Summer Bay News > Issue #9 30 July 1997

"Broccolli is a metaphor for our relationship!"


Hi everyone!! I hope everyone's OK. Its my pleasure to introduce (is this sounding to ceremonious?!) Summer Bay News' 3rd editor, Michelle Boffey from Australia. Welcome to the team Michelle! Everyone out of Australia really loves Bex's spoilers so thanks for those Bex but Michelle asked for a section for Australian readers to discuss the very latest Aussie storylines. So that is what will happen in her section below. Michelle will be asking questions to Australian readers and please send your thoughts to HER E-MAIL ADDRESS which you will find in her section below. Readers in other countries are welcome to ask Michelle questions too.

You'll now find Bex and Michelle's editorials in their own sections. This issue's quote comes from Marilyn talking to Donald. The episode which it comes from has not aired over here yet and it was suggested by Jen Till.

There is a new address to send things to Summer Bay News....

This is for everything apart from Michelle's bits, for example, profiles, birthdays, general comments, trivia answers, etc... Remember to use Michelle's address to reply to the Australian Section.


Here's how you voted for who deserves to have Jesse...

Selina 50%

Chloe 33%

Neither 17%

Here are some of your replies...

MEL: I think that it is obvious that the Selina the Slut we once knew has gone and is now a reformed woman. She is now mature enough to handle her relashionship with Jesse and his cute kid. Chloe however needs to grow up and get a life - and get off the Internet! She's off over seas next year anyway so the relationship would have lapsed anyway! The one who doesn't deserve Jesse is Kylie...what a wacka - get her away from The Bay, Jesse and Rach!

JOSH DARVILL: I think Chloe should be with Jesse because Selina acted like such a cow throughout the whole ordeal.

ADRIAN MURPHY: Neither! Jesse should be written out! He's a useless character, with no personality. Both girls deserve better.

ALAN SHADE: I think it should be Selina - because she was the original girl friend and seems much better suited to Jesse. I like Chloe but I think it would be better if she finds someone who really likes her rather than Jesse who obviously loves Selina a lot more.

PJ: Chloe deserves Jesse. Why? Quite simply Chloe is an absolute babe , this plot would mean we see loads more or her.



Well, roumers have been flying around the mailing lists that Pippa will be leaving Home and Away (in March next year?) which is quite sad news, well I think it is anyway! People have been wondering whether the role will be taken on by a third actress or whether Pippa will leave the show. But how can Pippa leave without Sally??

The event could be a bit of a double whammy as it looks set to coincide with Anne Haddy (Helen Daniels) leaving Neighbours, well in England anyway.


Rather than a poll question this issue I'm asking you to come up with a way for Pippa to leave. It can be funny or sensible and it can be a death or a not a death! Maybe the Great Summer bay Tornado or Tidal waves will hit the place. Mad Cow disease at the Diner? This was suggested by Nic. Please send your answers to the 'cheerful' address and all of them will be in the next issue.


NIC: Ailsa is such a hypocrite, Duncan manages to talk and use the phone all of a sudden and she complains about him using Violence, when she murdered her father! Pippa recovered quick didnt she? One minute shes reverted to her Daphne PMT suffering Prisoner role then she's fine again.

PHILIP COOGAN: I love your site and the way it is formed like a newsletter. Keep up the good work


Happy birthday to the following readers from SBN....

Josh Darvill - 3 August
Grandma Smith - 3 August
Mel - 14 August

Send me your birthday if you haven't done so yet so that it will appear in Summer Bay News. Give it a subject line of 'SBN birthdays' and all you need to do is write your name and date. Go on, do it now....

(If you have sent your profile to me you don't need to send your birthday separately)

I would also like to congratulate Bex on her graduation!

Aussie Section

Hi everybody, I'm Michelle Boffey, an 18 year old fan from Brisbane, Australia. I'm joining the team as the Australian editor and will be keeping you up to date on the latest goss from summer bay. I will beincluding some questions and polls, and I would love to hear your comments and questions. I look forward to my long relationship with the fans of Home and Away.

