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Fri 9 July 2010 – Episode # 5115

Guest JosieTash

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My UNOFFICIAL title for this ep, ” A WOEFUL End To A GREAT Day “

[ Screened in Australia on Fri 9 July 2010 – Episode # 5115 ]


A prevoiusly unseen woman – who we later discover is April’s Sister Bianca – stops riding her scooter on the outskirts of town. She likes what she sees [the beaches etc] it looks. She starts riding again.


Rachel, Sid & tee nurses continue to treat the incresingly unwell Hailey.


Elijah tells Leah he didn’t do his talk to VJ’s class – as there wasn't any time left after a fireman told hi story. Elijah insist at he has to jazz up his speech with some of the stuff he did whilst a missionary. Elijah suggests tat he’d have to be Supermen to maths the fireman’s stories. He then pinks up Leah – after she comet she must be his Lois Lane.


Bianca is at the water’s edge – she throws a ring far into the ocean. Liam comet that Bianca is overdressed [see IADL] for the beach/. She returns fire -= by suggesting that he look “intriguing” with a toothpick in his mouth.


Haley still isn't so good, so they need the husband's signature to perform the operation - but he’s not hare yet. Sid tells one of nurses to ensure the husband gets here ASAP.


Irene is intrigued by Bianca’s attire -0 but Bianca bluntly denies it she's just been at an enegenmement party at the sand’s resort. Irene then walks way.

April sits with her sister, and we finds out the Bianca’s just returned form O/S where she’s ;left her latest man as he’s been cheating on her.


Ruby & Liam are singing when Lima stops. He tells Rubes he can’t do this – as being in a recording studio etc started all his troubles [drugs etc] and she isn’t ken to go back there/. She insists he takes his own advice – focus on the music an all else will take care of itself. The studio tech suggests that she get on with it – as they’ve not got the studio booked so too mush longer. Liam & Rubes start singing etc again.


Haley perks up a bit when Sid wonders if she would like to see her newborn baby, but then she is unwell once more. Rachel tells Sid she’s only once seen a post partum bled like the one Haley has.


Elijah is piecing the best bits of the mission work he did – so VJ can has bragghing rights at school. He hasn’t even as yet incl the marital arts that he does.


Ruby & Liam end their recoring session. Ruby comets this has been such a GREAT day- and it get better for her wahine she & Liam hug.


Haley knows she is sooo losing her fight for life and thinks that Sid is her man David. The nurse seems impress that Sid goes with what Haley is saying – saying that he will look after their son. Haley says “I love you” and Sid says that he loves her. Haley flat lines!!!!


April is annoyed that Bianca [who is a teacher btw] is late by 3 weeks getting to the bay – as April was left to fen for herself. When April wonder whey Bianca is still in the dress eh wore to engagement party, Bianca insist at she is making a pint – but she doesn’t know what that pointy is as yet.


Rachel & Sid aer talking bout Haley -= washing they could have done more when David [Hayley’s man] arrives. Sid tells him that his new baby son is fine, But they hav to tjhalkk bout hakey.


Irene rally like the mock album cover that Ruby has created – it’s a cool pic of Rubes *& Liam.

Leah almost can’t believe all the cooooooool things baht Elijah has done as a missionary – incl saving ppl when their town was flooded. She wonder if he thinks tax being a minister at a small parish like this is boring, but he tells her when God call, you’d don’t say no.


Bianca goes to the bar and she encounters Liam. They continue what they started on the beach – and Ruby is gutted when she arrives and sees Lima talking to Bianca, sp, when Bianca tells Liam “just beacsue you want something, doesn't man you’re going to get it”. Ruby bacsk tracks – and screws up the mock album cover she made.


AS they heed to, and get on, Bianca’s scoter, Bianca & April chat – including April telling Bianca that she doesn’t how she survioved without Bianca’s words of wisdon. Bianca start up the scoter 0- and they ride off


Rach & Sid are chatting when Nurse Gloria & Veronica arrive. Sid is surprised and please when they tell him that all the nurses will n be very pleased to work with him – after what he earlier today [pretending to be Hayley’s man].

Sid & Rachel bail – but not before Alf tell them that this place is about to be closed for the refurbishment. Sis comets it how its time for a god new start for everyone.


Sid is surprise when there’s a nock on the door. Its;’ veronica who is keen to keep Sid company after their tough day at work. She insists she’s not after a long term commitment. Sid is apprehensious – but lets her in.



Ruby [in tears] tells Irene “I’m just a dumb schoolgirl who doesn’t know anything”

Indi’s not impressed with Sid/Veronica [on to of Sid/Marilyn]

Penn sets fire to a police car

It's a Designer Label (IADL)


Bianca Scott: red low cut v neck maxi dress


Ruby: dark strapless knee dress/tan belt/tan headband


Rachel: dark blue [dark ink blots type motifs] dress


Alf: bone Noah’s button up shirt/dark long pants

April: dark [white unknown motifs] elbow sleeves top/dark [white dots] ¾ pants

David [Hayley’s man]: dark jacket/white [check] shirt

Elijah: dark [white horiz stripes] t

Elijah: dark singlet/red & black shorts

Irene: white [purple floral] elbow sleeves top

Leah: orange [silver studs on bust] thin strap top/white short shorts

Liam: white [red check] shirt/dark sleeveless jacket/dark long pants

Nurse Gloria: dark top/dark long pants

Nurse Gloria: mauve [work] blouse

Nurse Julia: mauve [work] blouse

Nurse Veronica: dark jacket/mauve [work] blouse/dark long pants

Nurse Veronica: dark thin strap dress/silver stud belt

Sid: purple [dark very stripes] button up shirt/dark t/dark long pants

Studio Dude: dark [white dots] hat/khaki l/s shirt


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