Charlie-brax Posted December 11, 2011 Report Posted December 11, 2011 Story title: Unforgettable Type of story: Medium fic Main characters: Charlie B & Daryl B BTTB rating: Teen Genre: General Any spoilers: No Any warnings: No Summary: The story of Charlie Buckton and Daryl 'Brax' Braxton as 17 yr old teens. Will their family approve of them seeing each other? How will Brax react to her having a baby daughter? CHAPTER 1 Brax walked into his school, closely followed by his brother Heath. They walked to their lockers, where Heath met his two friends Brodie and Sam. Brax stood there, leaning against his locker, when the prinipal walked past besides two other people. One in a police uniform and the other in the Summer Bay High school unifrom. She had long brown curly hair and the deepest green eyes. It was as if when she looked at him, she could see that deep down that he was close to breaking down. And the tough guy act, was just a cover. She saw him staring, and he blushed and looked down. She smiled at him and kept walking. "Who's that?" she asked, pointing in Brax's direction. "Oh him. Thats Daryl Braxton" spat her dad, Ross. He was the new constable at the local police station. He knew all about the riverboys and their 'Way' of making money. "And his brother Heath. Then their friends Brodie and Sam" he also spat. Charlie watched Brax. He didn't look like no riverboy or drugdealer. * Later on in homeroom * Everyone sat in their seats, talking about their recent summer holidays when the tacher walked in, followed by Charlie. "Good morning everyone" said the teacher, Mr Stewart. Everyone slowly quitened down and turned to the front of the class room. "This is Charlotte" he said, pointing to the shy beautiful girl, standing at the front of the classroom. "Charlie actually" she corrected him. Brax giggled to himself. She heard this, and turned to see him sittin there. He smiled at her, and she looked down slightly embarrassed. She walked towards him, and took the seat just in front of him. Through the whole class, she felt his eyes boaring into her back. Everytime she looked back, he was staring at her. They both saw each other looking, and would get embarrassed. Brax was busy, looking at the beautiful curls that fell onto Charlie's back while the teacher tried to get his attention. "Brax... Brax... BRAXX.. DARYL BRAXTON.." he said. Brax finally came back to reality and looked up at the teacher. "Huh.." he asked, confused. "Do you know the answer to this question." he asked, pointing at the board. "Uh.... No?" he said. The teacher sighed. "Listening next time" said Mr Stewart as he continued talking. *after school* "Your Charlie right?" said Brax, walking up behind her. She turned around and smiled. "Brax..?" she said. He nodded. "So, how was your first day?" he asked, leaning againt the pole. "It was alright.. I was kinda distracted though.." she trailed off. He nodded. "I know how you feel" he said, understandingly. She smiled. "Anyway, i better get home now" she said. "Yeah... Of course. I'll see you tomorrow" he said, before walking in the opposite direction towards his brother Heath. *Later at the beach* "Look Ruby, its a beach" said Charlie, showing her daughter the waves. She smiled and clapped her hands. "Wata" she said, as she splashed in the water. Just as she was doing this, Charlie noticed Brax walking towards her. She smiled at him and picked up her daughter. "Hey" he said, smiling at the 3 year old. "Hey, this is Ruby" she said, waving the little girls arm at him. He laughed. "i have a baby brother too, about the same age" he said, smiling at the little girl. Charlie smiled awkwardly as she realised he had asumed that Ruby was her sister. "So, you ever tried surfing?" he asked. She shook her head. "I never plan to either" she said, laughing. "You should. I think... You'd look pretty hot in a wetsuit" he smiled. She blushed. "Dont think so" she said. "Yeahh, im gunna head off now. Get some surfing in before i do study" he groaned. "Yeh, ill see you around" replie Charlie, as she slowly walked Ruby home.
