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More Than Anyone

Guest vale4eva

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Thanks everyone :D

Not sure if theres much going on in this chapter :unsure:

But, enjoy :)

Chapter 41:

As his large and sweaty hand engrossed her fearful face, she screamed, but her screams weren’t heard, they were merely a muffle beneath the overpowering thump from the beat of the base.

Throwing her head from side to side she used all of her strength to push him away, but it was no use, she was the weaker species, the one that would be forced to surrender to his wicked ways.

Feeling a pain in her head and a throbbing in her heart, she felt him come even closer, until every inch of breathing space she once had was engulfed by him…

“Noooo” she whined, tossing from side to side, desperate to escape this nightmare, before the light twinkled for her release and the world came rushing back…

With a shock, her eyes sprung open; her body feeling muggy and damp and her clothes sticking to her as she studied the unfamiliar ceiling that was set out before her.

Turning on her side she noticed she was in Tasha’s and Kim’s apartment, before the memories came flooding back and she remembered the party from the night before.

Frowning, she darted from side to side, anxiously looking for Jack, before she quickly pushed herself upwards, immediately regretting her sudden movements however, as her head and neck throbbed in pain.

Placing her hand to her head she turned to her side, looking into the direction of the kitchen, where Jack had thankfully approached from.

“Hey there” he smiled as he walked through and sat down beside her; plate of fruit in hand.

“Hey” she shyly looked across at him as she squinted in the bright light.

“Bad head?” he spoke softly, placing his hand on her forehead to cool her down.

“A little, yeah.”

He pouted at her sad face as she tried her best to smile. “Do you fancy some breakfast? Tasha’s made loads” he smiled.

“Erm” she paused, “I’m not …”

“How about you have this one” he handed her the plate, “and I’ll get another one for me”.

“Actually, I’m not too bothered” she said as she kept a hold of the plate in her hand.

He sighed as he turned back to her, “Martha, you have to eat something”

“I know I just … I know” she gave in and forced a small smile.

“Good girl” he leant over and kissed her cheek. “Back in a sec.”

She watched as he walked away, before looking down at the food on the plate. Although hesitant, she picked up a small cube of melon, placing it in her mouth and slowly chewing it. Once finished, she rested the un-finished plate down onto the carpet, before snuggling back into the rug and wrapping it around her body for added security.

Anxiously waiting for Jacks return, she kept her vision fixed on the kitchen doorway. Ever since the events of last night, she liked to have him close to her. She felt safest knowing he was within touching distance.

She smiled through relief as he reappeared from around the corner, “here I am” he grinned as he sat beside Martha once again. Lifting the rug up, she placed it around both of their laps, before tentatively leaning into him.

Wrapping his arm around her waist, he pulled her closer, allowing for her to rest her tired mind on his chest. “Did you eat something?”

“Erm, yeah, kind of”.

“Ok, well do you want a drink? Juice? Tea? Coffee?” he offered as he placed his plate down onto the floor and took a better look at her.

“No, I’m fine” she wrapped her arms around his waist and cuddled him. “Just stay here with me … please” she whispered.

“As if you have to ask” he pulled her in closer, his hand falling down to rest comfortably on the small of her back. Martha couldn’t help but feel a flutter of emotions build up inside of her, it had been so long since Jack had touched her, or even held her in any way. And so any kiss or touch meant the world to her.

Lost in a daze, and thinking about herself and Jack; she was suddenly brought back to reality, at the unexpected sound of Laurie coming too. “Urgh” a groan could be heard a few feet away from them.

Jack couldn’t help but snigger as he watched her flop around on the floor like a fish out of water, “floor comfy was it?” he raised an eyebrow as he tried to keep a straight face.

“Don’t even go there Jack” she warned him with a glare as she pushed herself upwards; sitting cross legged and running her fingers through her messy hair.

“Sorry” he grinned like a cheeky child. “Listen Tasha’s made breakfast if you want some?”

“Oh, yeah, sounds good, but I’m not sure I’ll be able to stomach much” she clambered to her feet and smartened her dress, “can I get you guys anything?” she kindly offered as she rubbed her tired eyes.

“No, were good thanks. Aren’t we?” he turned to Martha for some friendly input. He wasn’t sure how Martha would feel around Laurie, but it wasn’t as if she’d done anything wrong, so why should she hate her!?

“I’m fine thanks” Martha smiled back shyly, her hand automatically curling her hair around her neck as she tried to cover up her mark.

As Laurie entered the kitchen out of sight, Jack turned back to Martha, “stop messing with it hun” he softly urged her as he noticed her touch her neck for the seventeenth time that morning.

“Yeah, sorry”.

“You don’t have to apologize” he smiled, “its just; it’ll heal better if you stop rubbing it”.

“Yeah, I know”.

Foot steps to their left brought their attention elsewhere. “Actually guys, I think I’m going to head off now” Laurie called out as she grabbed her handbag from off the side table.

“Oh right, ok. Well thanks for coming” Jack gently pulled away from Martha and stood up to Laurie’s level.

“Yeah, no worries, it was fun” she walked towards the door, Jack close behind.

“So, I’ll see you Monday morning”.

“Yep, you sure will. And I thought maybe we could try a different route next week, you know, for a change”

“Yeah totally …”

Martha couldn’t help but groan as she listened to them discussing their early morning jogging session. Why’d they have to run together anyway? Surely they would get more running distance done by going alone!?

“So yeah, I’ll see you at 6” he leant inwards to kiss her goodbye; much to Martha’s annoyance. She knew it was probably wise to turn away at that point and ignore it, but how could she, it was practically being shoved into her face; she couldn’t help but look.

Standing upwards and throwing the rug to the side, she took to her feet.

After waving Laurie off, he swiveled back around. “Hey, are you alright?” Jack frowned as he noticed Martha stand upwards.

“Yeah, fine” she brushed passed him, her face falling back into its previous dull and bland expression. Yet again it had become apparent to him that his friendship with Laurie wasn’t exactly appreciated on Martha’s behalf.

But why should he change his morning routine, just because she didn’t like it!?


Walking towards the bathroom she stopped on her way to greet Kim.


