WYN100 Posted February 13, 2009 Report Posted February 13, 2009 ***PART THREE Tony was having to think quicker than he'd done in some considerable time. S-called wiser heads with the benefit of hindsight might well have counselled explaining fully there and then to the officer just what had happened, but the few nano-seconds available suggested to him that a cheeery "G'day Ken, -in case you happen to be wondering, why I'm clutching a packet of class A dope, well - and I'm sure you'll laugh at this,- it came in an envelope from the travel agents' which is currently on the floor .." may NOT be altogether the wisest idea. So, while Rachel engaged Harper in agonizingly brief conversation at the door, he thrust the packet between a pile of magazines balanced precariously on a plate on the kitchen table, he looked up and greeted the officer with a slightly more conventional " Hey Ken, what can I do for you ?" Harper seemed in placid enough , taking a sheaf of A4 size papers from a document wallet under his arm and saying, "Ah no sweat Tony, just thought I;d bring you those personnel forms for the temps you're taking on at the gym while you enjoy that rather wonderful holiday you told me about....!!" He exchanged smiles with Rachel before going on..." It 's all these new regulations about people's backgrounds if they're likely to be working with anyone under 21 - you know ho w it is these days, " he sighed - " Fitzy's very hot on it, you're in our police area etc etc etc....Anyway, " as he rose, " I'll leave them with you, just to get the wheels in motion, you know....?" A marginally relieved Tony said - attempting to disguise the inner stress..."Ah, well good on you Ken, thanks mate - I was worried it was another speeding ticket for Xavier in my car or something...!!" Harper gave an arch look as he responded " Hey, le t's hope we've seen the last of THAT kind of caper, eh mate ??" Still wearing the fĂxed, taut smile that had adorned his face since Harper's arrival his expression would have turned to one of horror had he seen that flakes from the awkwardly positioned pouch in question... had started to float inconspicuously down into the breakfast bowl of mashed rusks which Rachel had earlier prepared for baby Megan.... "You mean you're STILL hungry ?" asked Annie, eyes wide with surprise. "And your point is ?" Jai stopped on the pavement leading away from the bright front display of the Yabbie Creek multiplex, composing his features into ones of injured innocence., hands on hips. "Oh, where should I START ?" she came back, indicating the various items on her fingers "Um...triple choc Sundae at 'Waves', ah..hot dog at the cinema....AND.." with mock offence.."about half of MY bucket of butter toffee popcorn !!" Pausing only for a moment , Jai hit back with " But I'm a growing lad...!", turning away proudly as if tucking a victorious argument under his belt. Annie though merely rolled her eyes to the sky, linked her hand again with Jai's and the duo kept on walking. "OK, let's compromise, how about I get a takeaway burger to eat on the bus...?" "Deal...!"....Annie smiled patiently and continued.."I loved the film though, didn't you? One of the best I've seen for ages....." Jai shrugged - " OK for a chick-flick I guess...."holding up his arms in mock defence from any attack by Annie - "Give me Slum Dog Millionaire any day , I reckon..!" Annie gave a doubtful look before tugging Jai's arm and pointing to an upcoming shop called "Burger Ranch" - "Will that suit you, Mr Greedy ?" Licking his lips, Jai led Annie into a trot towards the fast-food outlet, stopping only briefly to glance slightly quizzically down an adjacent lane to their left. He directed Annie to look the same way with a quick nudge, then as they joined the burger queue, he looked carefully around before saying to Annie, "that WAS Shayne, that new guy from Roman's place down that lane, wasn't it..?" Annie's eager nod confirmed his assertion, adding "They looked a bit...um....suspicious, didn't they....?" Jai nodded thoughtfully - Shayne had been in close, hunched conversation with another man, about whom Jai said "I'm SURE there was something familiar about that other guy...." Annie shrugged, and indicated to Jai they'd reached the front of the burger queue - after that, as Jai munched his 'double Ranch Stack' all the way to the bus stop, the conversation inevitably moved on, until, just as the two boarded the bus to the Bay, Jai grabbed Annie by the