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Return of the Bay Jedi (by Red Ranger 1, JosieTash and pembie) - comments

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Posted (edited)

Ah so the madness begins. That chapter was brilliant young jedi :D

The building of the new Death Star being behind schedule just because Darth Palmer saying it is.Romeo thinking he kissed Xavier instead of Indi.Harvey the Hutt being feed fish.Dex3PO telling AprilD2 he thinks they are drifting apart and telling her to go for a Rivertropper instead. awesome.

I will go away now to write my chapter with the aid of the force. :wink:

Edited by pembie
Posted (edited)

Doh! Forgot to read this earlier. Well done, Mr Ranger sir. Will be back to comment further later x

Fab. the developing relationship between Liambaccan and Dex3PO :lol: Romeo thinking he's kissed Xavier :lol:

I have to say, the scenes at Jabba the Hutt's palace in the film are my favourite of the whole series. Luke saying 'this is your last chance, you're all going to die.' And everyone going 'hahaha' then dying! :lol: :lol: :lol:

Edited by Miranda

LOOOOOOOOOVED that, especially …..

 Summary: Xavier and Indigo spend the first third rescuing Romeo from Harvey the Hutt before remembering there's an evil empire to overthrow.

 Darth Palmer descended the steps of his personal shuttle into the hangar bay of the new Death Star. He stood there, breathing heavily inside his black armour, for several seconds. Then he turned to the station commander, Moff Stu Henderson. “Work on this station is behind schedule.”

Moff Stu stared at him in confusion. “It took you twenty years to build the first Death Star. This one’s nearly finished. Doesn’t that mean we’re ahead of schedule?”

“No. You are still behind schedule. Because I say so.”

Stu shook his head. “I think if you look at the contract…”

“Perhaps you should explain that to Emperor Alfatine when he arrives?”

Stu looked around in the vain hope that a hidden camera crew was filming him. “Emperor Alfatine is coming here?”

“Yes. And he is far less generous about failure than I am.”

“Don’t you deal with people who fail you by chopping them up into little bits?”

Darth Palmer nodded.

Moff Stu considered jumping out of the nearest airlock.

 That sexgod musician Liambacca would be far more capable of handling himself than us.”

AprilD2 gave a derisitory snort.

“Well, I’m sorry that we’re not hanging out as much as we used to. Perhaps you could find a nice Rivertrooper to keep you company?”

AprilD2 made an exasperated noise.

 “You have got the right place. I am Dennis Fortuna, Harvey the Hutt’s assistant

 “You remind me a lot of Master Xavier, you know? Are you sure you’re not his father?”

AprilD2 made some irritated bleeping noises.

“Well, yes, I know about Darth Palmer being his father but does this make any less sense?”

 Apart from one guard, who kept trying to attract his attention. She looked oddly like Sasha Calrissian but Dex3PO was sure that was just a trick of the light.

 “I bring you Captain Romeo’s co-pilot, your voluminousness,”she announced. “I claim the bounty for his capture.”

“Oh no!”Dex3PO exclaimed helplessly. “Oh, my handsome musician friend, whatever will become of you?”

Liambacca looked even less happy to be there than he had before.

“This isn’t fair,”Minka Fett, the bounty hunter who had captured Romeo Solo, protested. “There’s only room for one awesome armoured girl bounty hunter in this palace!”

“Don’t fight over me, girls,”Harvey replied. “Unless you really want to. You may both stay and eat fish. And someone take the musician to the dungeons.”

 Boushh removed her helmet to reveal Princess Indigo. She kissed Romeo softly on the lips.

Romeo stared at her, unseeing. “Xavier?”

“We need to get out of here so I’ll let that pass.” Indigo helped him to his feet. “Oh no. You are so lucky you’re blind.”

 Sasha took hold of Indigo roughly enough to look convincing. “Now I’ll make you wish you’d let me borrow your clothes,”she said quietly.

“Don’t lose yourself in the part.”


Oh man.Mink suggesting she and Romeo could be brother and sister.Liambacca's song.Dex3PO blowing Xavier's cover.Xavier being attacked by a chocolate mud cake monster.("It just suits the plot I guess.") Excellent chapter!


hahahaha! Romeo snuggling up to Liambacca. His song to Bianca, sounds familiar, wonder where I've heard it before? :lol:

Funny I was just saying to Red that we watched Return of the Jedi the other day and C3PO is convinced Luke is going to rescue HIM not the others :lol:


Chocolate mud cake monster !!! Liambacca singing the H&A theme!!!! LOOOOOOOOOOVED that, especially …..

