BTTB Quiz - March 2011 Answers

1. Who did Donald Fisher marry in a daydream he had in 2000? Judith Ackroyd
2. Who survived a fall from a cliff which impaled them on a branch? Flynn Saunders
3. Which Sydney suburb are the Home and Away studios located in? Redfern
4. What was the name of the island that Geoff and Nicole were stranded on? Jackson Island
5. What was the name of Marilyn's first stepdaughter? Toni Bryant

1. What is Leah's religion? Greek Orthodox
2. What are the names of Colleen's granddaughters? Avril Evans and Maggie Smart
3. What is Dexter's current favourite pastime? Video Blogging
4. When did we first meet Liam? At one of his concerts where Belle interviewed him
5. When he first arrived, Xavier got into trouble with Charlie and Jack. Why? They found drugs in his possession. 

1. Who now owns the house that Travis grew up in? Leah Patterson-Baker
2. Whose death did he witness in his first episode? Laura Bonetti's
3. Who started a false rumour that Travis was 'into young girls'? Tim O'Connell
4. What was the name of his half-brother? David
5. Why did Kelly leave him? She'd been offered a job in the city and knew he wouldn't be happy there

1. Where did Sally and Flynn get married? Northern Districts Hospital
2. Who did Hayley see at her wedding that no-one else could see? The ghost of her father Ken
3. Who got married in Noah's Bar? Brad Armstrong and Emily Richmond
4. Whose wedding reception was interrupted by someone collapsing? Rachel and Tony's
5. Name 2 couples who married at the boat wharf Bobby & Greg, Robbie & Tasha, Dan & Leah


1. Who was in the bodybag?
Seb in a dream sequence of Alf's
2. Who is this?
Constable Pia Corelli

3. Why could this relationship later prove controversial?
They would later turn out to be uncle and niece
4. What happened next?
Tasha pushed Morag into the pool

5. Whose wardrobe is this?
Angie Russell's