katieabandon Posted November 15, 2011 Report Posted November 15, 2011 Story Title: Late Type of story: M/L Main Characters: Charlie, Liam, Gretchen, Matthew, Lynn Others: Bianca, and some other non home and away characters BTTB rating: T Genre: Drama Does story include spoilers: No Any warnings: Don't think so. Will warn at start of chapter Summary: I'm not very good at these but here goes... Charlie tries to deal with a potentially life changing situation. How will she cope and who will she turn to for support? Chapter 1 It’s a Sunday morning in the Murphy household and Liam and his girlfriend Bianca are cuddled up on the sofa watching a movie. His dad Matt is pacing the livingroom waiting for is wife to get ready for a meal “I can't believe your mother is still getting dressed. What is she doin' up there?” Matt was starting to get impatient “Well, there's a whole lot more of her to dress these days” Liam jokes “So not what to say to a woman who's two weeks overdue”. Bianca points out “She's right, Liam. You say, "darling, I've never seen a woman with a 65" waist look so hot,” Matt said mockingly “You guys are terrible,” Bianca laughs “What would be terrible is missing our reservation. This may be our last date before the baby comes, and if we don't hurry…” Matt shouts up the stairs to Laura. [Laura comes down holding her very pregnant belly.] “Matt, we have to go. Now.” Laura says holding her stomach with one hand and the banister with the other at the top of the stairs “You're telling me? We're late already,” Matt says looking at his watch waiting to go to dinner. “No. Forget about dinner,” Laura said still making her way down the stairs “Now?” Liam questions getting up off the sofa and dashing over to the bottom of the stairs “Now” “Now?” Matt questions “Uh-huh. If we don't get moving, yeah, right here on the stairs.” Lauras confirms now down the stairs and holding on to Matt for support “Ok. How long are your contractions?” Matt asks with lack of a better comment. “Long enough to hurt. Aah! Aah!” Laura answered walking towards the front door with Matt and Liam there for support “I got the bag.” Matt announces picking up a bag they had already pre packed for this day coming “Did you pack my bathrobe?” Laura asks “Flannel.” “Heavy socks?” “Wool.” Matt lists the things he has put in the bag “Lip balm?” Laura asks almost out the front door “Damn! I knew I forgot something” Matt says “What, are you guys going skiing?” Liam questions as he listens to all the things his dad has put in the bag for Laura “I'm gonna pant for a few hours. Aah!” Laura screams. Bianca and Liam help Laura out to the door while Matt grabs the suitcase in the hall. Bianca reaches into her pocket and pulls out some lip balm. “Here” Bianca says giving the lip balm to Matt “Ah, thanks. We should call the doctor.” “From the car,” Laura says still panting at the front door “We'll call you, too, son,” Matt says to Liam as he goes to the car “Did you remember the birthing music?” Laura asks “I got Enya, John Tesh, Kenny G,” Matt tells her “I'm having a baby, not going into a coma.” Laura comments on her husband’s taste in music “ I’ll sing for you honey. We’ll call you from the hospital,” Matt calls to Liam and Bianca who are standing in the doorway watching them leave for the hospital “Well, I guess that pretty much does it for our evening,” Liam says to Bianca “Pretty much” “Yeah,” Liam agrees excitedly holding Bianca watching the car leave the driveway ------- At the hospital, Matt and Laura have seen the doctor to get the routine tests and are now outside the room talking to the doctor. “It's not happening?” Laura asks slowly in disbelief “They're called Braxton hicks contractions. False labour,” the Doctor explains “Trust me. There is nothing false about these contractions” “You're right, but they're not enough to bring on dilation. You're still at 1 centimetre Laura.” “Are you sure you're using the right ruler?” Laura asks the Doctor who laughed at the sarcastic comment At that point Liam walks in behind the Doctor, “So, I take it there's no baby yet?”, he questions seeing as his mum and dad were standing outside the room. The answer was obvious. “Mm-mmm,” “The baby may decide not to make an appearance for days,” the Doctor informs her patient “Really?” “Normally, I'd have no cause for concern”, the Doctor