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If No One Will Listen

Guest Louise_2983

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Cant wait to read more!!

hopefully another chapter soon!!

we are like vultures with this Fic - barely an hour after the most recent update we are asking for more!

spose that shows you how much it is liked :D

yeah so....

Update soon?..... :lol:

Aww thanks, you sure know how to make me feel appreciated :D

Thanks for the lovely comments everyone :D

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Chapter 7

“You can’t have been out of rehab for more than a few hours and you’ve already bought your first fix to celebrate?” she sighed in disappointment as she gazed down at the package lying on her blue doona.

“Erm hello?” he chuckled softly with a nod towards the jiffy bag she was still clutching.

“Pot calling kettle...you’re black!”

“I haven’t just got out, I flushed the stuff away and I didn’t buy them anyway!” she protested, throwing the torn padded envelope into her waste bin.

“They were waiting by the back door when I got home, my dealer is obviously missing his hottest client” she smirked and he threw back his head, letting a burst of laughter slip over his lips.

“I missed you, it wasn’t the same in there without you” he smiled softly.

“What? Less pretty?” she winked as he chuckled again.

“Something like that”

“Liam, what are you doing?” she sighed in frustration as her gaze fell on the package lying between them once more.

“Chelsea took Ash to live in America” he mumbled, the curve of his smile disappearing as sadness flashed over his face.

“God, I’m sorry”

“Not your fault” he shrugged trying to feign nonchalance but failing.

“Well at least not directly anyway. I think that article about our “rehab romance” might have contributed to her decision slightly”

“That was my fault” she groaned loudly, perching her body on the edge of the bed.

“I should never have sent Annie to the photo place”

“You didn’t know that was going to happen” he smiled weakly before a cheeky grin took over.

“But you know if you were going to ruin my life it would have been nice to at least get some sex out of it!”

“Shut up, you wish!” she giggled slapping him playfully on the arm, her gentle tap too light to cause him any real pain.

“Domestic violence but no sex? Seriously this relationship is just no good for me at all!” he announced dramatically before flopping backwards against her fluffy pillows and sighing deeply.

“Did you take anything?” she asked hesitantly not sure she wanted to know the answer.

“No, I thought about it, I almost did it Belle but it the end I just stuffed it in my pocket and made a break for it, I had to get out of there”

“Hold on?” she exclaimed in disbelief.

“Are you telling me you get hold of these whilst you were still in rehab?!”

“Yeah” he laughed quietly at the sheer shock shining from her pretty features.


“Belle, you can’t seriously be trying to tell me you didn’t know the guy in the canteen wasn’t talking food when he said he had a “Special menu” if anyone wanted it?”

“Oh my god” she whispered, grabbing the edge of the manila coloured enveloped and turning it over and over in her hands.

“And the counsellors don’t know?”

“Oh they probably know” Liam sighed knowingly.

“But it’s not good for their business if we all recover completely is it? They probably bank on some of us coming back...again and again...so what’s a little insider trading in the grand scheme of things?”

“Well I’m glad I didn’t know” she told him honestly.

“Although I’m not sure what it says about my future as a journalist!”

“I thought you didn’t want to get back into all that?”

“I don’t know” she shrugged uncomfortably as he pulled himself up off the bed and scrutinised the photos tacked to her oval mirror.

“Not sure what else I’d do”

“You could follow me” he grinned cheekily.

“Be my personal slave...I mean tour photographer?”

“Oh but I don’t think there’s enough room for me and your huge ego on the tour bus!” she laughed wickedly.

“And besides I’m not sure getting back into touring is the best thing for you either”

“You might be right there” he nodded solemnly in agreement before pointing to the photos he had been examining.

“So the man in the mirror I take it is the infamous Aden?”

“He’s my ex-boyfriend not a Michael Jackson song!” she quipped with a giggle as he squinted to get a closer look at a photo partially hidden behind a few others.

Aden had his arm slung casually around her shoulders, they looked so happy and carefree it pinched her heart and made her stomach flutter. She was wearing a bright blue dress, a yellow belt nipping

her in at the waist, and Aden was wearing his school uniform.

“Is he still at school?!” Liam exclaimed, scoffing in disbelief.

“Belle Taylor, you little cradle snatcher!”

“That was last year! He’s left now!” she protested slightly too loudly.

“Oh so that makes it ok” he nodded before hitting her with his next line.

Mrs Robinson!