 Why’s do you deserve such good fortune and fame? Because it very much can’t be for your manners. You just made me bang on my head on a rock solid piece of stone wall. I am quite blind here you know? You do know that don’t you?”

Minka Fett laughs.

“Oh quit it with all your high and mightily stuff please. Your spoiling our nice little bonding moment, you never know in another life we quite of been brother and sister.” Minka Fett says feeling a touch of sudden sadness, deep down she had wished for a brother just like Romeo Solo.

“Oh please don’t that would truly be awful” Romeo says.

“You can insult me all you like, but I will be the one laughing when I buy my new surf boards with my cut from Harvey the Hutt for your capture.”

“Oh it’s a shame I won’t be there to see you fall off your soooooooooooo expensive broad don’t…….”

“Shut it” Minka Fett and Romeo both listen as the most painful and agonizing sound floats through the air towards them.

 “You better get off him Captain, he could have fleas.” then Minka Frett dashes away as fast as her feet would allow her.

 “Oh you thought you would write a song for AprilD2’s friend BinicaD7 in case you meet her someday. Plus it passes the time while we wait for Xavier to come rescue us

Laimbacca nods sounding to Romeo very proud at the work he had been doing.

 Liambacca then starts to sing his lyrics of his new song entitled Fur Ball And Away, which was dedicated to BanicaD7 and would surely start to melt her bolts when and if she heard it.

You know we belong together,

you and I forever and ever.

No matter where you are,

you're my guiding star. ……AND the rst of the song

 “Why of course it’s not just the fish my lovely. I am a male there for my eyes are partial for the odd wander, when other delights are on offer.” Harvey the Hutt then laughs as Indi gives him a quick backhand across his face.

 “I will? Have you got the licence to see him?”


“Well I…. oh what the hell come in.”

“You serve your master well the hooded figure says as he takes a step inside.

 SURPRISE, now listen to me Harvey you will bring Romeo Solo and the musician to me.” the last part of Xavier’s order is meet with a bark of laughter from Minka Fett.

“Trust me that fur ball is no musician.”

 “Oh I do believe he has just fell down my handy big gaping hole I so happen to have in my floor.” Harvey the Hutt says letting out another belly laugh. “Oh I do believe he has just fell down my handy big gaping hole I so happen to have in my floor.” Harvey the Hutt says letting out another belly laugh.

 “Oh don’t worry his only down there with some of my leftover chocolate mud cake.” Harvey the Hutt then smiles a most evil cocky looking grin, which makes Dex3PO, AprilD2 and Indi to shudder backwards ever so slightly with fear.

“That’s alive” Harvey the Hutt laughs Princess Indigo frowns.

“Why and how is there a piece of alive chocolate mud cake down there with him?” Indi asks.

Harvey the Hutt shrugs.

“I don’t know it just suits the plot I guess.”

 “Oh I do believe he has just fell down my handy big gaping hole I so happen to have in my floor.” Harvey the Hutt says letting out another belly laugh.

“Oh my Master Xavier are you alright?” Dex3PO asks feeling overwhelmed with panic.

“Oh don’t worry his only down there with some of my leftover chocolate mud cake.” Harvey the Hutt then smiles a most evil cocky looking grin, which makes Dex3PO, AprilD2 and Indi to shudder backwards ever so slightly with fear.

“That’s alive” Harvey the Hutt laughs Princess Indigo frowns.

“Why and how is there a piece of alive chocolate mud cake down there with him?” Indi asks.

Harvey the Hutt shrugs.

“I don’t know it just suits the plot I guess.”

Meanwhile deep down in the dark hole Xavier Skywalker could smell the sweet aroma’s of mouth watering chocolate as the chocolate mud cake monster approached.

Xavier turned quickly as he felt big drops of chocolate drop onto his head.

“Oh no way am I going to be death by chocolate Xavier says as he lights a handy piece of wood which just happened to be laying there as was the lucky match. Xavier chucks the wooden plank at the chocolate monster and watches it melt. This makes Harvey the Hutt very angry as he can hear the wails of his beloved monster from the depths far below.

Xavier meanwhile has found a secret passageway back into the room.

“Dude is that all you have to frighten me with?” Xavier laughs.

It is at this point that Romeo and Laimbacca are led into the room by Minka Fett

“No it’s not I have some other plans up my sleeve for all you, young Skywalker along with your friends Romeo Solo and Liambacca.” Harvey the Hutt lets out yet another belly laugh.


Oh man I loved the big bowl of porridge. and everyone getting rated on their diving skills.

Awww shame about Rabbit. loved how she was talking backwards. :lol: That fight scene was just so great Xavier doing a triple back flip. :lol:

Really good chapter. :D

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