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Most Memorable Scenes


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What are your favourite scenes/moments/episodes from the early years? Please only include 1988-1995 :P As I haven't seen 1996-2005 all the way through.


  • Pippa speaks to the Summer Bay Nutter
  • Carly talks about her rape and the dangers of hitch-hiking during school assembly
  • Lyn tells her dad to get out when he tells her he doesn't want her to come home
  • Celia is grief-stricken on Anzac Day remembering her fiancé who died at war


  • 1970 Summer Bay flashbacks
  • Morag talks about getting pregnant with Bobby and how it caused the breakdown of her marriage


  • Sally has a hard time at Christmas without Tom


  • Karen runs over and kills David by accident

Nothing from 1992 or 1993 springs to mind.


  • Pippa loses her temper at Jack after he leaves the oven on.
  • Sally blames Pippa for Michael not staying for Christmas dinner.


  • Ailsa hallucinates and sees Bobby come out of the fridge
  • Alf says he will never forgive himself if Angel doesn't recover from the injuries of her car crash.

Not sure what else at the moment, I'm sure there's more, but these things immediately spring to mind to begin with.

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Great thread (but really, nothing from 92 or 93?!)

Alf telling Ailsa he doesn't want to end up with a knife between the shoulder blades :o:o:o
Pippa trusting Lynn with her secret about how dangerous her pregnancy is before Lynn leaves.
Donald watching a surfer scatter Alan's ashes.

Donald and Bobby's chat outside his house after the truth comes out about him being her father.
Steven's nightmare about his parents' death (but set in Summer Bay House with Tom and Pippa playing his parents... so chilling!)
Roo finally seeing Morag's true colours and threatening to publish her secret manuscript if she continues to hurt people! (such a "Go, Roo!" moment).

Sally getting Pippa to cry after Tom's death
Tom's funeral with the flashbacks :(
Sally and Lance saying goodbye to each other :( (Whyyyy does she never mention him!?)

David and Sophie's romance / Karen killing David
Miss Crawford telling Finlay she'll lie as much as she has to in order to keep Finlay out of school (such a horrible moment of someone using their power to hurt an innocent child).
Bobby running away with Sam.

Sophie giving birth to Tamara and Marilyn's hilarious involvement ("I'm a bit nervous... it's my first time." :lol: )
Meg's heartbreaking storyline and I remember being so conflicted between hating Julia's unreasonableness one minute, to feeling unbelievably sorry for her the next.

Dale's death - possibly the most harrowing episode in the show's history.
Bobby's death and funeral
Alf marching Morag out of Don's house and then throwing her out of the family!

Irene's sleepwalking! :lol:
Irene and Donald's blind date
Tug's attempted suicide
Finlay going through the carwash!

Angel trying to get out of bed and collapsing on the floor
Laura's shocking death
Bobby's ghost taunting Ailsa "What's the matter with you standing around blaming everyone else? You were never like this!"


I watched the show from the beginning but was only 8 when it started in the UK so I don't remember much from the original showings of the first couple of years. However, there are some scenes that have always stuck in my head. Some are random like Alan and Bobby's dinner date in the store, Rory discovering he had the wrong Tom and Pippa, etc. Others are more dramatic like Dodge burning down the store, Rory being attacked by the shark, and Morag finding her house ransacked and graffitied by Danny. I was literally terrified of Morag back then! It's funny watching these kinds of scenes again many years later. Some are exactly as remembered whilst others are completely different.

As far as favourite and memorable moments and episodes go, here are some that haven't been mentioned already:


  • What-if scenarios showing in black and white who might have pushed Gary Samuels off the cliff (the dummy going off the cliff is hilarious)
  • The festive closing titles of the season finale; shame they never did any more special closing titles after that


  • The new season starting with a TV ad for the Sands Resort
  • Donald and Bobby flashbacks after she finds out he's her father
  • The fire at the store
  • Marilyn's first scene
  • Lance, Martin and Marilyn's music video
  • Rory and the shark


  • Tom's death - this actually managed to make me cry watching again 20 years later


  • Floss and Neville's van getting a final outing
  • Evil Irene!


  • Bobby and Frank flashbacks after Frank's return


  • The reappearance of Bobby's school trophy (with obligatory flashback)


  • Irene as Santa being airlifted by helicopter


  • Marilyn's return
  • The bush fire
  • Dodge's return
  • Selina's weird hallucination with the giant Irene head!
13 hours ago, beau_t said:

Great thread (but really, nothing from 92 or 93?!)

I liked 1993 more but I view 1992 as the clear low point based on the 1988-1995 repeats. Still better than some recent seasons but still a low point. I probably enjoyed Shane most from that year. I thought the Meg/Blake story was pointless and depressing. Fin and Damian are probably other highlights from that year. I also really hated Greg looking back, but I'm not sure if it was 1992 or 1993 when he became truly horrendous as a character, he was so self-righteous.

23 hours ago, Blaxland 89 said:

Fisher breaks down over Bobby I front of the class


15 hours ago, beau_t said:

Steven's nightmare about his parents' death (but set in Summer Bay House with Tom and Pippa playing his parents... so chilling!)
Dale's death
Irene and Donald's blind date
Finlay going through the carwash!
Laura's shocking death


7 hours ago, Jeremai said:

Evil Irene!

Don't suppose anyone knows episode numbers for these events? I seem to remember Evil Irene culminating in her falling down the stairs in episode 1000.

4 hours ago, Edward Skylover said:

Don't suppose anyone knows episode numbers for these events? I seem to remember Evil Irene culminating in her falling down the stairs in episode 1000.

Fisher breaks down over Bobby I front of the class - 1318
Steven's nightmare about his parents' death - 296
Dale's death - 1221
Irene and Donald's blind date - 1436
Finlay going through the carwash! - 1427
Laura's shocking death - 1665
Evil Irene! - 887 onwards


1 minute ago, Jeremai said:

Fisher breaks down over Bobby I front of the class - 1318
Steven's nightmare about his parents' death - 296
Dale's death - 1221
Irene and Donald's blind date - 1436
Finlay going through the carwash! - 1427
Laura's shocking death - 1665
Evil Irene! - 887 onwards


Literally just started typing those out - good job the forum notifies of new replies 'live' now :P

1 hour ago, Jeremai said:

Fisher breaks down over Bobby I front of the class - 1318
Steven's nightmare about his parents' death - 296
Dale's death - 1221
Irene and Donald's blind date - 1436
Finlay going through the carwash! - 1427
Laura's shocking death - 1665
Evil Irene! - 887 onwards

Thanks so much both of you!


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