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Thanks Guys/Girls :)

Since things have settled down at home and my proofie isn't being slack lately, Heres an update :D



Paul (Holly’s Husband)






Daniel Bennett




Chapter 51.

Her room covered in a veil of darkness, Holly sat up in her bed, her inner turmoil reigning high again. Bobby was at the forefront of her thoughts, day and night and in all honesty, it frightened her to death. This was so much more than a simple case of lust; she knew how to handle lust. But that wasn't the case here. It was so much more than that. Though she desperately wanted to, in the solitude and relative safety of her own bedroom she couldn't deny that Bobby was doing something to her, something deep inside. She was stirring up feelings she thought to be long forgotten, buried beneath the icy exterior and almost clinical detachment she had adopted so long ago in order to survive.

Though Bobby was making her feel again, little by little chipping away the brick wall she had built around her heart, Holly knew nothing could ever come of it. However much she might want to, she knew she couldn't allow this to go any further. Bobby was far too young, she was with Paul, and it would be the biggest scandal. Besides, she needed to protect, not only Bobby but also herself. She couldn't afford giving someone her heart, only to have it ripped out again, she was sure she wouldn't survive a second time. Bobby would get over it, he was still young; he’d bounce back…. Yet every time that Holly tried to justify keeping her distance, something Bobby said or did made her melt all over again: his comforting, protective embrace when she broke down, crying on his shoulder, consoling Averyl after her pet cat had died.

She knew she had blown the chance she had with Bobby. Turning him down; the look of disappointment in his eyes tore her apart. Holly rolled over in her bed and glanced at Paul lying beside her, his chest rising and falling as he slept. She leant over and kissed him on the forehead gently, trying not to wake him.

Paul handed his script to Jon; turning on the tap he washed his face one more time. He glanced up in the mirror and sighed as the water droplets slowly dripped down his face.

“So, you’re going to be a Dad now?” Jon asked him. Paul nodded and turned off the tap.

“Perhaps you should do a course, becoming a father 101 or something,” Jon joked setting the script down on the shelf he headed into one of the stalls.

“Funny...” Paul replied, his voice just above a whisper. Although Paul had told Jodi he was ready to become a father, inside he was scared. Just the thought of changing a nappy made him shudder. For the past two nights, Jodi had been non-stop talking about baby names and setting up a nursery. Paul kept reminding her that she wasn’t even a month pregnant. Jodi would have none of that; she said it was never too early to be planning ahead.

“You scared?” Jon called out as he flushed the toilet.

“Terrified actually,” Paul replied.

“Ahh, mate you’ll be fine. Piece of cake!”

“How do you know that? You don’t have any kids.”

“True, but after my father walked out on my family, my mother began to almost live at the pub. At that time, I was 15 and my younger siblings were 2 and 6, I practically raised them.”

“I didn’t know that...”

“Well it’s not something you just go ahead and tell anyone.”

“Yeah,” Paul agreed with him. Paul took one last glance of him self in the mirror before heading over to the door. Turning back to remind Jon they had a scene in less then an hour, Paul left.

‘’If Jon could do it at such a young age then I can too!’’ Paul thought to himself smiling.

With a heavy heart, not really understanding what was so urgent, Isabel took the final steps to Daniel Bennett’s office. Knocking on the heavy oak door, she patiently waited for Dan to holler 'enter' before walking in; the ominous creaking of the door Daniel’s totally uncharacteristic pacing doing nothing to calm her frazzled nerves. Halting right in front of the huge desk, she nervously stuck her hands in her jeans pockets, rocking back and forth on her heels as she stared at the ground, looking very much like a naughty schoolgirl about to be reprimanded. Being in Daniel’s presence always did that to her; somehow she always morphed into the tongue tied, clumsy teenager she used to be. Still waiting for Daniel to speak, she looked up and sighed deeply.

Daniel hadn't even noticed her. He was still fluttering about like a man possessed, mumbling incoherently as he cleared his desk. Sitting down on one of the hard chairs he insisted on having in his office – personally Isabel always thought Daniel had handpicked them to make everyone squirm even more when summoned to the office as the chairs were murder on the backside – she looked around the spacious office to pinpoint what it was exactly that always made her feel so uneasy.

Daniel Bennett wasn't really the best person to confide in, his ideas and opinions were just too rigid and outdated. He'd never understand where she was coming from. He'd never understand her hopes, wishes and desires; he'd only frown upon them, so Isabel hardly ever confided in him. She wanted to spare herself the moral indignation and the starch god fearing and abiding lectures.

"Ah, Isabel, good that you're here," he said, finally locating the papers he had been so desperately looking for and filing them away, not even noticing Isabel’s embarrassed and shocked blushing or that Isabel had almost leapt out of the seat in surprise at hearing his voice.

"I have been doing some talking with various crew and cast members and we have come to the conclusion that you are sick and need help. Unfortunately, the kind of help you need we can not offer and therefore you are going to have to take a break from filming."

"Me?" Isabel screeched out flabbergasted, doing an award winning performance of the stunned fish expression, unable to utter a single recognisable word as she saw all her dreams go up in smoke. Desperately trying to come up with a reply, she blurted out:

"I can't! I won’t!"

"Nonsense, of course you can and you will," Daniel replied.

"You expect me to just go?" Isabel whispered to no one in particular, a cold chill settling in her heart at having her own Fate snatched out of her hands. Daniel didn't hear her of course, as he went on undeterred,

"Not immediately of course, in a few weeks time. You will have to film your exit." Isabel was just sitting there, stunned, unable to utter a single word as Daniel went on, "You will still get your pay check of course, but you need help and it’s the kind of help that we can’t give you."

Astonished by Daniel’s cold and calculated ways, Isabel could only nod. "Good, that's settled then," Daniel said. "Well, I'd better get going then."

Daniel’s hand was already on the door when Isabel suddenly called out, "Wait, there is no other way?" Then, almost as an afterthought, she added, "You have thought this through, right?”

"I’m sorry Isabel," Daniel replied as she left the room, not even noticing that Isabel sagged back in the chair, an utter mess.

Just as she was opening the heavy oak door to his office, Daniel brushed past her. Not even acknowledging Kate’s presence as she hollered, 'wait for me!' his arms flailing wildly about as he sped off the steps. Scrunching her eyebrows in confusion, Kate looked behind her for a second take and immediately wished she had a video camera on her as Daniel formed the most comical sight. Thinking he rather resembled a crazed penguin on speed, Kate had to suppress a sniggering giggle, her imagination working overtime again.

Watching Becca on the steps outside, hugging herself close, looking so lost and forlorn, Nic felt his heart constrict and then Becca looked up to him, looking him straight in the eye and Nic felt desire course through her veins as the love and yearning in Becca’s eyes were so palpable. He didn't know how long they stood there, just looking at each other as the sun shone down on them, but then the spell was broken as Becca turned to leave once more. Grabbing her by the hand, Nic pulled her close, their bodies touching, his hand snaking around her back. His heart thumping fast, adrenaline and liquid desire pumping through him, breathing rapidly, he looked into Becca’s eyes.

Nic’s hand on her back burning her skin, the feel of their bodies touching making her tremble, her breathing shallow as she watched Nic’s parted lips, Becca knew she couldn't fight this any longer. She snaked her fingers through Nic’s short blonde hair, pulling her even closer, kissing him passionately.

Nic’s lips were just too close by, she had to taste them again, feel them again against her own. She had been denied for far too long. Parting her lips, she slowly licked Nic’s lips before kissing her again, nibbling on his lower lip with her teeth. Nic couldn't hold back a moan when Becca invaded his mouth, probing gently at first, but soon becoming bolder, darting along her teeth, swirling her velvety tongue around Nic’s.

Breaking away from the scorching kiss, slightly gasping as he felt Becca’s fingers, warm from the hot air, her nails scratching lightly along the skin, sending shooting spirals of lust and desire down his spine, Nic looked at her, drowning in the love reflecting in her eyes. His voice low, nearly dropped an entire octave, he whispered huskily, "Why don't we take this somewhere else?" Not trusting her voice, Becca could only nod.

“Becca!” Her mother called out, waking her suddenly from her daydream. Becca yawned and stretched her legs out on the couch.

“What?” Becca finally called out.


“DamnIt!” Becca muttered as she pulled herself up with the aid of the couch’s arms. She grinned as she made a mental note to go to bed early that night.

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Thanks Chrissiekins! :D:P You just love Daniel Bennett! :rolleyes:


Daniel Bennett













Averyl’s dad

Chapter 52.

Daniel paced back and forth the room, running his hands through his thick dark hair. Taking long deep breaths trying to gather all this thoughts together, to try and tell them what had happened the day before with Isabel.

He had called them all for a meeting after the days filming; they didn’t know why they were there. But, they did know it was important, or at least it was to Daniel. Every cast member was there; even Sarah, Nic and Emily who had arrived back in Australia the day beforehand. All except for Isabel, who was politely asked not to attend.

Sarah sat in the back, her foot in a cast, due to her ankle being broken. Emily sat beside her with her hand drawing small round circles on Sarah’s thigh. Both were glad to back home, in their own bed. The trip home felt like possibly the longest flight either had been on in their lives. Giving each other a grin, when the plane had landed in Sydney and of course Claire’s warm embrace when they had walked though the gates with Nic by their side.

Jason slumped in his seat, and he had begun to doze off, when Daniel’s loud voice had awoken him. Sitting up confused and still very much half asleep, he rubbed his eyes and focused his eyes on Daniel.

Holly had of course been running late, so the only available seat was directly in front of Bobby, the one person whom she had been trying to avoid. Feeling Bobby behind her, Holly tensed, afraid that the other cast members might see them and witness their closeness; witness how utterly weak she was when it came to Bobby. Feeling Bobby’s breath on the back of her neck, she shivered as desire coursed through her, feeling goose bumps appear. Knowing she couldn't jump up without attracting everyone's attention, she sat still, desperately hoping that Bobby wouldn't do anything more, but at the same time praying that he would. She had told herself over and over again to keep her distance, to stay away, but …. Couldn’t she give in for one second, just one second?