“Oh hey Mac, how ya doing?” he smiled. It was then that he caught a good look of her neck. Pulling backwards slightly and his eyes opening wide, he took note of her bruising.

As his mind clicked into gear and he realized how bad his reaction must look, he nervously tried to smile. However Martha could see straight through it.

Shaking her head she ran passed him into the bathroom. Pulling down on the rotating mirror, she took in her ghastly appearance.

Her eyes filled with tears as she looked at the mark. She wouldn’t be surprised if he had permanently scarred her.

A creak in the floorboards told her that someone was behind her. “Martha” Jack quickly came to her side, “he didn’t mean it; he was just … a little shocked that’s all” he tried to ease the situation.

Her face scrunched up as she forced away her tears. “God it looks awful” she cried.

“It does not, and it’ll heal” he told her.

She shook her head; frowning, “no, it’s horrid, all black and blue and scratchy. It’s hideous”

“Don’t be so silly” he tried a different approach; maybe a bit of tough love would help him here. “Look at me” he swiveled her around to face him, holding her hips in place. “Are you going to let that bastard get the better of you!?” he raised his eyebrows at her.

Who? Kim?” she frowned.

“NO, that jerk Leon!”

“Oh … No” she replied softly as she shook her head.

“Good, so how about we ditch this self pity attitude, and get back to that strong and confident Martha that I know and love, yeah?” he smiled.

Expecting to get an ‘ok’, his face fell when she failed to respond; instead she just looked at him blankly, before turning and walking back out.

‘Hh, great’ he rolled his eyes. Maybe that ‘tough love’ option wasn’t such a wise choice after all.


(20 minutes later)

“I’m not going Jack; I’m not leaving the apartment looking like this” she stubbornly folded her arms as she sulked by herself on the couch.

“Martha, how many more times do I have to say this” he began, “you look fine, you can’t even see anything, your hair covers up most of the bruise anyway”.

She shook her head adamantly; “I’m sorry Jack, and I’m sorry to Tasha and Kim, but I guess they’re just going to have to put up with me until it heals”.

“So” he laughed through disbelief, “you’re just going to stay here then, forever!?”

“If I have to” she said with a straight face.

He looked at her through wide eyes, his face clearly displaying a look that said; ‘are you kidding me?’

As he thought for a brief moment, he finally came up with a solution. Hopefully this idea would save the day…

“Fine, I’ll be back in 20 minutes” he stood upwards and grabbed his car keys.

Wait” she took to her feet anxiously, “you’re going? Why? Why do you have to go!?” she cried as her face fell in sadness.

“Hey, it’s ok, don’t get upset” he held her hands in his, “just stay with Tasha ok? I’ll be back soon, I promise” he smiled, before kissing her on the forehead and leaving the apartment completely.


(40 minutes later)

“You said you’d be quick, you were ages!” she raised her voice as she frowned at him.

“I know, I’m sorry, I got talking to someone” he tried to brush it off, “but, I’m back now, and I have something for you” he grinned as he pulled the delicate item from out of his back pocket.

“My scarf?” she looked down at the small sparkly material that he held in his hand. It had been a present from Jack almost two years ago, and as shamefully as she’d hate to admit it, she had never actually gotten around to wearing it. Its not that she didn’t like it, because she did, it was beautiful and very girly, but she never really wore scarves or any kind of fashion accessories, they just weren’t for her.

“Yep, it’s perfect, don’t you think? Finally we have a reason for you to wear this” he laughed, before his face quickly fell, “Not that I’m glad that it happened, I didn’t mean that” he shook his head fiercely, “I just, what I meant was …” he frowned.

“Its ok Jack, I know what you meant” she gently calmed him down.

He smiled back nervously, before pushing aside his little miss-hap, and focusing on his plan. “Here, let’s try it yeah” he opened the thin material out lengthways and wrapped it around her neck, flicking her hair outwards and straightening up the scarf; he loosely tied up the front. “See, its perfect” he smiled as he led her over towards the mirror and encouraged her to take a look.

“Yeah … it’s good” she spoke quietly.

“See, am I a genius or what!?” he smirked as she turned around to face him.

“Guess so” she forced a small smile, before her vulnerability caused her to lean into his chest, where she felt safest.

He smiled sadly as he wrapped her into a warm embrace. He didn’t mind that she wanted to be so close to him, in fact he actually preferred it; at least with her near he could keep a watchful eye on her…

Preview: A bubble bath for two? :P

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And now I realize that I probably shouldn’t have said ‘a bubble bath for two?’ I appear to have gotten a lot of your hopes up.

Whoopsy, my bad :P

Warning: Content maybe unsuitable for younger readers.

Enjoy :)

Chapter 42:

(1 hour later – At the Mackenzie Household)

He led her until she was safely inside the house, before detaching their tightly clasped hands and sitting her down onto the couch; “I’ll be back as soon as I’ve washed and changed ok” he told her as he kneeled in front of her and looked deeply into her eyes.

She nodded in understanding, “don’t be too long” she replied; a nervous quiver in her voice was evident as she spoke.

“I wont I promise” he smiled, “but hey, you’ll be alright, your moms in so you can hang with her for a bit”.

“Yeah … maybe” she forced a small smile as she placed her hand around her scarf, ensuring that it was fixed in place. She didn’t want her parents finding out about the incident of the previous night, they’d only end up worrying and needlessly fussing all over her, and she certainly didn’t want that.

The only person she wanted to fuss over her at the moment, was Jack. And as long as she had him, she didn’t need anything else.

“So I’ll see you in a bit, ok?”

“Yeah, ok” she nodded, before she felt his lips touch the skin on her forehead, before he silently disappeared out of the front door.

Looking around her large and silent living room, she couldn’t help but feel lonely. It had only been 15 seconds since Jack had left, and already she felt completely vulnerable.

She only hoped that the next 60 minutes would fly by.


(45 minutes later)

A clean and refreshed Jack Holden hopped up the stairway of the Mackenzie household. Stepping onto the hallway he walked up towards Martha’s closed bedroom door.

“Martha” he tapped on the door, before opening it and peering inside. “Baby what are you doing!?” he gasped, quickly closing the door behind him as he saw Martha stood at the mirror, wearing only her shorts and socks. Rushing towards the window he hurriedly closed the curtains, before standing at her side.