Till next I write




Hey everybody, this is Michelle speaking, your new Aussie editor. I'm here to keep you all up to date with the storylines out here in Australia. I hope I will get to hear from you, your comments will sure help. Anyway as the title states Shannon is leaving the show, BOO-HOO!! I'm sure many people will be sad to see her leave, on the other hand there could be many that are happy to see her leave. I feel sorry for Lachie though, it must feel terrible to have your girlfriend reject your marriage proposal to go off to Paris with her best friend. This proposal however is not the first proposal in a while as about a month ago Tim asked Sally to be his wedded wife. Of course she turned him down and talked some sense into him, I think he needed it.

While things look lousy for Lachie other couples are getting their acts together. Teigan and Joey have finally got their act together, though for how long, Teigan can erupt at any given time, making it hard for Joey to get anywhere with her.


This actually leads me into my poll question. How long do you think Joey and Teigan will be a couple? Remember not to use the 'cheerful' address for this one but send your comments and answers to me at this address....

I went alittle off the subject then so I'll go one to the next explosive couple: Casey and Aaron. Casey has been so busy practising the piano for the competition that Aaraon rarely gets a mention and when he does it's usually her complaining, for example "I'm never going surfing with Aaron again all he does is lie on the board and then falls off."

Now it's time for the great news to those who aren't aware, PAUL IS BACK!!!!!!!! After a long wait Paul was finally found and taken back to Fin but not without a huge hug from Irene, now maybe she can get on with things, including a possible relationship with Father Little. Lets keep our fingers crossed!

And by the way wasn't Chloe supposed to be going to Sweden for a student exchange program, where has that idea gone? There hasn't been a mention since the phonecall telling Chloe she's able to go. I'd love to know why. Does anyone have ay ideas?

While it's fresh in my mind, before I leave I would like to mention two lines said by Teigan and Sam that caught my eye and made me laugh my heart out....

1. From Sam to Teigan "Scarecrow Hair!"

2. From Teigan to school girl (a fight over Joey) "you asked for it you Slurry!"

Bye for now.



Hello all Home and Away fans! What's been happening lately in the plot? Liam has a choice, Tiegan has returned, Aaron looks set to stay & Scott is causing trouble. Write in and tell us your views on the plotlines!

Marilyn: Marilyn has told us she can't have kids, but am I the only one who wonders why not? Won't IVF work?

Liam: His mother has asked him to return to Peru with her and he hasn't made his mind up yet (but he will go). Look at it this way Liam - you've got no friends & I guess your school work was never that good, so GO! I loved the way Pippa eloquently told him to get out. Can you think of any reason why Liam should stay?

Tiegan: Hooray, she's back, the spice girl of Summer Bay! The minute she arrived she threw a wobbly. Just watching her hair is fascinating. I like any girl that has only 2 modes - anger and defensiveness. Do you think Joey is right for her?

Sally: It's a mystery from watching the episodes heer what Sallygot up to with Scott, but I guess it's the dirty deed. Sally was just going through a phase, but should Tim forgive her?

Casey: Yes Casey, we don't like you. However hard she tries, it doesn't last long. Can you see any appealing aspects of her personality?

Aaron: Okay Aaron, you can stay. Just because, like Tiegan you have amazing hair. Wasn't it novel that he moved in with Alf! Is there anyone in the Bay who hasn't fostered someone or isn't being fostered? That's a toughie.

Chloe: You've got to hand it to her, she's tough. She has been ignoring all of Sel's snide comments & has been studying hard so she can be more than a nurse. I suppose Sel may be a little jealous of her and can't help herself. Do you think that Selina now causes most of the problems between them, and that they should become good friends again?

In general, Becky & Travis and Shannon & Lachlyn are looking to be good matches, and we eagerly await to see Fin's new baby. Did anyone else notice the bit where Pippa gave Frances a peck on the cheek? I thought- great couple!

Anyway, has anyone ever heard of Don's favourite composer, Schnabel? Tell me if he's as good as Don says. Do comment! Until next time, this is Bex, for SBN9, Summer Bay.



Apologies to those in Australia who have already seen this stuff but the Australian Section is just for you!!!


Rumors state that Casey Mitchell kills herself, after pushing herself too far. She is afraid she is not cut out to be a pianist, and is near to a nervous breakdown.

Aaron and Tiegan start to go out with each other.