She craved Bobby’s touch on her skin, his thoughts in her head, his words on her lips and then there it was, Bobby’s fleeting caress, sending an electrical surge of heat and desire through her, making her feel alive again. And for a moment, she was perfectly happy…. Until someone coughed, breaking the spell and making her tumble back into reality again, the reality of a dozen cast members perhaps watching her every move. Snatching her hand away, she felt her phone vibrate, Paul’s incoming message adding to her guilt.

Ada gently kicked Tim’s foot making him shoot to attention. Ada nodded her head slightly towards Daniel who was still very much thinking about how to tell them.

“Bet?” he suggested as he opened up his brown leather wallet. Ada smiled and handed him a few coins.

“A few coins?”

“Well I keep losing. At the rate I’m going, I’ll have to mortgage my house soon!”

“Maybe we shouldn’t then,” Tim whispered to her.

“No, its okay,”

“I think you should call Gambling Anonymous,” Tim suggested.

“Nah!” Ada shrugged.

“Ok then, what are we betting over?”

“I think that Isabel is leaving us,”

“I don’t think she is,” Tim replied. Ada counted her coins.

“Alright, three dollars then.”

“I have called you all here tonight, few of you know about Isabel’s struggle with her weight. I have exchanged words with her, so to speak, and we have decided that she take leave to get help. Nothing permanent, just temporary as it is in her best interest,” Dan said fixing his gaze on Jason, who was beginning to doze off again.

Ada smiled and thought to herself, “It’s about time!”

“Mr. Smith, would you care to join us?” Daniel asked Jason loudly. Jason flickered his eyes wide open and gave Daniel a wink.

“This will affect you, you know.”

Jason gave Dan a small nod.

“Okay, does anyone have anything to say or all you all going to fall asleep on me like poor Jason here?” Daniel asked them. Jessica sniggered as she read the note Sharni had just passed her. They knew at their age it was rather immature to pass notes, but as they say old habits die hard.

“Would you care to share with us, Miss Tovey?”

“Huh, oh no, that’s alright,” Jessica said looking up and shoving the crumpled piece of paper in her hip pocket.

“Shame, I like a bit of gossip, now and then,” Daniel joked. Nothing. No-one had even given him not even the slightest hint of a smile, he sighed and pointed to the door.

“You can all go now,” he muttered as he watched them all jump up from their seats and rush to the door.

Swinging her legs over the side of the bed, Claire stretched, before shrugging her robe on. Yawning widely as she rubbed her eyes, she padded around the bedroom on her slippers. Opening the windows, she went to stand on the little balcony overlooking the ocean. Leaning against the wall, she shivered lightly in the early morning chill and pulled the robe tighter around her. With a contented smile on her face, she watched the world slowly come to life. She loved watching the sun rise, it always calmed her, and it let her know that everything would be alright in the end. The beautiful simplicity and serenity of nature left her in awe, making her realize how tiny and insignificant her problems really were in the bigger scheme of things. Claire really missed watching the sunrise, her room being on the wrong side.

The sun, a big orange angry ball of fire, was slowly rising over the trees and painted the once ink black sky in a beautiful tapestry of light colours as the early morning mist gave it that mysterious shroud. Sighing contently, Claire felt a warm sense of calm invade her being once again. The fresh smell of morning dew, a sole bird in a nearby tree tweeting his early morning serenade, ducks quacking in the nearby pond, the sun tickling her face with the promise of a hot summer day…. It made her smile and realized that a brand new day had begun. Taking a deep breath of air, really feeling it fill all her senses, she stepped back into the bedroom, leaving the window slightly ajar to allow a cool breeze in.

The wind toying with the curtains, intermittently bathing the room in shadow and light, she walked the short distance to the bed. Not wanting to break the spell just yet, she knelt beside it and watched Nic sleep. His soft murmurs, at times bordering on a light snore, making her smile; she reached out a hand and with trembling fingers, she lovingly caressed Nic’s cheek, tucking a stray strand of hair behind his ear. When Nic stirred and pulled Claire’s pillow closer, really snuggling into it, mumbling something incomprehensible, Claire gave him a light peck on the forehead before pulling the covers higher over Nic and quietly leaving the room.

Averyl put the last of the dishes in the dishwasher and flicked it on. Tucking her long curls behind her ears, she bit her lip as her father walked in. She had been meaning to talk to him for the last couple of days, but had been delaying it. Her father walked over to her and plopped a kiss on her forehead gently. Averyl smiled at him and handed him a hot coffee. He smiled gratefully and took a sip.

“Thanks beautiful,” he said softly as he went and flickered on the television and sat down on the cream coloured sofa. Averyl slowly made her way over and plopped herself down next to him. He didn’t notice that she had even sat down, he was to busy channel surfing hoping to find something interesting to watch.

"Dad," Averyl eventually spoke up.

"Yes?" he replied as he set down the remote and fixed his eyes on the screen in front of him.

"I was going through some old photos of Mum and my friends back home last night and… well I miss them." Averyl softly said, she didn’t want to end up hurting him.

"That’s natural honey."

"No, Dad, I really miss them."

Her father pressed the mute button on the television and turned to face Averyl. Averyl had slumped in her seat a tad and had let her curls fall in front of her eyes.

"What are you saying?" he asked her.

"Dad, I think…. I think I want to move back home…" she said softly not taking her eyes off the floor.

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That song, i know that song. Please tlel me what it is before it drives me up the wall???

Once In A Lifetime - Ines. It was a song in the Eurovision in 2000 from Estonia :P It was my fave entry that year but, only mangaged to finish 4th. You can listen to the song here. From now on if the chapter includes Mark singing, should I say what song it is, in case anyone wants to know?

Wow, Chrissie long reply! :o I agree Rark is adorable :wub: As is Nic/Claire! Anyho thanks for the comments and here is the chapter :).








Rachael Beck


Chris Hemsworth

Chapter 53.

Becca had never been more confused in her life. She knew she had deep feelings for Rhys but, couldn’t act upon them. She didn’t want to ruin their friendship. But, at the same time, she had had that rather erotic dream of Nic. Had that meant something or was it simply lust? One the one hand she knew she liked Rhys, and then there was the Nic dream. Could it be anymore confusing then what it was? Talk about a dilemma! Even if she did have feelings for Nic, she couldn’t do anything about them; he has a girlfriend and a child. As Becca sat at the kitchen stool, collecting her thoughts, Claire walked in and dropped the shopping bags on the counter. Becca lifted her head up and smiled. She was beginning to really grow fond of Claire, even though they didn’t have the best of relationships to begin with.

“I’m sorry. I didn’t hear you come in.” Becca finally spoke up watching Claire put away the groceries.

“No need to apologize to me, I was rather quiet and you were lost in your thoughts. I’m guessing a boy...” Claire giggled. Becca gave her a shy smile and slightly nodded.

“Oh, do spill! Where is my gorgeous Ava by the way?” Claire asked Becca then adding: “Would this certain boy be, Rhys?”

“Upstairs taking a nap. Uhmm, maybe...” Becca blushed. Since when was Claire asking questions about her life?

“That’s a yes. Does he know?”

“No, I don’t enough courage to tell him. Don’t forget his girlfriend only passed away 6 months ago. Also, I don’t want to ruin our friendship.”

“I think you should tell him, regardless. Be honest with him.”

“I don’t know…”

“What’s not to know? You like him, right?”

“Yes, but there is this other guy you see...” Becca paused. She wanted to slap herself, why did she say that? She mentally slapped herself.

“Do I know him?”

“No, you don’t. Anyways, I better get going. Promised my mum I would help her with dinner,” Becca said as she got off the stall. Becca quickly waved goodbye to Claire and made her way to the door taking long, fast steps. She wanted out of there ASAP, before Claire asked anymore questions about her love life. It striked Becca as odd that Claire was interested in her life all of a sudden. Usually, all Becca got out of her was: “Take care of my Angel or Is Ava alright?”

Mark and Kate said side by side in the green room, although the day hadn’t long just begun, both were feeling wiped out. They had done four signings in the past fortnight and numerous scenes. Kate had been asked to take part in Dancing with the Stars and much to Daniel Bennett’s dismay Kate had turned it down, claiming she had enough on at the moment. Mark was still very much head over heels for his former singing partner Rachael Beck. Things between them had been going like clockwork with them very much in love.

Although neither had said those three words to one another, they knew the other felt the same. Every time Mark went to tell her how he felt for her, something happened which interrupted them. Last time he had tried to tell her how he felt, the smoke alarm went off as he had burnt their dinner. Since that night, he had been either ordering take out or eating Jon (his house mate and co star’s) cooking.

“If you give me wings and reason why, then I’ll be your angel in your sky,” Mark sang softly as he flipped open his phone and smiled warmly at Rachael’s photo. He had taken that photo when they had first met on It Takes Two.

“She looks beautiful there,” Kate said gently peering over Marks shoulder.

“Yes, you’re right, she does.” Mark replied as he flipped the lid of his phone shut. Looking at her gorgeous face and warm smile made him miss her more then he already did. Whenever he was in her presence he felt as though nothing else in the world at that certain time mattered. She was at the forefront of his thoughts day and night.

“I would give anything in the world to have her in my arms right now...” Mark sighed glancing over to Kate.

“I bet you would, I bet you would,” she replied with that Sally tone of hers. She gently stroked Mark’s arm, reassuring him.

“Kate, you’re using that Sally tone again.” Mark pointed out, as a wide smile began to spread across his face when he realised that Rachael was walking through the door and heading his way.

“Mark,” Rachael said smiling at him. Mark jumped up from his seat and went and wrapped her in a warm, tight hug. He rested his head on her shoulder and took deep breaths inhaling her. He always felt warm and fuzzy when he smelt her hair after she had washed it. Come to think of it, whenever he was in her presence, he felt warm and fuzzy.