“Martha … honey, talk to me.” he said softly.

Following a brief silence she spoke up. “Look at me Jack … my necks a mess, my arms all scratched and my backs all bruised” she said in a dull tone of voice.

“It’s not that bad” he gently touched her back.

“It feels bad” she replied, her eyes all the while fixed onto her neck.

He frowned as he looked through the mirror and into her distant eyes, she looked so lost, he thought. Before turning towards the bed and picking up her robe. “Come here, put this on” he tried to wrap the bathrobe around her.

“Why?” she glanced across at him for a moment, “Because I’m too hideous to look at?” she turned back to the mirror.

He shook his head and rolled his eyes, “No! Because you’ll catch a cold” he told her firmly, before he helped her into the robe and tied up the front.

“Martha, listen to me” he cupped her cheeks in the palms of his hands, “this is nothing, ok. You are still the most beautiful woman I have ever laid eyes on. And I know that you’re feeling down on yourself right now, but it’ll all heal in no time. You can get passed this, and I’ll be by your side every step of the way, I promise” he smiled.

She nodded back at him as the tears in her eyes poured out; “Its just so hard Jack … It hurts so much … I don’t know what to do” she cried as she snuggled into his chest. “I can’t even put my bra on because my back hurts so much” she mumbled into his shirt as the tears swam down her cheeks.

His face fell in sadness; he hadn’t realized just how badly she was suffering. “Look, it’s going to be ok, we can just stay inside for the next two days. We’ll hibernate” he laughed softly, "And you can get some rest” he tried to soothe her as he took a few steps backwards and sat onto the bed, bringing her down on his knee with him. “You’ll be ok, I promise” he soothed her.

She nodded back as she pulled herself away from him; looking into his caring eyes.

“Hmm” he thought for a moment, “How about I run you a nice warm bath. It might help you relax a bit better?” he suggested as he kept her on his knee and twisted one of her brown locks around his finger.

“Ok, I guess I could try it” she said in a subdued tone of voice.

He smiled as he looked intently into her glassy eyes, before reaching upwards and lightly caressing her one cheek. The backs of his fingers tenderly running over her soft skin, wiping away the tear tracks that were recently left there.

Her eyes flickered shut at his touch, it never failed to amaze her just how many emotions Jack could bring forth in her, just by one simple action.

“Alright, come on then” he interrupted the affectionate moment they were sharing, and helped her up to her feet. Taking a hold of her hand, he led her into the bathroom…


The bubble bath was now done, the water was lukewarm and the bubbles rested comfortably on the surface, just waiting to encompass Martha’s petite frame.

“Ok, well, that’s all done now. Um, do you want me to leave you, or …?” he hesitantly enquired.

“No” she quickly responded as she turned around to face him, “please stay”.

He smiled back, giving her a nod as he stood like a lemon in the background, suddenly feeling rather awkward, but he tried to brush it aside.

He watched her from a safe distance as she removed her shorts and finally her bath robe. His heart broke and his face fell in sadness as he observed her climbing into the bath, her back all black and blue from where he had shoved her so harshly.

‘Poor baby’ he thought as he looked at her, she’s so precious, how could anyone want to hurt her?

Once she had settled in the water, he walked over towards the bath tub, “Is that ok? It's not too hot is it?” he asked as he crouched down beside her.

“No, it’s nice” she smiled up at him.

“Good, you just rest now then”

For the next ten minutes they sat in silence. With Martha closing her eyes and letting the warm water soothe and repair her battered skin. While Jack just sat beside her, his hand stuck inside the water as his fingers swished and swirled around the many bubbles.

He looked across at her resting form, god she was beautiful; even with her eyes closed shut she looked like an angel from heaven.

She was the definition of perfection.

As he grabbed a chunk of bubbles in his hand, and lightly blew them into the air, a cheeky grin spread across his face. Picking up some more bubbles he lightly rested them on her head, narrowing the top and allowing for them to flop over.

Still her eyes failed to open.

Cupping a few more bubbles around her chin he formed a white beard. As he tried his best to suppress his laughter, he took a hold of the hand mirror which was placed on the side.

Holding it in front of her face so she could see, he finally spoke up; “Heyhey!” he called out suddenly, causing her eyelids to suddenly flick open, “You look like Santa!” he giggled as he looked across at his work of art.

Her mouth opened wide as she looked at her face in the mirror; the white bubbles positioned correctly around her head forming a beard and floppy hat. Turning to Jack she flashed him an unimpressed glare, before flinging her hand out of the water and giving him a playful shove; resulting in him falling backwards and onto his bum.

“OUW!” he laughed as he tried to regain his previous stance.

She laughed at him as he struggled back onto his knees. “Well, it serves you right for saying I look like an old fat man” she moaned.

“Aw” he giggled, “well I like to think of you as the new and improved sexy Santa” He grinned, “The one that’s waiting for me on Christmas morning, all wrapped up and ready for me to open” he smiled at her with dreamy eyes, “hmm, that’s my kind of Christmas present” he ran his fingertips seductively from her shoulder and down her one arm.

Her heart fluttered in her chest as he gazed across at her with lustful eyes. He hadn’t looked at her in that way for such a long time. It made her feel like she was the only woman in the world … like she was all his possession.

Their eye contact was held for what felt like a lifetime, with neither of them wanting to look away, the moment was so calming … so beautiful … before it quickly disappeared as she found herself shivering uncontrollably; the water dropping considerably cooler as she lay there so still.

“Cold?” he spoke up as he witnessed her body shake.

She nodded back; wrapping her arms around her chest to preserve some warmth. “A little”.

“Alright, let’s get you out then” he smiled as he took to his feet.

Taking the jug off the shelf, he filled it with warm water, before running it through her hair and ensuring that all the soap was removed.

Grabbing a hold of the towel, he held it lengthways, ready to wrap her up.

Carefully rising to her feet, she stood in front of him, her body shivering and dripping wet. Before she was quickly covered up as the towel became enveloped around her.

