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Is Anyone Home?

Guest Charlie-brax

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Chapter 4

*At Angelos*

Charlie and Bianca walked in to the small sized restraunt Angelos. Brax and Liam behind the bar. They both were dressed up and were going for a girls night out. As soon as Brax saw them enter, he almost dropped the plates he was carrying. He gasped. Liam just shrugged.

"Why does Liam have to be here?" saud Bianca, clearly annoyed.

"Just try an ignore him." said Charlie, trying to help her friend.

"I'll try but hes been really rude lately!" just as Buanca said this Bra came to take their order.

"What can i get you ladies?" he asked, looking towards Charlie.

"Surprise me!" she replied. She was having troubles at work and just wanted to forget all about it. He smiled.

"And you?" he said, turning to BianIca but she was concentrating on something else.

"Get her the same as me." charlie replied for her.


"I think you two should head home!" said Brax, worried for the two very tipsy girls.

"But im havinggg fun!" replied Bianca, insisting on staying.

"Well im gunna go!" replied Charlie. She stood up and was about to leave when Brax grabbed her arm.

"Want me to walk you home?" he said, smiling.

"If you want" charlie replied. She instantly got goosebumps. She was nervous. He saw this, and put his jacket over her freezing cold arms.

"Thanks" she replied, smiling up at him.

*Charlie's bedroom*

Brax lay her down on her bed, she was so drunk that she couldnt even put herself to bed. He took off her shoes, and layed a blanket over her.

"Brax?" said Charlie. He turned to her.

"I do like you but its just your a riverboy" she said, before she slowly drifted to sleep. He smiled. She was too drunk for hi to be sure if she was telling the truth. He walked out of her room and quietly closed the door when the light flickrred on.

"Daryl Braxton?" asked Leah, confused as to why he was standing in her living room.

"Yeah, Charlie was too drunk to get herself home so i walked her." he said as he started to walk out the door. Leah just stood there. She wasnt sure whether to think it was nice of him to walk her or was he just taking advantage of her friend.

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Chapter 5

The next morning, Charlie woke up to the biggest headache. She ran for the bathroom an spewed her guts out. It just kept on coming. Ruby had slept at Aprils and Leah had already tarte work so she was home alone. She decided to go for a run, to clear her head since she had lost her appetite afte all that spewing.

"Hey Buckton" sniggered Heath.

"Heath, Daryl!" she said as shr passed both him an Heath along the beach.

"Hah she still calls you Darly!" said Heath, smartly.

"Its not a if i know her." replied Brax, shaking his head an walking away from his brother.

*at the surf club*

"Finally, you got here" said john, as Charlie walked in. He ha called her as he asked the riverboys to leave and they wouldn't. Charlie nodded at him.

"Alright, its time to move on" she said, pointing in the direction to the door.

"Why Buckton, were not doing anything wrong" said Heath, with a smartass attitude.

"You've been asked to leave, i suggest that you do!" she said. No one moved.

"Okay Daryl, can i speak to you in private, outside!" Charlie said. He smiled and walked out.

"Oooooohhhhh!" chorused the riverboys.

"Can't you see your not doing yourself any favors, by gettin underneath John Palmers skin!" she said. He looked at her blankly. She then gave him the wrong impression, and he kissed her. For awhile she kissed back but then pulled away.

"No" she said before jumping in her car and driving off. He laughed. He didn't think she'd actually kiss back.

"What'd you do to her?" asked Heath, as he walke outside and saw the police car driving away.

"I kissed her" he replied, confused. No one had ran away efore when he kissed them.

"Good job brother" Heath said sarcastically, before walking back inside shaking his head.

I know this chapter is short but i disn't have too much time to write. Sorry :)

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That was ACE !!!!!, especially.............

 "I'll try but hes been really rude lately!" just as Buanca said this Bra came to take their order.

 "But im havinggg fun!" replied Bianca, insisting on staying.

 she was so drunk that she couldnt even put herself to bed. He took off her shoes, and layed a blanket over her.

 Leah just stood there. She wasnt sure whether to think it was nice of him to walk her or was he just taking advantage of her friend.

 She ran for the bathroom an spewed her guts out. It just kept on coming.

 "Hah she still calls you Darly!" said Heath, smartly.

"Its not a if i know her." replied Brax, shaking his head an walking away from his brother.

 "Okay Daryl, can i speak to you in private, outside!" Charlie said. He smiled and walked out.

"Oooooohhhhh!" chorused the riverboys

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Chapter 6

Charlie sat on the beach, staring aimlessly into the wide, wide ocean. Never ending and never stopping. But forever moving and flowing. She let the sand, fall through her fingers as she picked it up in her delicate hands. She was thinking about him again. About their little looks and glances at each other when no one else was looking. The continuous flirting. The extremely passionate kiss, they had shared the other day. An all she could do was run. The last few days, she had found gerself always thinking about him. In the shower, at work, at home. She even had a dream about him. She didn't know what to do. She had never felt this way before about a man.

