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The Dark Side

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Were it not for the obvious road safety implications, the taxi driver returning Jack and Martha from their secluded and secret dinner at the Sands would have been forgiven by most for placing both fingers in his ears as the couple, more than a little fuelled by alcohol worked their way tunelessly through the country's top 40. Martha veering between the offerings by Beyonce and Kelly Clarkson while Jack treated the world to a Britney Spears impersonation that would have given Simon Cowell recurring nightmares.

Arms interlinked , it seemed for one glorious minute as if the months had rolled back and the two soulmates were back in their destined 'zone' -that was until Martha pulled back , and, despite her mellow alcohol-induced state, she turned to Jack with a serious expression and said "Jack, this has been great tonight great -, REALLY great - a glimpse back to how things USED to be between us - but it can't all just change back after tonight - no, I'm not looking for treats every night, you know that's not me, but we NEED to share more time, BE there for each other, and more importantly for Jake - you know ?? "

He nodded, and was about to repeat his vow about how work would no longer dominate their future when he was sliced abruptly into silence by a desperate drumming on the window of the cab accompanied by a wail somewhat akin to a new-born and full-throated piglet complaining of an excessive delay in its feeding time. It was however the far rarer species of 'Highly Distressed Colleen' that was making the shrill din as she attempted to open the door of the cab "Awwww its so ORFUL Constable Holden, but it wasn't my fault, TROOLY it wasn't" - her semi-incoherent explanation disappeared beneath another gulp of choking sobs.

By now, both Jack and Martha were outside the cab- Jack having asked the driver to hold on.

Eventually they unstitched the shocking truth of what had happened from a distraught Colleen - those facts acting better than any cold shower or black coffee in washing the effects of the Sands' finest champagne from their collective consciousness - Martha's hand had shot to her mouth, and tears of impending panic were beginning to prick the corners of her eyes - not helped when Jack broke off his interrogation of Colleen, swivelled around and barked at her "You see ! This would never have happened if I'd been on duty...."

Her random tears turned to a steady flow as she hit back "Oh yes, that'd be right ! Blame ME ! You should have married your damn JOB !. you'd have been a sight happier !!!"

Cursing himself for the blurted outburst, he found his hand being shaken away as he said " Oh look Martha I didn't MEAN that !! It's just the shock......"

Normally Colleen would have been someone to stand back and extract macabre enjoyment from such an exchange, but now she was the one to step in as peacemaker , shrilling "Constable Hawwlden, Maaartha, it's only that poor mite that matters now -and Detective Chief Superintendent Fitzgerald wants you to call her as sooo........"

But Jack was already on the case - his cellphone switched back on and beginning to look like a mini-fairground display as it lit up with all the texts and voice messages he'd been left while dining at the Sands - Jack tutting irascibly as he stabbed the "hang up" button and deleted texts before jabbing the speed dial to the police station, to be inevitably greeted by the tones of Fitzy snapping "Jack, where the HELL have you been ? Just WHAT have I said about phones !!.." - then, as he started to launch his plea of self-defence - "Anyway, that can wait - get yourself down here SOON AS !!..." then, slowing down..."We think we HAVE turned up something about the abduction.....I'm still checking....but I think we may be looking at something that isn't the best...."

The evening air in the caravan park seemed to take on an extra harsh chill....

Constable Andrews stood, wide-eyed, taking in just what Charlie was telling her "So it was the SCHOOL that was broken into, NOT the Beach House, right....., that's what you're telling me ?..."

"HO yes..," she replied, nodding pointedly.

"So did Aiden get it wrong...or was it just a random hit, or what...?"

"Well, I don't know about Aiden's connection, or if indeed there is one -but how it went was this - you know Martin Bartlett's away at the moment....?"

"Yes, on some kind of course or something...?"

"Right, well Miles got in touch saying he'd had an alert from one of those silent alarm things they've had installed there. So, I diverted from the search for Jack's baby and headed there. Nothing much to see at first, but just as I was thinking of giving it up, what do I find but the door of the caretaker's office had been forced - and the inside window broken - and what do I find THERE on the window shelf...?" She paused for effect...... "A beanie hat with TREY written across the front....!!"

Constable Andrews gave a gasp " Wow, I've seen THAT hat enough times around the place - Trey Palmer !!"

"Oh yes, Trey Palmer indeed ! I've got him in the next room - denies it all of course, but nothing in the way of an alibi or anything - naturally !!"

As they were talking, a flustered Miles arrived "Hi Ladies - so you think it was Trey then ...?"

"Certainly think we've got enough evidence..." nodded Charlie grimly.

"By the way, what was occurring at the Caravan Park as I was leaving...?" added Miles..." A taxi, Jack, Colleen....didn't have time to stop to ask...?"

