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**Ghosts From The Past **

Guest WYN100

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:o HEY - u saying I write melodramatic fanfics :wink: ? Lol no seriously, thanks heaps for the reply, I REALLY appreciate iit ! :)

**PART 4**

Kelly suddenly banged her right fist down on her crowded desk surface to prevent a number of loose papers at the top fluttering through the air and out of the adjoining open window. It was after Josie had emitted the most mournful and resonant of sighs after completing a phone call and which had sent the documents scudding towards the window like a last-chance escape committee.

The interruption had fractured the drowsy stillness that tends to descend upon offices, classrooms and similar groupings around 3 o'clock on any given afternoon, and bringing forth mock outrage from Jake, the Assistant Tourism Manager, sitting two desks further along. "Josie RUSSELL !", he declaimed in tones of mock gravity "Guilty on TWO counts - - disturbing the peace of this hive of industry - AND - even worse - reminding me there's still two hours till we get to leave !"

Josie managed a small, weak smile -she liked Jake, a bright, friendly looking guy in his late twenties - but even he was left struggling to brighten her mood on this occasion.

"So what gives ?" enquired Kelly in her earnest, maternal manner... "Oh, WELL..." she responded " ...that was the group of European tourists cancelling ...no reason given at ALL....and I had high hopes they could be the start of a new opening for us. And... oh never mind..."

"No, go on..."

"Well this morning I got a letter from the finance company saying my credit assessment was being changed to RISK status ... and I've next to never owed ANYTHING - so that's something ELSE I'll have to try and sort out...." She tailed off as another thought struck her --- she hadn't heard from Paul Edwards in the admittedly relatively short time since their meeting -- that MIGHT be good news....MIGHTN'T it ...?

"WHAT the flamin' heck...?" - it was a familiar enough refrain from Alf Stewart, but in his situation, few could have argued with its use as he arrived at the surf club / bar complex that afternoon. The sight that greeted him was Jesse being steered into a police squad car by Constable Harper, who was employing the technique much beloved of American cops when they place the palm of their hand flat on the suspect's head to get him down and into the seat - perhaps they worry the accused won't spot the large expanse of coloured metal just above the door space and bang into it...?? .. in any event Harper was clearly rather relishing behaving as if he was in an episode of CSI - something underlined still further as he screamed the accelerator pedal into life and the car skidded out of the car park unleashing a vast cloud of dust in its wake.

A stunned Alf watched it go, then - hoisting his chin up from somewhere in the region of his top shirt-button, he spotted an equally open-mouthed Hayley in the corner of his eye and swung round with a developing air of battle about him

"I don't suppose you'd like to explain...." but stopped short as he became aware of the fast-dissipating crowd of new members around her - some still had their eyes fixed firmly on the route being taken by the departing police car as it headed up onto the coast road , many of the others were heading briskly off, snatches of conversation such as "find somewhere else..." and "never have guessed.."! floating back over their shoulders. Hayley explained briefly to Alf - her voice lowered to a stage whisper .." Harper said he'd had a tip-off Jess was running steroids from inside there again - and what d'you know - he FOUND some !"

"Wha-a-a-t !!" Alf let rip with an incredulous boom "the STUPID flamin' article - HOW many times did I warn you he'd do something like this to us ?? You just WAIT till I ..."

But Hayley was shaking her head and gesticulating to show her disagreement.."No Alf, I hear what you're saying, but I GENUINELY don't think it's Jess...I honestly think there's something very different going on here.."

Alf's brow darkened like a tropical storm rolling in over the Bay on a sultry early autumn evening. He pointed meaningfully at the crocodile of once-potential new members snaking away from the club and into the distance. " I hope you're RIGHT girlie" he responded gruffly - because if you're NOT - you can make that our entire MEMBERSHIP who'll be disappearing JUST as quickly as those folk are....!" Hayley believed - and certainly HOPED she was right - but almost to her own disappointment, a small voice whispered teasingly .... COULD she REALLY trust Jesse 100 per cent after ALL that had happened...?