Ensuring her body was no longer exposed, she held onto one side. As she aimed to step down onto solid ground however, she accidentally misjudged the distance, and as a result, lost her footing. Lunging forward she fell helplessly into his arms, but thankfully his quick reflexes managed to catch her just in time; preventing her from receiving any further injuries.

“Hey are you alright?” he held tightly onto her wet and fragile form as he helped her to her feet.

“Yeah, sorry” she apologized; feeling absolutely useless as she timidly stepped away from him. “Bet you never knew I was this clumsy” she tried to smile, but her embarrassment was getting the better of her.

“Don’t be silly” he smiled back. “Are you sure you’re alright?” he checked as she stood in front of him.

She nodded in return, her hands clinging onto the bath towel to keep her warm as she began to dry herself off.

“Good” he smiled through relief. The last thing they needed right now was to suffer the after-affects of yet another incident.

She whimpered in pain as she tried her best to dry her wounded skin, but she felt so sore and bruised, her skin was almost too tender to touch. “Umm, can you dry my back off, please … I can’t seem to do it” she shyly asked as she handed him a spare towel.

“Yeah, of course, let me know if it hurts ok”.

She nodded, holding the one towel up to cover her front while she faced her bare back towards him.

Lightly dabbing her skin, he removed as many water droplets he could without hurting her.

He frowned as he studied her bruises. Lightly running his fingertips down the marks.

She shivered as she felt his touch. It didn’t hurt, in fact it felt wonderful. It was just a pity it didn’t last very long.

Removing his fingers from off her back, he placed the towel to one side. “All done” he smiled as she turned back round to face him, “So, are you feeling a bit better now?” he asked as he handed her the bathrobe and helped her put it on.

“Much” she smiled, “thank you”.

“No worries, so I’ve been thinking; how does this take your fancy … Popcorn, ice cream, you and me snuggled up on the couch together, and a good old classic movie” he suggested with a grin.

She nodded back, “sounds perfect. But only if I get to pick the movie” she grinned cheekily.

“Alright, I guess I can live with that” he teasingly rolled his eyes. “It’ll be nice to spend the day together” he smiled down at her. Again she nodded, before watching as his face neared her own. Unfortunately for her however, it was on her cheek that he placed a soft kiss.

If only it had been on the lips, she thought…

Leading her out of the bathroom, they made their way down the stairs.


Aw, thanks martha-jack, thats really sweet :)

So sorry about the lack of updates, I'll try not to leave it so long next time, its just a very hectic time of year unfortunately <_<

Please enjoy :D

Chapter 43:

“Oh my god!” screeched a horrified Jack, as his eyes opened wide through fear, “how stupid does that girl have to be! What kind of idiot goes back into the house that they know the killer is in!?” he spoke in a panic as he held onto the pillow for protection.

“Well I say; GO HER! It’s promoting girl power if nothing else!” Martha nodded in pride.

“Girl power?” he turned to her, “well that’s one word for it” he rolled his eyes, before ducking back behind the pillow. “Seriously though, how can you watch this!? Aren’t you scared?” his face scrunched up through apprehension.

“Aw, don’t be such a wuss Jacky” she rubbed the side of his thigh for comfort.

Peeking his head from behind the cushion he turned to her; “You told me it was a comedy” he sulked.

“It is! Watching you scared out of your wits I find to be very comical” she smiled sweetly.

“Oh haha, very funny” he glared at her, before sinking back into the couch.

A knock at the door caught their attention, “ah thank god” he jumped to his feet, “best turn this off then” he smirked as he pressed the stop button on the DVD player.

“WHA …!” she tried to stop him, but it was too late, and he had already hit the off button. “You didn’t have to stop it you big girl” she moaned.

He shrugged his shoulders, his face displaying a cheeky grin, before he walked over towards the front door and opened it.

“Oh hey guys, what brings you here” he stood aside, allowing for Kim and Tasha to enter.

“Just thought we’d pop by and see how everything’s going” smiled Tash.

“Oh right, so, in other words, you were checking up on me” Martha rolled her eyes and grinned.

No! We were just in the neighbourhood passing by” she shrugged her shoulders. Martha nodded, knowing full well she was lying, turning to Kim she smiled.

“She’s not very convincing is she” Kim smirked at Martha as he placed a hand on his girlfriends shoulder.

She shook her head in response, “Not really” she laughed.

“Urgh fine, so maybe we weren’t just passing by” Tasha reluctantly gave in, “I was just worried; I wanted to make sure you were alright”

“Well thank you, that’s very sweet” she smiled, “but it’s all good, Jacks here keeping me company, that’s all I need” she looked across at Jack with shy eyes; her cheeks blushing in the light.

“Well good, I’m glad.” Smiled Tash, “Oh, sorry, were not interrupting anything are we?”

“No, we were just watching a movie” Jack spoke up. “I turned it off though cause Martha couldn’t handle it, lets just say horror movies aren’t really her thing” he rolled his eyes before looking down at her with sympathy.

“What?” Martha laughed as she looked up at Jack bizarrely.

“Yeah, if it wasn’t for me being here, holding her hand, protecting her; she probably would have been hiding behind the couch. And here was me thinking she didn’t have a wussy bone in her body, boy was I proved wrong” he looked at them through wide eyes; before looking down at her and smiling; trying to make it look like he felt sorry for her.

“What!? Jack!” she laughed, “it wasn’t even like that” she turned to her friends.

“Its ok honey, you don’t have to explain, we understand” he interrupted her and gave her a wink. “Right, who’s up for a little light snack” he grinned, clapping his hands together and quickly changing the subject before she could bust him.

Glancing at Martha and sniggering at her glaring face, he walked off into kitchen; his head held up high.

Martha shook her head as he left. What a cheeky devil!


“You alright mate?” Kim approached Jack as he stood staring out of the window, his eyes clearly transfixed on nothing.

“Huh?” he shook himself out of the daze, “yeah, sorry, I’m fine”.

“Are you sure?”

He smiled, before shaking his head, the tears in his eyes threatening to spill, “I guess its just starting to hit me …” he began, “… god if I’d been 5 minutes too late” he placed his hand to his head in distress.

“Yeah, but you weren’t, and she’s ok”

“Hmm, I’m not so sure” he frowned, again looking out into ‘space’.

“What do you mean?”