"Too long to explain..." said Charlie, shaking her head , "Constable, you keep Aiden there just for a bit, Miles, you and I...."

She broke off as the entry door rattled back to reveal, entering from the dim light outside, a nervy looking Kirsty Phillips-

"Kirst ..!? What are you doing here ....?" - Miles managing to get the question out seconds ahead of an equally perplexed Charlie.

The reply was one that neither anticipated. Bunching her fingers and moving nervily from one foot to the other she said in low, unsteady tones, "Um....it's about Trey..- he can't have broken into the school tonight......"

"Oh yes, and WHY would you say that ?" from Charlie

"Ah....because.....he was with , er....me !"

The atmosphere in the reception area emanating from the triangle of people within it suddenly threatened to become stifling....

A short drive had taken Tony to the neat and compact Elm River Estate, tucked into the Southern fringes of Yabbie Creek, not far from the highway which linked it to the Bay. Parking his car on the curling access road to the crop of similar-looking but not unattractive set of houses massed within it, he grasped the slip of paper the travel agent lady had given him as he considered his next move. If he was honest with himself, he hadn't come with a set plan of campaign, but was instead relying on circumstances to lead him.

Taking that approach, he walked up to the house number he'd been given, and rang purposefully on the doorbell. There was no immediate reply - indeed Tony fancied he instead heard what sounded like someone hurriedly switching rooms - presumably the lady who eventually answered his second shrill peal on the bell - the woman he certainly recognized from the travel agent despite the fact her head had been stooped over the phone receiver when he'd seen her at the travel agent's.

She was in her early 30's with her hair in a short brown bob, and momentarily Tony was tempted to believe her demeanour in that office HADN'T been due to the pressure and nature of the phone call as he'd imagined as even now in these few seconds she seemed just as edgy and fussy, rat her curtly enquiring " Yes, ? Can I help you...?"

Nothing daunted, he offered a reluctantly accepted handshake and dived in "Hi I'm Tony...Tony Holden...and you are...?"

Again reluctantly came back "Ursula....Ursula Davies...."

Tony decided to go for broke and ploughed on with his story, including the request to know who'd been at the other end of the call to the officially anonymous "Mrs Simmons...." Having now again observed Ursula's manner, this time at first hand, it was to his no great surprise when the request was summarily dismissed and the door pushed shut with a rather haughty "anyway, I don't know how you got my address Mr Holden, but this is my day off, and I've got a lot to be getting on with, so I know you'll excuse me..."

In point of fact he didn't excuse her at all, and the unsatisfactory encounter had left him all the more convinced something was afoot. Having got halfway up the gar den path, he stopped, thought and slipped surreptitiously towards the right hand side of the house, where, shaded by a row of small trees, sear ching and hoping for something, though he wasn't sure what. Oddly enough for a developing sunlit morning, the first window he slipped past had its curtains drawn, - as did the second. But it was there that he paused, freezing stiff in musical statue style, convinced he could hear a whispered conversation inside. It was then, - seemingly to him from nowhere in particular- that THE idea dawned. Taking his cellphone from his pocket, he scrolled down to the first of the two 'ugly' texts he'd received at the hospital, and hit the "call number" button. He knew if he'd done this before he'd inevitably have been thwart ed by an aggravating voicemail - but now maybe, just maybe.... - he waited the required few seconds for connection then - - - bingo !! H e gr inned with quiet triumph as a shrill ringtone blared out inside followed by a rather less than whispered "Bridget !!!!! - what the hell...!!?? As the ringtone was speedily but too tardily silenced within, outside a crouching Tony's smile converted to an outright beam - - NOW so many things were starting to become decidedly clearer....

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Ooh, plots getting even thicker than they already were.Jack and Martha's baby missing, Trey, Bridget... I am beginning to wonder if there's anyone who isn't involved.

  • 3 weeks later...

****PART 13

Ric had looked momentarily daunted by the scenario placed before him but this newly 'slick' version of himself wasted little time in regaining his composure "Uh- wow, Matty - good to see you - how are you doing ? " For a moment she looked ready to answer his detached-sounding query by fetching him a sharp slap around the facial area- but, breathing in markedly through her nose, she contented herself by saying "Uh - how am I DOING ? Well, how can I put it ? I'm pregnant - pregnant -with your baby -..."

"Um - I don't think we ever COMPLETELY confirmed that, did we...?"

Another, more sonorous deep breath through Matilda's nose... "Oh that's a little bit desperate isn't it Ric, and I've do have the paperwork to prove it - but after Belle and Gavin got in touch I agreed there'd be a WONDERFUL way of showing people just how well and blooming I'm doing as a single mother !" Ric's eyes narrowed suspiciously "So what exactly do you mean by that, then ?"