Ric had taken the chance to head off for some fresh air while Flynn called Sally to discuss the Pippa situation - he was clearly concerned himself, but Flynn had stressed there'd be a window of time where nothing much was likely to happen - and this visit had served to forcibly remind him how much he hated hospitals, too . The antiseptic smell - the boomily accusing corridors - the resigned and almost defeated expressions of those waiting in the Emergency room to be seen...he snapped himself away from the thought, and vowed to give his mind some clear breathing space during this break.

He found himself - almost as if at the end of a remote control heading down towards the beach.

He was HOPING to see Matilda of course, but even as he thought of her , a frown slipped in under his radar and took up residence. Since around a month or six weeks after they'd got back together, Matty had been attending a drama group at the village hall - every Thursday night for an hour - run by a relative newcomer to the town, going only under the name Jonty . Ric hadn't thought much about it at first, and he'd often gone for a game of pool before meeting her and walking her home, But over the last month o so, things seemed to have changed a little - or even quite a lot, in point of fact. She'd become more impatient with him - dismissive, even a touch sneering at times, he'd thought.

Ric had attempted to relate it to elements with her such as schoolwork, family or anything similar - but it just kept coming back to those Thursday sessions . He trotted down the steps that linked the coast path to the beach and stopped...as he saw the very same Jonty, walking slowly along the sands - head lowered as he spoke and listened to -- Jenni McDonald - a girl in Matty's class who ALSO attended the drama group. Ric's face hardened as he took in the scene - if he was honest he'd NEVER liked this Jonty - and SOMETHING - he wished he knew what -told him SOMETHING about him just didn't add up. His left fist clenched involuntarily for a few moments , but he remembered the limited time available to him . leapt the 3 remaining stairs in one - and jogged off up the beach to look for Matilda....

Peter Baker was becoming progressively more irate. He and Claire had forced the meeting with Chief Superintendent Finan to "push the point" and discover exactly WHY he and Claire were being prevented from applying for what they saw as their dream jobs at the new regional police station.

Finan had been evasive and reluctant , and even now when they'd technically "got their man", he was finding progress even harder.

"MAY I just please ask, CHIEF Superintendent..", said Peter, maintaining only the barest required air of civility "In plain and CLEAR terms - why are we all but disbarred from applying for these eminently suitable posts for us ?"

Finan indulged in some more frenetic shuffling and rustling of the papers on his desktop before giving his brow a swift, and what he evidently considered to be an invisible mop...

Finally he burst out testily "Oh look Peter, do you really think this is the right time for you 2 to be uprooted and hauling yourselves into another job ...?"

Peter lent across the desk, and -placing his face uncomfortably close to that of his superior, said , almost luxuriating over the words. "That's really NONE of your business - SIR -but we WANT to apply !"

As he eased himself back across the desk, Peter was struck by yet another thought. He smacked his left palm to his forehead -and - again fixing his eyes on the Officer - though they were harder, flint-edged eyes this time. " he said "Look - cards on the table - can you CATEGORICALLY promise me that this "block" in our applications has NOTHING to do with Sarah Lewis, Zoe McAllister, ..or ANY of that stalker stuff AT ALL ??"

Claire had flashed an incredulous glance at the first mention of the two crazed - now dead ! -women of the town - but Finan had now become even and more jerky in his utterings -- but he eventually slowed, dropped his tone and said quietly "don't push it Peter that's all I'll say - don't push it..."

He and Claire exchanged glances where blank astonishment was battling with rising rage for prime position....

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:o HEY - u saying I write melodramatic fanfics :wink: ? Lol no seriously, thanks heaps for the reply, I REALLY appreciate iit ! :)

I think the problem is that this site has been bombarded by "fanfics" lately so some stories are overlooked plus, good or bad, you never seem to review anyone else's fics.