“I missed you...” he whispered softly into her ear. She smiled at him and they kissed tenderly. Mark wrapped his arms around Rachael again and hugged her.

“I wish this moment wouldn’t end.” He spoke up softly after holding her for a few moments.

“I wish it wouldn’t end either,” Rachel replied. Mark pulled away from Rachael but held her hands as he turned to Kate.

“Could you give us a few minutes?”

“Sure, don’t let me stand in your way.” she chuckled as she left the room.

“Rach, there is something I have been meaning to tell you.”

“I need to tell you something too.”

‘I love you.” They both blurted out at the same time. Rachael began to laugh as Mark blushed a deep shade of red. Rachael kissed Mark again, this thing for a bit longer. Both only pulled apart when they realised they were running low on oxygen.

Amy paced across the room, a few times, before walking over towards Chris Hemsworth and slapping him hard across the face. She was full of anger and didn’t care what he thought anymore. He expected her to forgive him after what he did, was he crazy?

“Ow!” he angrily said, bringing his hand up to his throbbing red cheek.

“You deserved that! You know you did! If I had my way I would slap you a thousand times more! You said you loved me and that, the night with whatsherface didn’t matter! So we got back together and what do I know? You went and did it again with her!” Amy screamed at him.

“It didn’t mean a thing!” he protested shuffling his feet around on the floor staring at his shoes.

“If it didn’t mean a thing, then why did you do it? And, actually have the guts to look at me when I am talking to you!” Amy continued shouting at him. Chris looked up at her and felt about the size of a small rodent.

“Amy, I…I’m sorry,”

“It’s going to take more then that this time.”

“Amy, there is no next time.” Chris spoke softly avoiding her deep brown eyes.

“What do you mean?”

“I have been meaning to tell you this for the past month or so...”

“Well, why didn’t you, you big dork!”

“I didn’t want to hurt you.”

“Well, you did! You should have just told me and been honest! Because, to be perfectly honest with you, I don’t even love, no, I don’t feel a thing for you anymore!” Amy shouted. The moment those words had left her lips she had regretted it.

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Cheers Tasha. I can promise you Jodi and Paul are in 55. :)












Chapter 54.

Rhys put his new script in his backpack and zipped up both sides. He had been speaking to his on screen brother, Paul, during lunch. They had been talking about the usual things, footy, music and movies but, then the conversation had turned towards Indiana. That was some what awaked for Paul but, he had managed to keep it flowing. Rhys was quite confused at the moment. He knew there where feelings for Becca inside of him, but every time he thought about her, he felt a stab of guilt on Indiana’s behalf.

He knew that in reality, nine months felt like a short time, and as usual, it flies by. But, in his case most days seemed to drag on and on. Paul had suggested that Rhys should go and talk to Indiana. At first, he was a tad nervous about the idea of going to the cemetery and talking to a headstone. Paul had persisted that it does work and it would help him. So this was why Rhys was currently walking past various graves looking for Indiana’s.

As Rhys passed each headstone on the way to Indiana’s, he read each one. He was quite amazed at some of the quotes and some had even brought a tear to his eye. He hadn’t been out to the cemetery since the funeral. Even then he hadn’t stayed long. He felt guilty about not coming very often but, he hadn’t brought up the courage to do so, till now. As Indiana’s headstone finally came into view, he began to quietly cry, not able to hold it in any longer. Rhys wiped away the tears which insisted on falling.

He slowly made his way towards her grave. Gently, he placed a single lily in the pot. He had chosen the lily as it was her favourite flower and it meant, “I dare you to love me.” Not being able to find the right words he wanted to, no, needed to use, he gently sat down on the grass a few feet from the headstone. His eyes were glued to the photo of Indiana her family had gotten placed on there. She was wearing one of her favourite summer dresses and a silver locket that Rhys had given her on their 5th date.

Rhys took a deep breath and began to talk to her.

“Indi… I don’t know where to begin. I know I should have come here a lot earlier than I did, and I’m sorry for that. I am also sorry that I’m not with you at the moment. For a while there I thought about joining you myself, but I couldn’t. I know you would want me to, well, continue down here with you up there. I love you, know that. I love you more then anyone else, here or there. I think about you all the time and it hurts to do so. It hurts more than anyone knows. Oh, and Paul said to say hey and that he misses you.”

As Rhys continued to talk, it became easier and the words just flowed from his mouth.

“We all miss you and wont stop. The reason I came here was to talk as well as to tell you something. I know that you wanted me to get on with my life, but it’s hard. It’s harder than you or anyone else can imagine. How can I get on with my life when, every thing I see or talk about reminds me of you?” he asked her, not expecting a reply. He continued:

“Anyway, there is this girl you see. Becca’s her name. I really like her, but every time I think about her, I see your face or hear your voice. And it’s scary. I don’t know if that’s a sign or what. I really do like her, don’t get me wrong. But is it too soon? I love you Indiana and it’s hard.” By this stage, Rhys was on the verge of tears again, so he momentarily stopped. Not being able to continue talking as there was a fast growing lump in his throat, he shut his eyes and gulped.

He reached towards her headstone and gently brushed his thumb across the framed picture of Indiana before standing up and brushing the grass off of his legs. He looked over her headstone one more time and flashes of her funeral began to race through his mind, the service and the burial. Even the way he had practically thrown himself on top of the coffin in tears before being pulled away by Paul and Jon.

He slowly began to walk away not daring to turn around and take one last look. He had almost gotten to the gate, when he noticed there was someone else nearby. He silently hoped they hadn’t heard him talking to Indiana. He watched her stand up and fix her hair before walking towards him. Thinking nothing of it, he continued to walk towards the gate when he heard her call out his name. He slowly turned around and realised it was Becca.

“Hey,” Becca said softly as she bit her lip. She hoped that he couldn’t tell she had been crying.

“Oh, hey, I didn’t think there was anyone else here...”

“Nor did I...”

“This is sort of an odd place to run into you.”

“Yeah, I could same the same thing.”

“I was just visiting er...” Rhys began to say.

“Indi.” Becca finished off for him. He gently nodded his head.

“I was just visiting my brother,” she said softly.

“You have a brother?” Rhys asked her. Suddenly, realising that was a dumb thing to say, he apologized.

“It’s okay. Yeah he was 5. We were actually interstate at the time, down in South Australia. We were holidaying at the Murrey River and he went swimming. I was meant to keep an eye on him, but I got so caught up in flirting with the life guard that... well... he drowned. Mum and dad never really did forgive me for that. Come to think about it, I didn’t forgive me for that.”

“I’m sorry,” Rhys said gently, he was rather lost for words.

Becca gave him a small smile, and bit her lip. Afraid that she might begin to cry again, she slightly turned her head away from his. Rhys gently pulled her into a hug. She was overwhelmed by his sudden affectionate behaviour that she didn’t know what was going on. Suddenly she began thinking about Indi and Todd (her younger brother). An emotional wave swept through her as she broke down in tears on Rhys’ shoulder. Rhys also began to cry as he held her tighter.

Averyl put the last of her belongings into her suitcase and shut the lid, locking it tight. She headed out into the living room to catch her father before he headed out to work. Her father was just getting the last of his work papers as Averyl walked up behind him and hugged him. He lifted his arm and spun around, so they could have a proper hug. As she pulled away from him, she looked up to his face and said,

“Dad, I love you and will miss you, but I think I am making the right choice. I promise to write. I will write so much you will get sick of me.”

“Honey, I can never get sick of you.” he smiled warmly at her.

“You know I’m not abandoning you, right?” she asked him. He nodded.

“I know, I know...”

“I can’t bear the thought of you here all by yourself.”

“Me either. Who is going to do the dishes for me?” he joked.

“Funny,” she said smiling at him again. He gently brushed her hair from her eyes and kissed her forehead.

“I have to go, or I’m going to be late,” he regrettably said.

She smiled, before hugging him one more time.

“I love you,” she called out. She watched him walk out the door to work. Knowing that she only had a few more hours left there, she decided to take one more trip out to the Statue of Liberty. It was her most favourite view in the city even though she hated heights. There was just something so special about this view that kept her wanting more each time. Averyl had bought a few of her friend’s back home souvenirs from there. She had even bought Bobby something. She grabbed her purse and apartment key before bouncing out the door.

Katrina stepped out of the shower and grabbed the white clean towel before wrapping it around herself. She had promised she would go with Claire shopping to find something for Nic’s birthday later. She still hadn’t told Claire why she was there, even though she had been asked on several occasions. There was no point telling her now that Nic was home. ‘Why tell Claire that Nic sent her there to keep an eye on her while he was in America, when he was back now?’

She heard Claire holler from downstairs. Knowing that was her cue, she quickly threw on the first clean item she could find and threw her hair in a messy pony tail. As she hurriedly ran down the stairs she heard Claire scream out for her to stop. Katrina came to a halt at the bottom of the stairs and looked at Claire. Claire pointed to Ava who was sitting happily on the floor in front of the stairs, sucking on her blue dummy.

“Oh my god, I could have trodden on her!” Katrina said shocked.

“I know...” Claire hastily replied as she picked up Ava, and held her in her arms like a helpless kitten. Thinking that that had ruined the rest of the day, Katrina began to head back up the stairs; not wanting to aggravate Claire or do anything that may get Claire further into her protective mother mood.

“Geez...” Katrina sighed rolling her eyes, she quickly ducked into what she thought was the guest room and shut the door behind her. Turning around she gapped at what she saw. The one and only Nic Bishop naked! Suddenly, realising she was in his room; Katrina blushed a shocking deep red colour and ran out of the room. If she had her way, she would have kept running, all the way home and hidden under her blankets with a hot mug of cocoa. Of course she had stopped when she heard Claire hollering her name again from downstairs.

“Cause I shook hands with a digger. On the wrong side of the world... With a wife at home that holds her breath... With a brand new baby girl. And the Digger fights for freedom. In a Job that must be done. And I let go of his hands so proud, To be an Australian,” Mark sang softly. He hadn’t dared to sing the rest of the chorus of the lyric, “Poster Girl”.He didn’t feel like getting stirred up by Tim today.

