

“Oh Aden!” Belle suddenly exclaimed. “It’s perfect ... magical” she whispered.

“It sure is” Aden replied with a smile, clasping Belle’s hand more tightly as they made their way into the small field, just left off of the apartment, although still part of their land.


“Aden! You complete idiot!” Belle screeched, although she couldn’t prevent herself from laughing at her husband as she turned around to face him. “That hit me right on the back of my head!” she exclaimed, gesturing at the snowball on the floor, although it was now a lump of snow.

Aden broke out into hysterics, not expecting what was going to happen next. “Ouch” he muttered. “Now who’s being violent!” he exclaimed as he approached Belle, wrapping his arms around her waist and lifting her lightly in the air.

“No, Aden, no! Put me down” she yelled. Following her command, he did so. “Right” she began, “no more throwing snowballs at each other. Got it?”

Aden nodded with a laugh. “Got it” he replied.

“Good” Belle murmured, satisfied that he understood. Reaching up and wrapping her arms around his neck, snaking them around him gently, she pressed a kiss to his lips. Pulling away, he smiled.

“What was that for?” he asked.

“What? Aren’t I allowed to kiss my husband without a reasonable explanation?”

Aden shrugged. “No, of course not. But seeing as I did just lob a snowball at you, I thought the last thing you would be doing was trying to make out with me right now” he smiled.

“Make out?” Belle asked, raising an eyebrow. “Seriously, Aden. One, how old are we? Making out? And two, that wasn’t even close to making out. That was a starter” she teased. “Although” she muttered, reaching up to whisper in his ear, “if you’re really good, you might get dessert a bit later” she giggled.

Aden groaned softly. “Oh, how long do I have to wait” he asked.

“Like, I said, only if you’re good.”

“Yeah, well, if I don’t get dessert later on today, you don’t get your presents” he told her as firmly as possible, yet couldn’t escape the smile that was forming on his lips.

“So I’m suddenly a bad girl am I?” Belle asked seductively.

“Belle, you were bad as soon as you seduced me” he muttered, pulling her into him as she giggled.

“Well, in that case, I just need to wait for Santa to give me some presents if you’re not going to.”

“Oh yeah, what are asking him for?” Aden asked as he pulled away from Belle, although his hands still resting on her hips.

“Oh you know, this and that” Belle began. “Robert Pattinson ...”

Aden gasped, placing a hand on his chest, acting horrified. “I feel so ... so used. This is why we came to England wasn’t it? So as you could try and find Robert what’s-his-name?”

“Absolutely” Belle agreed. “But to be honest, I would much rather be unwrapping you on Christmas day” she giggled.

“Oh now you have to give me dessert” Aden murmured.

“Well? What are you asking for?” Belle suddenly asked.

Aden shrugged. “I don’t need anything. I’ve got everything I want right here” he told her honestly. “I have my beautiful, amazing, perfect, sexy, gorgeous wife with me ... what more do I need?” he asked rhetorically.

“You’re such a smooth talker” she muttered with a smile.

“Is it working?” Aden asked.

Belle nodded. “Yeah, it’s working” she smiled as Aden leant forwards towards her and pressed a kiss to her lips.

Before long, the couple had progressed to making snow angels and building a snowman.

“Aden, what are you doing?” Belle asked as Aden suddenly pulled of his hat, scarf and gloves.

“What does it look like I’m doing?” he smiled as he placed the hat on top of the snowman’s man, the scarf around the neck and the gloves on the end of each stick that symbolised the arms. Delving into his pocket, he pulled out a packet.

"Aden, what is that?” Belle asked suddenly, wondering what he was doing.

“You don’t seriously think that I would come out and not be prepared do you?” he asked. “Chocolate buttons” he told her simply, before placing them on the snowman, symbolising his eyes, a smile and buttons down his front.

“Oh yeah?” Belle suddenly muttered. “If you’re so prepared, where’s the carrot for his nose?” she asked smugly.

"Right here” Aden told her, pulling one out of his pocket.

