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Tues, 2 Sept 08 – Episode # 4707

Guest JosieTash

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My UNOFFICIAL title for this ep, “ Oh Joy, It’s Bridget “

[screened in Australia on Tues, 2 Sept 08 – Episode # 4707]

Notes –

1. This guide, for various reasons isn’t as well detailed as usual .IADL will be added tomorrow.

2. the Dr that I refereed to as Morsby in ep 4706 is actauklly called Dr HORNBY

Nic is TOTALLY shocked about the marriage proposal, but thinks that it’s going too far. NIC doesn’t appreciate when Geoff tells him about how sinful that is for him. Nic tells Geoff that she can’t believe that something she thought is amazing is conderied to be so dirty by Geoff. She suggewtstat he should bail – Geoff does.

Melody tells Aden that her mother said that ppl who wish fop ppl to die are evil.

A nurse calls lights out – and isn’t pleased that Melody is in Aden’s room. Nurse Gale almost can’t believe it when Aden says that Melody talked to Aden, as she hasnklt talk to anyone.

Next day, Aden & melody are in a room who many other ppl [its all bery common room ish]. Aden can’t believe that Melody actually believe athat she is the rasions that Axel is dead. Aden suggest that Mel should “get over herself”

Geoff admistrbto Nic that perhaps that marriage thing is too much, but he does insist on not sleeping with Nic again till they marry. Nic decides to see the partitives and is pleased that they can still kiss, cuddle etc

Nic visits Aden at clinic. She tells her that she & roman are in a good place after what’s happened. Nic tells Aden about Geoff’s marriage proposal – but then tells him what they’ve decided.

Rachel is looking at her wedding dress at the hunter house. Tony thinks it’s a good idea to move the weeding date back to a date that soon but not to sioion. Rach say that she doesn’t mind how long that put it off for.

As Nic is ealving the clinic, she encounters Melody. Nic jokes that, became Aden & Melody are here, they’ll soon be able to hold a school reunion her. Melody wonders if Geoff is here – as she fells good when she is near him. Melody asks Nic to pass a msg to Geoff that she is here at clinic.

In hunter’s kitchen rache tells Tony that he should stop apologising for what’s happened. Rachel is V pleased when Tony offers to cook dinner. After she goes out tohet some wine, Tony ts a post it note, with the name Bridget and a Mobil number on it, out of his pocket. He tries to post it note in bin.

Nic enters the beach house nd sits with Geoff on the couch. She wasy that waaaaaaaaay get physical with him, but he stands up. Geoff cant belove that Nic just lied to him earlier bout waiting.

Son after, belle arrive home and bob comment of their current hardships. After some advice form Geoff, belle agrees to go and see Aden – if Geoff with her to the clinic.

Aden is sooooooooo pleased when belle enters his room at clinic. She draws the line and says that she is only her a s a friend, but she will be here all the way for Aden if he’s committed to getting help.

Elsewhere, Geoff encounters Melody. Melody tells him that she always feels better when Geoff is around. Melody asks Geoff that thank Nic for passing on her msg to Geoff.

Geoff enters Romans’ place, and he REALLY lets Nic “have it” about how she didn’t tell him about Melody. Nicole admits that she is way jealous, nuyt Geoff doesn’t want to hear it. He bails.

Tony [hunter’s] gets a shock when Bridget arrives at the front door. She comments about how he’s not returned any of her call.

Tigs get worse for Tony when Rachel enters the house



Rachel is crying on the beach – after Tony tells her bout his ‘ship with Bridget!!!

Charlie & Angelo go out on a date

It’s A Designer Label [iADL]



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