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Thurs, 14 Feb 08 - Episode # 4574

Guest JosieTash

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My very UNOFFICIAL title for this ep,

“ Lucas Holden, One Of My All Time Fave H&A Males, You Will Be DEARLY Missed “

[screened in Australia on Thurs, 14 Feb 08 - Episode # 4574]

Note – If I’m not mistaken,. Gypsy, Will & baby Lily left the Bay in this day [15 Feb] in 2002 !!!

BUS STOP : Dom [in a suit] is waiting for the bus when Tony drives his car to near the stop. Tony, Matilda & Luc get out of car – and Matilda & Tony say a heartfelt farewell to Luc.

Tony & Matilda drive off.

SBH : Geoff is rather annoyed when Annie suggests that she will no longer believe in god if something bad happens to Reverend Hall. Aden deliverable bumps Geoff again and Matilda has a go at Aden for repeating yr 12 just so he can cause trouble.

HOSPITAL : Mio is by Reverend Hall’s bedside, and he muchly thanks for for all she is doing for him. He then hands her a parcel – which he wants given to Annie & Geoff if things don’t hop so well with his opaeryon today.

SBH : Annie is in the classroom praying before class. As the other kids enter, they see her doing so, and kinda laugh at her.

DINER : Morag has another go at Belle because of her photo of Reverend Hall [irene the difference tween journalism & sensationalism], but Morag also thanks Belle – as all that press that this case has got means that that court case will be in the city.

Morag’s mobile rings – its’ Rachel.

SBH : Matilda comment to Drew bout how wierd that it’s just her & Tony at the hunter place now.

Irene approach Geoff & Annie in the corridor. They are V pleased to hear than Reverend Hall‘s operation was a success. Nearby, Aden comments ho this is a bad thing as the “god squad” will take it as anotyther sign that god exists.

GYM : Its night time, and Matilda approach Tony. She tells Tony that she will, soon, move out of home. She insists that it’s not just because Luc is gone – and that she has been thinking of do so for a while now. Tony is worried that he won’t be able to look after her like Beth asked him to, but Matilda insist that Tony HAS, and that its time for hr to stand on her own 2 feet.

HOSPITAL : In corridor, Rachel tells Geoff, Annie & Morag that there were issue with Reverend Hall’s surgery, as a 2nd tumour caused massive problems. Reverend Hall is now only breathing because of the machines, and Rachel doesn’t believe that he will wake up. Annie is especially dismayed.

DINER : Belle & Drew are talking when Dom enters. He says that he didn’t get the job – as they wanted some1 with experience [for a traineeship type thing].

HOPITAL : Morag tells Annie & Geoff that Reverend Hall was ready for such a thing [op go bad] to happen, and he gave Morag instructions to give a parcel [that she hands to Geoff]. He opens the parcel – its Rev Hall’s Bible. Inside Rev hall has written “Annie & Geoff, your faith in God is a treasure”. Whilst Geoff takes comfort from this, Annie is very dismayed. She insists that she doenlt believe in God any more – and she runs off.

DINER : Bell is talking to Dom about the job interview when a courier arrives and hands Irene a DVD style disk. Irene “asks” Belle if they can talk and both head for the kitchen.

NEAR SURF CLUB : Tiny is talion phone to Luc – and we actually hear Luc’s voice. Luc says that he is settling in pretty well in city. He also comments s that Kit has taken Archie to the doctor because he has been coughing etc.

When off the phone, Tony sees Annie sitting nearby. He wonders why she out her at night. Annie doesn’t respond with words, but Tony can see that she has been crying. He decides that it’s best to pick her up and take her in his arms into the club.

DINER : Belle enters the main area of the eatery, and trills doom that she can’t believe that, at the interview, he was sloppily dressed and rude etc. Dom wonders how she knows – and belle that she just watched his interview [the disk] as the person who interviewed him is Irene’s daughter Findlay!!!!!

Belle then REALLY launches into a verbal attack – insisting that if Dom thought that bey simply haggling around that Belle would fall for him, then Dom is sadly mistaken!!!!

SURF CLUB : Geoff is keen to speak to Annie, but Rachel & t9ony think its best that Irene does that.

Irene goes into the gym, where Annie tells her that there’s no point in being good or believing, as the likes of Bruce & rev Hall & her parents were good ppl who have been taken form her. Irene insists that she’s not worried about that now – all she wants is for Annie to come home & rest. Annie agrees.

NEAR SURF CLUB : Next day, Drew & belle are talking about how Dom will be out of their lives, but Belle bails as soon as they see him. Drew “suggest” that Dom should just leave town and not come back, but Dom insist that although he is leaving town, he WILL be back. Dom says that he will a changed man – who belle will waaaaaaaaaaaaay want more than drew.

SBH : Geoff trios to convince Annie that she shouldn’t question God’s plan, but Aden is VERY pleased when Annie once more says that she not believe,

When Annie has walked away, Aden comments about how Annie not has a mind of her own. Geoff decided enough is enough – he pooches Aden, but is shocked that Aden is not “out cold”



Is this the beginning of the end of Sally?

It's A Designer Label (IADL)

GOLD - Annie: hot pink [with rainbow lining] jacket/ blue [brown dog motif] singlet top/mauve long pants

SILVER - Matilda: purple knitted sleeveless jacket/hot pink singlet top/pink [with blue diag check] mid thigh skirt

BRONZE - Belle: purple & black horizontal stripes [Emily the strange logo] dress


Aden: SBH uniform

Annie: SBH uniform

Belle: white (black sunglass wearing dude motif) t/red [dark check] crop jacket/ black mid thigh skirt/red studded belt

Diner Courier: fluro yellow t

Dom: dark suit/white [drown diag stripes] shirt/dark blue & white diag stripe tie

Dom: olive green shirt/dark long pants

Drew: black (“juice” with red, white & green floral motif) t shirt

Drew: SBH uniform

Geoff: red [dark check] button up shirt

Geoff: SBH uniform

Irene: sky blue [with gold & black swirls etc] top

Luc: green & grey horizontal stripes polo shirt

Matilda: SBH uniform

Morag: black v neck top/tan jacket/tan long pants

Rachel: royal blue [with black bust and straps] tank top/dark knee length skirt

Tony: white [sB gym] t shirt/dark track pants


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