Belle then leant across the table "Well, Gavin and I figured something like this on the front page of the Coastal News...."TRUTH ABOUT CASINO CANDIDATE'S BACKROOM BOY - HAPPY TO DESERT WIFE AND BABY IN SEARCH OF THE DOLLAR....." - what about that for starters, eh, 'Slick' ?

Ric's eyes darted around the table's three occupants before asking "Matty, can we talk about this - in PRIVATE, please ?"

Matilda shot a quick glance towards Belle, and receiving a short nod of assent, made her way to a small adjacent reading room, where Ric immediately launched into his 'pitch'.

Putting his arms round her shoulders he began persuasively "Look Matty, you and me don't need any of this stuff, do we ? We're a team - right ? Look how you stood by me through all that boxing stuff, AND all that rubbish with Dom over the job, AND how I stood by you, both when you got in with all those druggy guys as WELL as passing up the chance with the bait shop to come to Perth and be with you - what do you say ? Go on - you don't really want us being dragged through the mud by those two, do you ? Belle's only jealous because I dumped her for you, and that Gavin guy's as dodgy as they come - how about it Mattty ?" He kissed her gently on the cheek and awaited a response. Slowly a smile spread across her face. "Yes - yes you ARE right ! You and me have ploughed through SO much together - why get someone else to make us toss it away now ?" She returned his kiss, squeezed his hand, and with a lingering look, whispered "Let's just keep it to ourselves for now though- right ? - just feels kinda good to be together again, -just us, doesn't it !" Turning with a slight wink, she made her way back to the table where the other two were sitting, and whispered in Belle's ear "RIGHT under the thumb !"

At that precise moment, Ric was on his mobile phone in the reading room, ending his summary of what had just occurred to the listener at the other end with the phrase "RIGHT under the thumb !" - the future was all at once looking more volatile and unpredictable than ever....

After Colleen had insisted on him taking a hot sweet black coffee before getting back in the taxi, Jack had endured a double-edged period of thick near -silence en route to the police station. The abduction of Jake was obviously an event to chill both their blood, but the toxic under current stirred in alongside that had been Jack's tho roughly ill-timed snap at Martha over where they'd spent the evening which had left the renewed goodwill they'd been attempting to build up at the Sands hanging by the thinnest of gossamer threads.

As a white-faced Martha was dropped off at their house to await any news , Jack mustered a short "Talk later, right ?" Turning square to face him, Martha replied slowly and between compressed lips " Oh you BET we'll talk later, Constable - now you just do and see if you can do anything to find OUR son" -and as she went, Jack gave an involuntary gulp - that was one interview he was most certainly NOT relishing, but he reminded himself with every shred of determination he could muster on this suddenly highly traumatic evening that Jake's safety was the one and only top-line priority.

He finally arrived at high speed into the police station , and, laying eyes on Fitzy was about to demand any update, but she turned to answer a ringing phone at her side, and extending a palm to hold Jack's urgent, staccato enquiries at bay, went on to demand urgently and economically "Right, right....where ?....and when exactly ??..right, we knew that much, but do we know WHO ??.. Right, well I'll brief this end, but as soon as you know, you get straight back on, ok -great !"

If Jack had been any closer to her by the time the caall ended, he'd have been sitting on the telephone receiver itself. So. Fitzy took a few paces backwards, almost blending self-defence with the need to take on fresh oxygen , so looming had been his presence.

Her gesture indicating he shouldn't consider bearing down on her any further, she appraised him of what she knew.

"OK Jack there was a car crash - - BUT.." correctly predicting his reaction "..we're all but certain Jake's ok, he's at the hospital being checked over - - .....we're not yet certain who was driving the car he was in, and whether indeed that person was involved in the abduction - but we DO know who was driving the car they crashed into- - - -a certain Mr Larry Jeffries.....!!"

"Why the rotten drunk......"

"Jack !! - don't do anything stup........"

But a still far-from-entirely sober Jack had already turned on his heel - the light of .

battle in his eye.....

"So let's all pray and say Amen !" The visiting pastor at the "Christian Get-together Group" was bringing his first speaking evening to a crescendo, and as Geoff closed his eyes, clasped his hands together and lowered his head to pray he reflected with real enthusiasm on how his Pop would have enjoyed that evening. Yes, it had been youth-based, but there'd been a real sharing of Christian ideas and ideals, and Pastor Morris's address had been truly uplifting- indeed, it had thoroughly rekindled any lessening of his desire to become a Minister that may have been at all diminished by the events over recent months.

As the heartfelt communal 'Amen' reverberated around the hall, Geoff looked up to see Kelli apparently gathering signatures from one end of the hastily-assembled blockof chairs that had been assembled for the evening. He chatted briefly to the young man of about 24 next to him before Kelli arrived bearing a clipboard adorned with around three sheets of lined paper with the various names of those who'd already signed upon it.