“Aden, are you serious? You mean to tell me, you brought them out just so as we could build a snowman?” she asked.

Aden nodded, turning towards his wife. “Of course” he said. “And it was a good job I did bring everything out, wasn’t it?” he laughed. “There we go, all finished” Aden smiled as he came to stand next to Belle as they observed the snowman they had built together.

“Oh, I ... I need my camera” Belle muttered.

She pulled out the camera, turning it. Holding it up, she took several snapshots of the snowman, until she was satisfied that they were good enough. “Beautiful” she murmured, once she was finished.

Aden wrapped his arm around Belle’s waist, pressing a kiss to the side of her head. “Do fancy going in now?” he asked. It had reached two o`clock and the couple were hungry and needed to get warm and dry.

Belle nodded. “Sure” she told him with a smile, taking his hand in her own, interlocking their fingers before entering the building once again and heading up the stairs to their apartment. Once they reached the front door, Aden unlocked it, both of them heading into the room.


“Aden, have you seen my” Belle began entering the bathroom to find Aden in the bath. “In fact, forget my camera” Belle whispered under her breath, although audible for Aden to hear as he let out a breathy laugh.

“You like?” he asked as he looked at his wife who was observing his features as he sat in the bath, his muscular chest on show above the bubbles.

“I thought you said you were masculine?” Belle commented with a smile.

“Babe, seriously, I think I came in touch with my feminine side as soon as you had me making snow angels” he muttered with a small, dry laugh.

“You loved it” Belle whispered as she sat on the edge of the bath, perching herself comfortably as she remained in the old jumper and pair of jeans she worn when she had gone out in the snow.

Aden reached up and placed his hand on Belle’s cheek. “Yeah, I loved it. But I love you more” he told her truthfully.

Belle rested her hand over Aden’s before replying. “Yeah, I know. You tell me that often enough.”

“Because it’s true” he murmured as Belle nodded in agreement once again.

“And I love you too” Belle smiled.

“Hmm, not convinced” Aden smiled, letting out a laugh as Belle splashed his face with the bubbles. “Hey, hey, that’s enough” he giggled. “How about you show me you love me, rather than tell me?” he suggested.

“Oh yeah” Belle whispered seductively.

"Mmm” Aden grinned before gently pulling Belle into the bath with him, ensuring she landed safely on his lap.

“Aden!” Belle scolded with a laugh. “I’m soaked!”

“That’s alright” Aden smiled. “You were only going to get in after me, weren’t you?”

Belle nodded, placing a hand on his chest. “I was ... but without my clothes on” she laughed at her own comment.

“Hmm, well” Aden began. “I’m sure we can get rid of this ...” he spoke, gently removing the jumper by pulling it off over her head. “And I’m pretty sure this can come off too” he murmured, undoing the bra, before dropping it onto the floor along with the jumper. He then progressed to removing her jeans, with Belle helping him to pull them off, alongside her underwear.

“Better?” she asked in a whisper as Aden nodded and smiled.

“Much better” he whispered back, before pressing a kiss to her lips, intensifying it as both of them groaned in pleasure.


“Tired?” Belle asked as Aden yawned next to her, a breathy laugh emitting from him as soon as she asked the question.

“Just a bit sweetheart. Been a long day, huh?” he spoke as he pulled Belle’s head onto his chest, stroking her arm gently as she rubbed soothing circles on his abdomen.

They were both comfortable in bed having had a long day. After taking the bath, the couple had progressed to cooking dinner together in the kitchen of their apartment. After another couple of hours when it was ready, they sat at the table in the dining room and ate the meal. By six o`clock, the couple had gotten into their pyjamas and we relaxing on the sofa. Belle had a packed a few movies before leaving for their honeymoon. Putting a disc in the player, she had settled into Aden’s arms as they began to watch one of the Bourne trilogy, only so as Aden could regain some of his masculinity.

“It has been a long day” Belle agreed. “But it has been great” she murmured. “Thank you ... you made it such a great day” she told him.