shoulder and exclaimed "I KNEW that other guy in the alley was familiar !!!! Now I remember EXACTLY who he is.....!!!" ....A wide-eyed Annie waited to be informed.... Jack's day had been a frustrating and rueful one in equal measure. Frustrating in that yet again the tip-off through the morning phone call he'd felt unable to ignore had yet again this far failed to bear fruit, and rueful in that he'd much rather have spent the day with Martha and Jake, plus the unavoidable feeling was beginning to eat at the back of his mind that his work-life balance was beginning to tip too far in one direction , AND more importantly that Martha was beginning to notice and feel it too. And yet - this particular case was REALLY under his skin -he knew what he wanted from it, he knew who his sights were set on, and when that call -albeit annoyingly anonymous -had come, naming names, times, places and even a car to look out for, something had burned inside him that it was an opportunity that couldn't be missed. But as time ticked by and he found himself wishing he was instead at Stewart's Point with his young son and his soulmate wife, and, chafing his teeth against his lips began to once again feel the tip-off he'd been given had been a false one. Testily snapping off the car radio that had been pumping muzak into his otherwise occupied subconscious over the previous few hours, he opened the driver's door and emerged into the featureless lane to stretch his legs before deciding what to do next. The flow of the High Street traffic continued to hum at one end, the steadily descending dusk meaning the various vehicle headlights were now visible as he strode a dozen or so steps to try and work off the stiffness that had set in over the previous cramped and increasingly irritating few hours. Preparing to turn back towards his car he stopped and did a brief double take as a vehicle turned into the narrow alleyway from the main road. It had been a full hour at least since any car had approached, and he pressed his back against an adjacent doorway to allow the maximum space. It struck him that the car was moving almost unneccessarily slowly - and almost simultaneously with a rising surge of adrenaline, he realized this wasn't just any passing vehicle, but that the make, colour and registration plate precisely matched the car his phone caller of earlier in the day had described ! Straining his eyes to pick out anone within the slowly approaching car as he considered his next move - that decision was suddenly made for him as suddenly from behind a cloth soaked in a strong and pungent chloroform-style substance was jammed across his mouth and nostrils - Jack's knees slowly buckled as he subsided to the ground...
Red Ranger 1 Posted February 13, 2009 Report Posted February 13, 2009 Ooh, great cliffhanger.Looking forward to reading more.
KirstyEkua Posted February 15, 2009 Report Posted February 15, 2009 Ohhh exciting!! I'm enjoying this!! Please don't kill little Megan, that'd be too sad! Just wondering, are you ever going to finsih your last fic? That was really good too.
WYN100 Posted February 18, 2009 Report Posted February 18, 2009 AW THANKS FOR WHAT Y OU SAID ABOUT MY OTHER FIC - I HAD T HOUGHTT MAYBE TOO LONG HAD PASSED AND NO-ONE WOULD STILL BE INTERESTED- BUT I'LL CERTAINLY CHECK BACK AND SEE IF I'VE GOT MY ORIGINAL DOCUMENT OF IT - - -REALLY HOPE YOU LIKE THIS ANYWAY - - - ****PART FOUR Belle and Aidan were sauntering along the beach hand in hand towards the caravan park .They'd promised to collect some poles and netting for use in the Nippers' Annual Grand Beach Volleyball game taking place later that afternoon. "Ah this is the life !!" said Aidan with no little degree of irony, - "You get a day off, I get a day off - " and with an expansive sweep of the hand , "the world's there for us - good film, nice picnic, and who do we end up hanging out with ??" He dropped theatrically to the floor with arms outstretched as if preparing to sing the first song in scene one of a hit musical.... "The NIPPERZZZZZZ !!" Belle flicked him affectionately on the back "Get up you great doofus !!" she smiled - "You KNOW you said you didn't mind !!" -and, with a mischievous grin spreading across her face.."YOU were a Nipper once !!" Climbing up and feigning as if to tickle her, he said thoughtfully "Mmm yes..so I was... wouldn't that have been just a few years before you started perving on me with that long-range lens while you were hiding in the sand-dunes ??" Correctly anticipating her reaction he set of at a run.. "OOh - you....I SO was NOT hiding,..