But keep writing, it's good. :)

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THANKS BOTH ! - Hey ILM you are SO right about me not replying - it's TRULY been no offence - I've enjoyed reading LOADS but when I've ended always start worrying/wondering whether people will care what I think :o lol - but will start 4 sure !! :)

**PART 5 **

Robbie had often run a mental film of himself aboard a high-powered motorbike - perhaps hurtling in as winner of a Grand Prix -or maybe burning copious amounts of rubber in full flight along the coast road with a beautiful blonde - (Tash of course !!) clinging on tight behind him. But NOT like this - most DECIDEDLY not like this. The lumbering thought processes of the unsavoury Revo had eventually decided against adorning the four corners of the bike-ploughed field with selected portions of Robbie's anatomy. If however the middle Mr Hunter had felt in any way tempted to celebrate that decision , the celebrations were evicted and sent packing before the first streamer or party CD could even be unpacked.

Robbie instead was to provide the most unwilling opposition imaginable to the self-appointed bike Emperor Revo in a race designed to test the highest levels of bike skill and terror thresholds of those involved. It was invitingly named " Last one Alive" by the baying horde and seemed to involve a route through and around the surrounding area that seemed to have been designed by a sadist with a surplus of spare time on his hands.

So now Robbie sat , the machine's intense power heaving beneath him - his mind as cleanly stripped of thought as a whitewashed wall . As his brow flowed perspiration beneath the uncomfortably ill-fitting helmet , the one phrase "Last One Alive" did manage to permeate his fog of fear and began a clumsy tap-dance in his head as an overweight specimen with a tattooed face called The Scar flung a dirt-ravaged vaguely green t-shirt in the air and shrieked "GOOOO..." Eyes firmly - and probably a little unwisely- shut --- Robbie's leg reached for the gas pedal...

An idea once lodged in Martha's mind took on qualities even a prize-winning limpet or barnacle would be proud of. Nothing short of total victory and vindication OR complete failure and humiliation could see it tugged free. She believed Kim was stealing from the bar till so to her, he WAS stealing from there -- her philosophy could perhaps have been summed up as guilty till proven innocent - something of the Bellingham blood in her, without a doubt.

After her doubts had had time to simmer, they'd flourished quickly into a full-scale desire for proof, resolution, and if neccessary - vengeance. She brooded a little further, then in best bloodhound style - set off to prove her case.

Kirsty was just leaving the beach house as Martha arrived at the back kitchen door, with an attempted nonchalant air. She'd noticed that non-one apart from the bearers of bad news or those with a deep grudge against somebody ever used the FRONT door, so stuck to her general method of approach - and it worked.

Painting on a shattering smile she beamed "Oh KIRST - you going out ? -- oh, I just wanted a quick word with Irene....I can go though and come back....?"

"Noo " said Kirsty, with a slightly hunted look on her face, " You go in and wait, you're fine - she won't be long, twenty minutes or so more at the diner...?"

"Oh cool - that's fine - I'm just going out to see if I can see any sign of Kane - he went out at breakfast time but no sight or sound of him since .."

Martha wrinkled her nose in concern, "Oh, I'm SURE he'll be ok- he's probably lost all track of time gasbagging with his mates somewhere and has lost all track of time, you'll see.."

"Hope so" agreed Kirsty, and with that headed off, leaving Martha to steal inside. She thought quickly - Kane was out - Kirsty on her way - she'd SEEN Kim heading out to surf - all looked very secure for what she had in mind. It was the work of moments for her to swarm up the stairs - a quick mental refresh reminded her which room she needed, and suddenly she was hunting, rustling, fumbling.....a bank statement..could she..?...should she...? The mental battle of morals was short and very decisive - the doubts lay reeling as her thumbs unfolded the decisive sheet. Running her finger up and down the figures, the relatively short time available to her came into close conflict with her hunger to provide the retrospective evidence against the tried and convicted Kim . The statement however was proving a disappointment - she was about to replace it into the drawer where it had been when her eye caught the heading of the tailsheet "New deposit account...opened..." - she gave a sudden and violent flinch at the awareness she was no longer alone in the room...a shadow had fallen across her , and as she turned - she cursed her carelessness in allowing herself to be found out -as her head made the reluctant turn, her eyes fell upon none of the faces she'd been EXPECTING -but instead -- as her eyes rose slowly upwards, they alighted upon.....Barry Hyde - his question was keen and to the point - "Would you care to share exactly WHY ? you're looking so carefully through my son's highly private papers ?" Arms folded across his severely black blazer , Martha wished desperately that she DID have the answer he desired.....