“Well, what can I say? I’m just amazing” Aden laughed, as he took Belle’s hand within his own.

They both fell into a comfortable silence after a while, only the sound of night breeze outside and the soft breathing emitting from each of them.

“I was being serious earlier Aden” Belle suddenly spoke.

“About what sweetheart?” Aden asked his wife.

“About what you wanted for Christmas.”

“And my answer was serious babe.”

“But what would really make your Christmas? What would you love to have this year?”

“A dog?” Aden suggested.

“Erm, no. I’m terrified of dogs.”

“Really?” Aden suddenly asked, unexpected at this revelation.

“Yep” Belle suddenly spoke. “I was bitten by a dog when I was younger. I’ve never liked them since.”

“Only you, Belle” Aden murmured. “Okay, so we won’t be getting a dog anytime soon.” With no reply from Belle, Aden spoke again. “Belle, are you awake? Babe?” Once again, there was no reply. He let out a sigh as he stroked her hair, running his fingers through it and entwining it. “A baby” he whispered, unaware that Belle was still very much awake.


Christmas Day

Christmas morning had finally arrived and Belle and Aden lay in until nine o`clock before getting up. With Belle pulling on her silk dressing gown, she gently awoke Aden after she had pulled her body away from his.

“Aden, baby” she whispered, smiling as she saw him stir.

“What? What’s wrong?” he murmured tiredly.

“Déjà vu, huh?” she giggled as she thought back to awaking him yesterday.

“Not quite sweetheart” he muttered as he pulled himself up and rubbed his hand over his face. “This is how I like to be woken up. Not like yesterday” he told her as she giggled.

Taking hold of his hand, she pulled on it gently. "Come on” she spoke at her normal level. “It’s Christmas day. I want to see what Santa bought me” she smiled with a laugh.

“Aaah, okay. Let’s go then” Aden murmured, clasping his hand tightly around Belle’s as he climbed out of the bed and headed into the living room of the apartment. Entering, they both sat on the sofa before Belle spoke.

“You go first” she told him.

“Really? You sure? Can you wait that long?” he asked as Belle jokingly and softly smacked his chest.

“I’m sure, go on” Belle smiled.

Removing himself from the sofa, Aden searched under the tree, reaching for the small package that lay under there. Picking it up, he took it back over to the sofa with him, slowly unwrapping it, as Belle entwined her fingers in his hair. “No ... no, Belle. You didn’t. Seriously?” he asked, his eyes full of the excitement he was experiencing. “Belle ... this costs an absolute fortune! How ... what? Oh my God!”

“Do you like it?” she asked, biting her lip.

“Like it? Babe, I love it ... I mean, ever since the iPhone four came out I wanted it but I wasn’t expecting it! Come here” he murmured, pulling his wife into hug, wrapping his arm tightly around her. “How on earth did you manage to afford it sweetheart?” Aden asked her.

Belle shrugged. “Well, Aden, there is a thing, which is a building and it’s called a bank” she giggled. “And there’s also another word that may not be in your vocabulary ... loan.”

“Baby ... you shouldn’t have ...”

“No? Well. It’s too late Aden. They don’t do refunds. Now hurry up! I want to see mine!” she groaned.

“Whoa, okay, tension much?” he asked with a laugh as he heard Belle growl under her breath.

Standing up from the sofa, he headed towards the Christmas tree and fetched a small rectangular shaped box, picking it up and carrying it over to Belle. “You’re so lazy ... I had to get your present for you! You can’t be that excited” he laughed before teasing her. “You know, maybe you should wait a little longer” he smiled, as Belle reached over him to take the package, although she was unsuccessful as Aden held it in the opposite hand, further in the other direction.

“Aden!” Belle whinged. “Just ... give it!” she muttered.

“Okay ... okay ... what’s the magic word?” he teased.

“Please, Aden!” she practically begged. “Please, please, please can I open my present now?”

“Now, that’s more like it” Aden smiled, slowly handing her the package, which she tore open within seconds.

