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All You Wanted

Guest kaciexox

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here is a new chapter for you all

beware it hasn't been proofed. I promise next chapter will be though :D

enjoy :)


“Martha, will you hurry up!” Tasha shouted banging on Martha’s closed door with her fist, “We are already half an hour late!”

“I can’t find anything to wear!” Martha shouted from inside the room.

Tash sighed, she didn’t know what had got into Martha. She was one of those people who looked good in anything and everything and she never took a long time getting ready.

“I can’t find anything to wear,” Martha repeated, opening the door and sticking her head out.

“Ok, let the master through,” Tash said pushing open the door and stepping into the room. She glanced over at a pile of clothes on the floor, “I’m guessing they’re a no?”

Martha nodded.

“Well let’s see what we’ve got here,” Tash said opening Martha’s wardrobe and flicking through, “No. No. No. Martha what is this?”

Tash held a gray knitted cardigan up for Martha to see.

“Oh, my grandma left that to me in her will,” Martha replied, sitting down on the edge of her bed.

“Right, of course. Well it’s a no,” Tash decided, adding it to the growing pile of ‘nos’ and continued flicking, “No. Absolutely not. Oh now this is great. Get that on,” she said throwing a short yellow dress as Martha, “And let’s go.”

“But…” Martha tried to protest.

“No buts,” Tash held up her finger, “Either you wear that or your going in your night gown, now get dressed!”

“Yes, mum,” Martha mumbled.


“Hey guys,” Jack greeted Martha and Tasha as they walked towards the beach, “I didn’t think you were going to make it.”

“Neither did I,” Tash remarked, scanning the beach for Kim.

“Well, um, I’m glad – that you um,” Jack stuttered. It was hard to talk to Martha civilly after nearly three years, he had forgotten how to do it.

“Jack, have you see Kim?” Tash interrupted.

“Erm, yea. He was there,” Jack pointed to the bonfire, “Oh no, wait there he is.”

“Ok bye,” Tash smiled as she left Jack and Martha alone to go off in search of her boyfriend.

Jack turned back to Martha. She looked stunning. She was wearing a short yellow dress that showed off her great legs and contrasted well against her tan.

Her hair was in loose curls that hung neatly on her shoulders. She smiled at him. That smile… It could make any man drop to his knees.

They were silent for a minute, both desperately searching for something to say.

“Look,” Martha began, breaking the awkward silence, “I’m really glad we can put the past behind us.”

“Me too,” Jack agreed smiling.

They stared at each other for a moment, both smiling, taking in their new-found friendship.

“Well let’s go join the party,” Martha said, grabbing his arm and leading him towards the bonfire.

“Sure,” Jack laughed, “You look really great tonight by the way.”

“Thanks,” Martha laughed, “You don’t look to bad yourself.”

“I get that a lot,” Jack said smiling as they reached the bonfire. He motioned for Martha to go and sit next to him on the sand.

“Wow, good looking and big headed,” Martha laughed, sitting down next to him.

It felt so great to be on speaking terms with Jack again. It was like, filling in a big hole in her life that she never really knew was there.

It was like all those years of fighting had never happened and they were back in year 9, laughing and joking as best friends.

It was like no time had past at all.

“Now, let’s not forget intelligent,” Jack said, lying down on his back on the soft yellow sand.

“Of course, who forget that,” Martha replied lying down as well.

She looked up into the dark night sky. It was like a big black hole full of never-ending emptiness. There were a few stars out already, one star shone the brightest out of all of them. She could lay like this forever, with only the water, stars and sand to keep her company.

She could lay like this forever, next to Jack Holden. The one person who made her feel safe. The one person who she could be herself around.

“Also the luckiest guy in the world,” Jack said softly after a pause.

He brought him self up onto his elbow, looking down at Martha. His face was so close to hers, she could feel the warmth radiating from his body.

“And why’s that?” Martha whispered softly.

She awaited his answer. Was this it? Was this what she had been dreaming about for years?

“Because I’m about to kiss the most beautiful girl in the world,” Jack said softly as he leant down and brushed his lips against hers.

Suddenly, Martha didn’t care about everyone watching, or Macy, or exams or anything else. The only thing that mattered to her right now was that the man she had been in love with for three years, was finally kissing her.

Not like before, but for real this time. His lips came down on hers again, this time with more force and passion. She moaned softly as his tongue slid into her mouth, massaging the roof of her mouth gently.

Her eyes closed as she let herself get lost in the kiss. Her lips were moving in time with his, sending bolts of pleasure through her body. Then he pulled away slightly, smiling at her. Then he leant down again.

“Want a drink,” he whispered into her ear.

“Sure,” Martha smiled.

Jack pushed himself off her then held out his hand to help her up. Martha accepted it gratefully and let herself be pulled up by Jack.

Together they walked back into the crowd. Martha smiled, this was the best night of her life. But things were about to get a lot worse.


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N'awww that was so cute!

Also the luckiest guy in the world,” Jack said softly after a pause.

He brought him self up onto his elbow, looking down at Martha. His face was so close to hers, she could feel the warmth radiating from his body.

“And why’s that?” Martha whispered softly.

She awaited his answer. Was this it? Was this what she had been dreaming about for years?

“Because I’m about to kiss the most beautiful girl in the world,” Jack said softly as he leant down and brushed his lips against hers.

^^ That was the most sweet thing i have ever read! I love Jack :wub:

So happy Martha and Jack are together, update again soon :)

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