“Shut up! He’s older than me, he just had some problems and had to repeat a year!”

“Whatever you say Belle, I believe you. Millions wouldn’t. Just remember Jesus loves you more than you will know” he told her seriously, his expression deadpan as he recited the song lyrics.

“You’re so not funny” she sniped, poking him in the arm hard as he diverted his attention to a photo of Belle and Aden together with Geoff and Nicole at the Year 12 formal before the night had ended in

total disaster.

She had Aden’s flowers in her hair and for a second she wished she’d somehow managed to keep them and press them rather than have them trampled on in the chaotic aftermath of the accident.

“Oooooh!” He swooned, his eyes flickering over the picture.

Who is the blonde? Do tell!”

“That’s Nicole” she laughed at his obvious choice of women.

“And she is still at school you hypocrite!”

“Oh so that’s the sister who isn’t adverse to a little incest!”

“She’s not really his sister” Belle laughed at his love for gossip even though he hated being the focus of it himself so much.

“Right” he nodded still examining the photo.

“And the guy she’s with that must be Geoff right?”


“And he’s sort of your brother but not really but he is Annie’s brother right?”

“Right” she nodded with a chuckle.

“God and I thought my life was complicated!”

“And you don’t even know the half of it!” she sighed as she headed towards the door.

“Where are you going?” he asked inquisitively.

“To send these on their way to kill some fishes probably” she told her matter of factly before disappearing into the bathroom to flush away his stash.

When she returned a few minutes later she paused in the door simply watching him, her lips kicking up into a tiny smile, until he finally realised she was there.


“Nothing” she laughed softly.

“I just think I’ve just walked into the dream of pretty much every woman in Australia. Liam Murphy in her bedroom cuddling a baby”

“Oh yeah?” he smirked as he gently rocked Angelica in his arms. Clearly comfortable and content in his arms her bright blue eyes gazed up at him as she waved her tiny little hands about in the air.

“Yeah only in the dream it would be our baby of course”

“Well I’ve got nine months to spare if you have gorgeous?” he winked cheekily.

“We could get to work on that right away, my diary’s clear all day!”

“Great!” she smiled enthusiastically, baring all her sparkling white teeth.

“Pencil me in under “Never”!”

“Will do” he smiled as he played with Angelica’s tiny hands.

“But seriously who is this gorgeous little princess you just abandoned in the lounge?”

“I didn’t abandon her she was asleep and then you distracted me!”

“It’s the effect I have on all women”

“Clearly” she laughed as she watched the mesmerised little girl gaze up at him.

“Angelica here is smitten”

“Angelica? Cute” he smiled softly.

“Seriously Belle if you managed to give birth and become strong enough to flush away two lots of drugs in the space of 10 minutes since you left rehab I want some of whatever you’re on!”

“She’s not mine you idiot!” she laughed before explaining who Angelica’s parents were.

“And she seriously didn’t know?” He spluttered when she’d finished the story.

“Nope” Belle shook her head in confirmation.

“Ok so what is she stupid or in denial?”


“Just saying what you’re thinking Taylor!”

“You don’t know me well enough to know what I’m thinking Murphy!” she protested subconsciously thinking that there was only one person who had ever known her that well.

“Not yet” he smiled sadly as he looked down at the beautiful baby girl in his arms once more.

“I miss him Belle”

“I can’t even pretend to understand” she sighed softly wishing there was something she could do.

“I wish I could do something....anything”

“Maybe there is something you could do”

“Go on?” she prodded curiously.

“Let me stay with you for a while?” he asked, hope flickering over his eyes for a brief moment.

“I can’t just go storming after them, I need to sort myself out, show Chelsea I’m serious about being there for Ash and I started going crazy in there after you left. It really helped having someone who I

could talk to, who knew what it was like”

“I’m not sure that’s such a good idea” she sighed in frustration, his big brown eyes looking up at her pleadingly.

“Please Belle, I’ll be good, you won’t even notice that I’m here”


“Morning all!” Aden smiled happily as he practically bounced into the kitchen and Geoff let out a loud groan.

“Not so loud please!”

“What’s wrong with you three?” Aden laughed as he scanned the miserable faces of every member of the household he had just joined.

“Angelica screamed her head off all night!” Annie moaned from where she sat perched at the breakfast bar as she bit into a piece of cold toast.

“Oh no did someone have a bad night?” he cooed leaning down to gaze at the baby girl snuggled inside her pram.