"Detective Baker - you know as much as you're going to know - and you're edging into risky territory by continuing to push - very risky indeed....!

Chief Superintendent Finan was finding Peter's anger far deeper and far harder to quell than he'd imagined. Claire had gone outside for some air, leaving the two of them to slug their heavyweight battle of wills towards a final crescendo.

"What I DO know, " insisted Peter, "was that there was something strange - VERY strange indeed, hanging over that WHOLE affair, and even when Eve, Zoe, whoever, actually died -- I still got this feeling - just somehow - that there were still some things that didn't quite add up. AND - the more questions I asked , the more restless rumblings I could sense from the kind of ivory towers that the likes of YOU inhabit - am I getting at all close CHIEF Superintendent ?"

The atmosphere in Finan's office was hostile, unyielding and growing extremely oppressive even though it had developed into a chilly afternoon outside with rain a gathering threat.

"All I'm saying to you Detective is this - if you're really determined to continue with these job applications then fine, feel free -but there's a possibility you could be letting yourself in for - let's just say - some far closer scrutiny than a mere one on one meeting with myself !"

"Yes, and I had to move most parts of Heaven and Earth to get even THAT !" retorted Peter bitterly "Anyway, you still...."

The phone of Finan's desk cut a shrill interruption through any further dialogue - picking it up, Finan conducted a brief, clipped business-like conversation before replacing the receiver , getting up and saying "I'm sorry, need to go - now" - Peter crossed the room as his superior left and called after him down the corridor "This ISN'T over - not by a LONG chalk - you hear me...?" But Finan was gone. Turning the whole situation broodingly and resentfully over in his mind he emerged rather blinkingly into an afternoon that was becoming more autumnal by the minute - slate-grey forbidding clouds beginning to skate across the sky and dropping a penetratingly cold drizzle as they shot through. Peter's face creased quizzically - where was Claire ? It was now almost an hour since her departure for the fresh air, and like himself - she'd arrived dressed for the warmer weather that had prevailed earlier in the day . The main police station was on a raised piece of land , surrounded by its own car park, and well away from the nearest shops and cafes -Peter sped into a jog which took him round and across the entire car-park - and still no sign -- as the rain began to drip from his hair to his forehead - all the subject matter he'd been discussing with Finan started flooding back across his mind - calling was no good - she wasn't there - but where the hell WAS she ???

Flynn's message had been vaguely worded and Sally's mind was churning at a frenetic rate as she drilled the car back through the side-streets an towards the hospital. She'd been very pleased with the way the election speech had gone - but her thoughts of it were now dissolving as comprehensively as loose sugar in scalding black coffee - Pippa and PIppa alone was now the unargued focus of her attention - if her eyes were damaged thanks to something SHE could have avoided - - - the very thought seemed to choke her brain, heart and body too - by now she was at the hospital and - launching an urgent search for Flynn the velocity at which her heart was now pounding would at any other time have raised serious fears for her own health- and there was Flynn at the end of the passage ahead . She forged towards him, narrowly avoiding a collision with the refreshment trolley - he steadied her to a stop, pointing for her to enter a small consulting room

Once inside, the update she'd been craving was delivered

"Sal - very little of the glass actually did go into Pippa's eye...but.." he went on, steadying any major relief on her part "..while we removed three of the four shards, one of them did cause some significant problems with Pippa'sa cornea - in short, it's been weakened to the point where we'll need to operate to repair the damage.."

