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Guest LuvAden

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Thank you for updating this fic is such an interesting concept, read it when you were writing before but didn't comment but so glad you have continued.

Glad you have chosen to compare what happened to Melody and Aden's past.

Hope you can update again soon

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“You don’t know anything!” he hisses. “Axel touched you up – ooh big deal!” he snaps harshly.

“Don’t!” Melody warns. “Don’t belittle what I’ve been through. What Axel did…”

I get why Aden said what he did, but at the same time I love Mel standing up for herself. While it may not have been anything compared to what Aden went through, physically, it still effected her alot. So I enjoyed her saying this.

The rest of the scene between Melody and Aden was so good. I think she is the right person for him to confide in(apart from Belle anyway). I'm glad she continued pushing the subject, because from his reaction in the end, it seems like he really does need someone to talk to.

Also enjoyed the Belle/Geoff scenes. Feel sorry for Irene the most. Having to put up with those two.

Please update soon.

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Larry Jeffries and Christine Jones sit silently on the sand. Both of them at a loss for words. Larry feels ashamed and at the same time relieved to have told her what had happened to him. He fears now though what she thinks of him. It was different somehow for a man…he glances at her. She still looks shocked. He wonders what she is thinking, he wishes she would say something.

Christine doesn’t know how to react. Her first feeling was one of shock, then sympathy, then repulsion…how could a father do that to his own son? She is afraid to look at Larry in case he can see the repulsion in her eyes because even though it isn’t directed at him the whole situation horrifies her.

Larry had debated for a moment telling her about Aden but decided against it. It wasn’t his place to reveal what had happened to Aden and to admit he had allowed the same thing to happen to his own son…he was sure she would despise him and she would be right to. This woman had built an emotional fortress around herself and her daughter in order to protect her daughter. She wouldn’t understand that his only way of coping with what had happened to him had been to pretend it never had. To shut it so far out of his mind that he almost thought it had just been a nightmare. Even though that meant leaving his child in harms way. He had been weak, he knew that and he regretted it but at the time he had been too afraid to do anything.

Christine reaches out and pats his hand. He places his other hand over hers gently. They continue to sit in silence.



Irene looks from Geoff to Belle, hoping that finally they had resolved their issues. Having spent an hour discussing everything and listened to a lot of “he said” and “she said” everyone was finally calm.

“So, are we agreed?” she asks. She at Geoff. “No one is saying Aden Jeffries is an angel, he’s not by a long shot. And, it’s no secret that I think Belle could do better…”

Belle looks appalled and is about to reply but Irene continues.

“BUT…I know Belle. I know what a good person she is and maybe, sometimes, she makes mistakes and gets things wrong but I trust her judgment. And I know, if she didn’t genuinely believe that there was goodness in Aden she wouldn’t have a bar of him. So for Belle I am willing to give him the benefit of the doubt and I hope you can too.” Irene pauses. “And if you can’t…then just keep it to yourself! Because I don’t want anymore arguing. Got that? Both of you?”

They both nod solemnly.

“Good.” Irene sighs. “Now clear off the pair of ya, I’ve wasted enough of my day off on you!”

They both stand up.

“Irene I’m sorry I’ve been a nuisance.” Says Geoff.

“And?” Irene asks nodding in Belle’s direction.

“And Belle…I’m sorry for…everything.” Geoff mumbles apologetically.

“I’m sorry too.” Says Belle.

“Hallelujah!” Irene waves her hands in the air. “Hostilities have ceased!”

Belle and Geoff look sheepish. They both feel a little childish for the way they had been behaving. They smile timidly at each other and suddenly Geoff grins broadly.

“I feel a bit stupid.”

“Me too.” Belle admits and they both laugh.

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Poor Larry. I liked that insight into both his and Christine's thoughts. That was very well done!

The Belle/Irene/Geoff situation was funny once again! Am glad that they came to an agreement in the end! I just hope that things between them all can be sorted out again!

Can't wait for more!


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“Hallelujah!” Irene waves her hands in the air. “Hostilities have ceased!”

I liked this line.

I love Irene here. The way she's getting involved in their lives. But her frustrations with them is so believable.

The Larry and Christine scene was really good. For a moment there I started to think that it was Larry she was repulsed by, then I read the rest of the sentence. I never would have imagined this two as friends, but they work so well together in this fic.

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