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Fri 11 March 2011 – Episode # 5250

Guest JosieTash

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My UNOFFICIAL title for this ep, “ Bromance Is Over “

[ Screened in Australia Fri 11 March 2011 – Episode # 5250 ]


Irene agrees to let Dex & co conduct their experiemet for science class at the diner. April is ken to talk to Dex, but he's rally busy atm. April isn’t so keen to/ talk bout plans for her birthday when Irene asks.


Although Miles & co talk bout how a great security system has been instaled in colleen’s mobile home, she doesn’t sound too confident. Morag however is keen for colleen to0 move back into her own place.


Maz has headphone on. She’s participating in Dex & co’s experiment. As she listens to the engine sounds, they get a saliva swab from her. When Maz is finished, the boys ask Morag - who is keen on their “green” cars versus gas guzzlers idea.


Liam & Bianca agree to have drinks tonight – as lima has finished writing all the songs for his latest project. Bianca talks to April – who has a headache. April doesn't say anything, but she’s annoyed Bianca doesn’t say anything bout her birthday.

Dex, Casey & Xave are in a classroom when Gina sees them. She wonders bout the science project. Casey informs her ta the experiment is complete, they are working ion the analysis now.


Irene talk to Bianca bout April – advent how “out of sorts. Bianca can’t believe that she forgot April’s birthday – when Irene makes a comment bout it.


Bianca majorly apologise to April for forgetting her birthday. She suggests inviting LOTS of April’s friends to a birthday party, but April just wants to rest.


Gina talks top Miles – bout ho9w Casey’s mum is avoiding her phone calls. They are plead te Casey seem to be vigorously into the current science project.


Colleen’s constant taxctics to avid going back and living in her own place are REALLY annoying Morag.


Xave, Dex & Casey debate who should present the science project. Xave isn't keen, as it’s all about female arousal and his mum in the teacher of the class.


Colleen is outside her mobile home. She sees Nic, and chats bout knitting someting for the baby. When Nic continues what she is doing [is doing to hang out some washing], colleen looks very nervus as she gets closer to the door of her home.


The boys present their science project to t the class. Their results show that girls are stimulated more bout the sound of a V8 engine than tat of a hybrid car. Although Gina says she’s more into “green” cars, she isn’t ken to be actually tested.


After MORE colleens stalling, Morag insist she MUST stand on her own 2 feet. Colleen insists she can’t.


Bianca talks to Lima bout how she forgot April’s birthday. Bianca is also convened bout Liam – but he assures her [when she is worried ta he might have a drinking problem[ tat when he did have trouble in the past, it was never with alcohol.


Morag show Colleen a counselling website. Nic insist a the professional counselling helps her last year when she has the needle stick injury.


Dex, Xave & Casey talk bout their project – sound like it’s was a very big success. Dex texts April – telling her his bromance is over and wonders if she would like to do somet8ing.

Gina & Miles talk bout Casey – commenting how he was very passionate bout this latest project. Gina is really keen to speak to Casey’s mum.

Soon after, Cheryl [Casey’s mum] arrives. When Gina talk to Cheryl & Casey, she uses Brendan’s autism, as an example on knowing what difficulties a person has, an being able to teach them accordingly. Cheryl disagrees – insist this isn’t Casey’s fault the school can’t teach him correctly and the like. Cheryl & Casey bail.


Bianca gives April a birthday pressie and tells her they’ve booked a table at Angelo’s of the bday celebtations. Apiuel “goes off” at Bianca – didn’t want party as anyone forgot her birthday, she’s got no real friends and neither of her parents have phoned. April is totally in tears and looks like on verge of a breakdown.



Ruby tells Indi she slept with Romeo

Sid tells Romeo to stay way from Indi

Angelo gives Charlie a tip off bout the River Boys

Thabo is fighting for his life

It's a Designer Label (IADL)


Nic: red top/dark long pants


Bianca: grey & black low cut v neck knee dress


Miles: white [dark silhouette of a woman] t


April: SBH uniform

Brax: dark shirt

Casey: SBH uniform

Cheryl Braxton: dark top/apple green jacket

Colleen: bright multi colour floral blouse/red top/multi colour skirt

Dex: SBH uniform

Gina: grey jacket/grey knee skirt

Irene: dark low cut l/s top

Liam: dark [white “ramones”] t/olive green shirt

Marilyn: dark low cut dress

Miles: dark shirt/denim jeans

Morag: grey cardie/dark top

Xave: SBH uniform


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