"And....?" countered Sally cautiously

"And - if all goes well, full vision should be restored ..."He'd been expecting Sally's response of "But what if all DOESN'T go well...?"

He hesitated briefly, before answering "If it doesn't --- there IS a risk vision in that eye COULD be lost completely.."

Sally's hand shot to her mouth as she emitted an involuntary gasp ...and the room began to swim around her...

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**CHAPTER 5 **

Kane's stress levels were beginning to climb - steadily and ominously- as the situation in which he found himself was threatening to spiral out of control.

Since he'd had the existence of Lois so startlingly confirmed to him, he'd begun to feel cast adrift in a chain of events over which he felt he had little or no control. He'd been waiting for Francesca to push things forward in some way - with threats or manipulation perhaps ? Or possibly to shout - or abuse him - or even to cry--but none of the above applied. It was as if she'd presented him with the fait accompli then stood back with a flourish to await his reaction.

She was in the small kitchen area mixing a baby-food which looked to him like some kind of orange glue - he was finding the atmosphere in the room increasingly suffocating as the minutes ticked by, and realized he needed to do or say at least SOMETHING in order to try and release the chokehold that seemed to have been placed around his life almost from nowhere like a thief in the night. Adding to his unease was the fact his cellphone had gone off twice since he'd arrived at Francesca's flat, and while he'd placed the ringer on silent, the low bass hum had alerted him to the screen where the name "Kirst" had appeared on both occasions. He could feel his head starting to pound on the inside and eventually summoned h the resolve to translate troubled thoughts into actions. Beginning to stand up, he said "Look - um, I think...." What he DID think wasn't immediately shared with his audience of one as the house phone rang - the tone was low and mild, presumably to avoid waking the baby, and Francesca trotted across to answer it. Immediately her face assumed a different quality - surprised initially, then decidedly furtive and unsettled. She retreated with the cordless receiver into the furthest corner of the kitchen area, just once glancing back over her shoulder at Kane as she began a hissed, secretive conversation. Kane's curiosity was naturally aroused, but he tried hard to look detached and disinterested in case another glance would be shot his way. He could hear little of what was said, but when Francesca's voice was raised he did gather phrases such as " why the hell NOW ??" "Never cared much BEFORE..." and ",,plenty of things about me you DON'T know...PLENTY..." The call seemed to end on a brusque and abrupt note - Kane's eyes narrowed as yet another mysterious element was stirred into this day of upheaval. His cellphone began to vibrate again and the familiar "Kirst" appeared on the screen. He realized with heavy heart this would take SOME explaining - and all the while an aggravating feather was tickling the back of his mind- there had definitely been SOMETHING about that phone call.....

"How many of you sometimes feel you don't BELONG at home...?" The question was delivered as if from on high by Jonty - standing on the stage at the Community Centre and declaiming down towards the group of 18 or so youngsters - including Matilda - who stood on the main floor, looking eagerly up at their mentor for further pronouncements.

They'd just completed an improvisation about disfunctional families , and Jonty was now engaging in what he called his "debrief" which in theory involved the sharing of group opinions, but tended more to shake down into an opportunity for Jonty to take centre stage.

"Matty -how about you ?" came the call from the t-shirt clad figure on the stage, about whom there undoubtedly was a certain indefinable charisma.

"Well..." said with Matilda with a slight blush "There WAS a time last year...."

"Go on.." he prompted..

"Well I wanted to go to some beach parties - see some guys - yes I got into trouble - but when I look back, I can't help thinking..."

"Yes Matty yes....!" Jonty was growing animated now, brandishing both arms in the air and stalking around the stage..

"It was their fault...."

"THEIR fault - do you hear that ??" Jonty had swooped on the admission like a seagull on a carelessly placed picnic sandwich on a summer afternoon. "This girl's ONLY crime was wanting the life of a normal teenager - and what stopped her ? The outdated and restrictive ties of FAMILY - which of you NEEDS that in your life ? Which of you..."

