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Shadow of the Day

Guest mizziette

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The silk navy and purple scarf sat in the evidence bag crumpled. As Xavier worked on his paperwork, he couldn’t shake the feeling that he’d seen that scarf before.

‘We ran the barcode on the scarf and it was paid for by a credit card.’ Georgie woke him up from his thoughts.

‘That’s good. Whose is it?’ Xavier asked.

‘The credit card belongs to Ruby Buckton.’ Georgie explained with concern and understanding, her voice soft and gentle.

‘Xavier, you understand that if you know anything, you need to be forthcoming? I know she’s your girlfriend…’

‘Just because she’s my girlfriend doesn’t mean I know what’s going on in her mind all the time. And I know what my duties are Sarge,’ Xavier just wished that this whole tiresome investigation would end already and give everyone some peace. Ruby’s stress was something of a worry for him. ‘For the record though, my gut says it’s not Ruby. I just don’t think she’s capable of murder.’

‘I never said it was a murder. It could have been self-defence for all we know,’ Georgie didn’t want to think Ruby was involved with this anymore than anyone else but she had to explore the evidence. ‘One thing’s for sure, Ruby saw Grant that night. She’s implicated at the crime scene.’

At that moment, Ruby walked into the police station and walked up to them. ‘You wanted to see me?’

Georgie glanced up at her and picked up the evidence bag with the scarf. She gestured to the interview room. ‘Yes, we have a few questions. Come on through, please.’

The half an hour that Ruby spent in there was excruciatingly long. Xavier had piles of paperwork to get through but he couldn’t concentrate knowing his girlfriend was in the next room. He glanced at the wall clock. His shift ended twenty minutes ago but he couldn’t leave without speaking to Ruby.

Right on cue, Ruby walked out of the interview room and Xavier rushed over to her. Grabbing her waist, he led her out the door in silence. ‘Are you okay?’

Ruby stopped at her car. ‘Yeah, of course I am. Are you going straight home?’

Xavier nodded. ‘I’ll meet you there.’

The couple parted ways and took their own cars home, arriving at approximately the same time. The house was empty but for them. Placing his keys on the kitchen island, Xavier looked at Ruby.

‘You’re staring,’ Ruby observed as she sat on the couch casually.

‘Is there something I should know?’ Xavier asked with his eyes down. He looked back up and Ruby was paying attention.

‘Like what?’ Ruby played ignorance but realised she couldn’t and sighed. ‘Xav, I lost that scarf weeks ago.’

‘So the scarf is yours.’ Xavier concluded, walking slowly over to sit next to her.

‘Yes. But I wasn’t wearing it that night. You saw me before I left.’

‘I also saw you come back dishevelled and shaken.’

‘Yeah, well…’ Ruby looked at her hands guiltily. ‘What do you want me to say?’ Xavier had his elbows on his knees and looked back at her gently. Ruby sighed. ‘You’re my boyfriend. You’re not supposed to question me.’

‘No one said anything about questioning you.’ Xavier said gently. ‘I just want to understand. Something happened that night…’

‘I can’t.’ Ruby interrupted him. ‘I’m sorry Xav; you mean the world to me and…look, just trust me.’

‘I do trust you.’ Xavier leaned back and held her hand with both of his. ‘I trust you but I need you to trust me too. It works both ways. I can’t help you if I don’t know what’s on your mind.’

‘Of course I trust you. I just don’t want you to be stuck in the middle of this.’

‘Because I’m a cop.’ for the first time, Xavier wondered why his occupation would halt communication between them.

‘Having your girlfriend as a murder suspect can’t make it easy for you at work.’ It was a statement, not a question.

‘I’d be lying if I said it’s been a party.’

Xavier’s admittance hit home. Ruby sighed and held onto Xavier’s hands tightly. ‘I did see Grant on the beach and he…’

Xavier reached out and brought Ruby’s head to his shoulder. He didn’t think he wanted to hear the rest but he needed to know. ‘Did he touch you?’

‘He didn’t hurt me,’ Ruby closed her eyes, feeling the warmth of chest under his blue uniform. ‘But he scared me,’

‘It’s okay.’ Xavier held her close to him and kissed her hair lightly. They sat like that for hours and eventually Xavier opened his eyes just becoming aware that they’d drifted off to sleep. It was dark outside. Looking down at Ruby sleeping on his chest on the couch, Xavier knew he didn’t want to be anywhere.

With that came the realisation that while Ruby had been open and forthcoming during their conversation, she hadn’t really told him anything at all.

The knocking on the back door brought Leah out of Charlie’s room. Instinctively, she locked the door behind her and placed the little key on top of the kitchen refrigerator as she went to open the door.

