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Mon 9 Nov 09 – Episode # 4981

Guest JosieTash

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My UNOFFICIAL title for this ep, ” Seaside Soaking “

[ Screened in Australia on Mon 9 Nov 09 – Episode # 4981 ]


Tony & Rach are chatting when they see Miles. As Rach begins to assess his injuries, ahs tell Tony to ring for an ambulance.


Miles [naturally] doesn’t look/sound the bet as Rach talks to him. She doe tell him that he’s suffered no major damage – not even concussion. Miles is keen to go home, but Rach insist they keep him in her for obs for a few hours.

Miles init stat et should phone Alf bout this, not Nic – sine it’s the lat day of her exams today.


Alf, Nic ^& Romeo are talking – and there’s puzzles that miles isn’t here. The line of Alf & Leah aren’t expertly overly pleased buy all the school [yr 12] are in the diner at moment.

Nic bails to go to her exams – and secs later, Alf’s phone rings. He is told bout Miles.


Lima ask Aden if he could steer clear of this place tonight – as he is planning a special diner for Nic. Aden gives Lima a bit of a hard time, but agree to do so,.


As Leah & t9ony talk bout the attack on Miles. Vj looks very guilty [but they don’t notice]. Vj – keen to get out of there – reninds Leah that he’s be late for school if they don’t bail night now, so Leah & Vj bail.


Watson speaks to Miles bout what happened. Miles suggest that this might have been the work of Riley’s dad. Miles doesn’t think it could be Riley & his hang [when Romeo suggests that].

Watson has juts left Miles room when Leah arrives. Watson is keen to talk to Leah later. After Leah enters Miles room, she is quite shocked at what’s happened.


Lima is teaching a redhead to play guitar. She thinks tat maybe it’s too hard – and that she should maybe try drums. The girl seem more interested in Liam that the lessons, and is esp. keen when he responds [to one of her questions] by seeing the there are bedrooms upstairs. Liam also makes it clear a he has a g/f, and the girl bails – but not before calling Lima a washed up old rock star.


There are Yr 12 students everywhere in the diner, when Nic enters. Liam is waiting for her and he gives her a big bunch of yellow flowers. Nic is VERY pleased that the last of her exams are over.

Leah talks to Nic – she is surprise that Nic doesn’t yet know about Miles.


Nic is concerned as everyone else for Miles, and she says she isn’t going to a party tonight to celebrate because of what’s happened. Miles insist she goes to the party. She says she will go – but not until Miles in discharged form hospital.


Watson takes pics of Miles. She tells him that Riley had an alibi for when the attack happened – he was out working on a fishing trawler. That info [Riley’s dad has alibi] makes Romeo REALLY curious.


Nic is walking along and as she is just about to talk to Aden, Gonk and his mates soak her with the water pistols. Nic, who spend AGES getting ready doesn’t thinks its funny, but And thinks tat it kinda is. He gives her a towel to dry herself off – and agrees to be her “bodyguard” for the rest of the day.

Nearby, Romeo speaks to VJ. Romeo tells VJ that he too was once bullied. Romeo also insists that tings won’t change unless VJ stands up to the ppl bullying him.


Nic & Aden talk about what happened to Miles. Aden then picks Nic up and carries her into the water, where he dunks her. Nic is initially so not ipressed but seem to get more into this kind of things as the seconds pass.


Liam is busy preparing a candlelit diner for Nic. He leaves a message on her phone – wondering where she is.


Romeo tells Miles & Alf tat VJ knows who did this. Miles doesn’t want to police involve – her want to speak to Riley to sort thins out.


Nic & and agree that they should have been there for each other more at different time this year. When Aden wonder about tonight, Nic tells him that Liam didn’t say he had any special plans.


Lima sits at the table – wonderinng where Nic is.

Soon after, Nic & Aden arrive – and Nic sees the candlelit table etc. Lima isn’t too impressed with Nic.


As Miles talk to Riley, he realises that it REALLY truly was Riley was one of the pal who attacked him. Miles realises that when he sees the fluro orange shoelaces that Riley is wearing. Miles garbs Riley – but Riley escapes his grasp. Riley tells Mils that he will tell his dad bout this. After Riley goes into the house, Miles looks distressed at what he’s just done.



Miles is charged with assaulting Riley

It's A Designer Label (IADL)


Nicole: silver [dark swirls] halter top/yellow halter bikini top/blask leather long pants


Rachel: white cardy/dark grey knee length dress


Aden: blue singlet/white [light blue horiz stripes] shorts


Aden: dark long pants

Alf: red & blask check [like the SBHuniform] button up shirt/bone long pants

Blood nut Music Student: sliver [dark swirls] “Hollywood tape” dress

Gonk: dark [red sun swirl motif] t

Leah: blask [with blue on left hand side] thin strap knee length dress

Liam: dark [pink clothed cartoon character motif] t/denim jeans

Liam: red [white check] button up shirt/dark sleeveless jacket

Miles: dark [blue trim & yellow sleeves] wetsuit

Miles: dark button up shirt/khaki t

Nicole: SBH uniform

Riley: dark jacket/white [dark swirls] shorts/white [with orange laces] shoes

Romeo: light grey [with dark trim] jacket/dark [grey unknown logo] t/dark long pants

Tony: white [blask sleeves and “23”] t/dark shorts

VJ: blue (primary school) button up shirt/grey shorts

Watson: light blue (police uniform) button up shirt/ dark blue long pants


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