He broke off as he noticed Ric standing at the side door of the hall , wearing an extremely troubled expression. "Um - excuse me, we DON'T like anyone interrupting our sessions " turning to the group he nodded pleasantly and said "Thatll do it folks - same time next week..?"

As the youngsters streamed out of the door Matilda paused by Ric with a slightly quizzical look "Ah -hi - what are you actually DOING here ?.."

"Well actually I came to see YOU - and I'm glad I DID - that guy is SERIOUSLY weird... couldn't you see what he was trying to do there...??"

"Oh chill Ric - this DRAMA - you know- fantasy ?, make-believe ? you WANTED me to do more "normal" things after all that stuff with Callum, right...? Well this is IT ! Come on - you coming to the diner for a shake?"

"No - I need to get back to the hospital, but maybe see you later, yeah ?"

She smiled and was gone, leaving Ric aiming a piercing stare at Jonty as he packed away the drama props on the stage. Even as he watched, a feeling of genuine unease was growing within him - he intended to keep a VERY close eye on that guy, a VERY close eye indeed....

What seemed like oceans of thick, cloying and foul-smelling mud had cascaded through the visor of the ancient motorbike helmet that had been jammed on Robbie's head for the nightmarish charade into which he'd been forced.It had hurtled up from the field squarely in his direction as he'd inevitably trailed badly in the wake of the showboating Revo while the leather-clad throng bayed meaningless mantras and their rhythmical slow but building hand clap lent an intimidating backdrop to the whole macabre process,

Robbie noticed little and heard less - his total energies were focused on staying on board the thrusting metal monster. That was however far from an easy task, because as predicted the "course" had some hair-raisingly blind bends, sheer drops and last-minute breath-stealing sudden obstacles. Occasionally Revo would slow alongside Robbie's bike and his mockingly spiteful face would hurl spiteful abuse in Robbie's direction - taunts, insults- and still the surreal procession hurtled on. No end seemed in sight , but just as Robbie was beginning to believe the remainder of his whole life may have to be spent in this fashion, two events happened to alter his perspective and opinion. Firstly a mental picture of Tash paraded across his mind - pure, beautiful and - somehow telling him all would be well - THEN - from the corner of his eye he spied the girl - the one who'd caused all this - supercilious - still pouting- still leaning on the bike with her gallingly superior air - and Robbie's chin set firm. He plunged the accelerator pedal - and with Revo playing to the crows via a series of arrogant self-congratulatory gestures, the two machines were suddenly abreast of each other. Revo's applause-milking smiles crossed quickly into a savage mask of rage and he spun the bike recklessly into the path of Robbie's -unfortunately the extravagant manoeuvre took place right at the lip of the steepest and most severe drop known as "No Hope Corner" - 3 tons of blisteringly hot metal met in thunderous contact and for the dumbstruck watchers, time seemed to freeze as they careered crazily over the verge- into mid-air, and on a terrifyingly inevitable journey downwards...

Josie strangled a yawn at birth as she drew near the end of ger trip home - but the next one was a little too slick for her and sped out into the confines of her car then nimbly through the window to a new life of freedom. It had been an aggravatingly frustrating day, she reflected. Firstly that nonsense about her having bad credit - then the European tour group cancelling and then an unexpected call from the local Council, saying they wanted to set up a meeting to discuss the funding for the Tourist Centre - that NEEDN'T of course be an awkward one, but had announced itself with particularly bad timing on a decidedly spiky kind of day, that was for sure. Reaching the foot of the hill that led to the seafront complex including her apartment she did allow herself the trace of a smile when she thought of Jake -he'd again asked her to go out for a drink today, and she had been tempted. Younger than her, yes - but very charming - far from bad looking......but if she was honest with herself - the thought of Jesse had stubbornly refused to vacate her head or heart in the time that had elapsed since that whole wedding debacle. There was of course one major obstacle currently barring the way to developing those feelings in any way - and she was called Chloe ... hmmmm- HIGHLY unsuitable for Jesse of course ....but then she'd thought that about Martha, hadn't she.... was there a pattern emerging there.?... She jerked herself abruptly back to life - there were at least four police card straggled in and around her road...she frowned in some perplexity - what could all that be about, she wondered ? Perplexity suddenly shot skywards into alarm, fear and also anger --- the police tape was around HER apartment and the clutch of anything up to 8 police officers talking in low, ponderous police-type tones was at the foot of HER garden path...

