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Skinny Fears For Home And Aways Belle.

Guest stephyrose4

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I hate it when magazines do this. Personal opinion on whether or not anyone thinks she's too small, all this does is make people think she has an eating disorder and means she'll have to spend months trying to maintain in interviews she doesn't. And if she does have a problem, what does writing on it and pointing it out in some bad photos achieve? Nothing. It just makes her the prime target for judgement. But that is what media does.

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I agree with what other posters have said, and would also like to add, IF she is making unhealthy decisions based on a skewed self-image, then - apart from it being entirely HER business - what the hell do these morons think it's going to do to her if they point to her body and say "OMG! SHE IS LYK SO SKINI! EWWWUH!!!!! WOT A BAD ROLL MODALL!!!! SHE SHUD BE MUR REZBOSIBUL N STUFF!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :o" I used improper English because I don't presume these sorts of people to have the intelligence necessary to grasp the real thing, or indeed to grasp the concepts of human decency and compassion. The worst thing is that they actually pretend to care about the person they're publicly humiliating.

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I agree with what everyone said because it achieves absolutely nothing decent but it's unfortunately what the media does everyday. (Actors in Australia have it 100x better than those in Hollywood that's for sure. ) But it's not like anyone can deny that she does look too thin. I don't understand why people can't say that without getting attacked. We've seen lots of pics where she looks very frail so if that isn't *too* thin then I don't know what is. We see her on tv and in magazines all the time and for a long time she's looked this thin. It's only up to her what she wants (or doesn't want) to do about it and that, we can't interfere with. It's her choice if she chooses to be and stay that way but nothing wrong with saying personal opinions. <_<

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Actually, there is a rule at this board against criticising the actors' looks. "Too thin" or "too fat," it's all the same shallow judgment, and no offense intended but it's not welcome here. I don't doubt that some people are actually be worried about her health, but the point is it's not our business to be discussing her personal medical condition on the internet, and it's wrong of the media to encourage it. It's her life, her body, and her business.

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Yes I can see that she is a slim girl, when I watch her on TV as Belle I can see she is a slim girl, and when I see photos of her I can see she is slim but that doesn't mean there is anything wrong with her, and it doesn't mean I have a right to comment on her looks, figure etc. Like I do not have the right to comment on anyone's looks. Whether they are fat, thin, tall, short... whatever. It doesn't matter if I say it out of care, criticism, worry, it is not my place to talk, judge and comment on her. I don't know her personally, and even if I did I wouldn't just be expressing my thoughts on her at any given time. It's not my place.

Also what's even more annoying about this article is the way they have turned it all around to make it out as though they care for her well being. The only thing they care for is sensationalising a story that doesn't even class as news to sell more magazines and make more money. Another thing that grates about this article is the assumptions it makes about Jess and her lifestyle. How in the world do they know that Jess' work schedule is busy?? Have they been snooping at her diary aswell. :rolleyes: And making assumptions about her diet and relationships, when they have nothing to link these things with her looks. It's wrong. End of. <_<

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