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Guest bradyell

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I'm glad Nicole knows Nathan's about, I was worried when she came home upset that something had happened to Roman.Loved the bit at the start with them all in bed together.

  • 1 month later...

It's been ages, i know! But...i do have an excuse....i have an accute case of Take That fever!! You are very lucky that this isn't just a chapter filled with their lyrics :lol: Got my third and final (for this tour anyways) date with them next week so maybe then you might get updates a little more regularly but i can't promise :lol: So yeah....enjoy :D


Aden managed to rein in his temper as he consoled Nicole who began to sob again as soon as Nathan’s name slipped over her lips. He had to fight with everything he had to remain in his seat and keep his arms around the distraught girl in front of him. Visions of Nicole lay underneath Nathan as he attempted to assault her mingled in his head with the even more disturbing ones of the man being alone with his precious baby girl. Just the mere thought of it made him feel sick to his stomach and as much as he needed answers there was a part of him dreading the conversation with Angelo about what he saw when he found Lola. He was sure that Angelo would have told him immediately if he had suspected anything untoward had happened but for his own peace of mind he needed to question his friend.

“I…I’m sorry.” Nicole sniffed as she lifted her head from his shoulder once she had finally managed to get her emotions in check. “I just…I…”

“Hey, shhh, you don’t need to apologise, it’s alright.” Aden murmured in reply, pressing a kiss to her forehead.

“I thought…I never expected…and now he…” Nicole was struggling to complete a sentence so paused for a moment to take a deep calming breath, staring into Aden’s eyes which instantly made her feel safe and loved gave her the strength to continue. “I thought that it was over, that I’d never have to see him again but now….”

“You don’t have to worry sweetheart, he won’t be getting near to you ok? I’ll see to that.”

“He…he was with Lola, Aden.” She whispered

“I know.” He nodded knowing that he couldn’t hide his fear from her. “I’m sure nothing happened but I’ll check with Angelo and I’m going to speak to Charlie too, make sure she keeps her eyes open for him. He’s probably left town by now but babe, I promise, he will not hurt you again and if he even tries to get anywhere near you or Lola….well, he’ll regret it.”

“I don’t want you doing anything that will get you into trouble. I…we…Lola and I, we need you here with us.”

“I won’t get into trouble.” He managed a smile and was relieved to feel one form on her lips as he pressed his against them in a reassuring kiss. “You alright here if I go and call Angelo and then go and see to missy?” he asked as he pulled away.

“Yeah…yeah, I’ll be fine. You talk to Angelo and I’ll go and see Lola. I guess I have some creeping to do for going to see dad without her?”

“You know her too well.” Aden grinned.


After a lengthy phone call to Angelo Aden felt reassured that nothing sinister had happened in the brief time that Lola had been alone with Nathan but he still felt uneasy about the fact that he’d even been close to the most precious thing in his world. He briefly filled Angelo in on what had happened between Nicole and Nathan and the other man, after expressing his anger, had told him that he’d keep his eyes peeled around town and let him know if he saw Nathan again. He also insisted Aden let him know if he needed any help if Nathan did show up claiming that he “had his back” which Aden was extremely grateful for.

After the phone call he joined Nicole and Lola and they spent a happy few hours playing together before the three of them went to visit Roman. Not wanting to tire Roman further they only stayed for a short while and then returned home where Nicole insisted on preparing dinner whilst Aden snuggled up on the couch with Lola and watched a movie.

The little girl watched in silence for the first fifteen minutes or so of the film then turned to her father.

“Daddy?” she muttered lifting her head from his chest.

“Yeah bub?”

“Ariel is very pretty isn’t she?” She asked gesturing to the little mermaid who was currently singing on the screen.

“I guess.” Aden replied with a chuckle.

“Is she pretty more than me?”

“What!” Aden exclaimed. “Lola Belle, you should know by now that there is nobody prettier than you! All of the Disney princess’s put together can’t even come close to being as beautiful as you.”

“Why daddy?”

“Why? Why what? Why are you beautiful?”

“Uh huh.” Lola nodded as she climbed up onto her knees so she could see Aden properly.

He bit back a chuckle as he lifted her onto his lap, unable to resist brushing a kiss on her forehead.

“Oh, I guess it’s got something to do with these gorgeous big brown eyes…” he brushed his thumb gently under her eye as she widened them dramatically making him laugh. “….this cute little button nose…” he continued tapping his finger against it. “……We can’t forget these pouty little lips….” He smacked a quick kiss against them and this time it was Lola who giggled.

“That’s a lot of things daddy.”

“They’re not even the most important, most beautiful part.” He grinned.