Before he could even see her Belle slotted two fingers down the back of his t-shirt and yanked him away by the collar.

“Don’t you dare go near her! We’ve only just got her to sleep!”

“Yeah!” Geoff exclaimed in annoyance.

“Now she sleeps! Now I’ve got 2 mock exams and footie practice to get through!”

“Don’t shout at us!” Belle hissed back at him.

“You procreated with the girl who throws more hissy fits than any other woman on the planet! Is it any wonder you got a loud baby who cries when it suits her and not our body clocks?!”

“Guys!” Aden laughed gently.

“You’ll wake her if you carry on like this, babies cry that’s what they do. I get that you’re all tired but it’s no one’s fault”

“Whatever I’ve got to go, I’ll be back around 10”

“10?!” Belle exclaimed in horror.

“Aren’t you forgetting the small matter of having a baby to look after Daddy?”

“I have to study sometime Belle!” he protested.

“Annie said she’d take over from you when she gets home from school”

“Yeah I can’t wait” Annie grinned enthusiastically despite her obvious exhaustion.

“Good, then I’ll see you later” Geoff announced, hovering over the pram and debating whether to risk waking his daughter by kissing her. He decided against it and headed out of the door just as Belle’s bedroom door creaked open.

“Belle, is it ok if I grab a shower?” Liam mumbled, rubbing the sleep from his eyes as he emerged topless in a pair of black boxers.

“Yeah of course” she cringed as both Aden and Annie gaped open mouthed.

“There are fresh towels in there”

“Thanks Babe” he muttered before noticing Annie gawping at him.

“Morning Annie” he told her with a nod, disappearing into the bathroom before she had a chance to respond.

“Oh my god!” she exclaimed, her mouth still hanging open, a triangle of toast hanging limply between her fingers.

“Liam Murphy just came out of your bedroom!”

“Yeah Belle” Aden grimaced, his fists clenching slightly at this side.

“Liam Murphy just came out of your bedroom”

“You saw that too huh?” she cringed as Annie hopped off her stool and hurriedly picked up her bag.

“Erm I’m going to meet Jai before school!” she announced before practically racing out of the house.

“What are you doing Belle?” he questioned, shaking his head in disbelief.

“Look Aden calm down! Nothing is going on he’s just staying here for a while. There’s no need for you to blow this all out of proportion because you’re jealous!”

“Of course I’m jealous Belle!” he exclaimed in frustration.

“How would you like it if I had... oh I don’t know Britney Spears sleeping in my bed?”

“Well” she sighed dramatically.

“Yeah I’d probably be jealous at first I admit but then I’d calm down, take a step back and realise that she’s not your type and you were just helping her deal with her problems”

“Belle, Belle, Belle” he sighed with a smirk.

“If Britney Spears was sleeping in my bed I would be doing a hell of a lot more than helping her deal with her problems!”

“Shut up!” she laughed as he continued to glare at her.

“Guys don’t share girls beds without some sort of hidden agenda Belle!”

“Well you did for long enough!”

“That was different”

“And so is this Aden!” she protested, rubbing her temple in frustration. They weren’t even together, she didn’t have to explain herself to him but she felt like she had to.

“He needs my help”

“The guy’s a junkie Belle” he spat angrily, trying to keep his volume down so as not to disturb Angelica.

“He’s dealing with all that!”

“Belle, wake up. He’s a junkie and a no good one at that and I don’t want him anywhere near you or Angelica or Annie!”

“Do you seriously think I would even let him through the door if I thought he would harm a hair on either of their heads?!” she exclaimed hurt that he would think otherwise.

“And if he’s a junkie then so am I and I look after that little girl on a daily basis. Can I expect a visit from Docs soon?”

“Don’t be ridiculous Belle”

“You’re the one being ridiculous Aden! He’s my friend, he needs my help and I’m not just going to turn my back on him like people did to me!”

“Like I did you mean?” he whispered.

“Well if the cap fits, wear it backwards and change your name to Fred Durst Aden!”

“I can apologise for that a million times Belle but I can’t change it”

“No but you can respect my decision not to make the same mistake Aden” she mumbled, tired of going around in circles with him. She wondered if they could ever truly get past what had gone on

between them.

“I just care about you Belle, no scratch that, I love you and I want you to get through this, I don’t want him to drag you back down into the gutter with him”

“He won’t, you just have to trust me” she smiled softly, his concern both touching and angering her in equal measure.