Ray had been memorizing his lines for the past ten or so minutes in the green room. Every time he tried to, Mark’s singing voice had broken his chain of thought so he ended up reading the same line numerous times. He was on the verge of throwing his script at Mark when Kate came in, took Mark by the hand and dragged Mark from the room. Winking at Ray on the way out, she shut the door gently and turned to Mark.

“What?” Mark asked her innocently. He tapped his foot when Kate didn’t reply.

“Dan wants you in his office, now.”

Mark gave her a confused look.

“I don’t know, something about fan mail. Have fun!” she laughed as she walked off. Mark slowly shook his head and walked down the corridor to Dan’s office.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I am not going to pick apart Chrissie and Aaron's posts or I will be here all night doing that. :lol::rolleyes:

*gets down to bussiness*

Thanks for the comments and here is an update. :)




Daniel Bennett









Chapter 55

“And action!”

Jessica walked slowly down the hall, making sure to take a quick peek when Daniel nodded, at Bobby who was standing there talking to Rhys. Sometimes she felt that her character dated too many guys. Belle had been through nearly all the young guys of the town.

“Belle, I was wondering if you maybe wanted to hang out sometime?” Sharni asked her as she quickly caught up to her.

“Hang out? With you?” Jessica replied stalling.

“Cut! Jessica, don’t tell me you have forgotten your lines again?” Daniel called out at her, frustrated.

“Oh, no, course not,” she replied quickly running through the lines in her mind.

“Go again! Action!”

Jessica walked slowly down the hall, making sure to take a quick peek when Daniel nodded, at Bobby who was standing there talking to Rhys. Sometimes she felt that her character dated too many guys. Belle had been through nearly all the young guys of the town.

“Belle, I was wondering if you maybe wanted to hang out sometime?” Sharni asked her as she quickly caught up to her.

“Hang out? With you?” Jessica replied raising her eyebrows.

“Well, yeah, I mean after all you are dating my brother, and spend a lot of your time at my house.”

“Sally’s house.” Jessica corrected her.

“Same thing. So, do you want to?”

“I’ll think about it, ok?”

“Sure,” Sharni smiled at her then bounced off down the hall. Jessica sighed and walked over to Bobby and put her arm around him.

“You think she knows?” Bobby asked her.

“Not a clue,” Jessica replied with a small giggle.

“Much better… much better.” Daniel Bennett spoke up, jotting down a few notes on his clipboard.

Bobby quickly took off that hideous tie he was made to wear and walked off set.

“Bobby…” Holly said softly, as she followed him down the hall to one of the dressing rooms.

“What’s up?” he finally replied.

“I have been doing some thinking…. Remember when you asked me out?”

Bobby remembered. He shuddered at the thought. Looking back on it now, he didn’t know what he was thinking at the time.

“How could I forget?” he ended up replying.

“Well… I was wondering, do you still want to?”

“No.” Bobby simply replied.

“What?” Holly exploded.

“There is another girl in my life now, a very special one…” Bobby paused and then added, “I knew you’d understand…” Bobby gave her a grin, then walked into one of the dressing rooms and shut the door behind him.

Mark pushed open the heavy oak door, with a heavy heart. He hated it when he got summoned to Daniel Bennett’s office. Usually, if someone gets called to his office unexpectedly it was bad news. He sat down in one of the brown hard seats. He could have sworn that Dan choose these as a punishment. They were far too hard on his backside. With a heavy sigh he looked up at Dan and quietly coughed, getting his attention.

“Ah, about time. You’re late,” was all Dan said checking his watch.

“Only by a minute.”

“Still late.”

“Sorry, sir.”

“I got you in here today as we needed to talk about this,” Dan said using all his might to pick up a large garbage bag filled with fan mail.

“Is all that fan mail for me?”

“I’m afraid so. You have a fan that writes to you...err… daily.”

“Wow, isn’t that cool!” Mark grinned as he reached for the garbage bag.

“Uh, Mark, listen mate, could you perhaps REPLY!”

“Yeah, course I will.”

“And tell who ever it is to stop.”


“It is coming across a tad... stalkerish.”

“I don’t mind, honestly…”

“Alright then, your choice,” Dan said as he pushed the large garbage bag towards Mark.

“Cheers!” Mark called out on his way out the door, with his fan mail.

Daniel jotted down few notes on a piece of scrap paper and waited for Jodi and Paul to make their appearance. As soon as Dan had flicked on the television to relax, Jodi and Paul, hand in hand of course, came rushing in.

“Sorry we’re…” Paul paused to catch his breath as he flopped down in to one of those hard chairs.

“Late.” Jodi finished off for him.

“No worries.” Dan replied as he spun around in his chair to face them.

“So…what made you decide that you needed to see me, us, today?” Jodi asked him, getting straight to the point.

“I heard on the grapevine that you have a, bun in the oven.”

“Oh, yes.” Jodi replied smiling at Paul as she squeezed his hand.

“And, what are you going to do about filming?”

“I’m sorry. I don’t quite know what you mean….” Paul finally spoke up.

“Well, I can hardly have a whale Martha now, can I? Unless of course your characters get knocked up too?”

“Uh, well, that is if you want it written into the script,” Jodi replied.

“I don’t. To be quite frank with you both, they have had a little too much happiness lately. Perhaps, you could take a break whilst you are pregnant and then come back afterwards?”

“Okay, that’s just evil…” Paul muttered. Daniel laughed, to them he sounded like the Wicked Witch of the West.

“So, is that a yes? You two can have a few months off, like Nic did when Ava was born?” he asked them. Both slowly nodded their heads.

Averyl had been back in Australia for less than three hours. In that short amount of time, she had five visitors and her Mum’s constant attention. She had nervously been waiting for Bobby to see her, but no such luck as yet. ‘Perhaps he has moved on to someone else,’ she began to think. Becca had been at her place ever since she got home from the airport; telling her all about what had been going on whilst she was in New York and keeping her up with the latest gossip.

Becca was sitting on Averyl’s desk chair comfortably backwards, with her chin resting on the top rung. Once Averyl had finished unpacking, she sat on the floor leaning over and touching her toes. Her chin was practically resting on her knees. She was talking to Becca as though she was in the most comfortable position in the world. It hurt Becca just to look at her. After a few moments of silence, Becca jumped to her feet. Averyl glanced up at her and smiled warmly. Before Averyl could protest, Becca had taken her by the arm and they were heading out the door.

“We’ll be back before dinner!” Averyl had managed to yell out to her Mum before the door had been shut behind her. Averyl followed Becca down to one of the many parks in Sydney. She had asked Becca a few times where they were going but each time, Becca just grinned in return. After waiting a few minutes to be able to cross the road, they finally reached the park. Averyl walked over and plopped herself down on one of the benches. Becca did the same.

“Now, will you tell me what we are doing here?” Averyl asked her.

Becca grinned and said, “I arranged for a certain boy to meet you here.” Averyl threw her a puzzled look.

“Bobby,” Becca laughed. Averyl grinned, jumped up to her feet and hugged Becca. Becca gave her watch a quick glance, before nudging Averyl. Averyl looked up and saw Bobby walk towards them.

“Hey,” she shyly said giving him a small weak smile. He returned the smile and hugged her gently. Pulling apart from each other Averyl burst into a fit of giggles.

“What is it?” he asked her finding himself laughing.

“I’m sorry, I’m just so nervous…” she confessed. Bobby slightly nodded his head.

“Okay, enough guys,” Becca spoke up, going over to stand in-between them both. “This is a park, for kiddies. You don’t want to scare them now, do you?” She was just about to continue on when Averyl frowned.

“What? You were going to kiss right... or wrong?” Becca asked them quietly, when neither replied she slowly backed away.

“Continue…” Becca chirped as she pulled a small sized magazine out of her pocket, sat down on the bench, and began to read.

“The moment has been kind of spoiled…” Averyl moaned.

“We could always un-spoil it?”

“How?” Averyl laughed.

“I can think of a few ways...” Bobby paused and glanced towards Becca. Making sure she was wasn’t looking before he kissed Averyl. Bobby turned back to Averyl and gave her a smile. Then he kissed her. Unfortunately, it didn’t last long before Becca was on her feet telling them to stop.

Note: Although Jodi and Paul are taking a break from filming, do not panic! They will still be in the fic same as Emily and Sarah who do not film. :)

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Chrissie, I'm with you - they're all insane :unsure:

I think I might run away with the proofie - they scare me too much!!

I know... It's nuts.... And, Ali, as to running away with the proofie, I already bagged the first flight out to Antartica with said proofie and Shannon. :P I suppose there's space for one more person. :P

We can make a holiday out of it! :lol: Don't forget to pack the alcohol :wink:












Chapter 56.

“Ava should wake up any minute now. Try to spoil her too much,” Claire paused and then almost as if it was an after thought she added, “have fun girls!” before following Nic and Katrina out the door.

“Sorry to be tagging along. I just haven’t seen Ava in so long!” Averyl spoke up. The silence was broken by Ava’s cry.

“Do you mind if I go get her?” Averyl asked Becca.

Becca nodded in reply and watched Averyl walk up the stairs. About ten or so minutes later, Averyl reappeared with Ava. Ava was almost 1 now, and could sometimes crawl on her own. But since it was a stair case, Ava remained in Averyl’s arms until Averyl reached the last step and set her down.

“What took you so long?” Becca asked her. Averyl groaned and pointed to Ava.

” Her nappy.”

Becca laughed. “She just made the ham face!”

“The what?”

“Aww come-on, you were only gone a few weeks. Seriously, don’t you remember?”

Averyl shook her head.

“The ham face is a face Ava makes when she is happy.”

Averyl just smiled and nodded acting as though she knew what Becca was talking about.

“So…you looking forward to your date with Bobby later on?” Becca teased her. Averyl blushed and let her hair fall in front of her eyes.