“What is then?” The little girl asked. “Oooo, daddy, is it my hair? Nana Rene says my hair is very beautiful when I let her brush it.”

“It is very beautiful…” Aden agreed running his hand over her hair and then tucking a lock behind her ear. “…but the most beautiful thing about you my baby girl is right in here.” He said placing a hand delicately on her chest.

“In my T-shirt?” Lola asked a look of confusion marring her features.

“Sort of.” Aden smiled. “Your incredible, big, amazing heart is the most beautiful thing about you angel.”

“My heart? But you can’t even sees my heart.” Lola muttered pulling on the neck of her top and peering down to her chest just to make sure.

Aden laughed again at her actions before pulling her into a quick hug.

“I can’t see it like I see your eyes or your nose but every time we hug or you do something kind for somebody or you get upset when somebody you love is hurt….then I see it princess and it makes me so, so proud to be your daddy.”

“My heart?” Lola asked still confused.

“Your heart.” Aden reiterated. “I should have gone with the easy answer.” He murmured to himself although Lola picked up on it.

“What is the easy answer?”

“The easy answer would be you are beautiful because you have my genes.” He answered with a chuckle that grew along with the look of confusion on his daughters face.

“But daddy, I have my jeans not yours. Yours are too, too big for me.”


“That was quick.” Nicole commented when Aden strolled down the stairs fifteen minutes after taking Lola up to bed.

“What can I say...?” Aden grinned as he flopped down onto the couch next to her. “…Super dad strikes again!”

“She’s in your bed then I take it?”

“Nope, all tucked up in her own bed looking completely gorgeous and just about asleep.”

“Of course she looks gorgeous, she always does.” Nicole replied with a grin. “So, what did you bribe her with?”

“Hey! I don’t bribe her!” Aden exclaimed to which Nicole raised an eyebrow. “I like to think of it more as…creative coaxing.”

Nicole laughed as he pulled her towards him and she snuggled into his side. “So what did you creatively coax her with then?”

“A double scoop ice cream from the surf club tomorrow.” He replied sheepishly

“Was that her idea or yours?”

“Hers, why? Aden asked

“Because I promised her the same thing to get out of her bad books earlier!”

“The little minx.” Aden chuckled. “We should both buy her one and then make her eat them both! That would teach her!”

“As if you would!” Nicole grinned knowing full well that he would never follow through with the threat.

“You calling me a soft touch?” He teased gently tickling her side with the arm he had looped around her waist.

“If the cap fits.” Nicole giggled.

“Whatever!” Aden responded with a huff that was nowhere near as convincing as he had hoped. “So….” He murmured after they had fallen into a silence.

“Hmmm.” Nicole replied. “It’s been quite the weekend so far huh?”

“Yeah.” He agreed with a nod. “I do like the way it started though.” He couldn’t keep the smile from his face as he referred to the few hours they had spent alone together the previous day.

“Yeah, that was pretty nice.” Nicole smiled back as she shifted position so she could look at him

“It was way more than nice sweetheart.” Aden whispered as he leant down and pressed his lips to hers.

They kissed for a little while before Aden pulled away not wanting things to get too intense before they had had a chance to talk.

“What?” Nicole whispered as his eyes roamed her face whilst his hand gently brushed her hair from her forehead.

“You ok?” he asked.

“About Nathan you mean?”

“Yeah.” He sighed pulling her closer again.

“I don’t know.” Nicole answered truthfully with a sigh. “I mean, I am beyond relieved about what Angelo said about there being no way anything could have happened with Lola. Just the thought of it….” She trailed off as Aden nodded his understanding, neither one of them wanting to elaborate. “I actually don’t think he would have done anything bu…”

“Are you defending him?” Aden cried.

“What! No!” Nicole insisted. “It’s just…I think…I think it’s me you know?”

“You’ve lost me babe.” Aden replied confusion clear on his face.

“He’s the type of guy who always gets what he wants and I guess…I guess he wanted me and when I turned him down…”

“It did not give him the right to attack you Nic.”

“Yeah I know that Aden, I do and I…I’m scared of what might happen if I see him bu…”

“You don’t need to be scared babe, I told you, I will not let him hurt you again.” Aden cupped her cheek with his hand and stared intently into her eyes and she knew without doubt how much he meant what he was saying.

“I know that. Being with you makes me feel so secure and safe…it always has done but you can’t be with me the whole time… as much as I’m sure you’d love to be.” She added when he tried to interrupt. “Anyway, I don’t want to be scared, always wondering if he’s out there or whatever…that’s not who I am.”