Unable to park in her normal spot she jammed the car alongside one of the police vans and strode towards the building. Promptly halt in her tracks by a burly police forearm , she broke in quickly to save herself the whole " I'm afraid you can' t go in there Madame" spiel, saying "That's MY house, WHAT are you doing in there ?"

The officer in charge had ambled up to check on events and spoke across them - "And you are...?"

"Russell...Josie Russell..."

"Well Ms Russell, the very most I can say id this - our officers are effecting a search of your property. We DO have a warrant if you'd like to see it - and we gained admission via your Estate Manager. Dependent on what we may or may not find - this could be officially re-classified as a crime scene." Josie's hand went out for support to the side of the police van as her feet threatened to buckle - the Mother of all bad days had just got worse - considerably worse.....

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  • 2 weeks later...

**PART 7 **

"I don't care if the whole Mangrove River force are on their annual bus trip to Sydney Harbour Bridge - I want people out there LOOKING , and I want it to happen NOW" Peter thundered down the phone at the duty sergeant in the regional control centre. "A policewoman's gone -- missing -- kidnapped -or whatever description may pierce the fog your head seems to be jammed in !!" He banged the receiver down, breathed hard, and attempted to collect his thoughts It could be an hour - maybe more -since Claire had disappeared from outside the police station-and his mind was proving totally incapable of throwing up any firm or rational scenarios for it. Yes, he DID wonder whether it MAY be anything to do with the mystery surrounding the problems they'd been having in their jobs...AND ...no, that was too "out there " to even consider, surely ? BUT - the 10 per cent of his mind most of us have which controls such things wouldn't let him dismiss the idea.

In truth - despite all that with Zoe McAllister / Eve Jacobsen . whoever, - he'd NEVER been totally and utterly convinced that the shadow of Sarah Lewis had been totally erased from such equations. That woman had cost him three months of his life, and until he'd personally seen her placed in a box, cremated and personally scattered her ashes off the side of Stewart's point - he'd STILL remain unconvinced. Peter breathed deeply to collect his thoughts, turned to head back out to his car , but paused as his cellphone jangled in his packet. He snatched it out, prepared to answer but paused as the legend "number withheld" appeareds on the screen ..-

Kirsty jumped on the bus when it pulled in just outside the Surf Club, bought her ticket, and retreated to a seat near the back. Two items were jostling for space inside her mind - firstly the nagging concern about where Kane had disappeared to this morning, and secondly the reason for the trip she was undertaking to the City - a cryptic note she'd received from he biological 'sister' Laura de Groot and what exactly it might mean. Laura certainly hadn't crossed into HSC literature mode when she'd written it, penning merely "Hi - please come and see me as soon as you get a chance - you're the only one that will understand. Kirsty sighed - she'd always wished people wouldn't /didn't leave cryptic messages on voicemails or texts hinting darkly at possible trouble then telling the recipient not to worry -that's more likely than anything else to actually GENERATE worry, she reflected as the bus mounted the hill .

As it did, the driver had to pull in a little to allow an ambulance to speed past - and that set her thinking once again about Kane and how proud she was of the way he'd so far tackled and got past his own health problems -- she heard another loud sigh escaping her, though it caused no reaction on a thinly-populated bus, dotted largely with the odd student and housewife. Looking at them from her set-back position, she found herself envying what she assumed to be their simple, uncomplicated lives - at barely 20 she'd already faced and conquered a flirtation with drugs -isolation from her family, miscarriage and Kane's cancer - what fresh challenge would this plea from her "blood twin" now provide, she wondered with more than a tinge of apprehension...