“She’s hurting, emotionally, and physically, she just doesn’t want to say … and she wants me to be with her, by her side, for every second. And god, I want that too but …”

“But what?” he urged his friend.

“I don’t know, its just” he took a brief pause, “Its just made me realize that … I cant protect her anymore” his face continued to fall “I cant be there for her, in the way that she wants me to be … were adults now, and we’ve both got jobs and our own lives … and I cant be there to look after her 24 hours a day … I just cant” he looked at Kim with helpless eyes. “And it kills me inside to think that I can’t” he wiped away a tear that shed down the side of his face.

“But you do” Kim spoke up, “maybe you can’t be there for her every single second of the day, but for the majority, you are there for her. Jack, no one has ever looked after Martha in the way that you do. And you may not know this but, you made a commitment to her a long time ago, waaay before you’d gotten together, when you were both still in PJ’s climbing into each others beds” he laughed slightly. “And any one can see just how badly you love her and want to protect her. You’ve never held out on her Jack, you’ve always looked after her, and you’ve always put her first … and that’s one hell of a thing to be proud of” Kim finished, his hand positioned supportively on his friends shoulder.

A rather choked up Jack Holden smiled across at his best mate, “Thanks man … that means a lot”.

“No worries” he smiled, before clearing his throat, “now, how about we go back inside, this is all getting a little too mushy for my liking” he smirked.

“Yeah, alright, lets go” he laughed.


It was 5pm, and Tasha and Kim had now left. Martha and Jack still remained on the couch however, snuggled up together watching some random cartoon that they had stumbled across.

The sound of a key being shoved inside the keyhole caught their attention, and the door swung open to the appearance of a smiling Jenny.

“Hey mom, good day?” Martha grinned across at her mother.

“Yes, not too bad. But how are you two? Everything alright?”

“Erm, yeah, were fine” replied Martha, a little surprised at her mothers concern.

“Good, that’s good to hear” she smiled, darting her vision too and fro from her daughter to Jack. “So, I’ve been thinking, how would you like it if Jack stayed the night?” she took a seat beside Martha and smiled.

“What?” she laughed in disbelief, “where’s this coming from?”

“Oh, no where” she shrugged.

Martha looked across at her mother with wary eyes, “This isn’t some horrid trick is it? You’re actually letting him stay the night?”

“Yes, if that’s what you want”.

“Wow” she laughed, “I can’t believe it. Thanks that’d be great” she beamed as she glanced across at Jacks grinning face, “But what changed your mind?”

“Oh, it was … nothing, you just caught me in a good mood that’s all, I guess I’m just feeling more generous today” she smiled, before walking away.

The smile on Martha’s face slowly dropped as she shook her head, “she’s the worst liar in the world” she turned to Jack with inquisitive eyes. “You told her didn’t you”.

He stopped rigid on the spot, before sighing, there was no point trying to lie, she’d only see straight through it. “Ok, yes, I did. But it was when I came around to get the scarf and she was asking questions, she was just concerned Martha, she’s your mother for goodness sake”

“You had no right to tell her!”

“Come on; please don’t be mad, I’m sorry ok, I honestly thought you’d end up telling her anyway” he tried to defend himself.

“Well no, I wasn’t planning on it” she huffed.

He released another heavy sigh; he didn’t realize this would be such a huge deal for Martha. “Well then, I’m really sorry, I didnt do it to hurt you.”

Following a brief pause, she eventually replied, “I know, I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to yell. Look, I know you only told her because you care ... its fine, lets just forget about it now.”

“Ok, well good” he carefully replied, “But hey, there’s one good thing that came out of it; she’s finally letting me stay the night” he grinned. “That’s if … you want me to stay?” he asked with caution.

“Are you kidding! Of course I do” she smiled as she wrapped her arms around his waist and snuggled into him.

“Good” he smiled back, holding onto her and lying backwards onto the couch; bringing her down with him.


“Hmm” she sighed with bliss, “I’ve missed this”

“Me too”.

They lay on Martha’s bed, snuggled up in the covers, with their arms and legs tightly entwined like jigsaw puzzles.

“I still can’t believe she let you stay” she giggled. “… She must be really worried about me” her voice dropped softly.

“Yeah, well she knows that you’re ok, I imagine she just felt better knowing that I’m here looking after you. Which I am thoroughly grateful for” he grinned as he pulled her even closer.

“Yeah, me too” she smiled; happy to be held in Jacks strong arms.

Turning her head, she met his eyes; “I’ve missed you so much Jack” she began, “I felt like crying myself to sleep when you weren’t here” she told him with honesty.

“Me too, I always hate being a part from you” He leant over, stroking her one cheek with the pad of his thumb.

Their breaths were calm and the atmosphere was serene as they both gazed into each others eyes.

Her eyes opened wide as she looked at him, twinkling in the moon light, her lashes fluttering now and then, almost inviting him to kiss her. Well, at least that’s what she was hoping she was doing.

But as of yet, nothing had come of it.

In fact it was all looking rather gloomy where their relationship was concerned. He hadn’t kissed her or intimately touched her since the night of the incident. And ok, that was merely 24 hours ago, but surely the odd kiss now and then wasn’t too much to expect? Was it?

Her eyes fell downwards onto the bed as she frowned slightly. Maybe it was time to accept the inevitable. Friendship was all that she could hope for now, as it seemed quite clear to her that Jack wanted nothing more.

But how could she go on with her life, just knowing what she’d lost. Not to mention seeing Jack with someone else, presumably a blonde bimbo with an extreme lack of brain cells, while she sits at home, knitting her 50th scarf of that week.

Just the thought of that was unbearable.

Or maybe she was reading this all too wrong, maybe there was another explanation as to why he was holding back with her.

Maybe it had nothing to do with Laurie, or any other girl for that matter.

‘Maybe, maybe, maybe’ she thought as she internally rolled her eyes. If only she could just get some answers!

Preview: Will Martha finally get her kiss? Not to mention the answers she’s really been looking for. We can only hope :)


This is the penultimate chapter :(

Warning: Content maybe unsuitable for younger readers!