“I do trust you, it’s him I don’t trust”

“I’m the one who has to trust him Aden not you”

“You barely know the guy Belle, he‘s a loser. How many times has he been to rehab now? 5 or was it 6? And every time he ends up overdosing again! And next time if you’re not careful you’ll be with

him! You don’t know s**t about him!” he yelled angrily causing Angelica to wake and emit a series of piercing screams.

“Great now look what you’ve done!” she yelled back at him, hurrying to gather the little girl up in her arms and comfort her.

“He’s staying so get used to it or...”

“Or get out?” he finished her sentence.

“Don’t worry I’m going!”

“Yeah go on walk away from me again!” she screamed as he headed for the door.

He stopped dead in his tracks but didn’t turn to look at her as she softly whispered an apology for her screaming into Angelica’s ear.

“Walk away Aden” she whispered softly as he rotated his body to look at her and saw tears glistening in her eyes.

“Walk away when I need you again but don’t expect me to let you back in this time”

“I’m not going anywhere” he sighed walking slowly towards her and tenderly stroking Angelica’s fair hair.

“I’m sorry sweetheart, I didn’t mean to make you cry” he murmured before holding Belle’s gaze intently.

“Either of you. I just care so much, I can’t stand to see you hurting. I want you to beat this”

“And I will” she told him confidently.

“I just need my friends around to help me and he’s one of my friends. He’s the only person who really knows what this is like. I’ve never stopped you seeing your friends Aden”

“I haven’t got any friends” he laughed realising it was true and feeling slightly pathetic.

“You’ve got Nicole and I think I’m being pretty understanding where she’s concerned! I’m even playing nanny to her daughter”

“You’re doing that for Geoff not for Nicole” he smirked knowingly.

“Maybe but I’m still doing it”

“Yeah you are” he smiled as the bathroom door opened and Liam slipped out, a white towel knotted around his waist.

“Aden, Liam, Liam, Aden” she did the unnecessary introductions as they stared each other down, neither bothering to acknowledge the other.

“Well now you two are introduced, this one needs changing so talk amongst yourselves!” she smiled cheekily before exiting into the bathroom and slamming the door behind her.

“Look Aden” Liam began already half way through Belle’s bedroom door as Aden busied himself in the kitchen pouring a cup of coffee.

“I’m not here to put any moves on Belle mate so you can just relax, she’s yours for the taking”

“I’m not your mate” Aden snapped angrily.

“And it’s not your moves that bother me it’s the drugs”

“I’m off that stuff”

“Right” Aden nodded in disbelief.

“For how long this time?”

“For good” Liam replied adamantly as Aden shook his head and laughed.

“I don’t believe a word you say and Belle doesn’t need you around her tempting her.”

“I told you I’m off the drugs” Liam repeated before nodding sarcastically towards Aden’s coffee.

“What do you want me to do? Prove it? Want me to p**s in your cup?”

“No thanks” Aden replied, not missing a beat.

“I take my coffee black”

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That was full of so many good lines i don't know which ones to focus on so i'll just round up and call em all brill :D

So glad that Aden didn't walk away :wub:

i'm guessing it's going to be fireworks galore between Liam and Aden! should be fun :D

Brill as always - looking forward to more

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Brilliant couple of updates!!!!!!!

that scene in the chapter before with Nicole saying that she did love Angelica was just brilliant!!!!!

Loving Aden being all uncle Aden hehe ^_^ ^_^

Loved that chapter, "i take my coffee black" just brilliant! LOVE Jealous Aden! :wub:

I hope Adelle get back together eventually!


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So so so good. Loved the ending and the comment about taking his coffee black made me LOL.

So happy Aden didn't walk away from Belle and strangely I like Liam. I also like protective Aden :wub:

Brilliant :)

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the humor throughout this lightens the themes just enough, because to be fair - a mother not wanting her child and two human beings going through the latter stages of drug rehabilitation are quite heavy themes to deal with but you strike the balance.. not too much happiness (to make it sickly) or too much depression and sadness (to make us sad :() just right.

Brilliant as usual.. hoping to see more soon. have been unable to find the time to see the show (have it all recorded though) for alot of this month due to exams so this stuff (fan fiction) is getting me through my dark moments.. these boards is like a steaming pile of brilliance for Fan Fiction

Keep up the good work :)

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