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Fri 4 Feb 2011 – Episode # 5223

Guest JosieTash

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My UNOFFICIAL title for this ep, “ THAT Fishing Knife “

[ Screened in Australia on Fri 4 Feb 2011 – Episode # 5223 ]

Note - This ep is part of a triple that screened last night. The last triple ep of H&A to screen in Oz that I can think of is in the days after 9/11 !!!!


Robertson & Charlie interview Daria. She insist that she has no idea where Will is – and that they can’t hold her if they dolt charge here.

Robertson talks to Charlie outside the interview room. They admit they lost BIG time searching for Will [gong to the motel room]. Charlie suggests that might be able to charge her with fraud – the money she got from John.


April is charting ion the Net with someone – she has headphones on so we don't see or hear the other person. After the chat ends, Xavier arrives. Hell’s annoyed April didn’t tell him that she’s moved back in with Irene. April insist at it slipped her mind. She also insists that April & Xavier are totally 100% back together now.


John tells Charlie he gave Daria cash [no receipt etc] but he thinks she paid her van park bill with some of it. Charlie bails – to cheek out if therel;s a receipt etc at the van park.

Xavier enters and tells john he thinks things still aren’t quite right tween he & April. John suggests that Xavier should spoil April with a surprise.


NEXT DAY – the bell rings and a class ends. April teals Xavier that lunch is “on her”. Xavier is surprised but likes the idea. April bails – but leaves her phone behind. The phone beeps – and Xavier sees tat April’s got an msg form Rene. He looks intrigued.


Daria isn’t impressed when Robertson suggested a jail cell is a lot more comfortable that a holding cell. Robertson & Charlie comet etc on Dario’s histrory [i.e. a history of fleecing men about of money & goods]. They also tell her at they are aware she “borrowed” the orange Combi van tat Angelo 1st encountered her in. they’re also going to search her caravan.


Robertson tells Leah they might have had a breakthrough with the Penn case. Leah however isn't paled that Robertson STILL hasn’t ruled out Alf as the killer. She tersely tells him she prefers it when he is vulnerable.


Romeo tells Xavier he’s sooo not enjoying still being at school. Xavier tells Romeo he looks at the messages on April’s phone. They are all in French, but he’s not worried cos they are form a girl called Renee. Romeo then makes Xavier aware ta René is also a MALE man in France.


Robertson & Charlie “grill” Daria bout a sequined hot pink skirt that found in her van = that matches the sequins Robertson found in Penn’s hotel room “centuries” ago. Daria admits teht she slept with Peen days beefer he went missing =- but then she REALLY puts her foot in it, i.e. Daria says something bout Penn being killed with a fishing knife [whish is info that HASNLT been released to the public]!!!!!


Xavier catches up with April. He is surprise tan she is disti9ng school for the arvo. She insist ta she has more important ting to so. April isn't impressed when he says ta he looks at the messages on her phone, but she insists that Rene is her dad’s assistant – and that he is like an uncle to her. Xavier seems convinced by all of that – and they agree the all is well tween again, but as they hug, April still looks like she isn’t telling him everything.


Robertson insist to Daria that Will will “drop her in it”, like he did with Alf. Daria tells Robertson & Charlie she won’t say anything further til her lawyer is present.

Soon after, Robertson tell Chare ita he is keen to play all 3 [Will, Daria & Daria] against each other. He also kinda surprises Charlie by insisting ta he DOES have faith in her abilities.


NIGHT – April talk to Rene on the Net. She tells him she's done as he asked and that”they won’t know what him them.”


It's a Designer Label (IADL)


April: blue knee skirt/yellow [dark dots] blouse/white bow earrings


Leah: blue [purple band under the bust] top


April: dark blue knee dress/hot pink gloves


April: SBH uniform

Charlie: light blue police shirt/dark blue long pants

Daria Hennessey: red shawl/green & white tie dye top/bone long pants/dark halter kini top

John: orange & white vestry stripes shirt/dark long Pants

Robertson: dark suit/white shirt/dark waistcoats/dark [white diag] tie

Romeo: SBH uniform

Xavier: green [white “red wing”] t/denim shorts

Xavier: SBH uniform


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