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Guest MissOlivia22

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Sorry about lack of an update.

I don't like this chapter....

Chapter Two

Aden looked up to Roman as he entered the kitchen.

“You thirsty?” Roman asked standing In the doorway looking down at Aden was sitting at the table.

“Yeh thanks.” Aden replied watching as Roman headed to the sink grabbed a cup and let the water run for a few moments, before returning and placing It on the table in front of Aden. Roman let Aden take a few sips of the water before breaking the looming silence.

“So do you wanna tell me what happened back there?” He asked.

“We had an little argument that’s all” Aden replied staring at the reflection in the water.

“It looked like more than a little argument to me” Roman stated but was greeted by silence.

“Do things get violent often?”

“Mainly when he’s drunk” Aden said grimly. Roman thought back to earlier that evening.

“He didn’t seem drunk tonight.”

“He wasn’t” Aden said bluntly.

“What were you fighting about” Roman asked cautiously not wanting to push him too far. Aden didn’t reply, simply continuing to stare into the water in front of him hoping that Roman would just drop it. He didn’t want anyone to know his past. He didn’t want the pity or sympathy.

“Ok” Roman nodded “But if you want to talk, you know I'm always willing to talk”

“Thanks” Said Aden, not for the offer to talk, but for leaving it.


He was cold, uncomfortable; he had a headache and a sore throat. Not a good combination for a school morning. Aden had awoken to a knock at the door and groaned as he sat up on the sofa. He listened to see if anyone else was in the house before glancing at his watch.

“S***” he said quietly realising that school had started 2 hours ago. He assumed that Roman decided not to wake him for a reason and gave up on the thought of going to school. Another knock at the door jolted Aden out of his thoughts. He wasn’t sure whether or not to open the door. It wasn’t his house after all, he looked a mess and he had no idea who it could be. Another knock at the door told him that the person on the other side of the door wasn’t going to give up.

“One sec” Aden shouted sitting up and running his hands through his hair and heading towards the door. Opening it, he was kind of shocked to see his father standing there.

“Hey son” He said sheepishly. Aden glared at him angrily and didn’t say a word.

“Is uhh Roman here” He asked trying to make conversation.

“No he isn’t. What the hell do you want” Aden replied before turning his back and walking into the kitchen.

“I’ve come to take you home” He stated following Aden and not bothering to shut the door behind him.

“No you’re not. You just here to make sure I haven’t told anyone about your “war hero” father” Aden said turning towards him “What do you really want?”

The two of them stared at each other for a few moments before Larry brought up the courage to ask what he really came here for.

“I want the truth” He stated

“I told you the truth” Aden shouted

“Stop lying! Larry shouted back.

“I’M NOT LIEING” Aden yelled at the top of lungs, tears stinging his eyes.

“You want me to tell you that he didn’t rape me. That he didn’t come into my room at night. Kiss me. Touch me. Make me dread when you went out and make me fear going to bed because there was always a chance he could do it again . You want me to say that to you and I CAN’T. Every time you went out, every time you were passed out on the sofa. EVEN WHEN YOU WERE THERE!. And you did nothing. Didn’t you hear me crying, screaming for help?”

Roman stood there in shock of what he had just heard. He had come home to find Larry’s car in the drive and the door wide Open. He wasn’t really sure what to do, whether to interrupt or leave. Before he had time to decide, Larry had heard movement behind his and turned to see him standing there, also putting him in full site of Aden. He breathing was heavy, his eyes filled with tears. Aden held eye contact with him for a moment before shoving past both of them and out of the door leaving Larry and Roman standing there both in shock at Aden’s outburst. They stood there for a moment, Larry avoiding Romans eye contact.

“If you’re not going to go after him, then I am” Roman said angrily, heading out the door to find Aden

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Lol, Seeing as I have to get on with my textiles. Here's the first part (therefore short) of the chapter that I've already finished.


“Oi, shouldn’t you be at school” Shouted Alf as Aden entered the gym, filled with anger and partially wet from the rain outside. As it was during the day there was no one in the gym, only Alf and Martha but Aden ignored them completely, instead grabbing the boxing gloves left on the side from the previous user and started to beat the s*** out the nearest boxing bag. He released all the anger he had bottled up for the past 10 years, tears brimming his eyes, his arms and hands aching from the force he was using. For every time his granddad raped him, for every time his father did nothing. For when his brother left him, when his mother died and everything else that had gone in his life. He punched and punched even thought it was clear that after a few minutes he was worn out. Alf stood there shocked, watching as he continued to use all his strength to continue, tears had began to over flow his eyes and they dripped slowly down his face as he finally started to give up, his punches becoming less powerful and less frequent.

“I’m gunna call Roman. He text me a few minutes ago asking If I’d seen him” Martha whispered to Alf as not to let Aden hear, but had no luck. His hands dropped to the side and he turned to face them. Angrily his Chucked the gloves in their direction, one hitting Martha the other landing on the floor before he headed back out to the pouring rain.

He didn’t know where he was going, he just knew he had to get away from Martha, Alf , from Roman, from everyone. He walked at a speed down the beach trying to find a place that was secluded, where he could think and get away from the world.

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