continues “But you do.” Matt buts in. “Because of Laura’s age, there's a significantly increased risk of complications.” “What kind of complications?” Liam starts to worry “Now, I don't want anyone to worry” the Doctor reassures them “Then tell us what you're talking about” Matt snaps “If stage 2 labour doesn't begin in a few days, I'm going to induce, and if any issues arise, we've got a great facility here to do an immediate "C."” The doctor finishes “Oh, my god. Do you really think that it's gonna be necessary?” Laura asks worriedly shuffling on her feet “Just relax. Honestly, that's the best thing you can do right now,” the doctor tries to calm her patient to avoid any stress “Isn't there anything you can do to help the baby along?” Matt asks the Doctor “Some of my patients try talking to their babies. What's your baby's name?” the Doctor asks out of curiosity. All the family members look to each other having not quite knowing the answer to that question “That's a very good question” Liam says with a smile appearing on his lips “We haven't quite found the right one yet” Matt continues “I'm gonna write you a prescription, Laura, and then I'm gonna go back to dinner with my husband. You do the same.” She said writing on a piece of paper before handing it to Laura. She took the piece of paper and read it aloud. "Name your baby." ----- Outside her house, Charlie was calling Brax who was away on a ‘fishing trip’ with his brother Heath but actually that was just a cover up. “Hey, guess who? I was just callin' to see if you were back yet, but obviously not. So when you get this, give me a call. Ok. Bye.” And with that Charlie ended the call just as Bessie came out the door to see what’s going on and heard the tail end of the conversation “Ok. It's official. You've become the neurotic girlfriend” as Charlie had made umpteen phone messages for Brax but none of which he had returned and Charlie couldn’t figure out why. “It's just--it's weird”, Charlie said somewhat worried “There's nothing weird about it. He's away on a fishing trip with his brother” Bessie tried to reassure her and Charlie accepts this for the moment and follows her big sister into the house Bessie goes over to the kitchen table and brings out a baby grow which she bought earlier. “I found the most adorable onesie downtown. I just had to get it for Laura. Help me wrap it.” She said unfolding it and holding it up so that Charlie could see but she quickly turns back and heads out the front door, “I’m going to Brax’, ” before slamming the door behind her leaving Bessie wondering what was wrong. ------ Bianca is trying to get the table ready for dinner with plates and cutlery while Liam is already sitting down. “So what’s a naming shower?” Bianca asks putting the plates down on the table in front of Liam “You know, instead of booties, everybody brings names.” Liam informs her. “It's tomorrow afternoon. Can you make it?” “Tomorrow? Absolutely. The day after, I'm on the noon train to Melbourne”. “What's in Melbourne?” “Well, if my interview for the The Age newspaper goes well, me.” She said as a matter-of-fact. “The Age? “Yeah. They just called right before you came over. I applied for this interview as an assistant lifestyles editor, and they loved my application. They're actually thinking of paying me to go to concerts and museums and restaurants. Is that amazing or what?” Bianca spoke excitedly to Liam about this new opportunity she has been given. Liam looked surprised and shocked as he had no ideas is girlfriend was looking for a job “Wow,” was all he could say “I didn't know that you were applying for a job.” “Well, I recently made the decision. I was hoping that you would be psyched for me.” After the initial shock, “I am psyched for you. It's an incredible job. I think you'll be great at it.” Liam tried to sound pleased for her. “But suddenly, this unspoken little issue that's been floating in the back of both of our minds has become very real. We're gonna have to talk about it eventually--” “ "It" referring to the potential continent between us” Liam had been offered to go to Brisbane to study Law and his course started in a few weeks. “Ok. How do you feel about long distance relationships?” Bianca asks putting the cutlery on the table. Liam looks up he her. “Historically, they don't have the best track record, but-” thinking