‘Hey Brax, thanks for coming,’ Leah held the door open for him to enter. ‘Another day and I think I’ll go crazy,’

‘No problem eh,’ Brax turned to face her. ‘I shouldn’t take long; you’ll have your bathroom back in good shape in no time,’

‘Great, can’t wait. The bathroom sink’s been clogged for over a day now. VJ and I have been brushing our teeth in the bathtub.’

‘Shall I get to it then?’ Brax gestured down into the living area.

Leah led him through. ‘Yeah, of course, I was just getting some cleaning done. I should get started on lunch for VJ and me soon. I’ll make you something too.’

‘I should fix your plumbing more often,’ Brax was excited at the prospect of Leah’s food.

‘Just go on through.’ Brax smiled and taking his tools; left Leah to chop and stir. He treaded into the living area slowly, feeling out of place. It wasn’t the first time he’d been in the Patterson house in recent times but Charlie’s presence was still felt in her old home.

Charlie was glancing at a picture of her and Leah on the shelf. When he entered, she looked up and smiled at him. ‘I miss her,’

Knowing Leah was in the next room, Brax didn’t answer. As he walked into the hallway, Charlie walked four feet ahead of him solemnly, lightly gliding her fingers over the walls. She got to her room and put her hand on the doorknob. Taking one last glance at Brax, Charlie entered through the door.

Brax slowly followed the lead and stood outside Charlie’s bedroom door. Taking a deep breath, he placed his free hand on the knob and turned. It didn’t budge. Brax frowned and turned the doorknob again. There was still nothing, it was locked.

Brax lightly brushed his fingers down the wooden door and contemplated knocking but pushed the thought out of his mind. He wasn’t getting in.

‘Brax, what’re you doing?’ Brax looked down the hallway and Leah was standing just outside the dark hall silhouetted against the light. Slowly, she moved forward and her features became more focused.

Brax looked at the door in front of him and turned back to Leah. ‘Nothing just thought the door looked a little worse for wear,’

Leah searched his face intently before overlooking it. She handed him the glass in her hand. ‘Here, I got you some cool lemonade,’

‘Thanks,’ Brax took the glass and shrugged.

‘So how’s the door?’ Leah asked searchingly.

Brax raised his eyebrows as he took a sip. ‘What?’

‘The door,’ Leah repeated, gesturing to the one next to them.

‘Nice and sturdy eh,’ Brax knocked three times on Charlie’s door. He smiled. ‘I’ll get to work then.’

‘Yeah,’ Leah was worried but she didn’t let on.

The next time Brax saw Charlie, it was after he had finished the plumbing job in Leah’s bathroom sink. She was coming out of the locked door and glanced swiftly at Brax before walking down the hall ahead of him silently.

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It was the day Bianca had been dreading. Her father would arrive in Summer Bay at any moment. After so many estranged years, she didn’t know what to expect. She didn’t know whether she should expect anything at all. It was Adrian Salvatore after all and Adrian was never one to fulfil expectations; especially when it came to his one and only daughter.

‘Look at you, my angel,’ Adrian was all smiles and hugs. He was a robust man with a domineering presence at fifty and as always smartly dressed in a crisp suit. Adrian took both Bianca cheeks in his large hands and admired her fondly.

‘Hi Adrian,’ Bianca greeted and returned the hug. She was quite unsure about this reunion. After what he’d done to her, she wasn’t sure she could forgive him.

‘You look well,’ Adrian observed and led her away from the cab and towards Bianca’s front door. ‘Your mother tells me you got married,’

‘Yeah, I did. I’ve been married for three years.’ It was all just polite small talk to Bianca and as she entered the house, she wished it would all end. ‘Adrian, this is my husband, Liam Murphy.’

Liam took his toothpick out of his mouth and leaned forward to shake his father in law’s hand. ‘Mr Salvatore,’

‘Mr Murphy, like that…’ Adrian waved his hands searching for the information. ‘Like that…country singer, no? Somewhat ancient history now but…’

Liam ground his teeth behind a pursed smile. To him it was like comparing a shark to a goldfish. Beside her father, Bianca tried to contain the urge to slam her head against the wall. ‘Like the rock artist and yes, that would be me,’

‘Oh, music industry, a lot like investments, only you invest in people,’ Adrian noted. ‘Good business in music if you know what to look for. I’m more a small business venturer.’

‘And we all know what a great business man you are,’ Bianca couldn’t help insert the sarcasm.

Adrian sighed dramatically and held out his arms. ‘Tesoro, don’t do that. Past is in the past, so they say,’

‘Tell that to my empty…’ Bianca smiled sweetly and held his arm accommodatingly. ‘Come, I’ll give you a tour,’

They walked through the house systematically and upstairs, they reached the unused nursery. ‘Bianca, you have a baby?’

‘Not yet.’ Bianca admitted. ‘We hope to soon.’

‘Ah,’ Adrian nodded. He looked at his daughter and noticed her forlorn expression. Cautiously, he put his hands on Bianca’s shoulders. ‘I truly am sorry for taking your money. There is not one day I don’t regret it. I came to make amends.’

