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Fri, 30 Jan 09 – Episode # 4780

Guest JosieTash

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My UNOFFICIAL title for this ep, “ You’ll Thank Me For This One Day “

[screened in Australia on Fri, 30 Jan 09 – Episode # 4780]

Notes –

1. IADL for ep 4779 is inclk in this ep guide[

2. the leaders of each of the 11 IADL Awards categories, at the end of January, are alos listed.


VJ & Leah approach Miles, who isn’t that keen on talking about Kristy. VJ wonders if Miles would like to check out a cool news games etc website when he come over today. Miles doesn’t seem that interested, and Leah & VJ continue their walk t9 the beach.


Belle is waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay in pain in the lounge when Aden enters. He hands her some of her meds, and Belle thinks him coming over [bailing form work to do so]. She asks if he can stay a while – Aden agrees.


Brian overhears Leah telling Rachel & Colleen that she is seriously thinking of donating some of the money to the school. She also tells then that she has to go to the back at Reefton lakes – as there’s been an issue with her account. Rachel notices Brian bailing.


Brian meets up with Bridget, and insists that she HAS to start thing s happening with the charity scam thrust they planed. Bridget say that she rally can’t -= as she has to leave town because of Rachel. Brian insist that if Bridget canlt/wonlt get the money, than he’ll have to do something bout it.

After brain walks way, rach approaches Bridget, who insists that she didn’t know that Brian would rtn to the bay. Rach that tells Bridget that she’s run out of patience – Bridget MUST leave the bay today or Rach will tell Alf.


Melody isn’t that pleased with Alf giving her “fun” things to do like wash 0out bait buckets [as part of her punishment for recent actions]. Melody decides to take her lunch break, which Alf isn’t that keen on, built he lets her bail.

They both exit the ship and Bridget approaches Alf. She tell him bout how she need to go today, or they won’t keep her spot in the trail. Bridget is pleased when Alf tells her that he will join her in USA, whine Martha is back on her feet.


Miles enters, and is surprised to see Melody in the lounge room. She says she is talking a break for lunch. She is annoyed that miles hasn’t collected her svjhool records as yet, and because she gives him some “lip”, Melody tells melody to the bail – to continue helping Alf. Melody bails.


Nic isn’t that pleased when Aden tells her that he’s lined up a job for himself on a fishing trailer. Aden is so pleased with this news that he decide so go over and tell Belle straight way. Colleen isn’t pleased since she is working by herself at diner, whilst Nic eagerly removes that business card of the place that has just hired Aden.


When Aden arrives, Belle is very groggy, as she has taken more meds that she should have. Aden phones Rach and asks her to come over.


Jai enters a classroom. Miles is in there alone – and Jai tell him that the counselling session [for what happened at the formal] has just finished.

Out of the corridor, a couple of students see melody and start hassling her about what happened. Annie & Geoff come to melody’s defence, before Martin approaches. He wonders why melody is on school property – as he told her that she is forbidden to do so. Melody says that she just wants her school records. Miles arrives at bteh scene of the tension, and martin has a go at him for continuing to not be such a good guardian for Melody.


Rachel can't believe how much Belle has been overmedicating herlf. Rach insist that Belle is using that drugs as a crux, and that she needs to go back to counselling to deal with her issue. Rachel also tells Belle that she is only going to9 prescribe her some paracetamol for the pack pain etc form now on.


Alf & Bridget tell miles & melody that Bridget has to leave to go the USA today, but when Melody makes several sarcastic comments, miles has had enough,. He ANGRILY tells Melody to go to her room and not to come out til he says she can.


After alfs tells Leah, colleen etc that he &* Bridget are about to hed off, Leah & co say their goodbyes to Bridget.

Alf also comment bout how Miles went of at melody, and how he woodlot what to be in her shoes.

After Alf & bridget bails, Leah comments tat when she went to the bank, they told her that someone tried to access her back accounts.

Beaxsu of what Alf said, Leah sys that she isn’t going to take VJ over to see Miles, but Jai say that he’ll look after VJ for while.. Leah waaaaaaay appreciates the offer – and accepts.


As Alf & bridget approach his ute, Bridget se Rach and thank her for getting Bridget into this treatment program. When rach wonders if Alf is about to take Bridget to train station, Alf sys that he is taking bridget t the airport.

After Alf & Bridget get in the car &^ drive off, we see VJ & Jai playing hide & seek nearby – with Brian keeping watch.