back to his relationship with Charlie a few years ago. “But we could be that one couple,” Bianca says trying to put a positive spin on things. “Absolutely” “One of us could also join the other” “How could I ask you to come to Brisbane?” Liam asks “How could I ask you to come to Melbourne?” Bianca asks the same question knowing they are going in different directions “What's going on here? We're-- last week, we're declaring our love for each other. Now it sounds like we're breaking up.” Liam pipes up “Well, I just think we're dealing with reality.” She says honestly “Which is what?” “Right now it's dinner by candlelight with the man I love.” Bianca says lighting the second candle on the table and blowing out the match and sits down to eat, but Liam has a disturbed look on his face ----- Charlie pulls up to the Brax’ house and gets out of the car and goes to the porch where she finds his sister, Bianca outside sitting on her own late at night “I'm really sorry to come by so late” Charlie says walking up the steps to meet Bianca in a hurry. “It's cool. Liam just left.” “ Look, I really need to talk to Brax. Do you have any idea when he's gonna be back from his fishing trip?” Charlie sounded a bit agitated “No, I don't, but I'm sure he'll call you as soon as he gets back” Bianca says before looking down at her hands. Charlie could sense something wasn’t quite right. She knew Brax wouldn’t not get back in touch with her after the amount of time she has called him over the last few days. “There's something wrong, isn't there?” Charlie asks worry spreading across her face. “I mean, this isn't like Brax,” she continues, “Bianca, what's going on?” She asked worried for Brax. Bianca stands up and stares off into the horizon not sure whether she should say anything “You know, I told him I wouldn't do this anymore, and I won’t.” She stood up and started walking down the steps and Charlie followed her, “What?” “Lying,” Bianca chose to be honest with Charlie, “It's the worst thing for everyone.” Charlie joined the dots,“Brax isn't on a fishing trip, is he?” “Brax got arrested for public drunkenness last week. Heath got the charges dropped, and then he took him camping to try to talk some sense into him.” Charlie rubbed her head with her hand, “Oh, my god.” “This is an intense time. We're all planning our futures, trying to figure out what we're gonna do with the rest of our lives, but if we can't put all that aside and try to do everything possible to make Brax’ life easier right now, he might not have much of one. He's in a lot of pain, so you have to promise me that you won't do anything to put any additional pressure on him right now, ok? I mean, can you do that?” Bianca said “Do you or do you not know how I can get in touch with him?” Charlie asks Bianca “Did you just hear what I said?” “No. I can't promise you that, Bianca.” Charlie says stressed “How could you possibly be that selfish?” Bianca snaps back at her Charlie had tears forming in his eyes but looked straight at Bianca, “I'm late.” She informed her. The penny finally drops for Bianca and she realises what she’s talking about. “Charlie, I'm so sorry. I had no idea,” Bianca apologises for the way she acted. She had no idea that Charlie might be pregnant. “It's ok. I'm fine, thank you.” Charlie said putting up a wall not wanting anyone to feel sorry for her. “Did you confirm that you're pregnant?” Bianca asked concerned for her friend “No. I really just need to talk to my boyfriend, so if there's any way that you can get in touch with him-” She said quickly not wanting to answer any more questions. “As soon as they get back here or if they call in, I promise to make sure that Brax gets in touch with you” Bianca reassured her but she also showed concern for Charlie. “Thank you.” “Charlie, I know that things seem confusing and frightening, but you have to find the courage to take the test, and that way, you can consider your options,” Bianca says as Charlie turns to leave but Bianca shouts after her, “Charlie!” Charlie turns back around with tears in her eyes threatening to fall, “I'm fine. I can handle this.” she tried to sound convincing before turning to leave again. “Look, if you change your mind, you can always come back here... any time. ...” Bianca trailed off but by that time Charlie was already to leave the house.
