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He's Mine!

Guest jack+martha=trooluvv

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It's a good start, Meg!

I loved the interaction between Martha and Jack.

There's just one little thing which doesn't seem right. Tasha's only 3 weeks pregnant and she has a baby bump and the baby already kicked. I think 3 weeks would be too soon for that to happen.

Looking forward to reading more.

I had a feeling that three weeks was way to early...

But I will edit the post and change it, if you like :)

I'm just a stupid little girl who's never been pregnant so don't mind me :D

You're not stupid. You were just in a rush to post your fic. :)

I've never been pregnant either but I just thought it was weird. 3 weeks; the embryo would just be too small for the mother to feel it kicking. Anyway, I'll stop the biology lesson. :)

Thank you, Miranda, for your information. :)

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Martha & Jack are just boyfriend and girlfriend, not engaged yet.

So here's your update guys!!

Chapter 2

Lazy, blue-green breakers rolled slowly on to the sandy shore, white foam spitting and flying everywhere as they wearily crashed on to the sand. Little kids squealed in the shallows, muscly surfers rolled their eyes at the boring waves and girls sunbathed on pink fringed towels.

Jack, Martha, Tasha & Robbie all walked down to the beach, Martha & Tasha in stripy bikinis, Tasha not at all ashamed of her rounded belly, Jack & Robbie in boardshorts. They had decided to go for a swim and a picnic at the beach. Martha was hand-in-hand with Jack and had never felt so happy. Tasha & Robbie were back, her best friends in all the world, she was happily with Jack and the water looked beautiful.

Jack moved down quicker, eager to get in the surf. Jack had a real love for the ocean – he would never swim in a pool where there was sea to be found. He felt like he connected with it, somehow. He dropped his towel and beach bag and yelled, “Hurry up, slowpokes!”

“Coming, coming!” groaned Martha, jogging to catch up with him. Tasha and Robbie followed. They dropped their bags and Robbie and Jack ran in enthusiastically, diving in at the first wave. Tasha and Martha giggled at each other, and walked down, arm-in-arm, like they were a pair of twelve-year-old besties. As they reached the water they did the dip-a-toe-and-squeal routine, finally jumping in and soaking themselves all over.

“Oh, it’s good to be back in Summer Bay’s water,” Tasha yelled, diving under the water with her long blonde hair flowing. Martha joined her and they swam underwater for a while, as Jack and Robbie headed out further. The four friends ducked each other and laughed and squealed and fooled around, until…

“Aaargh!” Tasha squealed in agony.

“What is it?” Martha asked concernedly.

“A…jellyfish…I think…” she said, her face scrunched up in pain. “Ohhh God it hurts!” Martha saw there was a jellyfish wrapping its tentacles around Tasha’s foot, which was going red and blotchy. Robbie raced up and pulled it quickly off her foot, pulling on the top soft bit that doesn’t sting, and then tossed it far away. Tasha was crying in pain.

“It…wasn’t poisonous, was it?” Jack asked.

“Didn’t see. I don’t think it was a hugely poisonous one but I know a few people that faint from a jellyfish sting,” Robbie said.

“Like Tasha?” Martha asked.

Tasha seemed to be losing consciousness, and was going limp. “It might just be the shock,” Robbie said, supporting Tasha’s slim frame in the water. “But we’d better get her to a hospital.”

Martha swam quickly to the shore and called an ambulance from her mobile phone. Soon it came weeeeee-oooooooooooo-ing along and limp Tasha was borne onto a stretcher. Robbie got in with her and Martha and Jack got in Jack’s car and followed the ambulance to the hospital. They got caught up in traffic and arrived about five minutes after the ambulance. They raced quickly in and asked a nurse where Tasha was. The nurse directed them and there was Tasha, now conscious, sitting up weakly on a hospital bed. Robbie bent down and hugged her. “I’m allright,” Tasha said in a small voice.

“Are you sure?” Martha hugged her tightly.

“Yep. My foot just hurts, that’s all,” said Tasha, trying to laugh it off.

“Try not to swim in jellyfish-infested waters again, Mrs Hunter,” the doctor said sternly.

“It wasn’t infested!” Tasha protested. “I didn’t see ANY others.”

“Well you have a bad reaction to that type of jellyfish, whatever it was. You can go home now,” the doctor replied.

Martha and Robbie helped Tasha up off the bed and walked her to the car. “I hope this isn’t a bad omen for our stay in Summer Bay,” Tasha said nervously, her wet hair hanging in draggled strands in front of her face.

“Don’t be silly,” Martha laughed. But underneath she was wondering the same thing.


An hour later Martha was back at work, pouring smoothies like anything, though it wasn’t as flat-out as it had been the other day. As she worked she gossipped with Cassie. “So…I hear you’ve been getting emails from a certain Jules,” she giggled. Cassie whacked her with a teatowel.

“He says he’d like to return some day,” Cassie said, blushing slightly.

“I thought you guys had a fight?” Martha asked quizzically.

“Well…I think I’m ready to forgive him. It’s just that I’ve missed him so much.”

“If you want to Cass, then go for it!”

“Well, when I get home I’m going to email him and tell him that if he comes back, I’m willing to be with him.”

Martha giggled. “He’d be mad to refuse.”

“You and Jack are so lucky,” sighed Cassie loudly.