Inactive User Posted December 11, 2011 Report Posted December 11, 2011 Great start to this fanfiction Wondering how Brax will react that Ruby is Charlie's daughter, not her sister. More soon please xx
Charlie-brax Posted December 11, 2011 Report Posted December 11, 2011 CHAPTER 2 Charlie finally arrived home from the beach with her daughter. Her dad had only just gotten home from work. "Hey darling, how was school?" he asked, pretending to be interested. "Good actually" she said, smiling cheerfuly. "Did ya make any friends?" he asked, continuing to read his newspaper. "Yeahh, there was Bianca, Leah and Ah.. brax" she said, unsure of whether she should have mentioned the last one to him. "Thats ni... Wait a minute, did you say.." he yelled, turning to face his daughter. "Yes dad, i said Brax. He's not as bad as you think he is. I think he's sweet" she said, thinking of the whole days of events. "Charlie, you can't be friends with him. He is bad for you and you know it" he said sternly. "You can't tell me what to do!" she yelled, as she picked up Ruby and ran into her room. She looked at the clock on the wall and saw that it was 7:43. She sighed before picking up her phone. There was a picture of her and Ruby at the beach just yesterday. She smiled at it. Her daughter was so much like her. She decided to text Bianca, her new friend. BIANCA MEET ME AT THE SURFCLUB PLEASE I NEED SOMEONE TO TALK TO x Bianca got the message and instantly got up. She made it to the surfclub before Charlie. She looked around but there was no one she knew until Charlie walked through the doors with a baby girl in her arms. "Hey Charlie" she said, standing up and giving her a hug. "Hey Bianca, this is Ruby" she said, deciding not to tell her everything just yet. They had only just met that day. "Hello Ruby" said Bianca, as she gave the 3 yr old a hi-5! "Your a natural" she said, watching Bianca with her daughter. "I have a baby sister too" she said laughing. "Yeah.. Anyway" Charlie said, before Bianca butted in. "You needed a girl talk?" she asked. Charlie nodded. "Its my father. He dosn't approve of me being friends with Brax" she said sadly. "I wouldnt worry. My parents don't approve of me and Heath but i don't give a stuff" she said, laughing. "Its not that easy.. Hes a police officer" she replied. "ohhhh. I can see the trouble with that" she said. "You must really like him" Bianca laughed. She knew the feeling. "Yeah.. I think i do" she said, laughed with her new friend. Little did they know, Brax ha been listening to the last of their little talk. He smiled. "She likes me" he said, smiling under his breath. *The next day* "Charlie!" called out Brax. She turned to see him walking towards her. "Hey" she said. "Whats up?" he asked, smiling. "Nothing, just headin to school for my second day" she replied. Brax laughed. "You'll be fine" he said, putting his arm on her shoulder. As he touched her, she felt heart beat doubly as fast as usual. Brax let go. He felt the same thing but tried to pretend it never happened. She smiled up at him and they kept walking. "Mind if i walk with you?" asked Bianca, as she walked up next to Charlie. "Hey Bianca" she said. "Hey Charlie, Brax" she said. He looked up at hearing his name and noticed that Bianca had joined them. He hadnt been listening. He was too busy wondering about why that happened when he just touche her shoulder. He shook his head and kept walking, deciding to forget about it.
Inactive User Posted December 11, 2011 Report Posted December 11, 2011 Fab chapter Looking forwards to next chapter. xx
cb2180 Posted December 11, 2011 Report Posted December 11, 2011 Really liking this story, wonder how everyone will react when they find out ruby is charlie's daughter!