Danni02 Posted November 15, 2011 Report Posted November 15, 2011 This is good so far Looking forward to more.
ldscott Posted November 15, 2011 Report Posted November 15, 2011 Great start! Can't wait to read more Lisa x
JosieTash Posted November 15, 2011 Report Posted November 15, 2011 GREAT opener, most especaily ......... “Well, there's a whole lot more of her to dress these days” Liam jokes “So not what to say to a woman who's two weeks overdue”. Bianca points out “She's right, Liam. You say, "darling, I've never seen a woman with a 65" waist look so hot,” Matt said mockingly “What, are you guys going skiing?” Liam questions as he listens to all the things his dad has put in the bag for Laura “I'm having a baby, not going into a coma.” Laura comments on her husband’s taste in music “I'm gonna write you a prescription, Laura, and then I'm gonna go back to dinner with my husband. You do the same.” She said writing on a piece of paper before handing it to Laura. She took the piece of paper and read it aloud. "Name your baby." “You know, instead of booties, everybody brings names.” Liam informs her. “It's tomorrow afternoon. Can you make it?” They just called right before you came over. I applied for this interview as an assistant lifestyles editor, and they loved my application. They're actually thinking of paying me to go to concerts and museums and restaurants. Is that amazing or what?” Bianca spoke excitedly to Liam about this new opportunity she has been given. Charlie pulls up to the Brax’ house and gets out of the car and goes to the porch where she finds his sister, Bianca outside sitting on her own late at night Charlie had tears forming in his eyes but looked straight at Bianca, “I'm late.”
Shezza Posted November 15, 2011 Report Posted November 15, 2011 Can't wait for more. What a great start
katieabandon Posted November 16, 2011 Report Posted November 16, 2011 Thanks guys so much for commenting. Here is the next chapter Chapter 2 Outside the Murphy household, Laura comes out carry a tray of food, when Jen and Grams come walking up carrying gifts. “Oh, you guys, I thought I made you promise--no gifts,” Laura said as she came out the back door of the house with some plates and cups. “Asking ladies not to bring gifts to a shower is like asking the sun not to shine, birds not to sing….” Grams says following Jen with a small gift. “Good lord. Give this woman a ball of yarn and some knitting needles, you'll be amazed what she can come up with.” Jen says and Laura laughs “Oh, excuse me. My kitchen's calling” She says handing Bianca the tray of food and turns to go into the house just as Liam comes out. “Oh, hi honey”. “Liam, why isn't your mum, like, on the couch with her feet up?” Bianca asks curiously “Oh, she's not interested. She's cooking, she's cleaning, she’s relentless. Do you want some laundry done? You could make her day.” Jen and Grams chuckled at Liams comment. “Come on.” Bianca comes walking up to them and Jen and Grams walk over to the benches to have a seat before the baby shower starts. “Hey.” Bianca says as she sees Liam. “Hey. I went to the bookstore this morning and looked at some magazines-- once certain city magazine in particular. It's a great read.” Liam informed her. He seemed a little more excited than he was before. He just needed time to let it sink in. “I spent the whole morning trying to pack, you know, and I have to admit, I'm a little nervous. I mean, the only real job interview I ever had was with your mother.” Bianca used to work in a restaurant that was owned by Liam;s parents, Laura and Matt. Laura comes out with another tray from the kitchen. “Mum, I got it.” He says taking the tray from Laura “Oh, thanks, honey.” Laura thanked Liam before noticing Bianca. “Hi, Bianca.” Charlie and Bessie come up to join the group standing “Hey” Charlie said cheerfully “Hi, Charlie,” Laura says looking at Charlie directly. “How you doin'?” “Fine”. “Look, Charlie, if you need anything at all, I'm here” Bianca said letting her know she was there for her “Would you please tell my sister to get a life of her own? Your brother goes fishing, and, I swear, she doesn't know what to do with herself.” Bessie said as she came over and saw the intense conversation between the two. Laura comes back out of the house and sees that more people have arrived. “Oh, Charlie! Hi.” She says warmly as Charlie looks down at her very pregnant stomach. “Oh, I haven't seen you in so long. How are you?” Laura said giving Charlie a hug “Never better.” She lied. The truth was she was a total wreck but she was too proud to let anyone know Bianca, Laura, Bessie and Charlie all come out to the bench area in the back garden where everyone is gathering. Matt and Liam are there with all the women for the shower. “Oh! Ok! Everybody, let's get started.” Matt announces