- OR perving....!!!" she shouted , unavailingly throwing handfuls of sand at his disappearing back, spurred on by the teasing laughter that floated back over his right shoulder. Their chemistry was by now well-founded and beyond question, though by the time she caught him up approaching the caravan park, she was jokingly ready to put her hand round his neck and throttle him - in truth, the thought of taking those long-lens pictures of Aiden in the sea a few years back still had the ability to bring a slight blush to her cheek, though of course she'd never dream of mentioning that to the guy in question ! The main house at the caravan park seemed very quiet as they entered via the usual side door between kitchen and living room - Miles and Mr Stewart had both said they'd be waiting there with the equipment at about this time -there was no sign of either, though Belle did observe they were possibly a couple of minutes early. They'd given a shouted "Hello !" to no response, and both looked a little perplexed as to their next move until the sound of footsteps became audible on the stairs "Ah-HA !" from Belle was matched by "About time !", from an increasingly impatient Aiden . But - the footfalls belonged to neither of their hoped-for targets. Instead the voices of Jai and Annie could be heard descending - their words indistinguishable at first, but then as they reached the foot of the staircase, unmistakeably clear, distinct- and with shock value added. Still unaware of the new arrivals in the main area, Annie's voice could be heard questioning "So look Jai, you're absolutely SURE that was Aidan's father you saw with that other guy in the alley last night ?" Then from Jai "YES - how many more times ?? I didn't recognize him at first with one thing and another - but YES, it was him, I'd swear it now !" Inside, Aiden's head had swivelled violently in Belle's direction - now this was a name they hadn't heard in a LONG time - thankfully from Aiden's perspective, and as Annie and Jai entered the room, both with an involuntary start on seeing who was there - the second of those knew he was set for some extremely close questioning from an Aiden whose features had lost their earlier carefree air and were now tight and ultra-serious in anticipation of the information-seeking he was about to start levelling at Jai... Jack came to slowly and groggily taking some considerable while to attune to the unfamiliar surroundings in which he found himself. Having slowly done so he found that he was sitting at a small table in a dimly lit room. Reaching instinctively for his gun and utility belt. he heard "don't worry about those for now Constable Holden, you'll find them safe and sound in the boot of your car when we take you back there -all in good time, eh?" Blinking furiously to try and confirm to himself who else was in the room. he realized the voice belonged to a man, probably in his mid-30s or so, wearing a slick, expertly-tailored suit - - but before he considered lunging across the table at him, he became aware of a second man, standing just behind the first -- this one being unpleasant looking, fairly short but stout and thick set, sporting the characteristic semi-shaved head and slightly-too-small black t-shirt to over-emphasize his bulky form. Jack bridled at the disadvantaged situation in which he found himself. "Right, what the hell's all this about ?" he demanded angrily "Whatever it is, you won't get away with it, I can promise you that !" he vowed, jaw firmly set. The first man paused before responding "Let's not be hasty Constable Holden- you and I both know the case you've been working on so assiduously lately.." Jack remained stonily silent - he wasn't about to start discussing any of his cases with two character who'd clearly had a leading hand in subduing and effectively kidnapping him, so the man continued "..and we know what you're hoping to achieve. Now , there are two ways we can look at this - either we step back, let you hunt it down to a finish, and let the person concerned become...ah....very dissatisfied , let's say - or you could agree with us to let's say - put this one to bed - no-one need know, you could tell your bosses you've 'hit the wall' with it, and events can happily move along..." Biting back the temptation to snarl "Oh yes, and we all know who FOR...." Jack felt a chill course