JosieTash Posted December 11, 2011 Report Posted December 11, 2011 GREAT opening chapters, especially.............  She had long brown curly hair and the deepest green eyes. It was as if when she looked at him, she could see that deep down that he was close to breaking down. And the tough guy act, was just a cover. She saw him staring, and he blushed and looked down. She smiled at him and kept walking.  Brax was busy, looking at the beautiful curls that fell onto Charlie's back while the teacher tried to get his attention. "Brax... Brax... BRAXX.. DARYL BRAXTON.." he said. Brax finally came back to reality and looked up at the teacher. "Huh.." he asked, confused.  "Look Ruby, its a beach" said Charlie, showing her daughter the waves. She smiled and clapped her hands. "Wata" she said, as she splashed in the water. Just as she was doing this, Charlie noticed Brax walking towards her. She smiled at him and picked up her daughter. "Hey" he said, smiling at the 3 year old. "Hey, this is Ruby" she said, waving the little girls arm at him. He laughed. "i have a baby brother too, about the same age" he said, smiling at the little girl. Charlie smiled awkwardly as she realised he had asumed that Ruby was her sister.  "Yeahh, there was Bianca, Leah and Ah.. brax" she said, unsure of whether she should have mentioned the last one to him. "Thats ni... Wait a minute, did you say.." he yelled, turning to face his daughter. "Yes dad, i said Brax. He's not as bad as you think he is. I think he's sweet" she said, thinking of the whole days of events. "Charlie, you can't be friends with him. He is bad for you and you know it" he said sternly. "You can't tell me what to do!" she yelled, as she picked up Ruby and ran into her room.  "Hey Bianca, this is Ruby" she said, deciding not to tell her everything just yet. They had only just met that day. "Hello Ruby" said Bianca, as she gave the 3 yr old a hi-5! "Your a natural" she said, watching Bianca with her daughter. "I have a baby sister too" she said laughing. "Yeah.. Anyway" Charlie said, before Bianca butted in. Young Ruby !!!! this could get VERY fun !!!!!
Charlie-brax Posted December 12, 2011 Report Posted December 12, 2011 CHAPTER 3 *At the beach* "Hey Brax" said Charlie, walking up to her friend. "Hey, whats up?" he replied, jabbing his board into the sand. "Nothing really." she said. He smiled at her. "Wanna have a try at surfing?" he asked, looking hopeful. Charlie laughed. "Sure, i'll just go change and meet you here" she said, smiling as she walked up the beach and into her house. *at her house* "Hey dad, you home?" she called out, looking in all the rooms. No answer. She was relieved. She didn't want to go through another fight. She walked into her bedroom and picked out her white bikini. She changed into it and grabbed a towel before heading out the door. As she was almost outside, her father walked past. "Where do you think your going?" he asked, sternly before blocking her from walking any further. "Im going for a swim with friends" she said. He sighed. "With who?" She looked at him. "Uh.. bianca" she replied, saying the first name that pooped into her head. He nodded and let her past. *The beach* "Braxx" she said, running down the beach. "Heey, you can use my board" he said smiling. They both walked out into the water until it was deep enough for Charlie to get on. "Okay, just put one foot there and the other there" he said, pointing to the right positions for her feet. She tried but really failed, falling into the deep water. "Charlie, you okay?" he asked, pulling her out of the water and sitting her on his board. "Yeahh, im good" she said, laughing. "Okay, do you wanna try again" he asked, smiling. She nodded. This time when she stood up she fell into Brax's arms. He caught her and she was just 2 inches away from his face. They stared at each other before coming back to reality and pretending it never happened. *At school, the next day* Charlie walked in to her English class, spotting Brax in a seat near the middle. She smiled at him and sat next to him. "Heeeeey" he said. "Hey, i had fun yesterday" she said, smiling at him. "Yeahh, it was fun" he replied, thinking back. "I was wondering, if you wanted to do it again!" he smiled, hopeful. "I would love that" she squealed, hugging him. He hugged back, awkwardly. "Ah sorry bout that. I get a bit over excite sometimes" she smiled. "It okay, i like it" he said, smiling at her as the teacher walked in.
soph1303 Posted December 12, 2011 Report Posted December 12, 2011 Great first few updates, More soon please
Inactive User Posted December 12, 2011 Report Posted December 12, 2011 Awesome chapter More soon please xx
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