“That’s a yes!” Becca said proudly.

“What about you and Rhys?” Averyl asked her.



“Well... you know about Indiana, so we aren’t going out just yet. We decided just to wait a while, you know?” Becca asked her. Averyl nodded and scooped up Ava before she made her way towards the kitchen.

“That’s understandable; the poor guy has been through a lot,” Averyl said as she plopped Ava down in her highchair and headed for the fridge.

“Yeah.” Becca agreed, as she sat down on one of the chairs.

“Are you glad you’re back in Sydney?” Becca asked her after a few moments of silence.

“It’s hard to explain,” Averyl replied. She saw Becca bow her head a tad so she went on and tried to explain it to her. Once she had finished, Becca gave her a hug and told her that she did understand.

Paul gently kissed Jodi before wrapping her in a tight hug. He knew how she felt about not filming for a few months and he reassured her that he felt the same. But, he also stressed that they would return to filming. Nic had dropped by their house earlier and handed them Becca and Averyl’s phone numbers in case they needed to use them sometime in the future.

Once Paul had pulled away from the hug, Jodi gave him her best puppy dog eyes and pouted.

“What?” Paul laughed and ran his hand up and down her upper arm.

“I don’t know,” Jodi finally replied before laughing. Paul gave her another long warm hug before walking off down the hall.

“What are you doing?” she asked him as she followed him.

“You, Mrs. O’Brien are going to be spoilt,” Paul replied as he rolled up his sleeve and turned on the bath taps.

“A bath?” she asked him.

“Yes, no, not just any normal bath; this one is special.” Paul winked at her as he threw in a few bath bombs.

“After your bath, you are going to have any kind of massage you like,” Paul added.

“Any kind of massage...” she mused, smiling.

Sarah was in the middle of a very satisfying dream when she was rudely awoken by Emily putting the bedroom lights on and then shaking her arm, saying, "Come on Sarah! You need to get up or we'll miss it. We don't have much time left." As she peered at her with half opened owlish eyes, her mind still so sleep fogged that she didn't notice it was still dark out, she saw Emily looming over her through blurry eyes; a huge smile plastered on her lover's face, her eyes sparkling brightly with enthusiasm.

"Huh? What's the matter?" she muttered in a half yawn, still half asleep; her speech not too eloquent first thing in the morning, before squinting her eyes to look at the alarm clock on the bedside table. "Five thirty?" she grumbled aghast and grumpily before yawning widely and turning over to her other side, tossing the blankets over her head and grabbing a nearby pillow as she closed her eyes again, intent on sleeping at least a couple of hours more.

When shaking the big lump underneath the blankets didn't seem to help, Sarah only mumbled a near incomprehensible 'go away' a few times, Emily just stood there for a couple of seconds, defeated as all her carefully laid out plans seemed to go up in smoke right before her very eyes. Sarah being uncooperative was the one variable she hadn't thought of. Then she had another brainwave and though she knew Sarah definitely wouldn't appreciate it, she knew it probably was one of the only ways to wake her up in mere seconds.

Tiptoeing to the bathroom, she filled a glass to the rim with water and carefully made her way back to the bed. She politely asked Sarah to wake up one final time. But, when all she got was a grumbled groan, the big lump in the bed not even moving, she quickly pulled the blankets away and tossed the water in Sarah’s face.

Sarah let out a loud shriek as she jumped up in bed, gasping for breath. The pyjama top she was wearing damp and clinging to her skin, tiny droplets of water slowly meandering their way down her face. She just stood there in the middle of the bed, trying to find her bearings, not knowing what the hell was going on. As she raked her fingers through her drenched hair, her breathing accelerated by having the living daylights scared out of her, she felt the anger swell inside her. She turned her head towards Emily agonizingly slow and narrowing her eyes, she threw her a lethal glare.

Realizing that if looks could kill, Sarah would have wiped out the whole of California, Emily quickly back-pedalled a few steps until she was out of her immediate reach and said, "Good, you're up. You have just about enough time for a quick shower." When Sarah took a step in her direction, the menacing, homicidal look still present in her eyes, Emily gulped audibly and quickly piped up, "I'll wait for you in the living room," before escaping the quickly enclosing confines of the bedroom.

The pyjama top sticking to her like second skin, Sarah huffed in annoyance at Emily's apparent cowardice before sitting down on the side of the bed, her feet searching for her slippers. To say she was she was in rather a foul mood was like stating the pope was a catholic, utterly true but at the same time the understatement of the century. By now, wide awake and shivering slightly in the early morning breeze, having ice cold water tossed in your face tends to do that to a person, she shuffled to the bathroom, grumbling and cursing under her breath; conjuring up a dozen ways of getting her own back. On autopilot, she tossed her wet pyjama top in the clothes hamper before stepping into the bathtub to have a shower. Ten short minutes later, she stepped back into the bedroom to shrug on a jeans and T-shirt, her foul mood having lifted a bit after her gloriously warm shower, her mood's temperature now only slightly below freezing point.

As she stumbled into the kitchen, her eyes immediately zooming in on the cup of coffee Emily was holding out for her as a peace offering, she took a quick sip, slightly burning her tongue as the coffee was still scorching hot. Though, she had to admit that it tasted like divine nectar. The cup now empty, she looked up to Emily for the first time since entering the kitchen and had to smirk at Emily's rather agitated, nervous and even a bit scared behaviour. She was still rather miffed, having water thrown in her face wasn't the most pleasant way to wake up.

At the back of her mind she realized that Emily had probably resorted to that method after everything else failed, but at the moment the little devil inside her was still having the upper hand on the little angel, so she chose to ignore that little bit of information. Instead, she folded her arms over her chest and tapping her foot on the ground, she raised an eyebrow, without words demanding an explanation.

Lowering her head in a combination of guilt, embarrassment and submission, she looked at Sarah through her eyelashes, desperately hoping the cute puppy dog routine would get her out of trouble. When Sarah's expression didn't soften- she still looked mightily pissed off- she hung her head even lower. She knew she had to do something fast to smooth the ruffled feathers and started to ramble nervously,

"I'm sorry; I know it was a rather immature thing to do, but it was the only way I could think of to wake you up. I tried calling out your name and shaking you, but you just rolled over and tossed the blankets over your head and I was getting rather desperate. Then I remembered what my Mum used to do when she had trouble waking me up for school. Granted, she only used to sprinkle a couple of droplets on my face, but I was kind of in a hurry…." Sarah hadn't interrupted her rushed explanation. She hadn't even made sound and wondering if that was a good sign, she looked up again. There wasn't a thunderous expression on her face, but as she still didn't look too happy, she added, in a rather pitiful voice, "Please, don't be too mad."

As she watched Emily stare at the ground once again, shuffling her feet like a scolded and remorseful child, peeking sneak looks at her through long lashes, Sarah felt her icy mood thaw a bit and grumbled, still a bit sarcastically, "now that I'm up and about, would you mind enlightening me as to the reason for that rather barbaric and rude wake up call at the crack of dawn?"

"It's a surprise..." Emily said in a tiny voice.

"It certainly was; a cold and unpleasant surprise," Sarah sneered, but immediately regretted it when she saw Emily’s shoulders slump in defeat. "I'm sorry," she said, the sincere tone of voice daring Emily to look up again, "Okay… so I'm ready now to be surprised and dazzled."

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When I see a teaser, I get this feeling that I'm meant to post my comment before I get hit. :rolleyes:

P/S: I kept it short. :P

:lol: Thanks you four! :D





Chris Sandrinna

Amy Matthews



Daniel Bennett


Isaac (Ryan)


Chris Hemsworth

Amy Mizzi

Chapter 57

Sarah followed Emily outside; they stood on the balcony shivering in the cold breeze that blew directly in their direction. Sarah’s freshly brushed hair didn’t look all that brushed anymore.

“Now can you tell me why you woke me up at the crack of dawn?” Sarah asked Emily. Emily still wasn’t sure if she was back in Sarah’s good books yet so she stood at least a metre away from Sarah. Sarah glanced at Emily, still waiting for a reply.

“Em?” she prompted Emily to reply.

“That…” Emily said nodding towards the sun rising.

“Is that all?” Sarah asked her. When Emily didn’t reply, Sarah went and wrapped her arms around her.

“Yes, I guess that’s … all,” Emily said slowly. “Seems kind of dumb, doesn’t it?” Emily added asking Sarah.

“It’s not dumb at all. I just don’t quite understand why I had to see it today.”

“You had to see it today because, of Nic’s birthday coming up in a few days. I will have to share you at the party with twenty or so other people. I just want you all to myself for a few more days.”

“Oh, I see, I see,” Sarah said warmly. She lent forwards and rested her chin on Emily’s shoulder. “It’s beautiful… you’re beautiful,” she added.

Emily blushed. Although they had only been together ten or so months, Sarah still managed to make her blush at the slightest comment. Sarah snuggled up to Emily in the cold. Emily sighed and turned around. She wrapped her arms around Sarah hugging her tightly and told her she loved her.

Kate and Chris Sandrinna had just walked into the Channel Seven Studios ready for work. Both had made sure to re read their script, so Daniel couldn’t get on their case about forgetting lines. Although, it was very rare for either of them to do so, but it happens to everyone once in a while. They were sitting in the virtually empty green room going over their lines one more time, before heading off to wardrobe.

“Brad, you don’t have to remove your wedding ring you know?” Kate started off.

“I know I don’t have to, I just don’t want to seem…I don’t know. Did Rachel tell you?”

“Well, she wouldn’t tell me exactly, but I guess she did happen to drop a few hints.”

“It doesn’t matter to me about that; I know Emily will always be in your heart. Same as Flynn’s in mine.

Chris began to laugh not saying his line; Kate gave him a confused look.

“I’m sorry,” he laughed apologizing.

“What’s so funny?”

“I don’t know.” He continued laughing. This eventually set Kate into a fit of giggles.