Flashing her widest smile and sparkling blue eyes at Geoff, she explained as she had been doing with the others " You don't mind signing, do you ? It's just we want to apply to the council for this grant scheme they have looking to help youth-based projects in and around the Bay - and you know how these things work, the more names, the better the chance....?"

Pumped up by an infectious cocktail of Pastor Morris's address and Kelli's winning smile, Geoff took the clipboard from her, and, carefully inscribing his signature on it, replied "Wow yes, that's awesome, very best of luck with that !- of course I'll sign !"

Rewarded with another bashful flutter of the Kelli eyelashes, Geoff wandered happily around the hall until the meeting began to break up naturally and he headed for the door to walk home At that precise moment, in a small office at the back of the hall, Joshua/Michael was purring over one particular signature that Kelli had managed to obtain, that of course being the one which seemed to leap from the page with its precise imprint - reading "Geoff Campbell"

Embracing his sidekick in triumph he enthused "Kell, that's great - just great ! - and at the FIRST meeting too ! Oh, TALK about loving it when a plan comes together !! Now all we have to do is somehow paste it onto those ownership transfer documents for the farm that the old man left behind , and BIN-GO !!"

He turned slightly, nodding his head slowly with grim satisfaction,and with eyes narrowing, added "And I know someone else who's going to be VERY pleased about this too......"


Loved how Ric and Matilda both felt they'd come out on top in their confrontation.Geoff at the Christian group was amusing and I really want to know who Jonah's working with...

  • 2 weeks later...

***PART 14

Given the paucity of manpower available at that moment for the front office, Fitzy was forced to wait chafing having seen Jack sprinting off in the direction of the detention cells, moving uneasily from one foot to the other cursing the lack of any immediate relief cover. She'd obviously called everyone back from the across-the-board search for Jack and the abducted Jake, but the distance in getting officers back from the outer reaches of the Bay meant she was left temporarily stranded while Jack went and did....well she didn't care to speculate what he might be doing to Larry Jeffries....and to his own career into the bargain indeed. Tapping her fingers stressfully on the reception desk and craning neck and straining ears for any sound of disturbance from further down the corridor. None however returned in the other direction, so she was left to articulate in frustration to the empty reception area "Where the HELL are they all.......?!"

Almost as if in the role of a Fairy Godmother answering a pantomime heroine's desperate cry for help, Sergeant Harper seconds later walked through the door, divesting himself of cap and police overcoat only to be met by Fitzy rapping out the command of "Ah, great, Sarge, take over from me here, there's something I've got to attend to - NOW !" - and she was headed down the passage before the unlikely Fairy Godmother could even croak out an enquiry as to what was going on.

The officer in charge had been right to have misgivings about events in the detention cells - roughly at the moment of Harper's arrival, Jack was holding Larry Jeffries by the scruff of the neck and demanding "Ok you mongrel, I've had enoughbeating about the bush - just how drunk WERE you when you crashed into that car tonight ?? Huh, Huh ?? Tell the truth for once in your sorry little life, why don't you...!" He barely flinched as the door rocked back on its hinges and an entering Fitzy barked "Constable Holden, let go of that man - NOW ! " A reluctant Jack took a second or two longer than his superior would have preferred before unhanding Jeffries, who composed his features to look as feeble as possible before whining "You saw what he did to me then officer, didn't you !"

"Oh can it, Jeffries", snapped a Fitzy whose temper was by now running extremely threadbare - "all I want to know is EXACTLY what you know about what happened tonight- and NO bull either !!"

Sitting back at the interview table from the wall where he'd been temporarily pinned by Jack, Larry's face suddenly grew smug "Well - I've not had one single drink tonight, - you can test me if you like, and THEY crashed into ME (neglecting of course to mention that he'd been speeding away from the scene of his planned robbery at the Beach House having witnessed Aiden's arrest )- but what I DO know who was driving the car with the baby in ..." Fitzy and Jack both lent forward to hear the name...

"It was a certain AMANDA VALE....!!"

An incident from earlier flashed across Jack's mind as his jaw dropped.....of course ! - the face he'd caught a glimpse of in side a car outside the place he'd been held by those guys earlier in the day......

Tony had thought quickly about what to do next on hearing the tell-tale mobile phone ring and subsequent whispered panic from inside the house. He'd thought of knocking then shouldering his way into the house as and when the door was answered. He quickly pushed that idea into touch though as firstly the door probably wouldn't BE answered, and secondly, forcing one's way uninvited into a private house was like dancing on a legal minefield and consequently best avoided. Turning it over in his mind, he'd noticed a small car parked just outside the house a few steps along the kerb while at that moment the pavement-side was otherwise clear. The feeling grew with some real justification that the car would be Bridget's, and that after the internal consternation over the phone ringing, she'd be likely to want to absent herself from the scene as quickly. Acting on that hunch, he edged himself slowly and carefully up the drive and turned left along the pavement, standing in the shade of three small trees abutted by a large arboreal bush just where the car in question was parked.