Ric and Cassie sat on an upturned boat just off the Summer Bay foreshore and a few minutes across from the Surf Club. Their conversation hadn't been a lively one - truth to tell there hadn't been a conversation at all since they'd sat down. It was a quiet late afternoon in the Bay, and the only sound to disturb the crystal quality of the silence in their little corner of it had been an aggravated gull who'd seemingly lost temporary touch with his flock and had been crossing the sky in a series of zig-zag lines relaying his annoyance to all those who cared to listen - plus of course those who didn't.

Cassie hadn't minded the quiet at first, but viewing Ric's set, grim face as the minutes ticked by made her grow steadily more uneasy. She'd never completely banished the ghost of Matilda from her mind, and while she may never have heard Princess Diana's comment about how there were three people in her marriage -it was one she could quite easily have sympathized with. She knew that asking could well bring forth a reply she didn't want to hear, but with 15 minutes having now dissolved and still no sign of dialogue from Ric, she took the plunge. "Ric, is everything OK ?" she asked gently - and, getting no reply - forged on "Ric ?", she repeated - supplementing it with a small tap on the shoulder.

"What ? - oh, um- ah.." he stirred -"Sorry, I was on a different planet there..."

She smiled encouragingly as he went on "Well, you know Sal's agreed to let baby Pippa have this eye op ?"

In spite of herself, Cassie felt a warm surge of relief inside her at the nature of his answer. She nodded as he went on "Well its a real biggie, and everyone's on edge about it right now.." Cassie nodded, as the relief continued to flow around her. Ric though stopped short, turned his head to look straight at her and continued " But Cass as well as that - I'm REALLY worried about Matilda.."

With her greatest fear having entered the stage like a thief in the night the relief she'd been feeling was immediately swamped by a cascade of chill, nagging doubt. But there was more to come, as Ric followed up with "And there's something I want you to do for me..."

The chill water level in her veins began to rise....

Beth was in bright spirits as she began to unload the shopping outside the former surgery building - now very much established as the Hunter residence. Things seemed to be ticking along rather well at the moment - she'd had a call that morning from Kit who seemed to be happy and settled in the city - Matty was without doubt enjoying her involvement with the new drama group, and Scott had been saying how the Blacksland was now attracting almost more charters than he could handle. For her own part, the work and ideas she was putting into Noah's Bar seemed to be being very well received - AND - there was possibly just a hint of romance in the air...

"Yoo-hoo - ONLY me....!" She turned as the unmistakeably strident greeting rent the air and the redoubtable Colleen Smart bustled into view.

"Afternoon Colleen - fancy coming in with these shopping bags for a cuppa ?" But from the troubled look assailing her highly individual features, it seemed Colleen had news to impart, which she duly did with her characteristic dislike of wasting even a second of gossip time. "Oh Beth I never HEARD such a thing - ambulances, sirens, all sorts..."

"Oh yes I SAW that ambulance racing off..," interjected Beth - any idea what may have happened ?"

"WELL..." said Colleen, with at least a touch of ghoulish relish "from what Madge Wilkins says - and she MUST know as the ambulance driver's married to her niece- this gang of complete HOONS were racing bikes up on that dirt-track behind the caravan park - SOMETHING happened - probably racing at 200k's an HOUR or something of the kind - and anyway.." she delivered her trophy information - "One of them DIDN'T make it, and died in the AMBULANCE itself !!" She shuddered as Beth delivered a sincere but relatively standard response. "Oh how SAD Colleen - it's their PARENTS I feel sorry for -just imagine how COMPLETELY that would cut the ground from under you..." She grasped a carrier bag full and heavy with a slab of Robbie's favourite energy drink. "Think how THEY must be feeling..." As she entered the house, the phone was just beginning to ring....

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