once everyone has gathered and taken there seats “Are you staying?” Bianca asks “I...eh..” “Tradition is very clear on this matter.” Grams buts in, “No men at showers.” With that Liam and his dad left the woman to it and went elsewhere to enjoy some father and son time. --- All the women are now sitting comfortably and the shower has started. Laura sits back on a chair while Grams is holding a coin on a piece of string over Laura’s belly. “It's moving. It's actually moving.” Jen said excitedly. “Where did you learn this?” Laura asks as she watches intently. “Generations of women have done this. It was the ultrasound of the middle ages.” Grams said as she watched the coin on the end of the string. “So what is it? A boy or a girl?” Laura asked as Grams took the string away. “It's just what you want.” “I'd like to go first. This is from Dean and me” she said, handing Laura a card with a name on it. “Sophie.” “That's an adorable name.” Bianca comments “It means "wise." That's what we were gonna name Alexander if he was a girl.” Bessie informs her. “Hmm. Sophie Murphy.” Laura tries out the name “If you have a boy...” she hands Laura another card “Satchel?” Laura let out a laugh as she read the name as did all the other woman “He played baseball. Dean swore Matt would love it.” All the women burst out laughing --- At Liam’s old Tree fort, Liam and his dad are sitting in it together. “Here we go.” Matt said handing Liam a cigar who laughed but took it all the same. “What?” Liam laughs, “Sorry. I don't picture you as a stogie-smoking kind of dad”. Matt: Well, evidently, it's what you're supposed to do at a time like this. “So, you think any of the names they're kickin' around down there'll stick?, Liam asks his dad with the cigar in one hand as if he was smoking it. “I wonder if our inability to decide on a name means that we aren't really dealing with what's about to happen in our lives.” Matt voices his feelings ion having a baby “Yeah, but the good news is, you guys have had a baby before, so you know what to expect, right?” Liam reminds him “Want to know the truth?” Matt never waited for a response before continuing, “Having a newborn in your life is pure, unadulterated hell. “It can't be that bad.” Liam laughs slightly “Oh, but it is, unless you have a breast. A man doesn't really love a baby the way a woman does-- not at first. A man loves the idea of a baby.” “That changes, right?” “One night, you're standing in a dark room, exhausted, reaching for nappies and answers on a shelf you can't see, and this little person calls out to you. "Daddy." That's when you get it. Liam listens intently at what is dad was saying. He never gets to see this side to his dad. “You feel your heart expand in a way you never knew was possible, and you love this little person so much... that you actually ache. I can't explain it any better.” Matt finishes. After listening to what his dad had told him Liam decides to say what he thinks. “I think the reason you guys are waiting is because you don't want to just slap a name on this idea. I think you want to get a sense of who this new member of our family is, and I think when you meet him, you'll know.” “You're a pretty smart kid, Liam.” Matt said proudly of his son as Liam just laughs it off.
marie_the_bee Posted November 16, 2011 Report Posted November 16, 2011 Baby shower was cute! Can't wait for Brax to come back so Charlie can tell him x
JosieTash Posted November 17, 2011 Report Posted November 17, 2011 LOVED that, especially ....... • “Asking ladies not to bring gifts to a shower is like asking the sun not to shine, birds not to sing….” Grams says following Jen with a small gift. • “Oh, she's not interested. She's cooking, she's cleaning, she’s relentless. Do you want some laundry done? You could make her day.” • “Never better.” She lied. The truth was she was a total wreck but she was too proud to let anyone know • “It can't be that bad.” Liam laughs slightly “Oh, but it is, unless you have a breast. A man doesn't really love a baby the way a woman does-- not at first. A man loves the idea of a baby.” • “One night, you're standing in a dark room, exhausted, reaching for nappies and answers on a shelf you can't see, and this little person calls out to you. "Daddy." That's when you get it. Liam listens intently at what is dad was saying. He never gets to see this side to his dad. “You feel your heart expand in a way you never knew was possible, and you love this little person so much... that you actually ache. I can't explain it any better.” Matt finishes.
soph1303 Posted November 17, 2011 Report Posted November 17, 2011 Great update, Cute babyshower !! I think that Charlie needs to do the test so that she actually knows if she's pregnant or not!! More soon please
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