Once the wrapping paper was off of the object, Belle held a small box in her hand, a jewellery box. It was soft, velvet material. Opening it slowly, she gasped as she saw what was inside it.

“Oh my gosh, Aden. It’s beautiful” she gasped out.

Inside the box was a silver bracelet. Taking it out, she read the inscription on it.

Belle & Aden. Forever.

“Forever” Belle whispered. “I love you, Aden” Belle smiled as she snuggled into Aden’s arms more. “Put it on for me?” she asked as Aden leant towards her, delicately taking out the bracelet and linking it around Belle’s wrist as she muttered a quick “thank you.”

“You like it?” It was Aden’s turn to ask the question as Belle nodded.

“I love it” she admired the bracelet.

“So do I” Aden smiled. “It’s hot.”

“But not as hot as what you’re working with?” Belle questioned, raising an eyebrow.

“Huh?” Aden spoke, confused.

Belle gasped. “You don’t remember?” she asked, shocked.

Aden shook his head. “Should I remember ... something?” he asked, his hand gesturing at nothing in mid-air.

Belle nodded and smiled. “What about when I gave you four thousand dollars? And then I asked you ...”

“Do you want to see what four thousand dollars looks like” Aden spoke confidently. “I remember” he murmured. “Please don’t tell me that I was that cheesy?” he muttered as Belle laughed and nodded.

Was? Babe, you are totally cheesy” she giggled. “I’ll be quiet ... like a tiger in the jungle” she laughed as Aden growled on the end of her sentence.


After the couple had spent time reminiscing over when they had just began dating, they had prepared the turkey for their Christmas dinner, washing it, before placing it in the oven to cook. They then took a bubble bath together to pass the time after they had opened a few more presents. Aden had received cologne, a new jumper and a new CD whilst Belle’s presents were perfume, clothes and shoes.

“What time should dinner be, anyway?” Aden asked as he spoke to Belle who was at the opposite end of the bath.

Belle shrugged. “Whenever you want it” Belle whispered seductively. “We have plenty of time you know?” she giggled, before splashing water in his direction.

“Plenty of time? How much time?” Aden asked with a grin.

“What did you intend to do?” Belle bit her bottom lip. She leant her body in closer towards Aden’s, before carefully crawling onto her knees, Aden wrapping his arms around her waist as she leant in and pressed a kiss to his plush lips. After their groans of pleasure, the kiss intensified.

“You know” Aden began breathlessly, “we could always skip dinner ... and go straight to dessert” he suggested as Belle pulled away.

“You mean I washed that turkey for nothing?” Belle exclaimed, pretending to be offended.

“We could have it tomorrow ...” Aden began, soon changing his mind as Belle frowned disapprovingly. “I was joking!” he exclaimed.

“Good! You had better be” Belle told him firmly as Aden pulled her body closer to his, wrapping his arms around her waist again tightly, kissing her lips softly, before intensifying it once again.

“I think this is the best Christmas present I ever had” Aden muttered in between their kisses as Belle groaned in pleasure.

“You’re rushing ahead of yourself there aren’t you?” Belle smiled. “You never know, there might be more presents.”

“Babe, we agreed not to spend too much, if you remember rightly, even if you did break that rule by an extra couple of hundred dollars. So I hope you haven’t got me anything else ...” he trailed off as Belle pulled away from him, interrupting.

She smiled. “Well, let’s just say, you’ll love it, more than the iPhone ... more than me in fact.”

“I don’t think that’s possible baby” he grinned, leaning back and closing his eyes as he relaxed in the warm, soapy water. “I’ll tell you what” Aden began, opening his eyes. “I’ll go and prepare the vegetables now, seeing as you sorted out the turkey. And then ...” he spoke, as he leant in towards Belle once again, pressing a kiss to her lips. “you ... can ... relax” he spoke in between their kisses as Belle giggled, nodding her head in answer.