through him as the self-appointed orator dropped his voice a half-tone to say "If however you choose option two of continuing to pursue this investigation, then - I understand you have a fine young son at home ready to follow in your footsteps....." That was enough to snap Jack's barely-suppressed sense of outrage at this situation. He lept up, throwing the table to one side, and even as the continuingly mute heavy sprang between the two of them, restraining Jack with muscly fists gripped round his upper arms as the Constable thundered "Listen you low-life mongrel - you go within five hundred k's of my son and I'll hunt you down, so help me I will, and there'll be NOWHERE, repeat NOWHERE for you to hide, you hear me ??" As the 'minder' figure placed Jack back in the seat and replaced the table in front of him, the other guy, still suave despite the outburst , observed "No need for that Constable, none at all - but" -meaningfully- "Stewart's Point is such a pleasant place at this time of year, is it not ?" Jack considered another lunge, but realizing the futility, heard "So Constable Holden, what we'll do now is this -my colleague here will drive you back to where your car is, and when you get there I suggest you climb in, drive off, and forget we ever had this conversation, or that you ever pursued your target in the first place, ok ?" Biting his tongue till it was almost bleeding, Jack shot the young man a look of seething thunder before descending a short flight of stairs alongside the heavy to a doorway against which the passenger door of a different car to the one he'd seen earlier in the alley- this one being black with heavily tinted windows. The tame gorilla remotely unlocked then scraped open the door for Jack to enter. He was clearly keen to do everything at top speed, but as Jack's police-trained eyes darted momentarily to his right, they widened as the lit interior of another car in the same yard set against the darkness caused them to widen and his jaw to drop - now what on EARTH could THAT particular person have to do with this unfolding and ominous saga.....? Rachel thumped the corridor wall in a churning combination of frustration and fear. "I should be IN there" she despaired in what was becoming a familiar mantra to Tony and the others lining the pale-boarded passage -taking the distraught mother gently by the arm, nurse Julie again enunciated her own well-worn script for the situation - "You KNOW what Doctor West said Rachel, you're too close to the situation for that - I'm sure they're doing everything they can...." Julie rocked back suddenly as Rachel savagely shook her arm away and spat back " Don't give me that 'doing everything they can' clap-trap - I spout that nonsense every day of my life in this place, and what does it actually MEAN, tell me that ? I'll tell you what it means -it means we haven't got the FIRST clue of what's ACTUALLY going on in there -we're just trying to give them some minor level of temporary consolation while their world's falling apart, that's what ! " Sobbing quietly she moved into the extended arms of Tony, already sorry that she'd snapped at Julie, who was a good friend, and was only doing her very best. The day had panned out crazily from the moment Tony had explained rapidly to Rachel what had happened with the rogue pouch in the travel agents' envelope- but by the time they'd looked round, a gurgling Megan had already started the dish of mashed rusks - that gurgling had quickly turned to sickness and so after a breakneck dash to the hospital, here they were in their current state of choking uncertainty as they waited for news of the toddler, Without having said so as he didn't want to add to add to the situation's already plentiful angst by telling Rachel, Tony had an increasingly gnawing concern that he'd as yet been incapable of raising Jack on the phone -so where on earth was HE ?? Ah, here was a text alert - Rachel hardly notice as he pulled the handset out and saw "no number" before selecting the message and seeing an erratically composed text in bot h upper and lower case, reading "HaPPY holiDAYZ TonY and RAChel !!!", followed by a selection of smiley icons ---- Tony began to feel his t-shirt smother in further shoals of perspiration - who could be that sick.....what the HELL was going on here ??
KirstyEkua Posted February 18, 2009 Report Posted February 18, 2009 Oh i am loving this, especially the Tachel stuff. I hope nothing happens to the baby.