“So what are you saying? You want to confront him or…”

“I’m not stupid enough to go and hunt him down or something but if he does find me…No Aden please, let me finish.” Nicole insisted when she saw he was about to interrupt her again. “When…he attacked me, it wasn’t about sex it was about power and him getting what he thought he was entitled to. If I see him again, I will let him know one way or another that he doesn’t have that power over me and never will.”

“Princess…that’s really brave, I…you know that I know how you feel…” Aden paused for a moment and swallowed hard, talking about his past was not something he was comfortable with doing, even after so many years.

“Yeah, I know.” Nicole whispered.

“I also have a pretty good idea how guys like that scumbag work and like you said yourself; he’s the kind of guy that always gets what he wants. I can’t bare the thought of him being near you babe. I get that you feel you need to confront him and I am so proud of you for feeling strong enough to do that but please baby, please promise me that you won’t put yourself in danger. If you see him and you’re alone I want you to run away from him, find help…can you promise me that? Please Nic.”

Nicole nodded in agreement not able to trust that her voice wouldn’t break if she spoke.

“Thank you.” Aden whispered “I want…need for you to be safe. I…I love you Nic.”



Ellen, that was beautiful. I've missed my protective, gorgeous, beautiful Aden recently.

That was so amazingly well written.

Loved Aden's protectiveness over Lola & making sure with Angelo that nothing could've happened to her.

& then wanting ... needing to protect Nicole.

It was just so lovely. Absolutely beautiful. Really well done.

Love Carina xxx :wub:

P.S. I see Take That in four more sleeps ...


And a big welcome back to this fiction!I loved the whole chat between Aden and Lola, with him tying himself in knots as he tried to explain why she was beautiful.Bit worried about Nathan though and not sure Nicole's idea is particularly sensible...

  • 2 weeks later...
  • 3 months later...

I'm baaaaaaaaaaaaack :lol:

So sorry it's been such a long time...been kinda un-motivated for various reasons which I won't bore you with here....to get back into the swing of things this chap is pretty much a filler and is pretty much fluff all the way....hope it's worth the loooooooooooooooooooong wait!!!



Aden was huddled with a number of other parents in the small cloakroom outside of Lola’s pre-school classroom and chuckled to himself as she came barrelling towards him at full speed.

“Hey angel.” He greeted as he lifted her into his arms only for her to squirm to be put down before he could plant a kiss on her cheek as he had planned.

“Ewwww! Daddy! You’re all wet and squishy!”

“That’s because it’s raining and you’re going to be just as wet in just a minute. We have to run to the car.”

“Didn’t you bring my brella?”

“Sorry bub, I came straight from work.” Aden explained as he crouched down to help her fasten her coat.

Lola sighed deeply as she looked out of the window at the pouring rain and then back to Aden, her small brow furrowed in frustration.

“I don’t like being wet.” She pouted.

“You don’t have a problem with it when we’re at the beach or at bath time.”


“Because.” Aden corrected, biting back a laugh as her look of frustration only increased.

“Because…” Lola emphasised the word “…at the beach I have my swimmy things on and at bath time I have…I have nothing on then.” A tiny giggle escaped her as she tried to remain serious causing Aden to grin even more. “I don’t want my form to get wet.”

“Ok little fuss pot, come here. And it’s uniform.” He added as he unzipped his own jacket and held it open.

“Am I gonna be in your coat daddy?”

“Yes, you are going to be in my coat. At least we’ll try, come on.”

He pulled the little girl as close to his chest as he could and when she wrapped her arms around his neck he lifted her easily with one arm using the other to try and pull his coat around them both.

“How’s that?” He asked when he had her as wrapped up as well he could manage.

“It’s good.” Lola grinned “You’re all warm and toasty daddy. Can you do my hood?”

“I sure can baby, you just have to give me a kiss first.”

Lola giggled as she smacked a kiss against his lips whilst he pulled the hood of her coat up over her long blonde hair tucking a few stray strands under once it was over her head.

“I love you baby girl. Let’s get going huh? You holding on tight?”

“Yup.” The little girl answered and Aden chuckled as he felt her arms tighten even more around his neck. She buried her face into his shoulder causing her voice to be muffled when she called at Aden to run.

As soon as he reached the door he realised that the rain was falling even harder than it had been a few minutes previously. With a deep breath and a final check that Lola was ok he headed through the door and ran as fast as he could towards the car park. As he neared his car he slowed down and fished his car key from his pocket pushing the button to unlock the door as he reached out to open it. With Lola still in his arms he slid into the drivers seat pulling the door shut behind him quickly.

“That was fun.” Lola cried as she lifted her head. “I can be out now daddy.”