Irene nearly kills Duncan at the Diner by pouring boiling water all over him.

Joey collapses after eating something Tiegan cooked for him!

Whilst Shannon is trying to tell Lachlan she doesn't want to marry him, her timing is not good as his ex-girlfiend (I presume, called Cathy) is rushed to his hospital after a car crash & she dies whilst he attempts to save her life. Lachlan hits the bottle after this double whammy.

The Priest who had a part to play in Paul's returning, is sacked / leaves.

Rumours abound that Pippa may be killed off - how can Home & Away continue without her? Let's hope this isn't true.

When Travis is bitten by a snake in the bush, Becky runs to the nearest phone box & gets Laclan to come out and resue them in his helicopter.

Rumours also abound that Jesse and Selina split up and she leaves the Bay! Jesse is also pushed to the brink of suicide, what with losing his girl, the fights with Kylie and the loss his custody battle for Rachel. However he doesn't kill himself in the end.

Pippa went out with a man for the first time since Michael died.

Alf and Fisher have been having verbal fights.

Lachie and Chloe will get into some sort of relationship after Shannon leaves.

Steven returns to Summer Bay, and however improbable it seems, he may get back together with Selina again!


These most and least likely to say quotes are for good old Alf Stewart and were written by MEL.

MOST LIKELY TO SAY: "Flamen Heck Ailsa he's (Aaron) an ungrateful beggar, bringing flamen' drug addicts into the house...etc..."

LEAST LIKELY TO SAY: "Ailsa you sit down and let me cook some tucker for the family, you've had a hard day cooking at the Diner all day and the last thing you want to do is have to cook again now!"

Thanks for all your most and least likely quotes, they will be all appear in future newsletters.




SEX: Female

LOCATION: Melbourne, Australia

BIRTHDATE: 14-8-78

OCCUPATION: Full Time Student Studying Media at RMIT

HOBBIES: Going out with friends, movies, sport, AFL

FAVOURITE HOME AND AWAY EPISODE: When Bobby came back as a ghost and stalked Alsia - that was so stupid!!

FAVOURITE HOME AND AWAY QUOTE: "Damian...I still loves ya.." Irene in her early days as she attempted to get back her son and daughter from the lovely 'Pip.'

FAVOURITE HOME AND AWAY CHARACTER: Maz- she's so nice ALL the time and she is just so sweet to everyone!

WORST HOME AND AWAY CHARACTER: Tiegan- I can't stand the hair, the clothes, the character - she does nothing for the show!! A close second would be biggot ALF followed by Sarah that goody-two-shoes that Tug had a thing for!

PLEASE send your profiles to the 'cheerful' address! More needed!!!


The answer to issue 8's trivia question is the name of Irene's three children are Nathan, Finlay and Damian. I didn't actually make it clear that I meant her 3 natural children so I also accepted Paul as one of the choices. Correct answers came from RYAN WEBSTER, ADRIAN MURPHY, ALAN SHADE, MEL BEAL, CRYSTAL ELLIOT, NIC SHEPHERDSON, BEX DOWNEY and ANDY BAKER.


What was the name of Jack Wilson's sister? Clue - it is a name which could begin with a C or a K!! Send your answer to the 'cheerful' address.


We hope to be receiving some e-mails from you all soon. Remember the new 'cheerful' address (although will still work) and we hope you will stay cheerful too! Just to let you know, we have decided to leave the newsletter as a monthly thing now. There is more content after a month and it gives you more of an idea when the next issue will be out. So, look out for issue #10 (yay - double figures!) towards the end of August and beginning of September.

So until then, bye bye, and thanks again for all your contributions.

Bex and Jez


Bex Downey : Jez Smith
Vice Editor : Editor

AND Michelle Boffey - Australian Editor

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Opinions published in this newsletter belong solely to those who express them, so don't go moaning at us if someone has said something to offend you! (I'm told the photo of me looks OK so I won't moan about it again, besides I must stay cheerful too! Look out for a new editors photo next issue! - Jez)
These pages are in no way affiliated with the Seven Network Australia. Home And Away and the Seven logo are trademarks of the Seven Network Australia, and may not be re-produced or re-transmitted in any form, without the express prior consent from the SevenNetwork Australia.