Glancing at his watch to check the time of which he'd lost any real track, he breathed in and prepared for however long a wait was in store.

He waited twenty minutes or so before taking a short walk to stretch his legs, marvelled quietly to himself at what a semi-comatose close this actually was, all the while stretching his head back over his shoulder to see if there was any sign of movement from the house in question. Having reached the end of the road where he'd parked his car some while back, he turned back - not yet wholly doubting his strategy, but the odd query beginning to float around the corners of his mind. Having again reached the bush, he lent against a utility box that was also concealed there, emitted a deep sigh and resolved to put an expiry date of a further 15 minutes on his vigil. Aware by now that the street was beginning to come a little busier than before, he nodded politely at an old woman in a headscarf pulling a shopping basket along behind her and who'd regarded him with a suspicious look from under her bonnet, while he had to step smartly to one side to avoid a young boy obviously intent on representing Australia at Extreme skateboarding in the 2012 Olympics in London. All in all he was resigned to trimming a few minutes off his self-imposed deadline and heading back to the car finally and a little thwarted when from behind the mini-row of three trees...could it be.....yes indeed, the distinct sound of a key being scraped in a car door lock !. Slowly. carefully for fear of revealing his presence, he stepped around into the sunlight, saying "Well, well - Bridget Simmons as I live and breathe !!"

The cornered one lept nervily, dropping as she did her car key onto the grass verge where she stood.

"So what do you want ?" she snapped ungraciously, eyes lowered.

"Well a few answers would be good" he replied evenly, staying within himself as much as possible so far, anyway expecting a raft of indignant denials. "Like why ruin mine and Rachel's holiday, why send weird- even sick- texts - and why send us drugs - which I may tell you had a baby not even out of nappies yet admitted to hospital for some very serious surgery.!"

It was now he was to learn he couldn't have been more wrong about the denials.

With a venomous expression crossing her face, she spat " Yeah..?...and what of it ....? You'd better not think that's it either.....your beautiful wife ruined my life remember - - dobbing me in to the police over that business with Alf..." - then -emitting a short, scornful laugh, "I bet she'd be delighted to know I got out in a couple of months for...." - a broad, unpleasant smile...! "Good behaviour !! " Tony gaped, then, having picked up her keys, as she attempted to get into the car, he grabbed her by the arm, with a determined "Now look here...."- - - - - only for her to emit a shrill scream very much for the benefit of a policeman who'd appeared at that moment on the other side of the road- but who Tony unfortunately HADN'T noticed. "Officer, officer, please, this man's trying to assault me....!!" - just in time to allow the officer to bustle across the e road and gain a clear view of proceedings.....that certainly did NOT show the unfortunate Tony in what one would call the best of lights........

Alf sighed deeply as he lifted the heavy box of paperwork onto the caravan park living room table. It had lain on the main shelf gathering dust since well before even the Sally days, but had become the receptacle for new and unpaid bills to be deposited on the top until someone with a combination of the required effort and possession of the chequebook got round to taking care of them.

It had been a frustrating day, with circumstances denying the Nippers both their beach volleyball game and sausage sizzle , and accounts was about the last thing he actually felt like doing, but hey...needs must, he supposed..... Indeed, , scooping the few regulation and more recent bills off the top, he decided to explore the entire contacts of the box- pulling out pile after pile of papers and documents and spluttering "Hogan's Ghost ...!!" as thick and long-lying layers of dust were billowed out onto his chest.

Placing the current bills under a paperweight at one end of the table, he began a plod through the other files, many of which were old bank statements which evinced the odd smile and chuckle "Well well Michael Ross. you old seadog you..", or more mundane utility bills, and he was beginning to think of re-loading the box before paying the bills when one of the older document containers caught his eye and warranted a second look. Clearing a space, he peeled back the front of the folder in question and plucked out the sheets one by one. As he began to read, his eyes grew steadily rounder, and having come to an end he flopped back in his seat, gave a gasp and a "Flaamin' Norah !!" He thought briefly on a next move, then rose smartly, took the few steps over to the telephone, punched in some numbers and..."Morag ?...yes, yes. well never mind about that now..I think you'd better get yourself over here -yes now - - RIGHT now"

  • 3 weeks later...

**PART 15

The Village Hall was surprisingly crowded for the public pre-election meeting with the debate over the casino issue set without doubt to be the burning topic at hand. There were rumours and counter-rumours swirling as to whether the " casino candidate " himself would appear, though it was thought there would at least be a statement or representative from his camp . Indeed, the knowing smiles on the faces of Belle and Gavin in the front row indicated they knew very well there'd be a " statement" from the "casino camp", but it remained to be seen of what variety.