Enjoy :)

Chapter 44:

As the night progressed, still a minimum amount of words were spoken. However Martha’s face remained in a frown as she continued to mull over their relationship drama’s, of which Jack hadn’t failed to notice.

“Are you ok?” he spoke from out of the silence, dragging her away from her thoughts.

“Yeah, of course” she smiled, “I was just thinking”.

“About anything in particular?”

“Maybe” she grinned.

“Hmm, interesting” he raised an eyebrow as he grinned back at her.

Placing his hand at the top of her head, he gently stroked her hair. “You look tired” he hushed across to her.

“I’m fine” she weakly replied.

Leaning forward he placed a kiss on her cheek, “why don’t you go to sleep honey” he half hovered above her, allowing for her to relax with her back laid comfortably over the bed.

“I don’t think I could, even if I wanted to” she sighed.

“Why?” he frowned as he touched her cheek, “what’s on your mind?”

She shrugged, feeling herself coming over all emotional. “You are” she whispered back up to him, her eyes shading over with sadness.

He continued to frown as he looked down at her, before watching as her head hesitantly raised, her lips coming towards him, before they captured his in a tender and loving kiss. She let out a soft whimper as their lips finally touched. It had felt like a lifetime since she had felt his silky smooth lips on hers.

Sinking into the action, he found himself giving into her, not that he minded of course. Kissing Martha was certainly not on his ten most hated list.

Their mouths joined together as one; as they kissed each other so tenderly; her head falling backwards onto the pillow as he leant back down to join her. She moaned beneath him, feeling as his body became increasingly tensed up and pressed up against her own.

Just having Jack on top of her was enough to make her head spin.

Wrapping her legs around his waist she pulled him even closer; her hands running down his sides and beneath his top, feeling his warm and supple back.

As she tried to deepen the kiss however, he unexpectedly pulled away…

He panted as he looked down at her; clearly trying to prevent himself from losing control.

Her face fell as she turned her head to one side; avoiding his stare; her legs releasing his lower half and falling down heavily onto the bed. She should have guessed it was all too good to be true!

“Jack” she softly called out, finally gathering enough courage to confront him, “is something wrong?” her heart beat raced in her chest as she spoke. Inside, she was silently dreading the answer.

“What do you mean?” he spoke in between taking deep breaths.

She smiled sadly, closing her eyes as she believed that she had finally come to an understanding. “Were not together anymore … are we?” she whispered.


“You don’t want to be with me” her eyes filled with tears.

He laughed softly, “where’s this coming from?”

“Well it seems pretty obvious” she cried as she pushed him off her, shuffling onto her bum and sitting cross legged on the bed.

“Martha, what are you talking about?” he gently urged her, “Talk to me, please.”

Drying her eyes she held her head downwards. “Oh god” she cried, her head falling into her hands, “I don’t want to lose you Jack” she turned to him briefly, her anxieties beginning to take control “… not now, not after everything”.

“Baby, you're not going to lose me" he tried to reassure her. "Whats all of this about?” he asked; moving beside her and stroking her back comfortingly.

“You don’t want to be with me” she continued to ramble through her tears, “You can barely kiss me for starters”

“What?” he frowned, “I’m not sure I understand” he added; still in a state of confusion.

“I mean, lets face it, you’re only kissing me because I’m forcing you too” she kept on.

“Don’t be ridiculous, it’s not like that at all.”

“Oh really, then why does it feel like it”.

He looked across at her through sad eyes. “Martha” he sighed, “you’ve got this way wrong”.

She frowned, turning around to face him, “I have?” she asked; slight hope hindering her voice as she spoke to him. Her fingers now rubbing away the tears in her eyes.

He nodded, his face displaying a sweet smile. “Of course I want to be with you … more than anything” he gushed, his hand rose upwards and removed the tears that had shed down her face, “Don’t ever think that I don’t want to be with you, please. It kills me to think that even crossed your mind” he said sadly, causing Martha’s head to fall through regret, “I just … I don’t want to push you”.

“Push me? But I want this, I want to be with you so much” she again started to cry.

“I know, I know” he hushed her soothingly.

“Then what’s wrong? Why are you pushing me away?”

“I don’t mean to, I’m sorry” he gently touched her cheek, “I just, I don’t think you’re ready”.

“But I am, I’m fine”.

“You may think that you’re fine, but I recon this whole things affected you waaay more than you’re letting on, and I just don’t think going back into something, so heavy, and so intense, is such a wise move right now”.

“Oh …” she frowned, her head dropped downwards as she looked at her hands, “you think I’m having intimacy issues?”

“No, of course not, I just don’t want you to commit yourself into doing something that you’re not necessarily ready for”.

“But, we’ve already done it” she smiled.

“I know” he smiled back, “but its not the same now is it.”

She frowned, looking deeply into his eyes. “Oh god” she placed her hand to her face, “You really don’t want to be with me do you” she tried to force away the tears. “It’s like I’m damaged goods or something”.

“What? No, honey, it’s nothing like that at all.”

Then why? I don’t understand, if anything, being with you will take my mind off everything else, I’ll be able to forget.”

He silently shook his head, in his heart he knew that she wasnt truely ready. “Look, I just think we should wait, I want it to be special more than anything, I want it to be as if it’s our first time together. I mean, we’ve been apart for a few days anyway, and I don’t know about you but, I’m really looking forward to sharing that with you again, but I don’t want it to just be something ordinary and causal, I want it to be perfect, I want it to be worth the wait … and it will be, I promise” he smiled, gently stroking her back before he reached upwards and lightly caressed her cheek.

Placing her hand to her face she closed her eyes. “I honestly thought you didn’t want to be with me … God, I feel like an idiot now” she began to blush, but thankfully the darkness masked her rosy cheeks.

“Aw, don’t be silly” he laughed softly; placing a comforting hand on her thigh.

“You know, after all of this, I can’t actually believe you still want to be with me, I’m such a wreck” she laughed weakly.

“Martha, I’ve been friends with you for over 15 years, I’ve being sleeping with you for over ten, I’m pretty much aware of your little quirks by now” he smirked, “and do you know what? I still love you for it. I love stubborn Martha, I love emotional wreck Martha, and I love melodramatic Martha” he laughed as he spoke. “And no matter how much of a state you think you’re in, I still love you” he smiled, “I can’t help it”.

