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Thurs 29 Apr 2010 – Episode # 5064

Guest JosieTash

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My UNOFFICIAL title for this ep, ” Blind Faith Is A Dangerous Thing “

[ Screened in Australia on Thurs 29 Apr 2010 – Episode # 5064 ]


Tony is exercising when John enters. John is a tad surprised tat Tony has given Xavier tee day off training [because of play last night]. John teases Tony – commenting Tony’s style of boxing coaching would be perfect for tee soon to start boxercise classes at tee gym.


Tony tells Rach if John wasn’t Gina’s b/f, Tony wouldn’t be so restrained with him. Tony is pleased john does not known bout his plan to teach boxing to underprivileged kids.


When Miles talk to Rabbit, she tells him her predistions etc are meant to be cryptic. She insist that she is doing Leah ^& co a favour. Miles tell her they don’t it that way.


Leah tells Rach she is worried bout Miles. Rach insists that Miles has to ask for their help – she also doesn't thick Leah’s suggestion of Miles doing martial arts like Leah is will help.


Gina tells Elijah & John she missed the play last night – one of et students actually broke a leg before it started.

John & Gina talk bout how Tony seems more enthused bout tee boxing ting than Xavier – although, in that case it’s weird Xavier has a locker here. That news [locker] is something Gina didn’t know.


Leah is frightened when she sees Miles in her house. He tells her tee front door was open. She is worried when he always her talks to/see s rabbit all the time. When Leah queries humic further buit this, Rabbit “suggest” that she & miles should bail – and they do.


Leah talks to Elijah bout Miles. Elijah comet at just because they don’t believe in Rabbit, doesn't mean she doesn’t exist. When he makes a similar statement bout ppl believing in God etc, colleen says of course God exits – tee bible says so.


Leah & Elijah arrive, and Miles apologises for scaring them. When Miles ask Rabbit for further details bout what she saw, he tells Leah & Elijah tat Rabbit said it’s for her to know, and them to find out. Miles also comets on how Rabbit is a bit of a know it all kid.


Rach & Gina talk bout John & Tony. Rach is esp. keen for John not to scupper Tony’s boxing class plans. Gina is intrigued when Rach stells her that Xavier isn;t that mush into9 boxing.


Leah isn’t ken when Elijah tries to talk to Rabbit. indeed, she pulls him aside top say so. Elijah tells her they have to be compassionate towards Miles fight now.


John challenges Tony to a boxing maths. Tony declines.


Elijah tries to talk to Rabbit once more – asking her whether she is like an angel or a demon to his faith. Btw, it’s all V ghost whisper-ish – with Miles relaying Rabbits’ answers to Elijah. As the answers are rather complex, Elijah suggest tat its doesn’t sound like a child he is talking to. It’s more like an adult who doesn’t want to take responsibility for his actions.


Rach “suggest” to Tony he has to sort this thing with John out. Tony say he will – and he bails.


Gina is word bout why xaiver has THAT locker.

Tony arrives – and accepts John’s boxing maths challenge. Gina isn’t impressed.


Elijah tell Miles whilst believing in something is admirable, blind faith cam be dangerous. Elijah wonder to Miles if Rabbit is wortth all of this. Leah & Elijah are worried buy miles response - he bluntly says “thanks for coming round”. Leah & Elijah bail.


It’s after hours, and Gina & John open Xavier’s locker. They find that shoebox full of money.


Elijah * Leah talk bout Miles. Elijah is worried bout Rabbit will get Miles to do next.


Gina doesn’t think even if Xacver was dealing drugs again he would have amassed on this money. She insist to John t she need t9o speak to Xavier – and doesn’t care they accessed the locker without his permission.



A message on Justin’s phone sounds like it’s the key to everything

It's a Designer Label (IADL)


Gina: silver elbow sleeves top


Leah: tan low cut thin strap top/dark knee skirt


Rachel: red [yellow dots] blouse/dark vest


Colleen: various bright colour floral blouse

Elijah: priest outfit

Gina: grey suit/dark top

John: dark suit/white shirt

Miles: brown [dark unknown motif] t/denim jeans

Rabbit: red t/denim vets/red & white horiz stripes shorts

Tony: brown [white “puma”] t

Tony: white singlet/dark shorts

Tony: yellow, black & white v neck t


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