Red Ranger 1 Posted February 18, 2009 Report Posted February 18, 2009 Woah!I like how you're bringing in all the characters here.How's Aden's father involved?Who did Jack see?Will Megan be all right?Looking forward to more.
charmed60 Posted February 18, 2009 Report Posted February 18, 2009 Another excellent update!!! I really look forward to reading this, you put so much description into the chapters! I really hope Megan is going to be ok, poor little girl. I'm also intrigued as to whose sending these messages? Please update soon! Ohh and I also echo what Kirsty said, I loved your old fic, I hope you continue that to!
dee83 Posted February 18, 2009 Report Posted February 18, 2009 Great so far can`t wait for the next chapter Update Soon
WYN100 Posted February 25, 2009 Report Posted February 25, 2009 **PART FIVE "Martha ?" Jack entered the house feeling tense, unnerved and grubby- he hadn't come straight home after the traumatic events of that late afternoon and early evening - he'd called into the police station on his way back to fill out the previous evening's report for the ever-demanding Fitzy - but sure as heck NOT to share news of what had happened with any of his colleagues - especially after the way he'd been treated and the person he was all but sure he'd caught sight of in that other car, he was more determined than ever to chase this case down with nobody's help but his own. And understandably, chillingly and hauntingly the words "Stewart's Point is such a pleasant place at this time of year, is it not ?" kept jabbing back into his mind with flick-knife style thrust. How had those guys possibly KNOWN to say anything about Stewart's point...?.. and so many other things..... His desire to keep the whole thing low-key had been rather compromised when he'd noticed Charlie Buckton had taken over at the main desk. News of the ongoing scare over baby Megan had not yet filtered through as far as the main Yabbie Creek Police station by this stage, but noting Jack's hunted look and uncharacteristically slightly dishevelled appearance, as he went to leave she'd noted "I see they were trying to get hold of you here earlier Jack, but no joy - all well ?" Avoiding her gaze, Jack had mumbled "Oh-ah-yes- um, radio's on the blink, has been for a couple of days, I did mean to report it..." "I see...and your mobile ?" "Mmm...yes, flat battery... forgot to charge it,," "Charlie's lips had tightened as she nodded slowly "OK then, I'll catch you tomorrow - and you'll book that radio in with the engineer, right...?" He could have done without that kind of inquisition, thought Jack, as he again called "Martha...??" This lack of a reply didn't feel right- not one bit. Striding into the kitchen, he clicked on the light and looked keenly around - seemingly confirming the cold chill of fear that had been progressing up his spine as the minutes had slipped past - there at one end of the kitchen table was the carefully prepared but unopened picnic basket that Martha had assembled for the originally planned excursion - and - as his foot scuffed against something on the floor, he noticed with a fresh surge of raw angst that it was Martha's favourite fleece- an item she'd never have left the house without in pursuit of that kind of day out - a day out he reckoned overwhelmingly she'd have pressed ahead with almost to spite his late and wholly unpredictable call to work duties. Given the non-lit state of the house, the lack of reply to his calls and the major clues of the fleece and the picnic basket, alarm bells were clanging ever-louder in his head. He turned on his heel, grabbed his keys and sprinted outside. Maybe those mongrels had seen him enter the police station on his way back, maybe they were getting their retaliation in first, maybe.....He gunned the car out of its parking space and at ever-accelerating speed, raced off down the road. Had he but known he was being followed on his path -not in fact by one of the guys from that afternoon - - but by Charlie Buckton, who after making her excuses at work had followed her instincts as she was now following Jack - her suspicions solidified by his rapid departure from the house and breakneck progress down the road... " "Hi, you've reached Jack Holden.....!" Tony snapped his cellphone shut with growing exasperation - - where the hell WAS his son ?? - and ESPECIALLY on a day like today had turned out to be. Even when he'd been on the most complex jobs in the past, Jack had at the very least left the mobile on with silent or vibrate mode in operation, but the lack of being able to raise his eldest son was now doubling the day's angst factor all while behind the operating theatre doors the surgeons were battling for baby Megan too. He hadn't transmitted any of this to Rachel who was currently perched alongside Nurse Julie on two waiting room chairs, apologizing for her earlier outburst at her friend "Oh Julie