“I don’t know if fun’s the word I’d use.” Aden chuckled as he loosened his hold on the little girl, his coat falling to the sides as he did so. “There you go Lola girl, get into your seat.”

Lola scrambled over into the back of the car and climbed into her booster seat.

“You need help with the belt?” Aden asked, turning in his seat to face her.

“Nope, I got it daddy. Coley is going to be very squishy when she gets home. Even more squishier than you.” Lola babbled as she pulled her seatbelt around her and slotted the clip into the slot.

“Didn’t she take her car?”

“Nope.” Lola answered Aden’s question. “It was sunny and there was no rain at morning time.”

“I guess not.” Aden replied as he pulled his phone from his pocket. “I’ll give her a call and tell her we’ll pick her up.”

“Good idea, then she won’t be squishy.”

Aden chuckled as he waited for the call to be connected, his smile widening when Nicole answered.

“Hey beautiful.” He greeted her.

“Hi handsome. What can I do for you?” She asked

“What? I need a reason to call? I can’t just call to say I love you?”

“All right Stevie Wonder.” Nicole giggled “I love you too but what did you really want?”

Aden laughed again before replying.

“I just called to tell you not to leave yet. Lola and I are on the way to pick you up.”

“Aden.” Nicole sighed “I thought we’d agreed yesterday on no more over protective…ness!”

It had been two weeks since the accident and Nathan having been spotted in town and since then Aden had made sure Nicole wasn’t alone anywhere outside of the house. The previous day Nicole had finally flipped and they’d had a discussion resulting in Aden finally relenting and agreeing to relax.

“Honey, it’s been two weeks I don’t think….” Nicole began only to be interrupted by Aden.

“Hey, look I get it, I’m not being over protective….Lola is. She doesn’t want you to get squishy.”


“I take it you can’t see out of a window? It’s raining…a lot!” Aden explained.

“It is? I’ve been organising the store cupboard all afternoon, no window. Is it really that bad?”

“Yeah, it really is, I got soaked just running into the school for missy. So you’ll wait for us yeah?”

“Well I don’t wanna be squishy so….”

“Want to.” Aden corrected with a grin. “We’ll see you in five gorgeous. Love you.”


Even the short run from the school to the car left Nicole soaking wet so as soon as they arrived home she needed to get changed. Lola also having to change out of her uniform came up with the idea of them both changing into their pyjamas and having an impromptu pyjama party. Not being one to ever disappoint the little girl Nicole agreed and then instructed Aden to do the same.

Whilst Aden made him self busy in the kitchen preparing a pizza for their dinner the two girls huddled together on the couch with an array of hair scrunchies and nail varnishes and gave each other mini-makeovers. The laughter coming from them made Aden happier than he had thought possible.

Once dinner was eaten and cleared away they settled down for a movie marathon complete with popcorn and sweets. Lola made it through the first film and half way through the second before she fell asleep, her head resting on Aden’s lap and her feet in Nicole’s

“How beautiful is my girl?” Aden grinned as he ran his fingers gently over her hair.

“Very.” Nicole answered simply as she gazed at the little girl.

“I better take her up. How about you change the DVD to something a little less….princessy whilst I’m gone?”

“Sure.” Nicole laughed.

She leant over and dropped a soft kiss onto Lola’s cheek before Aden gathered her into his arms and stood up.

Lola mumbled and snuggled into Aden’s embrace as he quietly shushed her and then made his way carefully up the stairs.

By the time he returned a few minutes later Nicole had slipped the latest Leonardo Dicaprio film into the DVD player and its menu page was filling the TV as she gazed out of the window.

“Penny for them.” Aden commented as he noticed his girlfriend’s faraway look.

“Huh?” Nicole asked as she snapped out of the almost trance like state she had fallen into.

“I was just wondering where you’d drifted off to?” Aden said as he walked over to the window and peered out. “Jeez, it’s still raining.” He added as he twisted the handle to close the blinds.

“Yeah, looks like it’s here for the night.” Nicole replied as he walked over to the sofa and sat down, pulling her into his arms as soon as he was comfortable.

“You alright babe?” he asked, concern marring his features.

“Yeah, I’m fine.” Nicole smiled up at him. “Why?”

“You just looked…you were miles away just then…are you worried about something or…?

“Quite the opposite actually.” She shifted her position slightly so that she could look at him without stretching her neck. “I was just thinking about how great things are right now.”

“Yeah, they are pretty good.” Aden agreed with a grin, unable to resist brushing a kiss against her lips.

“Tonight has just been so….so ordinary I guess and I love that.”

“You love ordinary?” Aden questioned.

“Uh-huh.” Nicole nodded. “There’s usually something going on, something that we have to do or something that one of us is worried about but tonight….”