“Yep, we are,” laughed Martha.

“Hey, you’re meant to sympathise!” Cassie protested.

“Oh, beg my pardon,” Martha replied. “Does Queen Cassie object?”

“Of course We do,” Cassie replied, doing her best Queen Victoria impersonation.

“Oh, I do beg your pardon, my Queen,” and Martha bowed.

“I knight you!” Cassie said imperiously, and Martha giggled uncontrollably. Cassie grabbed a fruit knife and tapped Martha on the head with it. “Rise, Sir McKenzie.”

“Excuse me?” an annoyed-looking lady said. “We’re waiting for our smoothies, and we’re on a tight schedule.”

“Sorry,” Martha said, still trying to hold back laughter. She poured a smoothie and handed it to the lady.

“Sir McKenzie apologizes,” put in Cass.

“Cassie!” hissed Martha.

“Never mind,” the customer said icily. Martha whaked Cassie with a towel.

“Well, if you don’t want your title, then We shall withdraw it,” said Cassie snobbily.

“Oh, fine then,” laughed Martha. Cassie and she were in a silly mood tonight and laughed and joked all through their shift. At the end of the shift, Cassie went home, looking nervous and pink-cheeked. Just as Martha was about to head out the door Tasha walked in and grabbed her.

“Hey Tash,” Martha smiled.

“Mac,” Tasha said, “want to come to Irene’s for a drink and dinner?”

“Sounds great,” Martha replied, “I’ll text Jack and see if he wants to come once I’m at yours.”


Jack looked at the apartment in satisfaction. Rosepetals were scattered everywhere and there were no electric lights on, instead Jack had lit several old lamps that gave the room a dim, romantic glow. Incense was burning away on top of a table and the dinner table was laid with a white satin tablecloth, and all the food was laid out. Leah had given him a special Greek pasta dish with chocolate-dipped strawberries and mud cake for dessert, it was all laid out on the table. The door to the bedroom hung seductively open and the bed was scattered with rosepetals as well.

“This is going to be the best night ever,” sighed Jack. He checked his watch. Martha would be home in ten minutes, and then they would have the night of their life.


Martha sat at Irene’s place, laughing over a glass of Chardonnay. Lucas had come as well, but he and Belle (who were a couple) had sneaked upstairs almost straight away after they had come.

“Hey, where’s Luc?” Martha asked, feeling the wildness of her second glass coming upon her.

“I don’t know, I think he and Belle went upstairs,” laughed Robbie.

“Ooooh, wonder what they’re doing there,” giggled Tasha, who hadn’t had much to drink but had picked up on the silliness.

“I’d better text Jack,” Martha said, looking at her mobile phone. “Ooops, he’s been home for about five minutes.”

“Hey, wait, before you do that, I just want to show you something,” Tasha said, grabbing Martha’s arm and showing her something Robbie had bought her in America. Martha returned and drank some more, and completely forgot about texting Jack. An hour passed, and a tipsy-looking Irene swayed off to bed. Luc and Belle still hadn’t returned. Tasha was getting a little drunk as well and they all laughed inanely. Martha was doing some wild arm-movements (pretending to be a windmill) and without noticing hit the OFF button on her mobile with one of her hands.


God, she’s late, thought Jack disappointedly. The wine was ready and everything. He supposed she was in the Diner chatting with Tasha or Cassie or something. Still, she could have called. Finally, he checked his watch. It was an hour and fifteen minutes since her shift was finished. Gawd, that girl, he sighed. Jack picked up his mobile and texted her.

Mac, got a surprise for you here. Come home.

But she never got it…her mobile was turned off…The hours passed and Jack grew more and more annoyed. Finally he gave up and went to sleep on the sofa, the incense lulling him into a disturbed sleep. All that food wasted, was the last thought that went through his mind.


At about eight o’ clock the next morning, Martha found herself drooped over Irene’s sofa, her head hurting uncontrollably and her stomach threatining to throw up. Tasha lay in Robbie’s arms on the floor. Suddenly memories rushed back.

“I never texted Jack!” Martha thought in horror. Still, Jack wouldn’t mind, would he? Then she remembed pretending to pole dance for Tasha and Robbie, after Irene had gone to bed…and doing various other stupid things… “Oh, no,” groaned Martha. She looked into the kitchen, and saw Belle and Lucas making out there. They saw that she had awoken, giggled apologetically and dashed away. The noise woke Tasha who stirred with a groan.

“I gotta go,” Martha gasped, remembering Jack.

“Mac,” Tasha called groggily after her.

Despite her hangover, Martha ran to the car and drove home quickly. When she arrived Jack was making pancakes and looking very grumpy. She knocked on the door gently.


“Martha,” Jack said. “Why didn’t you call?”

“I…I…forgot,” Martha said in a small voice.

“You FORGOT? Where were you, anyway?”

“At Irene’s, having drinks with Tasha & Robbie.”

“Do you know what I had planned for you?”


“A romantic, sexy evening. And I’m not going to have it anymore.”

“Jack! Why are you so angry?”

“Because you didn’t even call! Remember how when we split up for the first time, you were so pissed off about me working late? Well now I know how you feel!”

“Good! Because that made me feel awful!”

Hope you liked.

Chapter 3:

Martha & Jack's fight continues but Tasha is the peacemaker with a great suggestion...

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