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Fri 15 April 2011 – Episode # 5275

Guest JosieTash

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My UNOFFICIAL title for this ep, “ Xave, I Sooooo Want You To Get Busted !!!!! “

[ Screened in Australia on Fri 15 April 2011 – Episode # 5275 ]


NEXT DAY - Xave is stressed bout how lots of things could go wrong today with his date with Miranda. All of this is despite Dex’s optimism about tee sitch – and that pretty good fake ID that Dex has created for Xave.


Keith & Colleen ask Leah is there’s any food/stock ta she could give to the mission. Leah sys she can spt them -0 but wishes ta Elijah had asked her himself.


Roo is talking to a potential sponsor about tee surf carnival when nearby Romeo asks John for some extra work here at tee club. John says her will think bout it. John then meets up with Roo & the man she is talking to. Te guy is EMILY’S DAD.

Nearby, Dex & Xave are talking. Cos they are in the school uniforms, as soon as Xave sses Miranda he quisklly ditshes his school shirt and puts on a nearby lifrgeoyd shirt. Miranda stars taking to Xave & Dex and then John sees Xave wearing that shirt and wonders why. John is about to say ta Xave isn’t a mbr [whish Xave told Miranda he is] but Xave is able to stop him.


Leah confronts Elijah – wonders why he is avoiding her. He insists t he is VERY busy, esp. since it’s REALLY a struggle right now t keep the mission open.


Whilst Xave was expecting Miranda to take him to a club [where he’d nee that fake ID] he is surprised that they are at an art exhibition. When they look at one of tee paintings, Miranda quite likes it, but Xave isn’t so keen. Miranda sess Oscar, a friend of hers from tee sounds of things. He’s a waiter her today, but he stufdies philopahsipy at te uni. Oscar sounds like he’s never seen Xaev beeor , but Xave is able to talk his way out of it.


John tell; Romeo that there arnlt any jobs fo him atm – as Phil [Emily’s dad] said he wonlt spnsor te surf carnical if romeo has a job here.


Oscar talk some more with Miranda & Xave, and Xave sound convincing enough during his philosophy debate with Oscar.


When Romeo tells Miles but tee surf club etc, Miles insist ta Romeo has to stop feeling sorry for himself and do something with his life.


When Xave goes to get a drink, Oscar makes his aware tee the peon Oscar was revering in their earlier chat is a composer, not a philopher. Xave realises he’s in over his head, and tells Miranda that he is keen to show her someting. Miranda & Xave bail.


Romeo arriers, and seem overawed with tee place. Keith & Colleen arrive =- with lotsa food etc donated from tee diner etc.


Xave tells Miranda he’s more into the beach & starry nights that place like art galleries. She agrees with him. He’s juts about to fess up [about his real age etc] when she KISSES him.


Romeo is all glum as he & Colleen serve food to tee ppl at tee mission. Colleen suggest to Romeo that a smile goes a LONG way in pace like this. Kieth asks Romeo assist him with washing tee dishes etc. Keith then wonder to Romeo if he is reacting the way he is beau he feels better or worse off than the te ppl in the missionn. Keith suggests Romeo thinks bout that whilst doing the dishes.


Elijah arrives – and admits te he HAS been avioding Leah. He tell her the he NEEDS her in his life, but Leah insist that their’s too mush history/it’s too hard. Elijah bails.


Romeo talks to Miles about how directionless his life is. Miles suggest a reo doe soemtong [job wise]to do with surfing, whish Romeo seem to take to heart.


It’s after 2am and Xave isn't home yet. Gina’s not impressed – and even lees impressed when John tells her bout Miranda.


NEXT DAY – Cave’s mobile rings, and the sound of the ringbone wakes him. He looks like he can’t believe that he fel asleep here [esp. since I seem to recall that this happen to him & Ruby or him & April]. Xave wakes Miranda.


Gina is on the phone to Charlie – telling her bout what’s occurred. After she gets of the phone, Gina is about to bail when Xave comes hone, he tells her at he accidentally fell sleep after talking to Miranda. He insists te he hasn’t been drinking etc – and that they went to an art gallery. When Xave goes to get change, Gina looks in his jacket – and find both the program for the art exhibition AND Cave’s fake ID.



Angelo tells Nic that he thinks she will a great mum

Miranda busts Xavier … when she give a motivational speech at SBH !!!!

Charlie continues to be all hypocritical – not wanting Ruby/Casey, but yes to Brax/Charlie

It's a Designer Label (IADL)


Miranda: dark [white asymmetric stripes] low cut top/grey jacket


Roo: blue top/dark jacket


Leah: mostly red top


Colleen: multi colour floral top

Dex : SBH uniform

Elijah: blue polo

Gina: grey jacket/red top

Gina: white dressing gown

John: grey jacket/white shirt

John: grey l/s top

Keith Irwin: red [white stripes] shirt/green shawl

Miles: dark shirt/red t

Miranda: green top/dark long pants

Oscar: white shirt/dark tie

Phil Logan: white shirt/dark jacket/dark [red daig stripes] tie

Romeo: white [Jimmy Hendrix motif] t

Xave: grey jacket/dark [white stripes] t

Xave: SBH uniform

Xave: yellow & red lifeguard polo


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