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Are actors contracts too long?

Guest Perry

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When looking at Home and Away the Early Years, it's surprising to see so many memorable characers on it for such a short run, take Justine Clarke's Roo, she was only on the show for about 18 months or so but had a huge impact so did characters like Emma, Celia, Tom, Lance and Martin were only there for 2 years and even 10-15 years later characters were on the show for a short time. Angie Russell was on it for 6 months and she made an impact, Tony was on it for 5 and... (I'm thinking). Also it goes for less interesting characters or badly potrayed ones as well anyone remember Liam? Casey? Tiegen from the late 90's? It seems it could work both ways less iteresting characters like Romeo aren't dragging the show down for 3 years with nothing interesting to do except get chlamidiya and great characters like Heath have left before they've exhausted us (and them) with their dramas. So what do you think?

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I think it's certainly an interesting point - at the current moment it seems like they're just giving everone a 3-year contract and you do wonder if they're thinking - where do we want to take Indi? Romeo? Dex? Jett? in these 3 years. They probably didn't do it in the past either, but there is sense of sometimes characters wandering aimlessly through their time.

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Thanks Ryan your right it seems to me they either exhaust the characters with storylines before turning them unlikable or have them wander aimlessly through their time, its espescially annoying when it happes to fantastic actors and give the huge storylines to the not so great actors instead of having them wander aimlessly until their acting improves.

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