“Tonight there’s nothing?” Aden completed the sentence.

“Exactly.” Nicole confirmed pressing a kiss to his lips.

“So you aren’t worried about Nathan anymore?”

“Nope. I think he’d have been back by now if he was planning on coming.” Nicole explained holding her finger up against Aden’s lips to stop him from interrupting her. “And if he does come back then I know that he won’t be able to hurt me because one, I won’t let him frighten and get to me and two I have the most amazing boyfriend who I know will keep me safe.”

“Damn right I will.” Aden replied squeezing her tighter to him. “I love you Nic, I’ll never let anyone hurt you.”

“I know and I love you too.” She leant forward and kissed him, having to wait only a fraction of a second before he responded and deepened the kiss. “Now…” she said pulling away from him with a giggle as he let out a groan. “…how about we get back to our ordinary night huh?”

“Kissing me isn’t ordinary then?” Aden smirked arrogantly.

“Not even close.” Nicole whispered seductively moving so that her lips were barely brushing against his “but tonight I want ordinary remember.” She added as she moved away turning towards the TV and settling against his chest with a giggle as he sighed deeply.


By the time the film was finished Nicole was almost asleep and Aden had to guide her sleepy form up the stairs and in to bed.

Rain was still falling relentlessly as he performed his nightly check on all the windows, making sure everything was closed and locked securely. Once that was done he headed back to his room and climbed into bed next to Nicole and it didn’t take long before the patter of the raindrops against the window had lulled him into sleep.

About an hour later a rumble of thunder roused him slightly but it was the noise that followed that caused him to wake fully and he was out of bed and on his feet before he had his eyes open.

“I’m coming baby.” He called to his daughter whose cries had woken him.

He reached Lola’s room to find her sitting upright in bed, her doona clutched under her chin and tears streaming down her cheeks.

“Whoa, it’s alright angel, I’m here, daddy’s here.” He soothed as he crossed the room to perch on her bed. “Come here.” He lifted her into his arms and hers instantly came around his neck.

“I hearded a monster daddy, it roared.” The little girl sobbed into his neck.

“Shhhh” He murmured running a hand tenderly over her hair as he held her close. “It’s not a monster bub, there’s no such thing as monsters remember? It’s just thunder, there’s a storm outside.”

As if the weather was trying to prove him right a big gust of wind rattled the window as he spoke and a flash of lightening lit up the room briefly. He tightened his hold on his daughter just as her small body jumped and trembled at the roll of thunder that followed.

“I’ve got you baby, it’s ok.”

“I don’t like the storm daddy. Make it go away.” Lola cried.

Aden’s heart broke a little as it did every time she asked him to change something that was out of his control.

“I can’t sweetheart but you’re safe here. How about you come in my bed huh?” He suggested knowing that she wouldn’t settle alone as long as the storm continued.

Lola sniffed and nodded then raised her head to look at him, her tear filled eyes pulling on his heartstrings.

“Is Coley in your bed too?” she asked.

Aden hesitated for a second and then nodded slowly.

“Yeah she is.”

“Good.” Lola replied simply before lowering her head back to his shoulder as he stood up and carried her towards his own room. “It’s not nice to be on your alone. Now we can all be together in the storm and Coley can be safe with you too.”

Aden smiled at her response as he lowered her onto his bed.

“What’s going on?” Nicole asked sleepily as Lola crawled up the bed to lie next to her. “What’s wrong princess?” She added with concern when she noticed the tears on Lola’s cheeks.

Before Lola or Aden could reply another flash of lightening quickly followed by a crash of thunder answered for them.

“It’s alright pretty girl.” Nicole beat Aden to soothing Lola who had jumped once again. “Come on in here.” She lifted the quilt and Lola instantly climbed into the bed, burrowing down until she was comfortably nestled in Nicole’s embrace.

Just as Aden was settling down next to them his phone buzzed on the nightstand. He reached out and picked it up, reading the message before keying in a quick reply.

“Everything ok?” Nicole asked.

“Yeah.” Aden replied. “Just your dad checking we’re all alright, apparently it’s going to….” He trailed off when he saw Lola turn to watch him.

“Get worse?” Nicole mouthed above the little girls head.

Aden nodded in answer and moved so that he could pull the two girls into his arms.

“We’re all good here though aren’t we?” he spoke looking directly into his daughter’s big brown eyes, hoping to reassure her a little more.

“You keep us safe daddy?” Lola murmured sleepily her eyes almost closing.

“Always angel.” He whispered as he pressed a kiss to her forehead then lifted his head to kiss Nicole. “I’ll always keep my girls safe.”


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