I'm SO sorry.." she was explaining for the third or fourth time..."It's just all this stuff with the holiday and what's happened since....but YOU are the LAST person in this place who deserved that kind of rant...." Putting a placatory hand on each of Rachel's shoulders, Julie said as calmly as possible, "Rachel, it's OK -like I've said - I won't say I know what it feels like, what you're going through - but one thing IS for sure lady, I'm here for you every step of the way - then with a gentle smile - "Hey Missy, you don't think you're getting rid of me as easily as that, do you ? One shouting fit doesn't get near it !!" Wiping away a tear that had started to roll from one eye, she kissed Julie on the cheek -"How do you think Tony's coping ?" asked her friend - both looking up the corridor to where the chafing father was absently biting his nails - before suddenly with a mixture of cold dread, pulsating hearts and a sensation of rapidly descending stomachs they noticed the sudden appearance of a weary-looking Dr West - looking up and down the passage area, from an impassive face came "Tony, Rachel, I think we'd better have a private word somewhere...." Amid the ensuing silence the slow shuffle of three pairs of feet heading to a mutual point of conversation had the sound of hand grenades exploding on an army battlefield.... So what's the story then mate ?? SPILL- come on !!" Aidan had jumped up, striking an aggressive pose, almost waving the abashed Jai forward with both hands outstretched, almost in the manner of someone spoiling for a fight.Belle looked on with some genuine agitation, unsure of whether or how to intervene -the issue and even the name of Larry had remained unspoken between the two of them virtually 24/7 since the nigh-time raid on Morag Bellingham's house -cum office - she gave an involuntary shudder at the very thought of it - in terms of Bay gossip-fodder and - perhaps a little unreasonably THEIR personal standing too in the local pecking-order it had been a matter of genuine notoriety- and the ultimate " don't go there" subject between them. So, she knew that hearing Jai's voice as they had would have been like lifting the salt cellar from a dining table and pouring it directly into an open wound on her potentially volatile other half's arm. Summoning a degree of cautionary arbitration she was far from feeling,, Belle volunteered "Babe , it isn't Jai's FAULT - , he hasn't actually DONE anything wrong remember......" Her words carried all the impact of a peashooter aimed at the impenetrable hide of an elephant as Aiden began to move through the gears... "So how long have you known MATE !? - and why didn't you tell ME when you DID ? Moving forward to clasp Jai's hand, Annie bravely interceded - ONLY last night, Aiden, and even then it took a while for him to be sure, didn't it. Jai ? " "Oh yes, and why so long ??" sneered Aiden whose vision of his own father was etched indelibly on his brain - "In fancy dress, was he ??" Jai stepped forward - "Aiden, the way it went was this - Annie and I were coming back from the cinema in Yabbie Creek last night and we passed a side-alley where we saw that new guy Shayne from the diner talking to this other guy.. And it was only when we were getting back on the bus I realized it was your dad - he was wearing a hoodie and had a big ginger beard - but after I'd thought about it, I just KNEW it was him - and he seemed to be swapping something over with Shayne. at least I think so, it was only about 30 seconds tops that we got to see...." Belle and Aiden exchanged slow, surprised glances - a beard ? that was a personal fashion item never previously favoured by Larry - and what of this 'swapping' of items ? Could be anything of course, but where Larry was involved, suspicion was always one of the primary emotions to percolate to the surface of the mind. Annie took her chance to jump in with another mollifying comment "So you see Aiden, we'd have told you as soon as we saw you today, right, Jai ?" He nodded, as Aiden turned back to Belle, asking "So what in the hell is he up to now ?" Belle spread her arms wide in a baffled gesture and was about to reply before her cellphone sounded Answering it, they heard " Oh hi Roman, well I am meant to be off today, but yes I guess I could - - - what ?? - when ?? - oh man, well yes of course, I'll be there soon as I can !" With the others all looking on questioningly, Belle informed them "Roman was wondering if I could cover a shift at 'Waves' today - it's that Shayne -he's been taken into hospital - seems he was beaten up pretty badly last night...." Three shocked expressions gazed back at her...
Red Ranger 1 Posted February 25, 2009 Report Posted February 25, 2009 Ooh, the plot thickens.What happened to Shayne?What's happened to Martha?Is Megan all right? Looking forward to the next update.
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