"Hey Buckton" said Heath, walking up behind her, board in hand.

"Heath" she said, trying to just ignore him. She was about to leave when Brax walked up behind Heath.


"Daryl" they both nodded at each other and he winked. She blushed at this and he instantly knew that she did like him. She just wasn't sure cause of her job and his reputation as a riverboy.

"So hows that skanky daughter of yours?" asked Heath. Charlie just ignored him. She stood up and walked off. How dare he say something like that about her daughter. She was fuming. Brax punched him in the arm.

"What the hell was that for?" he said, rubbing his muscly arm.

"In case you didn't know, Casey is going out with Casey. She is no skank and if you got to know her, you would know this!" he said, before jumping in the surf and gliding away from his ignorant pig of a brother.

*knock knock*

Charlie walked up, still in her gym clothes. She swung open the door, half expecting it to be Bianca when she saw Brax standing there.

"What do you want?" she said, as she poured herself a glass of water.

"I want to apologize for Heath's behaviour earlier. He was just being a smartass and he didnt mean it!" he replied. Charlie could tell he was being sincere. She nodded.

"I appreciate that but don't you think that it should come from Heath?" Charlie said. She still couldnt believe what he had said. Brax nodded i agreement and stepped closer to Charlie, until they were only a few inches apart.

"Thats not the only thing i came for!" he whispered.

"Oh yeah, whats the second thing?" she asked, before he leaned in and slowly but passionately kissed her. They both smiled. She had been waiting for this for weeks now and Brax couldnt stop thinking about her.

*Later that day*

"Hey you" said Brax, as Charlie emerged from her bedroom.

"Umm, can you leave. Rubys gunna be home in half an hour!" she replied rudely. She had already started to regret it.

"Eh.. Why?" he asked, sounding confused.

"Uh maybe cause of my job and the fact that you are the gang leaver of the riverboys." she said, opening the door for him to leave.

"Whatever" he said, leaning in to kiss her. She turned away.

"Dont do this Charlie" he said, as he walked out the door, softly brushin his finger underneath her chin. Her hear skipped a beat. She sighed in relief as all her nerves went. Why rhe hell did Daryl Braxton make her so nervous?

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Fab update!!!

Firstly, I love that they finally got together! Very sweet. However, I hope Charlie doesn't try and push him away for too long. I'm sure Brax can find a way to prove to her that he's worth it :)

Loved it!! More soon please!

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Chapter 7

Ruby walked into the small house that she had lived in for the past 2 years. She walked into the living room to find her mother sitting on a chair crying her eyes out.

"Mum?" i said, dropping everything and running over to her

"Im fine, im gunna go have a shower now" she replied, quickly getting up and jumping in to the shower. She was crying because she was upset. She really liked Brax and he obviously like her so why couldnt they be together? Even if they had to hide their relation ship in public. Why shouldnt they?

*At Angelos*

"Hey brax" Casey said, as he walked into the small restraunt and took a seat.

"Hey" he replied. He was acting different. He was happy about something and upset about something else. And it was all to do with Charlie. Not that Casey knew that.

"Whats up?" Casey asked, hoping for some answers.

"Nothing. Listen i cant talk right now ive gotta work" said Brax, as he turned around and opened a new wine bottle for some customers.

*Later that night at Charlie's house*

Charlie picked up her keys and bag and was about to open the door, when someone knocked. She put down her stuff and opened it.

"Brax?" Charlie said smiling.

"Hey, i just came to tell you that i still wanna be with you an i know you do too. So why worry about what other people think. Its our life you should live it the way you want." he said, quickly. She smiled.

"I just came to tell you that" she said, pointing to her ba on the bench. He laughed.

"So... I guess thats what we both want!" he said, moving closer in.

"I guess it is" she saud before smiling and kissing him. Starting off slow, it turned into a really passionate kiss. Before they knew it, they were in her bedroom and in each others arms.

*The next morning*

"Morning" said Brax, kissing a slowly waking up Charlie.

"Morning" she said, before wiping away the sleep from her eyes. All of a sudden they froze to listen. They could here all Ruby, Leah and VJ awake. How was he goin to get out? He had work in half an hour.

"The window?" she sugested, laughing. He sighed and picked up his shirt.

"I'll see you later!" he said, kissing her and launchin himself outside the window. She laughed, pu on her dressing gown and headed into the kitchen.

"Morning Rubes!" she said, as leah and VJ had already left.

"Morning, what you in such a good mood for?" she asked, smiling.

"No reason" Charlie replied, takin out the burnt toast her daughter just made. Ruby laughed.

"Mother like daughter!" she said, smartly before picking up her school bag and heading off to school.

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