Backstage, Rick was in what had become the semi-permanent state of being known as having his cellphone clamped to his right ear, while Matilda was sitting on one side of the room to take the weight off her feet.

When he finally finished the call, he flopped down next to her, shaking his head theatrically and muttering " That guy needs a clock welding to the end of his nose !! - he'd be late for the end of the freakin' world !!"

"Not a great recommendation for a wannabee Councillor ? " said Matilda mildly

"Hmmm..." Ric responded "Well, he may be seriously time-challenged, but he is a good guy at what he does and he'll be great for the Bay when he gets in !! "

"I like your confidence !" said Matty, actually not liking it one little bit, and worrying the white powder from her gritted teeth would begin emerging through lips that were currently and deceptively curved into what she hoped looked like a lovingly loyal smile.

Turning that manufactured device towards Ric, she asked persuasively "Babe...?" He turned her way with a questioning look....."You know before you go on and talk...could I go and do a little build -up for you ?" He looked a little quizzical, but she pressed home her point "You know, the female touch kind of angle.....plus it might even give your guy a bit of extra time to arrive so you don't have to be on too long....?"

Ric nodded slowly as he thought it over "Different.....but different can be good...yep, ok, don't see why not !"

Reaching across, she kissed him lightly on the cheek and said "thanks babe ! promise I'll try and give you something to remember !" Wholly unaware of the barbed double meaning that was being cooed at him, Ric bought straight back into it by responding "Oh and I'm sure you will too Matty ", and giving her knee a squeeze.

It was within a minute or two that a campaign aide made his way down the short series of steps from the back of the stage and called across "Ric, I think we're near to full....all set to go ?"

Raising his thumb as he helped Matty up, Ric called back "Sure are - Matty''s going on first to say a few words, ok !" A close observer would have seen the aide's eyebrows elevate a little before reflecting it was nothing to do with him anyway as he crossed to the rigged -up CD plater on a table nearby and letting loose on "Fanfare for the Common Man" , which began to thunder around the hall in its usual rousing and anthemic style.

Ric helped Matilda to the stairs rimmed by handrails at both sides and she started the climb for her oration that held potentially significant implications for his....and also hers... immediate future,,,

Alf had almost paced a shoe-shaped line in the carpet while Morag pored over the various pertinent documents spread out on the main Caravan Park table.

Only the once had his impatience verbally boiled over with a "Strike me rown' Morag, it'll be flamin' Christmas before we know at this rate !!", only for her razor-blade reply of "Alfred, I can do this thing with complete efficiency or not at all- I can walk now if you like..?", half-rising from the table as she did. She was of course met with a near-audibly thunderous retreat by Alf "No, No, keep your flamin' hair on Sis - I wasn't meaning that - you go for your life...you just ignore me - you act like I wasn't here.."

"A challenging task for anyone, " commented Morag dryly under her breath as she put her glasses back on and resumed her task.

Alf had retired to the kitchen where he sat drinking beer in a desultory fashion and wondering why he'd never previously felt the passage of time to be so slow - not even when Ailsa had 'returned' to guide him through the story of his life as it might have been and as it could have been. Indeed his head began to nod slowly forward in drowsiness as he was recalling that surreal experience and it took a sharp incursion to jerk him back into full consciousness. That came in the form of Morag's 'one occasion fits all' bluntness as she rapped " Alfred, are you with us ?", having finished her deliberations, and strode into the kitchen. Hurriedly coming to, Alf emerged from his daze to enquire " Uh-oh sis...you done ?? .so what's the score then...?"

"Well Alfred... I'm afraid to say I agree with your assessment..." - in response to his disbelieving stare, she elaborated..." It seems that in the prospecting days back in the twenties, this one adventurer wanted this site as his base. So - he went to the local Assizes which in truth would have been run in those days by the equivalent of Wyatt Earp or Doc Holliday. Anyway, they agreed.to lease the site to him for a peppercorn rent - but - and here's the big but- only on condition it reverted to the possession of the prevailing authority - lock. stock and barrel - after 80 years - and that date expires, as you noticed - at the start of next week !!"

"Strike me flamin' purple Morag, what can we do about it ?? "

"Well", replied Morag, removing her glasses from the top of her head "As far as I can see Alfred, and for the sake of you, Miles, Jai and the residents here...." remembering suddenly and shaking her head resignedly. "...including Colleen of course , ! you'd better just sit tight and hope that nobody in the Council offices fancies a bout of spring-cleaning like you've done !!"

Alf's dumbfounded features showed that he felt exactly the same........

Tony banged the interview table in frustration. "How much LONGER are you going to keep me in this damn place !!" he demanded with growing exasperation. He'd been sitting in the cramped confines of the local police station which still had something of the early-mid 20th century about it - peeling brown paint on the walls , yellowing posters about long-forgotten crime initiatives plus 'wanted' pictures of criminals by now quite likely to have served any jail terms or indeed be in a place where the local officers didn't make or operate the rules !

