With Pippa making the decision to go travelling with Ian, Sally assumed that she and Tim would be put in loco parentis at the caravan park. When Pippa instead turned to Travis and Rebecca, Sally was hurt but after arguments with Tim she contemplated going with Pippa before eventually opting to stay.

Tim though had begun to show signs of jealousy and after he upset he by bringing up Scott Sally finished things. Tim though wouldn't let her go and became obsessed, accusing Travis of having an ulterior motive in taking over the caravan park house. After flowers failed to do the trick and Sally made her feelings abundantly clear, he left the bay for good.

Sally was gutted when the time came to say goodbye to Pippa and when she finally started University on her archaeology course she found it hard to study at home so instead hid at Vinnie's in order to get peace and quiet. No longer feeling at home in the caravan park house she made the decision to move in with Vinnie and Jesse but found moving out of her childhood home harder than she had thought.

There were teething problems at her new house when Jesse and Vinnie took living with a woman to be symbolic with live in slave. Eventually Sally lost it and insisted on equal chores so Vinnie drew up a rota to placate her. She started a part time job at Bonza Burgers, juggling it around her degree.

She started a relationship with older man Sean Ellis after he gave her surfing lessons, much to the disgust of his teenage daughter Daria. Their relationship fizzled out after the combined efforts of Daria and a jealous Gypsy drove them apart. The arrival on the scene of Sean's ex Tanya didn't help matters but Sean made one last ditch attempt to win back Sally. Sally turned him down though and he departed the bay with his daughter to start afresh elsewhere.

Sally was shot when a siege at The Diner went wrong and she took the only bullet. Luckily she made a quick recovery and bonded with Jesse over their shared depression. They then worked together to pep up Vinnie who was despondent over Justine choosing Tom over him.

Despite growing feelings for him, Vinnie teased her about being too serious so Sally took a walk on the wild side and dated a dodgy guy but she regretted it when he turned out to be a jerk. A jealous Vinnie kicked him out and it seemed the feelings were mutual. They finally admitted their mutual attraction and became a couple.

They initially kept their relationship quiet and took off on a secret holiday together.

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