‘Amends,’ Bianca repeated with her eyes still on the neutral baby room.

‘I’m your papa. I should never have hurt you. I want to pay you back,’

‘I don’t want dirty money, Adrian.’

‘I assure you, it’s legal. I went to jail and now I’m done with all that embezzlement.’

Bianca sighed and looked up at her father with her arms crossed. She needed the money but she couldn’t be sure where the money would be coming from. Her morals wouldn’t let her except stolen goods, no matter how much it would help. ‘I don’t know that for sure,’

Adrian looked genuinely hurt and nodded with understanding. ‘I’ve changed, beautiful. I’ll earn your trust back.’

Jade entered her house and flung her whale rucksack down onto the floor dramatically. Slumping on the couch, she turned the TV on to watch the Cartoon channel.

‘Honey, is everything alright? You were awfully quiet on the ride home.’ Brax closed the front door behind him and observed his daughter. ‘Did something happen at your music lesson?’

‘I’m fine,’ Jade whispered and looked down at the remote between both her hands. She adjusted the volume and swung her tiny legs.

‘Are you sure?’ Brax sat next to her. Jade focused on the TV so he copied her. ‘What’re you watching?’

‘”Dexter’s Labotry,” but the real Dex is much more funny,’ Jade smiled as she remembered her enjoyable moment with Dex Walker at the hospital while she was sick.

‘Yeah, Dex is a pretty funny dude,’ Brax agreed, his eyes on Jade. ‘How was your lesson today? Did you learn any new songs?’

‘Miss Grey teaches me to play Lion King Songs,’ Miss Grey was her piano teacher.

‘You like the Lion King eh? Me too,’

‘Oh, do you really? Can we watch?’ Jade’s eyes lit up animatedly.

‘I’ll see if I can get the DVD from the store for you,’ Brax told her.

‘We can watch it all the time after we get it. Just you and me and…’ Jade’s gleaming voice suddenly halted and she bit her lip and turned back to her sulking.

‘And…’ Brax prompted.

‘How come every one else has a mummy but not me?’

‘Way to break a mother’s heart,’ Charlie emerged from behind the couch filled with sadness.

Brax looked at his daughter. ‘Where’s this coming from honey?’

‘Everyone has a mummy to take to the mother daughter dance but not me, it not fair.’

‘I wish your mum was here too,’ Brax sighed and placed a protective hand around her. ‘But life’s not fair sometimes,’

‘You don’t say,’

Brax raised his eyebrows, for the first time noticing that his little girl was starting to develop sarcasm. ‘What’s this about a mother daughter dance, eh?’

‘Miss Grey says all the girls in music school can go with their mummies but I can’t.’ Jade dropped her head sadly.

‘Because your mum’s in heaven,’ Jade nodded. Brax pulled her in protectively. ‘Oh Jade, you don’t have to miss out on the dance. I can take you; we’ll make it a father daughter thing,’

‘You’re not a mummy, dad.’ Jade rolled her eyes. ‘It okay, I here,’

She said it was okay but her eyes told a different story. Even though she had never known Charlie Buckton, the tragedy had caused Jade as much heartache as those who remembered her loving mother. In not knowing the woman who gave her life, Jade had been deprived of something instinctive to all children; a mother’s love.

It was something Brax could never give his beloved daughter and he hated that he couldn’t give Jade that one simple pleasure.

‘Can’t you do something?’ Brax had asked Charlie later that night in his bedroom while he changed. ‘You saw her face, all quiet and…how can you just leave your daughter?’

‘I didn’t want to,’ Charlie looked like she was about to cry.

Brax glanced at her as he threw his shirt onto the bed. ‘Yeah, I know. I just…I can’t fill that hole and that kills me,’

Brax had by now seated himself on the edge of the bed only in his jeans with his head in his hands. Charlie demurely sat beside him. ‘Honey, what exactly do you want me to do?’

‘I…I don’t know. I don’t know.’ Brax shook his head. ‘I just…you’re here with me when she needs you more. If she met you…’

‘You know that’s not possible.’ Charlie reminded him.

Brax turned his face and looked at her. Why not, he wanted to scream but he retained his thoughts to himself. His subconscious already knew the answer. ‘I feel selfish keeping you to myself when your daughters are…’

‘So loved by my darling boyfriend?’ Charlie smiled.

‘Darling,’ Brax repeated.

‘Yes,’ Charlie kissed his temple. ‘I may be dead Brax, but I’m no angel.’

Deep down Brax had to know what she was implying. She was a figment of his imagination. The thought scared him each time he thought it so Brax had gotten used to not thinking about the cause of Charlie’s return a long time ago.

Brax touched Charlie’s hand. ‘You’ve always been an angel Charlie. My angel. Always,’

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