All that though was far from Tony's mind as - after an extended delay, the local Sergeant walked into the detention room,


"Sit down, Mr Holden.."

The Sergeant had a clipped, efficient, stern air about him - the kind one didn't wisely argue with, so Tony reluctantly obeyed the instruction and sat down.

Switching on a fittingly outmoded tape recorder, the officer began "Right, - this alleged assault on Ms Simmons this morning..."

He was forced to break off as Tony, immediately forgetting his earlier and short-lived obedience shot up out of his seat and snapping "ASSAULT !! I held her -briefly - by the arm....."

"Briefly because our Constable arrived just in time perhaps....? " observed the Sergeant dryly., "now could we perhaps continue...?"

Quickly forcing himself into composure, Tony sat down, reached across the table and in imploring mode looked directly at the policeman and said "Sergeant this woman is crazy, demented, - evil even - she's been waging a campaign against my wife and myself. even our young baby- you've got to see what she's like !!..."

Unflinching, the officer shuffled his documents and went on "Well I know nothing about anything like that - you did report it to the police at the time, I suppose....?"

"Well no, I tried to, but...."

Smartly switching tack, the officer suddenly asked "but was it not true that you had a brief relationship with Ms Simmons without your then partner 's knowledge. and which according to what she's been telling us that she ended unilaterally and ever since then you've been looking to re-ignite...?"

Burying his head in his hands on the table, Tony suddenly felt very alone - - - -and a long way from home,,,,,

  • 2 weeks later...

****PART 16

Tony had needed no second bidding when eventually offered his one obligatory phone call by the Sergeant , dialling straight through to the Caravan Park, and impatiently mouthing "Come on, Come on..." under his breath as the phone rung four and five times without reply - all the while as the Sergeant sat looking at him with what he fancied to be a slightly supercilious air that seemed to say "Not going very well for you today, is it Mr Holden ?"

Then - a small jab of optimism into Tony's countenance "Alf ?, oh great - Alf mate, it's Tony - listen mate, I could REALLY use a favour......you couldn't get hold of Morag for me could you...what , she's there NOW ? - AWESOME - you couldn't put her on, could you ?"

The Sergeant raised a curious eyebrow as he heard the chain of circumstances outlined before Tony - the first evidence of a smile in quite some hours breaking out amidst his now-stubbled features, and in the knowledge that Morag had promised to head straight there, asked "I guess I DO still have the right to remain silent, do I, OFFICER ?"

The Sergeant inclined his head into the briefest of nods and the two began a silent and uneasy stand-off, the tick of the old-fashioned wall-clock seeming to become sharper and more intrusive with every inevitable step on its limited but all-too significant circuit.

Eventually after surely one of the longest sighing and tapping of pencil interludes the Bay had ever witnessed, the pause button was finally released as Morag breezed into the room.

"Ah Judge Bellingham, if you'd just allow me to outline the details of what we're dealing with here..?"

"No need Sergeant, I'm perfectly well aware of the details, and I think in point of fact I need to inform YOU of a few things concerning this whole ridiculous debacle on your part...."

Drawing his features into a look of outraged protest, the officer found himself singularly unable to halt Morag's full and increasing flow. All he'd managed was one indignant breath before she swept on "I presume you DO know that the 'lady' whose word you seem to be placing so much importance has a history of deception and obtaining money under false pretences including concocting a whole rather unpleasant and upsetting pretence that she was suffering from cancer ?"

Blinking with the speed and precision at the speed and precision of Morag's oratory, the Sergeant sat through the remainder of it before admitting weakly "Uh..well. um..in the light of these circumstances I feel I am prepared to let Mr Holden go..."

"Oh I should very much so !" responded Morag imperiously, and might I suggest it should be Ms SIMMONS that you're talking to !..."

"Oh I INTEND to .." replied the Sergeant, heartily wishing at that moment he'd never HEARD of Mr Holden, Ms Simmons and CERTAINLY Judge Bellingham, - but his problems were not at an end. His desire to now interview the woman Morag had so vividly painted as the villain of the peace Was immediately up against a brick wall. Having filed her complaint against Tony, Bridget ha d ghosted away from the sleepy little police station, and from her parked car vantage point further down the street had observed the arrival of Morag as equalling thee writing on the wall for her flawed and rancorous scheme. She turned the car in an expansive u-turn and headed off down the road - ominously and without doubt carrying her festering spite with her......

As Ric fielded yet another particularly unfortunately timed call on his cellphone, Matilda was milking her moment to the full. After some mystified but nonetheless enthusiastic applause, Matilda began her solo oration.

