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Geek Trivia

Guest beau_t

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I just made a post concerning the history of the back veranda at Summer Bay House which is something I'd say less than 1% of viewers probably know and/or care about! And it got me wondering, what is the geekiest piece of trivia you know about the show (or have always wanted to know)?

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I seemed to be the only one for a while a good few years back (well over 6 years) who seemed to know Sally didn't loose her virginity to Scott, and no one believed me - not sure how it became common knowledge in recent years.

The backdrop outside SBH kitchen has been changed three times as far as I have noticed... not sure that counts.

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Just to bring this over from the other thread:

This door/cupboard is never used anymore because the space it occupied is now used to make the veranda. If you watch Sally's leaving episode, for example, when she comes down the stairs, you can see the light from the veranda underneath the door in the hallway. Since this is supposed to be a cupboard, there should be no light coming through there.

Knew I had a pic filed away somewhere which perfectly illustrated this (you'd be surprised at just how often the photographers don't notice what's right in front of them) - just couldn't remember what year it was and took a while to find it....


There's also a similar pic from 2000 (Edward & Peta's 'wedding') where the same has happened

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I'm trying to remember random bits of trivia but I can't and it makes me feel like a rubbish fan! One thing that many people don't know, is the reason behind why H&A is calld Home and Away; obviously as the concept is children being fostered and being away from their natural family but finding a new home in the Bay.

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Yeah I think you'd be surprised by the look of things just out of shot. For instance if they are just going to use the kitchen part of Leah's , its unlikely the rest of the house would be up and behind the camera (unless its a permanent set).

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It would be a separate set due to the step coming down from the door - the diner set was on 'ground' level and I don't think there was a step up when going through to the salon from the diner end. The wall there also ensured we'd never see through to the Diner, whereas if it was joined on I'd imagine they'd make the most of a flow-through set. Might be wrong but that makes the most sense.

One bit of geekage that's just reminded me of (though I'm sure I've mentioned it before) - is that that's the reason all the bedrooms upstairs at Summer Bay House have those few steps coming down to them. The upstairs hallway set had to be raised to allow characters to come up a few steps of main staircase, giving the illusion of a full staircase - therefore it was a choice of raising the sets of all the bedrooms up to that level, or adding steps to all of them - you can imagine which is cheaper :wink: You'll find examples of that in other shows too.

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