And tells Belle about the job he has scored. He then gets a phone call – and sounds quite distressed as he talks on the phone. When off, he tells Belle that he has to bail -= to spoke to Nic.

When Aden is gone, Be pus something in the bin. She sees, and removes, an empty box of meds that were in there.


And st9orms into the kitchen and has a go at Nic – since she told aden's new employer tat Aden had accepted an offer to go to uni instead. Aden grabs Nic and insists that she tell treh fishing trawler dude the truth.


Aden & Nic approach the dude who hired Aden. Nic tells the dude that she lied about what happened, but the trawler dude says that he has given the job to someone else already. The dude gets in his boat and takes off. Aden storms off – and Nic yells out to him that he will think her one day for this.


Miles is in t6eh back patio when Melody approaches. She say that she knows that he didn’t see that she could leave her room, but melody insist that she will try to be better from now on.

Jai arrives, and wonders if they’ve seen VJ = as ther were playing hide & seek and he can’t find VJ anywhere.


VJ is in the back seat of Brian’s car. Brian insist at no harm will come to VJ, if Leah does as she is told.



Ruby thinks that Xavier is back in town because he likes her

Brian tells Leah that she will get VJ back, after she gives him $30,000

Emotions for Tony, Martha & Charlie are still running high [towards Angelo] because of Jack’s death.

It's A Designer Label (IADL) - ep 4780


Rachel: royal blue polo shirt/black knee length skirt


Annie: light orange [with black “straps”] halter neck dress


Leah: white scoop top/white halter bikini top/dark shorts


Aden: black [mall white logo] v neck t/dark long pants

Alf: white [multi colour horis stripes] shirt/wide brim hat/bone long pants

Belle: black top/grey shorts

Brian: blue shirt/dark long pants

Bridget: white elbow sleeves blouse/dark long pants

Bridget: black elbow sleeves blouse/denim jeans

Colleen: red []white spots] blouse/aqua top/white [rated floral] skirt

Dude annoyed with Melody: green [black “NORTON Isle Of Man TT”] t

Fishing trawler dude: dark shirt/ denim jeans

Geoff: white v neck t/ denim jeans

Jai: white [various closured rays coming out of several suns] t/denim jeans

Leah: yellow wide straps top/white long pants

Martin: dark suit/light blue shirt/dark [white dots] t

Melody: black [white leaves] top/dark shorts

Miles: faded white & blue [black tropic motif] t/brown shirt/bine long pants

Nicole: grey singlet top/dark shorts

VJ: brown [native Oz art] t/white shorts

VJ: green hoodie/ denim jeans


It's A Designer Label (IADL) - ep 4779


Annie: light pink v neck t/dark shorts


Nicole: silver [black swirls] v neck top/dark shorts


Kristy: dark blue top/red knee length skirt


Aden: black [small white logo] t/ dark long pants

Aden: balk [silver “Navajo”] t/dark long pants

Alf: light blue [green check] shirt/bone long pants

Annie: apple green [black birds?] t/red shorts

Belle: dark singlet top/dark shorts

Belle: red [black unknown motif] top/dark long pants

Geoff: light blue v neck t/dark shorts

Geoff: yellow [dark blue tropic] t/denim jeans

Irene: red elbow sleeve sleeves blouse/dark long pants

Irene: grey elbow length sleeved blouse

Jai: grey [black horiz stripes] t

Jai: white [faint black tree] t/dark long pants

Jai: yellow [black “alphabet stereo sounds” and music note motif] t

Kane: sky blue [white waves] t/dark shorts

Kane: purple [several white horizontal stripes across chest] t

Kristy: dark blue singlet top/black [white floral] long skirt

Kristy: red low cut knee length dress

Miles: black [with black & white photo of a reasonably old looking man] t//denim jeans

Miles: brown button up shirt/white [black “Abercrombie & Fitch”] t

Oliver: brown [grey sleeves] top/ dark long pants

Oliver: dark singlet [over Spidermen top]/white [blue swirl] shorts

Roman: olive green t/dark long pants

Roman: white “the harbinger” t/dark long pants


IADL category leaders

Best Dressed Female – Rachel

Best Dressed Male – Miles

Best Dressed Guest – Asia

Best Dressed New Talent – Asia

Most Consistently Well Dressed Female – Rachel

Most Consistently Well Dressed Male – Miles

Most Consistently Well Dressed Guest – Angelo

Most Consistently Well Dressed New Talent – Asia

Most Silver Medals – Nicole

Most Bronze Medals – Rachel

Most Honourable Mentions – Alf


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