"Well Good Afternoon and welcome everyone - for those of you who don't know, I'm Matilda Hunter, and I -or we.." - laughter as she pointed at her stomach.."are here to kick things off tonight. ! Now about this casino...." discontented rumblings from the audience, and a "SHAAAME !" from the second row containing a protesting second row vanguard of Colleen Smart, Madge Wilkins and Betty Allsopp.

"Well, " went on Matilda , pointing up at the huge poster of the candidate hanging as a backdrop behind her - "HE wants it...." - some hissing from the audience..." and, you know what..." - preparing to go for the jugular..." his right hand man DEFINITELY wants it ! Yes - he wants it so much that Ric- Ric Daulby, who many of you will know wants it SO much that he left me pregnant and jobless in Western Australia so he could go scooting off schmoozing with the political big cheeses all over the country on projects EXACTLY like this one !" Aware her time was potentially short and that Ric could re-appear at any moment, she closed " So, in short, voting for this candidate and his shadow 'Slick' Rick will in all probability get you a casino you don't want and give your seal of approval to people like this and the way they go about things ! Thank you for letting me speak to you all !" She gave a short bow then descended to join a jubilant Belle and Gavin in the front row. A spontaneous round of applause broke out - not for the alarmed face of Ric which had appeared at the top of the access staircase at one side of the stage having been hastily alerted to developments by an aide, but at the eloquent and incisive remarks they'd just heard from Matilda .

Worse still for Ric was that large swathes of the audience had now risen from their seats and were heading to the exit door, firmly believing they'd already witnessed the -albeit untrailed- centrepiece of the day's events.

"Ladies -gentlemen, please !!- your candidate will be here any time now - please !" He attempted to look daggers down at the author of his misfortune Matilda, but she was obscured by a clucking coterie of Colleen, Madge and Betty before the four of them joined the surging throng leaving behind what had been scheduled to be a well-oiled and high-profile attempt to turn round Bay opinion.

All those spilling onto the pavement outside were so agog with what they'd seen that none observed a red 4 by 4 parked opposite the hall with its heavily tinted windows rolled fully up.

Inside, the driver was angrily snapping shut his flip-mobile phone. "DAMN Daulby !!!...." he snapped through clenched teeth - - Matilda Hunter AND his own number two were BOTH going to pay for the debacle that had just occurred - - he, Josh West, would make absolutely certain of that.....

"OK Amanda, what the hell's the deal then ?" Jack stood pugnaciously at the foot of the bed where she'd been placed to be checked over following the car crash, while Jake was being similarly dealt with in a childrens' ward further down the corridor, to where Martha was currently headed at the highest legal speed she could manage.

She may have been unhurt in the collision, but Amanda still seemed groggy as she pushed her trademark blonde hair away from her face. Giving a brittle cough , she replied "Jack, you don't understand, it wasn't like it seemed...."

"Right, yes, page 2 of the crim's hogwash handbook Amanda, I've heard it all before and from people far more convincing than you, so spare me the bull and cut straight to the true version, or I'm liable to get VERY angry, especially with my own young son involved...!!"

Sipping gently from a glass of water at her bedside table, Amanda sat herself a little higher up the bed and began "Jack, whether you'll care to believe it or not, I was actually looking AFTER your son Jake and driving him AWAY from trouble when that crash happened...."

Jack's expression remained largely cynical, but a close observer may have detected it easing a little as he moved an inch or two closer to hear what was to come..

"You've got to appreciate Jack, this is all part of a much bigger picture - but to me there are times in life where you HAVE to draw the line, and to me, putting children at any kind of risk is one of those..."

As something flashed into Jack's mind, he suddenly demanded "Hey, that WAS you I saw in a car outside that building the other day - wherever it was ..?"

She gulped om her water slightly as she nodded " Yes - and that place - and those guys - are right at the heart of all this..."

"Yes but all WHAT ??!" demanded Jack, face starting to tense up again - -

She sighed, shook her head and said "I can't tell you that Jack, truly I can't.." - then, correctly pre-empting his response, held up the palm of one hand and said "I know what you're likely to think and say to that, but one day ultimately when you do find out, you'll know why I'm saying that, however 'out there' it sounds to you now ..."

Chewing the end of his tongue and looking her straight in the eye , he responded in measured tones "Yes, I reckon you're right..." ...the relief that brushed across her face was highly fleeting as he saved the strongest blow for the second part of the sentence.."It does sound the most 'out there' feeble, squalid excuse for child kidnapping I've ever had the misfortune to hear - and after the doctors have checked you out again, you'll be coming straight to Yabbie Creek Police station with me where we'll be continuing this discussion in CONSIDERABLY more detail..."

But even as she was responding to that terse ultimatum, their combined attention was jerked to the door of the hospital room where a familiar but firm voice cut in "Really sorry Constable Holden, but I'm afraid we're NOT going to be able to let that happen....."


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