She blushed as he spoke such wonderful words, “That’s so sweet,” she smiled softly, moving over and gently leaning into him. “Its times like this when I realize just how lucky I really am. I don’t know what I’d do without you Jack”.


Wrapping his arms around her waist he held her close to him, before entwining her fingers around his and securely fixing their hands in place.

Leaning backwards into the pillow he allowed for her to rest on his chest, her free arm wrapped around his waist and her head was tucked in neatly by his neck. “Sleep now” he hushed her as she let her eyes gently close shut.

Finally with a huge weight lifted off her mind, she could sleep in peace …


(The following morning)

She smiled as she watched him snivel in his sleep, his little nose occasionally twitching unconsciously, his lips forming into a pout while his eyes still held shut as he slept like a baby. He had never looked so adorable.

Their hands were still tightly clasped together, they seemed to fit so perfectly, she thought as she smiled and looked down at them.

As she watched him begin to fidget, she sensed he was coming around, much to her delight. She couldn’t wait to gaze down into those beautiful chocolaty eyes.

“Morning” he spoke in a dry and hoarse voice, his sleepy eyes still feeling heavy.

“Hey you.”

“Have you been awake long?”

“No, not really, about 10 minutes” she leant over and gently caressed his forehead, “you looked so peaceful” she looked down at him in wonderment; watching as his eyes gradually opened wider.

“Hm, I was having the best dream ever” he grinned as he thought back to that glorious image.

“Really?” she smiled down at him, shuffling over and resting her head on his chest.

“Yep, I was on a sandy beach” he began, wrapping his arms around her back as he spoke, “margarita in hand, with the woman of my dreams lying beside me”.

“Really!?” her grin grew even bigger.

“Yep” a cheeky grin crept onto his face, “god Angelina Jolie gets me so hot” he sighed.

“What!?” she laughed through bewilderment as she pulled back to look at him.

“Joke” he raised his eyebrows at her, “Angelina doesn’t have a patch on you babe”.

“Glad to hear it” she nodded, before she smiled and rested her head back down on Jacks chest.

Closing her eyes she sank into his hold, “I want every day to start like this Jack, with me lying in your arms, warm and protected … with no other cares in the world” she sighed through pure contentment.

“Yeah, me too” he smiled, his cool hand riding up her back, feeling the still-tender skin that lay beneath her top. “And when we get a place of our own, we can do this every morning”.

“Yeah. And I can’t wait” she beamed down at him as she came out from the crook of his neck.

“Hmm, me neither” he gazed into her eyes. Lifting upwards he searched for her lips, capturing them with his in a sweet and sensual kiss.

She followed him down, moving on top of him so that he could rest on the pillow, all the while their lips touched and pressed up against each other so tenderly.

Pulling away she glanced down at his shiny pink lips; watching as they formed into a smile, “I’m going to take some days off next week. I want to take you somewhere … just the two of us”.

She felt her body turn weak as she rested on top of him, feeling as his hands drifted up and down her sides so seductively, “No complaints here” she smiled down at him sweetly.

Rising his head upwards, he recaptured her lips once again …

Preview: It’s all over :(But do JnM get a happy ending? :unsure:


* Final Chapter *

Warning: Content will not be suitable for younger readers!!!

Enjoy :D

One week later…

“This is so perfect Jack” she sighed peacefully as she gazed out towards the lake, the autumn trees creating a colourful shimmer in the water, of reds, oranges and yellows. She had never witnessed a more serene and beautiful image. And for the entire weekend, it was all theirs…

“Thank you, so much” she smiled as she turned to him, “this was just what I needed … a chance to escape, forget about everything else, and just enjoy my time with you”.

“I’m glad, and, you’re welcome” he grinned back. Wrapping his arm around her waist he pulled her in closer, before turning back to look at the picturesque landscape…



“Open up” he cooed as he did the aeroplane game with the food; flying it down from the air and into her mouth.

She giggled as she caught the food between her teeth, “You’re such a loser” she poked him in the stomach as she chomped on her cracker.

“But you love my loser antics” he grinned at her.

“Very true” she nodded, “no one does them quite like you Jacky” she grinned back at him before raising her eyebrows.

For the past hour they had been sat on the rug in the middle of the paddock. The air felt so clean and fresh, and for a late-autumn afternoon, it was surprisingly warm.

A picnic was the perfect way to enjoy their time together. It combined the two things that they loved most of all; the outdoors and lots of food …

“Hmmm, what a beautiful day” she sighed as she leant backwards and lay down on the rug, gazing up at the intensely-blue-sky.

“Yeah, its pretty spectacular isn’t it” he shuffled onto his back and rested beside her, “even the sky looks bluer today, there’s not even a cloud in sight”.

“Nope” she spoke dreamily as she continued to look out into the open sky.

The moment dropped considerably silent; with the only sound coming from the gentle rustling of the trees. Both were caught up in the array of beauty that was set out before them.

Sensing something tug onto her one hand, she smiled, feeling as Jack weaved his fingers through hers; tightly clasping their hands together once again.

Together they lay side by side, both staring up into the sky, all the while comfortably attached by their interlaced fingers…



“What is it with men and fires” she rolled her eyes, “just because you think women are the weaker species, you feel like you have to make a point” she scoffed, “I bet I could rustle up a fire in half the time you did that” she held her head up high.

“Hm, yeah right” he smirked.

For the past half an hour, Jack had found himself turning into a caveman, as he did everything he possibly could to get a fire going. Sure, it was one thing getting it lit, but it was a whole other task to actually keep it going, what with the wind constantly blowing it out all of the time; which Martha couldn’t help but find amusing. Thankfully after his 6th attempt, he had managed to keep it alight.

“I’m quite proud of my efforts actually” he gloated, “there’s not a lot of men that can say they’ve lit a fire all by themselves. Yet another reason why I’m so darn perfect” he smirked.

“Haha! Yeah” she raised her eyebrows at him, “you just keep telling yourself that” she muttered just loud enough for him to hear.

“Hey!” he laughed as he grabbed a handful of grass and threw it at her, “You’re only jealous”.

“Oh, yeah, I’m really jealous” she rolled her eyes.