Climbing out of the bath, Aden wrapped a towel around his waist, his bare, muscular chest on show. After drying his feet on the bath mat, he quickly hurried into the bedroom and pulled on his clothes, before entering the kitchen to prepare the vegetables. Half an hour had passed, and the meal was prepared. Belle had finished taking her bath and she too was ready, helping Aden to lay the table. There were Christmas crackers on the table, clothes beautifully presented as well as champagne glasses placed on the table. Belle sat down as Aden brought the plates over, both of them sitting down to their Christmas dinner.

“Oh babe ... the turkey is actually gorgeous.”

Belle smiled. “Yep, it sure is. The vegetables aren’t too bad either” she winked as Aden pulled the cork out of the champagne bottle. Pouring it into the glasses in front of them, he then placed the bottle back on the table, before both of them held their glasses in their air and toasted, the glasses clinking together.

Belle placed her glass back on the table as Aden took a sip of his. As Belle took another mouthful of her dinner, Aden began to speak. “You not drinking any of that babe? That’s unlike you” he muttered.

Belle shook her head. “Pregnant women aren’t supposed to drink” she murmured as a broad smile formed on her face, especially as she watched Aden continue with his meal, replying with, “okay.”

After a moment, Aden looked up through his lashes, observing Belle’s facial expression. “Pregnant?” he spoke, barely above a whisper as his wife nodded. “Are .. you ... we ... pregnant? Are you sure? We’re ... oh my gosh!” he exclaimed.

“Are you happy?” Belle asked, biting her bottom lip.

Aden nodded vigorously. “We’re having a baby?” he questioned for confirmation.

“We’re having a baby” Belle confirmed for him.

“Oh my gosh” he repeated once again.

“Are ... are you sure? I mean ... how?” he began.

Belle smiled. “Last week, I was late ... I thought ... well, I had to take a test just in case and it gave me the answer I needed. I wanted to tell you so badly but I knew it would be a Christmas present you wouldn’t forget.” She looked at Aden as he sat in silence, a large, broad grin that had formed on his face as soon as he had heard the news still hadn’t disappeared.

“Are you happy?” Belle asked him nervously.

“Happy? Belle! We’re having a baby together” he told her excitedly as he stood up from his chair and headed towards Belle, crouching down beside her and taking her hands in his. “This really is the best Christmas ever!” he exclaimed.


“This is nice” Belle whispered as she lay inside Aden’s open arms, his fingers trailing circles on her upper arm.

“Yeah, it is” he murmured in reply.

After the couple had eaten their Christmas dinner, they progressed to pudding, whilst sitting on the sofa and watching television. There were a few small stocking fillers left to open, which they did so, before heading to bed for 8pm.

“Is me making love to you an even better Christmas present?” Belle whispered seductively.

“Baby, it was us making love that caused you to get pregnant.”

Belle sighed. “It all changes once you have a baby ... the sex, I mean. Unless we want more?” she suggested.

“More? Oh, I definitely think we could have more ... practice makes perfect” he laughed.

“Perfect? All of our children are going to be perfect” she smiled.

Aden nodded as Belle began to trace circles on his perfectly toned abdomen. “They will be. Because they are our children ... a part of us ... something, someone, that we made out of our love for each other.”

“Yeah” Belle murmured quietly. “You’re right.”

“Of course I am” Aden smiled smugly. “Now, seeing as you have surprised me today with an extra present ...”

“Which we created together” Belle pointed out.

“I know that” Aden smiled. “I was there at the time ... unless it’s someone else’s” he winked. “Anyway, my point was ... how about ...” he began, pressing a kiss to Belle’s lips, before pulling away and speaking between kisses this time. “I ... make love ... to ... my ... beautiful ... gorgeous ... sexy ... wife?”

“Oh, so I get to unwrap you now?” she whispered seductively as Aden nodded. “Absolutely” she murmured with a broad grin forming across her face as Aden gently and lightly, conscious not to hurt his wife, climbed on top of her, straddling her waist.

They both progressed to removing each other’s clothes, their lips locking and intensifying as they kissed.

"Merry Christmas, Belle” Aden spoke breathlessly.

“Merry Christmas, Aden.”



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