Amy Mathews walked in, and took a seat across from Kate. Neither Kate nor Chris had noticed Amy was giving them odd looks.

“Earth to Chris and Kate, do you read me?” Amy finally said loud enough to gain their attention.

“What?” they both said at the time, if they were any younger they would have hooked pinkies and said jinx.

“Dan sent me in here; you’re both late for wardrobe.”

“Oh dear, I hope Dan is in a good mood then,” Kate said, closing her script and standing up. Amy shook her head.

“Great…” Chris mumbled as he followed Kate out of the room and down to wardrobe.

“Oh! By the way, what should I name my new puppy dog?” she called out to them.

Kate called back over her shoulder, “Angelina.” Amy couldn’t help thinking that Kate said that because of the whole Brad, Jen saga.

Tim and Ada were sitting outside on one of the park benches. They had been arguing for the past ten or so minutes about the last bet they had placed.

“You cheated,” Tim groaned.

“I did not! Just because I finally won a bet, does not mean I cheated. Maybe I just got lucky.”

“That’s not possible. I always win the bets.”

“Okay then. I bet you twenty dollars that the sun will set tonight.”

“Oh, haha,” Tim sarcastically said, rolling his eyes.

“I think you have a problem.”

“Me? You’re the one with the gambling problem.”

“I am not! And you’re the one who is obsessed with winning.”

“I’m a man, what did you expect?” Tim joked. Ada sighed. She stood up and pushed a ten-dollar bill into Tim’s hand. Tim looked down at it then back up at Ada a few times.

“It’s for the last bet; the one you think I cheated on,” Ada supplied.

Tim handed it back to Ada. “I was kidding. I know you won it fair and square, I'm just kind of bummed that you finally won one,” Tim said, dragging the word finally out longer than usual. Ada grinned and took back the money from Tim.

“Just don’t rub in the fact that you actually won one,” Tim added.

”Cut! Cut! Cut! Holly, where are you today? Would you be kind enough to join us here on earth?” Daniel shouted at Holly, after their fifth take on a scene.

“Im sorry, I just…”Holly began to say; Daniel cut her off.

“I don’t want to hear about it!”

“Ok, ok.”

“Right, now, sorry about this Isaac, but we’re going to do that again,” Daniel bluntly said before taking his seat beside the camera.

Once Holly and Isaac were in their places again, Daniel called out action.

“Sweet heart,” Holly warmly said to Isaac, she walked over to him and ruffled his hair.

“Guess what Mummy got you?” she asked him.

“A new skateboard?” he guessed.

“No. Something way better than that.” She smiled as she pulled out a box from behind the couch. She handed it to Isaac and watched him open it.

“Clothes!” he groaned as he looked at the new top and pair of shorts.

“They aren’t just any kind of clothes. They cost me a lot of money,” she smiled at him again before kissing his forehead.

“Much better Holly! Awesome, Isaac!” Daniel gave Isaac the thumbs up. Isaac just groaned at wiped his sleeve across his forehead, ”Eww!”

Jon was sitting by himself in the cafeteria having lunch. Rhys, Sharni and Jessica were on set. Kate and Chris Sandrinna had wandered off somewhere with Ada, Tim and Jason. He usually sat with Paul, but it was Paul’s day off. Jon stirred his apparent tomato soup around in the bowl. The thought often crossed his mind that the cooks were going to poison the lot of them one day with how bad the food tasted.

“You look like you could use some company,” Chris Hemsworth spoke up as he plopped himself down at the table. Jon nodded.

“What’s up?” Chris asked him.

“Same old…. I thought I’d come here to have lunch, but as usual they served me slops. I’m starting to think I should pack my own.”

“That would probably be a good idea. I think it was Bec who used to do that,” Chris replied.

“How’s things with you and Amy?” Jon asked him.

“Which one?”

“Matthews, of course.”

“Oh, uhm, we aren’t actually together anymore.”


“No, it’s alright. I’m with Amy Mizzi now. She’s amazing.”

“Ah, okay. I thought something was up with you and Mathews. I just didn’t really want to ask,” Jon shrugged and threw the remainder of his ‘lunch’ in the rubbish bin.

“Don’t sweat it,” Chris replied. He turned around and noticed his girlfriend was walking right towards him with a flirty grin across her face. He smiled at her and she came and sat down beside him. She rested her head on his shoulder and groaned.

“What’s up?” he asked her.

“Remember how I am only a guest?” she asked him. Chris nodded.

“Kit is leaving for the city in a few weeks time, so we won’t be able to see each other everyday,” she told him sighing. Chris groaned and put his arm around her.

“We’ll figure something out, babe,” he finally ending up saying. She just snuggled into his arm.

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  • 2 weeks later...











Lynne (McGranger)

Lyn (Collingwood)


Daniel Bennett

Chris H

Amy Mizzi

Amy Mathews



Chapter 58.

Holly felt like a little child that had their toy taken away from them. Devasted. It was now dark out and she stood outside the little Chinese restaurant that Bobby had taken Averyl to. Bobby and Averyl were inside on their date, enjoying their meal and talking. She knew she looked rather pathetic standing there watching them. Holly had been crying; she hadn’t told any of this to her husband and she didn’t intend to.

She knew she had to move on, for her own sake. Also, work on her marriage. That was easier said than done. Her mood just got even lower when it began to rain. Holly had forgotten her jacket, so her arms were covered in fresh goose bumps. She glanced up at Bobby and Averyl. He was now holding her hand and smiling at her. Holly rushed away; she jogged over to the other side of the street, her mind still reeling from what she had just witnessed, and her emotions all over the place.

Holly leaned against the railing and lit a cigarette; needing a smoke to calm her shattered nerves, needing some time to take it all in. As the nicotine rushed through her veins, she saw things more clearly. She hated herself for running away like that, like a spoilt little kid having a temper tantrum. Holly hugged herself close, the joyous sparkle that had warmed her life since meeting Bobby evaporating, making her feel cold, deserted and alone again. As tears started to flow, she pressed her hand to her mouth to suppress her sobs.

Holly heard her husband come up behind her; quickly dried her tears.

"Is something to matter?" he asked.

"I'm fine," Holly quickly replied, putting out the cigarette; her clenched fists belying that statement.

"I'd like to think if something were wrong, if you needed anything, you would come to me," he said.

"No, I don't need anything," Holly replied, knowing that there was no way she could talk to him about the emotional turmoil she was going through right now. He would never understand her attraction to Bobby. Her husband reached out and rested his hand ever so gently on her shoulder.

“Sweet heart, lets get you home, you’re beyond freezing.”

Holly nodded and let him lead her away from the window. Without glancing back at the happy couple dining, she knew it had to end. She couldn’t go on like this.

Jodi lay resting on their lounge. She didn’t need to worry about the housework, cooking, anything really. Paul had been acting like an angel the past few days. If Jodi so much as dropped a pin on the floor, he would rush over and pick it up for her. She felt like saying, “I’m pregnant; I’m not sick!” But she didn’t. She was quite pleased to have him do most, correction, all of the work. This particular night, she hadn’t the energy to do anything.

She was lying on the couch with a packet of potato chips resting on her stomach with the remote in her hand. Paul joked about her being slack but quickly stopped when she pointed out that he didn’t let her do anything. Jodi flicked through the TV channels, nothing too interesting was on. Paul came over to her and snatched the remote from her hand and flicked it on to the football. Jodi groaned.

“Do you mind?” she asked him.

“Not at all,” he laughed and went and sat on the couch leaning on her legs. Jodi playfully ran her finger up and down his spine. Paul shivered and turned to look at her.

“You are going to pay for that!”

“How?” she giggled. She grabbed the pillow from behind her head and rested it on her lap, knocking the bag of chips onto the floor. Paul pushed the pillow onto the floor and gently lifted up Jodi’s top a little. He ran his fingers over her bare stomach. Jodi giggled as Paul began to drop small butterfly kisses on her.

Becca had been called to Nic and Claire’s house at the last moment by Claire. Nic wasn’t home so Claire and Katrina were going to be using that to their advantage. Claire needed Becca to look after Ava whilst Katrina and herself went off and planned Nic’s surprise birthday party. Becca knew she probably wouldn’t be invited, but she didn’t let that bother her; she didn’t mind.

Becca pushed the doorbell and waited for Claire to let her in. Every time she looked at Claire, she remembered the dream she had about Nic and felt a stab of guilt. She didn’t like Nic; she knew that for a fact. She just thought he was gorgeous, more like knew it. She liked Rhys, but that was going to take time before anything happened there. Becca heard the door open; she glanced up and saw Claire standing there. Claire ushered her in and shut the door behind Becca.

“Ava is in her play pen. If you want, you can put in one of those Hi 5 videos in. Nic bought them for her yesterday and she seems to like it,” Claire gushed smiling at Ava. “I’ll be outside with Katrina. You know where to find me if you need me.” Claire added and with that she was gone.

“Well Avakins, it’s just you and me now,” Becca joked. Becca peered over the rail and down into the play pen. Ava had her pink teddy bear’s ear in her mouth. She looked up at Becca, her big blue eyes shining and burst into tears.

Ray, Lynne (McGranger), Lyn (Collingwood) and Cornelia sat at one of the many vacant canteen tables talking. None of them had anymore scenes for the rest of the day. They stayed behind mainly because none of them for looking forward to the afternoon traffic.

“Are you going to Nicholas’ Surprise Birthday Party?” Lynne asked Lyn.

Lyn nodded. ”I wouldn’t miss it for the world.”

“I would imagine that it won’t be that fun though with all those teens attending,” Cornelia joked.

“Was that sarcasm?” Ray asked Cornelia. Cornelia just smirked in return.

“Well, I am personally looking forward to it,” Lynne spoke up. “It should be a blast, plus I haven’t seen Claire in ages.”

“How old is Ava now?” Lyn asked.

“I think she would be about 8 or so months now, not sure,” Ray replied.

“Oh dear, speaking of 8 months, how do you think poor Rhys is coping?” Lyn asked Ray.

