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1993 Episode Discussion

Dan F

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Several questions raised by the dodgy props and story of Shane's work experience at the police station.

Firstly, why would Angel's teenage pregnancy be noted on her criminal record on the police database?

Also, here are some screengrabs showing what looks like a rush job (full of misspellings and typos) of a fake imitation of the NSW Police Service computer system.

Nick's password is echoed on the screen. Back in those days (GUI was still young, and they probably still used CLI) passwords were not shown on screen. There were no bullets or asterisks — the cursor stayed still.


Alf's middle name "John" (isn't it Douglas?) and the date he was caught drink-driving. Wasn't that 1990, when Grant's little police lady girlfriend caught him?


Why was this shot cropped off? Why did they not show the note on Angel's file about having had a child? Why is her full name still "Angel" not "Angela"?


The full screen is shown, but it is too small to read


Oh so there has been other refs to Alf's age. He was 45 in April 1988, and turned 60 in 2005 but in late 1993, Shane looked at his police records which gave his DOB as 16th January 1943. That would tie in with his age he gave in 1988 so the continuity was there until they magically made him 60 for the 4000th episode in July 2005.

This means originally Alf was 2 years older than Don and Barbara and 4 years older than Tom Fletcher. I love refs to characters ages and middle names even if occasionally they may not tally.

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Aaaand made it to the finale.Funny how your mind plays tricks with you, I could have sworn Don didn't make that speech holding out the olive branch to Adam until just before Adam left.Maybe he makes another one?Still, it explains why, when Channel 5 put an early 1994 episode online, Don and Adam were getting along fine in it.Well, as fine as they ever got along anyway.

That police computer screen was obviously done in a hurry, it's spelled "mischief" wrong.The screen is obviously cut off so we don't know what Shane's found out until the cliffhanger.And I always thought Angel's full name was simply Angel, I don't recall it ever being suggested it was short for anything.Although he was a bit too belligerent and his tantrums got a bit wearing after a while, I can kind of see Shane's point:He and Angel are in a committed relationship and that's a pretty big detail to leave out, just how long was she planning to wait before telling him?(And has Angel been SORASed or is the computer graphic just wrong?That date of birth would make her 18 when we first met her and I'm pretty sure she was said to be younger than that.Maybe a teenage mother is just about acceptable in 1990s television but an underage mother would be pushing it?)

And the subtle secondary cliffhanger of "Will Sarah do it with Nathan?" I'm tottering back and forth on the believability of this one.She didn't even seem to consider sleeping with Tug but that was when she'd only just stopped living with Matthew and she considered just kissing a boy to be daring.Since then, we have seen her have a lot of insecurity about being the plain one who boys overlook, and now she's got an older boy who she probably considers sophisticated taking an interest in her she does probably see it as a dream come true.But it did seem like a bit of an abrupt turnaround when she'd been saying she wanted to wait just a few hours earlier.(And not for the first time, she spends half her time in outfits very similar to the supposedly extreme makeover that had Alf breaking out in hives and Sarah rushing to cover herself up not too long ago.Especially the fancy dress outfit.)I think Angel's handled it as well as she could: She's not tried to scare Sarah with Sex Is Bad stories, just made it clear that she should only do it if it's what she wants.The parallel between Nathan and Revhead is so obvious the show's commented on it but I'm struggling to see what he's got to do with David:The only thing they've got in common is both having younger girlfriends, to which you could add Greg, Adam, Matt and Frank.Fin's already starting to seem a bit separate from the Nathan storyline, which probably explains why for a long time I was convinced she'd left by this point.

Is the beginning of 1374 the first time we see Shane and Tug be vaguely civil to each other?Maybe not but the tension doesn't completely go until well into 1994.On a similar note, the apparently fervently anti-cop Nathan seemed surprisingly friendly towards Nick.

Anyone see Sally at the party?Nope, me neither.She makes a big fuss about wanting her and her friends there, Sam says she's got her costume sorted, then she's MIA all week, not for the first time lately.Some decent stuff between Michael and Damian, and between Tug and Roy.Roll on 1994!

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Anyone see Sally at the party?Nope, me neither.She makes a big fuss about wanting her and her friends there, Sam says she's got her costume sorted, then she's MIA all week, not for the first time lately.

Yes, Sally was bizarrely absent - as was just about anyone else from Y12. The party seemed jam-packed with parents, staff (well, only the ones we know), and little kids... why was Nick there?

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Another thing I forgot to mention earlier: Nick says there's no way Shane could have guessed his password because there's too many words to choose from.Nick forgets that everyone on television and film has a password that can be guessed within five attempts, because they all choose something obvious.If you use your middle name and you're dealing with someone who knows your middle name, the odds get reduced significantly...

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(And has Angel been SORASed or is the computer graphic just wrong?That date of birth would make her 18 when we first met her and I'm pretty sure she was said to be younger than that.Maybe a teenage mother is just about acceptable in 1990s television but an underage mother would be pushing it?)

I'm have vague memories of Angel saying she was either 14 or 15 when she had Dylan. She is standing in front of the window at the Ross house dining table at the time, and Pippa and Damien are present. Funny the things you remember. I guess we'll see in a few days if I'm right.

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