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Just When I'd Given Up Dreaming

Guest bennyboy19

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Chapter 5

Another day slowly passed before Aden was able to leave the hospital. Packing the bag that Nicole had given him, he checked out. He strolled along the beach for about an hour, remembering the events of that night. The wave of emotion that had taken him, that had forced him off that cliff. He had to laugh, he had been completely stupid to trust a stranger like that. Especially one that nobody else believed existed. That wasn’t possible, was it? He couldn’t have been making this whole thing up, could he?

He reached the surf club, noticing Liam standing outside, leaning against the wall drinking a juice from Noah’s Bar.

‘I heard about your accident.’ Liam shook his head. ‘Man, you do dramatic so well.’

‘Shut up.’ Aden rolled his eyes. ‘What did you want me for? Before the accident I mean. I tried to call you back.’

‘Oh.’ Was all he said, he looked down to his cup. ‘Yeah... about that.’


Liam shook his head again. ‘She never told you, did she? Before she died I mean?’

Aden looked puzzled, his eyebrows lowered suspiciously. ‘Told me what?’

Liam leapt off the wall and walked away, before turning back to Aden. ‘I guess you’ll find out soon.’

Aden wanted to protest, raising a hand to stop Liam, yet it was in vain. Liam had already left.


Geoff and Claudia sat at the back of diner long before Aden came in. Motioning him towards the table, they shifted to allow him to sit.

‘Hey mate, how you going?’ Geoff asked.

‘Fantastic. Hey, has Liam said anything to you about Belle?’

Geoff looked at Claudia, then back. ‘No. I don’t think so...?’

‘Ah, never mind. He was being a jerk about it anyway.’ Aden looked away, seeing as Nicole entered.

‘Great,’ Claudia murmured, quickly noticing as Aden heard her.

Nicole hurriedly moved towards them, grasping Aden by the neck. ‘What are you doing here? You’re supposed to be at home resting!’

Aden laughed, pretending to joke. ‘Yeah, well I’m tired of resting.’

Nicole yelled at him. ‘Do you think this is a joke?’

Geoff and Claudia swiftly shook their head, trying hard not to laugh at Nicole’s serious side, before Geoff broke in. ‘You better take him home then. You never know, another imaginary girl might sweep him off his feet and tell him to set himself on fire.’

‘Is that supposed to be funny?’ Aden turned to his scowling. ‘Cos’ this isn’t a joke okay. I saw her!’

Geoff raised his hand, looking down, embarrassed. Aden then stood, walking away with Nicole. Stopping at the door, Aden looked at Geoff, and shook his head.


The night was drawing to a close and Aden had already retired to his bedroom. He no longer wanted to speak with Nicole, and quite simply, wanted to go to bed, with her in his arms. How long was this moping going to last? It had been months after all. He cringed. It would last forever. She was the love of his life.

Feeling a lump next to him, he rolled over and looked into her beautiful eyes. She smiled, before kissing him. ‘I love you Aden.’

‘I love you too, Belle.’ He kissed her again until she pushed him away.

‘Whoa! Steady there!’ She yelled, Aden jumped back, noticing it wasn’t Belle at all, it was the other one. The imaginary girl.

‘What the hell are you doing in my house?’ He gathered the sheets around his exposed body. ‘Who the hell do you think you are?’

She laughed at him. ‘Please, if you don’t know by now then you truly are off with the fairies.’

Aden turned from the bed, putting on a pair of pants from the ground, before turning to look at her. She had similarities to Belle. They both had a pixie-like nature, but that was where the similarities ended. ‘Who are you?’

She rose from the bed. ‘Do you really have to ask?’

‘Yes.’ He murmured as she placed a finger upon his lip. ‘Yes!’

She shook and her and laughed, before retreating to his window. ‘The name’s Naomi. Remember it.’

She climbed out of the window and into the night. Aden turned, throwing his pillow against the bedroom door. Naomi! She did exist. She did.


The next morning Aden was awoken to the down of knocking on the front door. Running to open it, he threw on a shirt. Standing there, was a woman. Tall, greying brown hair and dark eyes.

‘Can I help you?’

‘Are you Aden Jefferies?’ The woman spoke casually.

‘Yes.’ He looked confused.

‘Good.’ She pushed past him, noticing too that her daughter accompanied her. Naomi. Aden fumed. Before he could say anything, the pair had sat down on the sofa. ‘Now, there is something I must discuss with you. I called a woman’s... Irene... yes, Irene’s home and spoke with a man named Liam. He gave me your address.’

‘Can I just ask... who are you?’

‘Right, I guess we do owe you an explanation. My name is Rebecca Taylor, this is my daughter Naomi. We we’re Belle’s adoptive family, before she came to the Bay.’ The realisation sunk in. She was Belle’s sister? Not by relation however. Only adoptive siblings. He looked at her, and she bore a cheeky grin.

‘So is there something I can help you with?’ Aden sat in an opposing sofa.

‘Yes. Well you see, we read about Belle’s death in the paper. A cancer patient, how tragic.’ She said, pretending to blow her nose. ‘Well you see, she received a large amount of compensation from some development site. As well as the money obtained from life insurance. We want what is rightfully ours.’

Aden opened his mouth to object, anger rising. ‘What the hell do you mean?’

‘We want the money Aden. I was her mother for most of her life, and now I want what is rightfully mine.’

Aden stood. ‘Over my dead body. Get out!’

Rebecca stood. ‘Now, we must talk about this reasonably.’

‘Get out!’ Rage took over Aden, forcing Rebecca and Naomi to make for the door immediately. Naomi turned, before kissing Aden on the cheek. She laughed, before he slammed the door in their faces.

He returned to the kitchen, took out a beer, and looked at the photo of him and Belle on the fridge. The money. Didn’t they even care? He placed his finger on Belle’s cheek, and smiled.

‘I won’t let them hurt you.’

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So she does exist! Yay! Aden's not completely losing it! And she has a name! :lol:

Loved that chapter once again. I can't believe that Belle's adoptive family had the nerve to come around and ask for the money like that! <_< Glad Aden put them in their place.

That ending was sad. Bless him.

Cannot wait for more!


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