“He seems to be handling things quite well. He has matured a lot since meeting that sheila though,” Ray said.

“You mean... ah... what’s her name?” Cornelia spoke up.

“Becca,” Lynne supplied.

Lyn took a sip of coffee from her mug, and took a side glance at Jason sitting at a table by himself.

“You know, since Isabel left a few weeks ago, young Jason has been rather quiet. Like not himself,” Lyn observed. Ray and Cornelia nodded.

“I think he just misses her. They are close friends.” Lynne pointed out. Lyn slowly nodded and smiled.

“Did you hear that Jessica and Bobby are going to be on It Takes Two this year?” Cornelia asked them. All three nodded at her.

“It should be interesting to find out if any of them can sing. Last year was a shocker,” Lyn groaned.

“In your opinion,” Ray added, then continued on. ”Mark still bloody sings all the time. Just yesterday he was singing flamin’, Avril Lavigne! On the toilet!”

“Flamin’?! You just sounded like Alf,” Cornelia groaned.

Daniel Bennett sat at his desk, quietly. The only sound he could hear was the occasional shout in the hall, and his breathing. He had received an invitation from Claire to Nic’s party. He held it in his hand gently. He didn’t know whether he was welcome or not. Daniel thought they had only sent it to him so he didn’t feel left out. He liked to sit in the peace and quiet, it was relaxing. His thoughts began to change; he started to think about her.

Daniel became angry at himself. He ripped the invitation in half and threw it across the room. Being paper it didn’t go very far. He was working himself up into a fit. He clenched his fits and took a deep breath trying to calm himself down. He stopped trying when he heard Amy’s foghorn voice shouting. He stormed over to the door and flung it wide open.

Amy Mathews glared at Amy Mizzi and Chris shot her a look.

“I still can’t believe you left me for that!” Amy Mathews shouted.

“I thought you were over that. I thought you were a mature adult who is going to get past this!” Chris replied bitterly. Ada and Tim were walking towards their dressing rooms, when they spotted Amy, Amy and Chris arguing.

“Ten bucks says there is going to be a fight,” Tim said as he quickly pulled ten dollars out of his wallet.

“Deal,” replied Ada who did the same thing.

“Look...” Tim said as he pointed to Dan.

“What the hell is going on here?” Daniel’s voice boomed at them. All 3 stopped arguing and fell silent.

“Do you think for once in your miserable lives you could grow up?” he shouted at them. “We are meant to be producing Australia’s favourite soap! This is serious business! Do not treat it like a kindergarten!” he finished off. He glared at Ada when she slipped Tim ten dollars. Daniel stormed back into his office and slammed the door behind him.

Two more chapters. :D

Edit: Can't spell :rolleyes:

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If you touch my Tracey or Drew... you will pay :wink:


Amy Mathews



Daniel Bennett


Chris S


Rachael Beck





Chapter 59.

Amy Mathews and Tim were sitting in Amy’s dressing room talking. They had been discussing as to what made Chris Hemsworth leave her for the other Amy. After ten or so minutes, Amy thought she knew why.

“Okay, so why do you think then?” Tim asked her.

“Well, if you must know, it was because he was very jealous. And, I had these days of the week underpants,” Amy replied quietly.

”Ahhh. I'm sorry. I need the judge’s ruling on this. Days of the weeks underpants?” Tim was close to laugher.

”Yes. They had the days of the week on them, and I thought they were sort of funny. And then one day Chris says to me, "You never wear Sunday." It was all suspicious. Where was Sunday? Where had I left Sunday? And I told him, and he didn't believe me.” Amy replied.


”They don't make Sunday.” Amy simply said.

” Why not?”

” Because of God,” Amy replied, keeping her lips tightly pressed together.

Kate gently knocked in Daniel Bennett’s office. She had been the one chosen to go and talk to him; she was outvoted. Kate knew there was some good in Daniel, Indiana had been the first to see it.

‘Everyone has some kind of good point no matter how ‘evil’ they are,’ Kate thought to herself as she waited for Daniel to let her in.

“Come in if you must,” Daniel called out. He had his head in his hands and didn’t even bother looking up when Kate walked in. Kate raised her eyebrows at him briefly then sat down in one of the hard wooden chairs.

“And why must you be gracing me with your presence?” Daniel asked her in a tone that clearly stated that he didn’t care.

“Well... Amy Mizzi came and told me about what happened earlier. It seems as though you lost your temper at them and said a few horrible things.”

Dan grunted in reply.

“Dan, you're going to have to try and find a way of not expressing every feeling that you have, every moment that you have them.” Kate tried reasoning with him.

“How about you just leave me alone okay? I just need some time to myself,” Daniel spoke up nodding towards the door.

Rhys had been debating for the last few hours whether to invite Becca to Nic’s birthday bash or not. He was told he could bring a date, and he wanted to bring Becca. But, Rhys did not have the nerves to ask her. Rhys was originally going to ask Paul for advice but Paul called in ‘sick’ today as well as Jodi. Rhys walked slowly into the canteen, scanning the room for a possible listening ear, till he spotted Chris Sandrinna sitting by himself.

“G’day Chris,” Rhys spoke up as he plopped himself down in the seat next to Chris.

“What’s up?” Chris asked him, immediately knowing Rhys wanted something.

“Well… it’s about Becca...”

“You mean that little lady friend of yours?”

“Well… something like that. Do you think I should ask her to Nic’s party?” Rhys asked him, getting straight to the point.

“Definitely ask her! We all know you like her and she likes you!”

“Yeah…” Rhys said slowly. He flipped his phone open and dialled Becca’s number.

Chris looked up briefly at him, while Rhys chatted to Becca on the phone. After a few minutes Rhys hung up and turned to Chris.

“Well?” Chris asked him, waiting.

“She said yes!” Rhys said grinning.

“Mark, do I look alright?” Rachael Beck called out from the bathroom. Mark had arrived at her place early so they could leave together. Rachael had changed her outfits five times already. Mark went into the bathroom to see Rachael. Mark grinned when he saw her.

“What, do I have something on my face?” she asked him.

“No,” he chuckled, “you look perfect.”

“You’re just saying that,” she replied giving him a small smile.

“Honestly... I’m not, but heck you look good in anything.”

Rachael blushed and walked towards Mark. She put her arms around his neck and kissed him. After a few moments Mark pulled back, Rachael gave him a confused look.

“I would love to spend my whole night kissing you Miss Beck, but we have a party to attend tonight.”

Rachael laughed and slapped him on the chest gently.

“And if you’re not ready in 10, I will start singing,” Mark joked.

“In that case, I will take all the time in the world.” Rachael smiled at him.

Claire had arranged for Sarah and Emily to take Nic out for an hour, so they could set up. Ava was asleep upstairs, thankfully. Claire was almost all done when the first guest arrived.

“Coming!” Claire yelled out as she turned off the oven. She put the mitts down on the sideboard and went to the front door. Claire threw open the door and standing in front of her was Averyl and Bobby.

“Averyl?” Claire asked. She couldn’t remember asking her to come.

“You said I could bring a date,” Bobby reminded her. Claire nodded at let them in.

“Do you need help with anything?” Averyl politely asked her.

“I don’t think so. I’m almost done in the kitchen and Katrina is outside setting up. You could go and help her if you like,” Claire replied. Averyl nodded and headed out side.

“You know, she looks after your daughter. A little bit of politeness wouldn’t kill you,” Bobby told her after Averyl was out of earshot. He then headed outside after Averyl.

Jodi closed the front door behind her and locked it. She was meeting Paul there; he had a late meeting with Daniel about their time off. She checked her phone and realised she was going to be late if she didn’t get a move on. Jodi hopped in her car and shut the car door. Jodi fiddled with her seatbelt trying to strap it in, it wouldn’t budge. She gave up and started up the car. As Jodi pulled onto the main road, she turned on the radio and began to hum along to the familiar tune as she drove over to Nic and Claire’s place for the party. Jodi tugged on her seatbelt to put it on again, it still wouldn’t budge.

“It’s only a five minute drive anyway,” she muttered as she briefly took her hand of the steering well to adjust the volume on the stereo. Jodi looked back up at the road and was blinded by the bright headlights in front of her. She tugged the steering wheel to the left, but it was too late.

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  • 2 months later...

Sorry! lol. I have been so baffled as to what to write, I wrote a few different endings over the last month and I think this one ties up most of the loose ends the way I want it too. Although it probably isn't what you readers were hoping for and I did actually hope for it to be better. I'm pleased with it and I hope you will be too. :)



Daniel Bennett





Amy Mathews

Chris S

Chris H

Amy Mizzi


Lyn Collingwood











Chapter 60.

Rachael, Claire, Kate and Holly were sitting cross legged underneath the old oak tree in Claire and Nic’s backyard. Nic was inside with a few of the other men, drinking.

“We need to wake this party up,” Claire sighed.

“What do you mean?” Kate asked.

“Well, the men are drinking, we are sitting on our butts and the teens are.... What are they doing?”

“Gossiping no doubt,” Rachael laughed. ”The men are going to be drunk no doubt before the band even arrives.”

“What band?” Claire asked her.

“Oh, didn’t we tell you? We all arranged for Beccy Cole to come and perform at 7,” Holly said.

“He’ll like that!”

“That’s the idea,” Holly joked.

“Bored,” Claire groaned.

“I have an idea,” Ada said suddenly grinning. Claire spun around and waited for Ada to continue.

“Egg and spoon race!” Ada grinned. Claire raised her eyebrows.

“Do you have boiled eggs?” Ada asked Claire. Claire nodded.

“Do you have spoons?”

“No Ada, I don’t have spoons,” Claire sarcastically remarked.

“Good, go and get them both and I’ll divide everyone into teams,” Ada told her. Claire walked inside and got the eggs and spoons.