She grinned at his over-the-top hurt face, before pouting at him and mimicking his expression, “Aw, you know that I love your many talents Jacky” she smiled, raising her eyebrows seductively.

He grinned back at her in satisfaction, “I know you do sweetie … you’re only human after all” he replied smugly as he shrugged his shoulders.

She nodded as she laughed softly, before shuffling around and coming within inches of his face. Leaning into him she rested her cheek alongside his, closing her eyes she rubbed against his skin, before whispering seductively into his ear, “I want you”.

The hairs on the back of his neck pricked up as she spoke such sexy words. He had never heard her say anything quite so arousing before.

Pulling back from her, he looked deeply into her eyes, witnessing a look that was clouded with so much lust …

As his eyebrows gradually rose, that infamous Jack Holden grin crept across his face. Boy oh boy was he going to enjoy this …


Jumping up, she wrapped her legs around his waist; holding onto him.

Keeping a firm grip of her waist he led her through into the bedroom.

As they walked into the room, she pulled off her top, recklessly casting it to the ground, leaving her in her bra and shorts.

Reaching the bed, he placed her down.

She lay on her back as she waited for him to join her. With every second that passed by, the more her body began to buzz with impatience.

Once he had removed his shirt and trousers he climbed onto the bed, spreading her legs apart before gently leaning down on top of her.

He smiled as he looked at her delightful expression, before focusing on her bare stomach and trailing kisses over her tanned and toned skin.

She moaned through pleasure as he paid so much attention to caressing her every need. He was right in what he had said a week ago; this was definitely worth the wait …

Grasping a hold of the material that covered her lower half, he gently pulled downwards, removing both her shorts and her pants in one go. As she felt him release her of her underwear, she gently leant upwards, unhooking her bra and tossing it to the side, leaving her completely naked…

Coming back up to meet her eyes his lips formed into a pout, “I wanted to do that” he smirked as he signaled to the discarded bra of which she had recently removed.

She cheekily stuck her tongue out at him, before resting her palms on his shoulder-blades and pulling him down towards her.

Pressing his lips against hers he tenderly kissed her, before the parting in her lips gradually opened, and she invited him to explore her further…

As the minutes passed by, she found herself rubbing up against him; her body just aching to feel more of what she knew he could give her. Wrapping her legs around his waist, she pulled him even closer, before resting them comfortably on his lower back.

She had waited far too long for this, and every second was driving her insane. She just had to have him now!

Both felt the warmth of their anticipation, as it became increasingly difficult to hold on.

Finally positioning himself above her, he held onto her hips, before sliding inside, allowing for ecstasy and sheer heaven to completely take them over …


He smiled as he took silent steps up behind her, wrapping his arms around her waist and kissing the area near her ear.

“Hey” she spoke softly as she continued to gaze out at the sunrise. The truth was however, she wasn’t even paying attention to the landscape; her mind was somewhere else. Fixed on the earlier goings on; the past few hours to be exact, of which they had spent making love.

“You ok?” he whispered into her ear.

“Yeah, totally” she rested her head back onto his chest and closed her eyes. He felt so warm and cuddly; she could spend all of her days just wrapped up in his arms if she had a choice.

Eventually pulling away from his grasp, she turned around to face him. Placing her hands around his neck she smiled, “you made me feel like I was floating … like I was walking on air or something. It’s never felt that good” she looked into his intensely brown eyes.

“Hmm, I know” he leant down and kissed her softly on the cheek, “so” he pecked tiny kisses across her skin, “do you fancy floating some more” he smirked as he spoke softly into her ear.

She giggled as she felt his hot breath on her neck, before her giggles drifted away and she felt herself beginning to melt, her body turning weak as he continued to trail kisses down her neck.

“Jack” she hushed almost silently. Finding herself having to hold onto him just to keep herself standing. The bathrobe, of which she had tied around her, now fell half way off her shoulder as he worked his lips and tongue all over her skin.

Taking her lack of talk as a good sign, he swooped her into his arms, carrying her over towards the bed where he lay her down.

She felt so weak and helpless. How was it possible for Jack Holden, her former best friend to send her arousal through the roof with merely a couple of kisses?

Undoing the knot, he opened the bathrobe, placing the sides of the material outwards onto the bed, and revealing her naked figure. She shivered as she felt herself become exposed, her eyes all the while transfixed on his.

Removing his own robe, he tossed it to the side, before carefully leaning downwards; his body comfortably trapping her in.

She sighed as she closed her eyes, her leg gently rising and rubbing against the outside of his.

Opening her drowsy eyes, she placed her hand on his warm and sweaty back, running it down from top to toe; and feeling as his arousal continued to grow. “Jack” she softly called out.

“Hm” he managed to reply, but it was more of a moan than a response.

“Were going to be together aren’t we? … Forever?”

Removing his lips from off her skin, he smiled, “always” he gently caressed her cheek, “You just try and get rid of me” he smirked.

She slowly shook her head, “Never” she hushed back, “I love you more than I’ve ever loved anyone … there’s no way I’d ever be willing to lose that now”. She told him with honesty. “… I just can’t seem to stop” she whispered up to him.

“Me neither” he shook his head slightly; “I don’t want to stop though. It feels too good …” his words drifted away.

She smiled up at him, her eyes becoming glassy. “Best friends forever” she grinned as a tear crept outwards from the corner of her eye.

“Definitely” he gave her a nod, before tentatively leaning down and pecking her forehead. “Now enough of the talking yeah” he raised his eyebrows at her, “just kiss me”.

And with those final words spoken, they once again gave into the night …

* * * * * * * * *

Note: I think the first and last chapters are the hardest to write imo, the last especially, as its hard to find things to include. So I hope it was ok.

Listen to me making excuses :P

Well that’s it peeps, I know I always say this, but I can’t believe it’s over *cries* lol. I really loved this fic, the whole idea of friends/lovers seemed to appeal to me. I just hope you enjoyed it as much as I did.

Please could you all drop a comment, I’d love to know what you think :)

Thanks again for taking the time to read and review. You guys rock!

BTW, If I am to write another fic, It’ll be put in the Adult Section.

I don’t think I need to explain why :P



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