“Do we look like 10 year olds?” Claire asked herself as she went back outside. Tim went and rounded everyone up. Ada divided the nine people who were talked into playing into teams of 3. The teams were, Becca, Rhys and Kate; Averyl, Holly and Bobby. And the final team was Claire, Nic and Jon. They lined up behind 3 large sticks Ada had set down in a grassy area behind the barbeque.

“Okay, one behind the other, tallest to smallest. I’ll give the first person an egg in a spoon,” Ada pointed to a small tree in the distance. “You run to that tree and back, making sure not to drop the egg. Then you relay the spoon to the next person, who does the same thing. If you drop it you go back to the beginning. Three drops and your team forfeits. The first team to make it with all three members wins.”

“I think a grown man like myself would know the rules,” Jon lamely said. He couldn’t believe he had been talked into this.

Kate was licking her lips, “Mmm, I like eggs!”

“This one is for running with not eating,” her team mate Becca said.

“What if the eggs break?” Nic asked.

“They’re hard boiled,” Claire replied.

“On your marks, get set, go!” Ada shouted. Kate, Averyl and Claire made their way slowly towards the tree. A few minutes later, Averyl and Claire appeared and walked fast towards their teams.

“What happened to Kate?” Rhys asked Becca. Averyl handed her spoon and egg over to Bobby their eyes met for a moment.

“Hello? Bobby, we have a race to win. Get a move on,” Holly muttered. Bobby quickly began walking towards the tree.

“That was rather rude of you,” Averyl noted. Holly shrugged.

“Maybe Kate got lost,” Becca suggested to Rhys.

“Team 3, you are now going to have to forfeit. Jon dropped the egg 3 times.” Ada loudly said.

“Good one Jon,” Nic laughed. He didn’t care, at least now he didn’t have to have his turn.

“That’s stupid Rhys, how could she have gotten lost? The tree is like right there,” Becca sighed. Bobby handed the egg and spoon over to Holly as she took off towards the tree.

“She isn’t lost. She is sitting behind the tree eating,” Daniel Bennett lamely said coming up behind Becca.

“What could she possibly be eating?” Becca asked him. “Wait, she’s eating the egg?” she asked him. Daniel nodded.

“But I didn’t get to have my turn!” Becca shouted and stormed off towards the tree. Just when Holly returned, making her team win.

“We did it babe,” Bobby said proudly, kissing Averyl.

“Yes. We. We, meaning us. All of us. As a team,” Holly told him.

“Um…” Averyl trailed off.

“There are many things you don’t know about that boyfriend of yours,” Holly snapped. She had the egg in her hand.

What… what do you mean?”

“Well, did he tell you about the time he recited Romeo and Juliet to me? Did he tell you that he asked me to go out with him? Did he?”

“No… he wouldn’t do that to me,” Averyl replied. Trying to believe what she was saying.

“Has anyone seen Jodz? She was meant to be here ages ago.” Paul asked. No-one answered him.

“Oh, but he did. Never mind, I turned him down. Only to discover that I had fallen for him,” Holly told her.

“What? You have the hots for Bobby?” Chris H asked, as he walked towards them, with Ava in his arms.

“What on earth are you doing with my daughter?” Claire asked him, her protective side coming into force.

“She was crying,” Chris replied handing her over to Nic.

“I have the hots... wait you…” Holly slowly turned around and found out that everyone had heard her. She blushed slightly. Becca and Kate walked towards them. Becca was tugging on Kate’s wrist.

“She ate our egg!” Becca shouted, she glanced at everyone’s faces and noticed they were all staring at Holly.

“What did I miss?”

“It seems Ms Brisley is turning into her character,” Ray said loudly. Becca glanced at him.

“She has thing for Bobby?” Becca asked. No-one replied.

“She has a thing for Bobby!” Becca practically shouted.

“And your point in this would be what?” Holly asked her calmly.

“You’ve been crushing on my boyfriend,” Averyl said slowly. She let go of Bobby’s hand and walked towards Holly. Averyl wasn’t as tall as Holly, so when Averyl stood in front of Holly she was on her tip toes. Her eyes narrowed.

“Stay away from my boyfriend,” Averyl told her. Bobby grabbed her around the waist and pulled her away from Holly.

“Just when we were about to bet…” Tim said sadly. Ada hit Tim on the arm.

“Ow! What was that for?” he asked her.

“Now is not the time for bets,” she snapped.

“No-one punch anyone! We still have to film on Monday,” Daniel shouted

“Guys, stop it!” Amy said loudly from behind them. They spun around and stared at her.

“We have had enough fits this year, well I know I have. It’s two weeks till we go on our Christmas break, and its Nic’s party. We should be celebrating, not having cat fights,” Amy snapped.

“Haha. I remember lots of cat fights you had with Amy,” Chris Hemsworth muttered under his breath.

Rachael wrapped her fingers around Marks gently. They were sitting inside with Sarah and Emily. They were hiding, until the egg and spoon race was over, none of them wanted to compete.

“You do know that the band was meant to be here about twenty minutes ago,” Rachael said softly.

“If they don’t come we could always do karaoke,” Mark joked.

“You two can, we won’t be,” Emily said speaking for herself and Sarah. There was a knock at the door.

“Should we go and get Claire?” Sarah asked. Emily went and quickly looked out the window into the backyard.

“No, I think she has her hands full with Averyl and Holly,” Emily laughed.

“I’ll get it then,” Sarah said as she walked towards the front door. As she swung it open, Paul came in through the back door. Jodi slowly walked in the front door. She had a few cuts on her forehead and a bandage on her upper arm.

“What happened?” Sarah asked her softly

“I hit someone’s front fence, and then I was in the stupid emergency ward for almost an hour. They are so slow there.”

“The baby?” Emily spoke up.

“Baby’s fine,” Jodi replied. “Anyone see my husband?”

“Jodi!” Paul shouted, he jogged through the living room and over to her.

“Are you okay? What happened? Is the baby okay?” Paul bombarded her with questions.

“Fine, hit a tree, yes,” Jodi replied. Paul wrapped his arms around her and hugged her.

“I was so worried,” he whispered into her ear. They began to kiss, till they were interrupted.

“Get a room,” Mark joked.

Rachael gently slapped his chest. ”Shush!”

Jodi and Paul slowly pulled apart and gazed into each others eyes.

“Rach, Mark, we need you outside,” Clare said as she rushed into the living room with her mobile in her hand. They looked up at Claire from the couch.

“Band just cancelled,” Claire told them.

“You want us to perform?” Mark said slowly.

Claire nodded.

“All the equipment is set up. I have some cds, or you could perform without music.”

“Cds are fine,” Rachael said quickly.

Becca and Rhys were standing up against the back fence, amused by watching Averyl and Holly glare at each other. Bobby looked lost and was chatting to Kate. Rachael and Mark stood up to the mic and shot Claire a nervous glance.

“You performed on national TV, this is only a backyard,” Clare reminded them. She popped in the cd and pressed play. Claire had made sure before it was a song they both knew. Waterloo by Abba began to play.

“My, my, at Waterloo Napoleon did surrender. Oh yeah, and I have met my destiny in quite a similar way. The history book on the shelf, is always repeating itself…” Rachael sang.

Rhys stood in front of Becca and smiled at her.

“What? Have I got something on my face?”

“Waterloo - I was defeated, you won the war. Waterloo - Promise to love you for ever more. Waterloo - Couldn't escape if I wanted to. Waterloo - Knowing my fate is to be with you. Wa-wa-wa-wa-Waterloo - Finally facing my Waterloo,” Rachael and Mark sang. They were now dancing around the stage.

“No… I was wondering if you would like to dance.” Rhys asked Becca.

“To Abba?”

“Yes,” Rhys said smiling. Becca sighed and gave in. Once Becca and Rhys had begun to dance in front of the small stage, it had encouraged others to dance. They were soon joined by Claire and Nic, Amy and Ada, Tim and Jon, Paul and Jodi, Sarah and Emily and Sharni and Jessica.

The cast continued to dance until 9.00pm when the first of the guests began to head home. Jodi and Paul had been the first to leave, Paul decided Jodi had, had enough excitement for one day and told her she needed an early night. Becca, Rhys, Bobby and Averyl had decided to stay in doors while Ava was upstairs asleep in case she awoke. Tim, Ada, Kate and Holly were saying their goodbyes when Rachael tripped over her own two feet and landed in Mark’s lap.

“I’m sorry about that,” Rachael quickly apologized as she stood up.

“It’s fine,” Mark laughed. He stood up and kissed her cheek.

“Oi! I do have neighbours with children you know,” Claire warned them. Nic gave her a funny look.

“It was a joke. I do have a sense of humour you know,” Claire smirked.

“I know darling,” Nic said warmly as he put his arms around her waist from behind.

Claire shut her front door behind the last of her guests and sighed.

“If I ever plan anything like that again, talk me out of it,” she joked as she flopped down on the sofa next to Nic.

“How can I warn you if I didn’t know?” he teased.

“I’m exhausted!”

“Me too. But, thanks. I enjoyed the night,” he said warmly as he wrapped his arms around her. Claire rested her head on his shoulder and sighed again.

“We’d better go to bed, don’t forget you’re back on set on Monday,” Claire reminded him.

“I can’t wait! Now I will be able to hear all the gossip first hand,” he grinned. Claire looked up at him and smiled.

“Joking. You look tired. Come on,” Nic said as he unwrapped his arms from around her and stood up.

“I feel tired,” she replied with a yawn. Nic scooped her up in his arms and carried her to bed.

I said I would reveal who my proof reader was at the end of BTS and since I have no plans on doing a part 3. (if I do you will be the first to know). I shall tell you who she is. It was tough not telling anyone, at times I wanted to shout it from the rooftops :lol:. Please don't be too hard on her!

Chrissie was my proof reader. So a big thanks to her for helping me with this fic throughout the year! :D

Thank you to all the readers! Espically those who were there at the begining during part one! It was just a small idea back then, I had no idea I would end up doing a part two and introducing new characters (Averyl and Becca).

So a big thank you to everyone really! :D


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