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More Than Anyone

Guest vale4eva

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Thanks Penny Lane ^_^ and everyone else :D

This is for Krystal, cause I love her and she rocks :P

Note: Kim works as a PE teacher. lol

Warning: Content may be unsuitable for younger readers


Chapter 21:

“I’ve never felt so … uncomfortable around Jack before, it’s scary; it’s like we don’t even know how to be with each other anymore; almost like were total strangers” she sighed as she sat down on Tasha’s living room couch; coffee in hand.

“It’ll get better Mac, just give it time” Tasha comforted her by placing a hand on her shoulder, “and hey, tonight might be the perfect way to get everything back on track, with the 6 of us together; it’ll be the perfect chance to break the ice. And” she grinned, “I want to meet this Billy dude, I need to check that he’s good enough for my best friend” she gave her a nudge.

“Yeah” she laughed; “it should be good … hopefully” her face fell into a frown as she considered the possibilities of tonight, before her mind unintentionally dragged her to somewhere else; causing her to laugh. “I just need to remember to avoid all alcohol on the premises.”


“Oh, never mind” she giggled as she thought back ... oh the good old times!



“Well don’t you two look absolutely lovely” colleen greeted Jack and Laurie as they entered the dance hall.

“Yeah, thanks colleen” Jack rolled his eyes out of sight as he gently pulled Laurie away from the local busy-body.

“Wow, they’ve really gone to a lot of effort” Laurie said as she looked around the room; the glitter balls and streamers decorating the previously dull space and turning it into a magical spectacle.

“Yeah, well I heard it was going to be a big event, well, for Summer Bay's standards anyway” he rolled his eyes laughing. “Anyway, do you want a drink?”

“Yeah, thanks I’ll have a white wine please” she grinned as she sat down on one of the chairs that hid away in the corner.

“K, won’t be long.”

Walking towards the bar area Jack stood and waited in the long line of paying customers.

Frowning, he stood on his tiptoes, trying to look over the ocean of heads that led up to the bar. ‘God!’ thought Jack; he really hadn’t expected the queue to be this long at only 6.45 in the evening.

A hand on his shoulder suddenly pulled him back down and onto his feet, “Jackyboy! You getting the drinks in” cheered Kim as he stood beside Jack and eagerly rubbed his hands together; Tasha close behind him.

“Hey man, and yeah I am getting the drinks in, but no I wont buy you yours” he smugly grinned back, “I’m sure a successful PE teacher such as yourself can afford to buy you and your lovely girlfriend at least one drink” he smirked as he tapped Kim on the arm.

Hm” grunted Kim as he reluctantly pulled out his wallet.

“See, wasn’t so hard was it” Jack teased as he faced back around to stay in the queue; leaving behind a rather un-amused Kimberly Hyde.


“Thanks” Jack smiled to the pretty brunette that handed him their drinks, before turning and walking away. Approaching the dance floor he came to a halt; a young and beautiful woman at the entrance catching his eye.

This wasn’t just any woman though; she was about the only woman on this earth to have ever had such a major impact on his life.

Martha …

She wore a fitted purple dress that floated just above her knees, and silver strappy sandals that showed off her long and tanned legs. Her wavy brown locks fell lightly onto her shoulders; warming up her complexion like a treat.

She looked breath taking …

Of course, Jack had always thought she was a stunner, but tonight, she looked different, almost older and more grown up, there was a confidence there that he’d never really noticed before. She looked amazing; she was without a doubt, the standout Summer Bay beauty of the night.

As he caught her eye and she smiled across at him, his hands suddenly clammed up; his heart beat pounding like a drum in his chest, as all he could do was stand helplessly rigid on the spot. God, why was he feeling so nervous all of a sudden!?

Flashing her a small smile and nodding his head to acknowledge her, he eventually turned away, if he’d held eye contact with her for any longer, he would surely explode.

Taking a seat beside Laurie and passing her the drink, he struck up a conversation; “so, how’s work going?” but all the while he couldn’t help but glance back at Martha.


“Well, it’s nice to know that Jack has finally chosen to date someone with a brain,” smirked Tasha, as she flashed Jack an exaggerated grin.

“Hmm, thanks for that Tash” Jack sarcastically grinned back at her.

Taking his eyes away from the 3 individuals that sat before him, (consisting of Kim, Tasha and Laurie) he searched for the only person he really wanted to hang out with.

Finally noticing her in the far corner, he took a deep breath; mentally preparing himself for what he was about to do.

“Listen guys, I’ll be back soon ok, I’m just going to talk to Martha for a while” Jack spoke up as he turned back to them.

“Yeah ok, we’ll be here” Laurie smiled, before turning back to her conversation with Tasha.

Walking across the dance floor and dodging the many couples that swayed together under the magical lights, he swallowed hard, before finally approaching her.

“So, how about that dance you promised me?” he smiled as he lightly tapped her on the shoulder.

Turning around she smiled back at her handsome looking friend. “Hmm, I don’t think I remember promising you a dance” she smirked back at him.

“Oh come on; you’re not going to let me go home disappointed now are you” he raised his eyebrows at her.

“You know I’m not a very good dancer Jack. We’ve both got two left feet for goodness sake; we’ll only end up falling over each other” she added with a laugh as she tried her best to get out of it.

“Oh come on” he kept on, “and so what if we both have two left feet; at least we’ll be dancing in the same direction” he joked as he gave her a cheeky grin. “Please” he pleaded as he held out his hand to her and waited patiently; silently praying that she wouldn’t keep rejecting him.

“Alright” she rolled her eyes, “but if we make a fool of ourselves, it’s on your head” she warned him with a smirk as she took a hold of his hand.

“I think I can live with that” he grinned back as he led her over towards the middle of the dance floor.

Coming to a halt and wrapping his one arm around her waist, he attempted to begin their dance, however he failed to get very far as Martha proceeded to protest.

“Ok, I may have agreed to dance with you, but I did not agree on going into the ‘all eyes are on you’ zone” she told him with a grin, as she grabbed both of his hands and pulled him over towards the one side.

“Always worrying about what people think, aren’t we” he teasingly shook his head before raising his eyebrows at her; “unless of course, you’re embarrassed to be seen with me” he opened his eyes out wide.

“Yep, you got me. It’s all true. You’re far too much of a loser to be seen with” she smirked back.

“Damit” he exaggerated a sigh, “if only I’d guessed that sooner” he bobbed his tongue out at her before grinning.

She laughed back at him before moving in closer to him. The two gradually letting go of their inhibitions as they began to sway in time with the music.

Sinking into the moment, she placed her head on his chest; the song and the atmosphere setting her at peace.

It had been so long since they had been this close; normally, being so close wouldn’t have a major effect on them, but this time it felt different, having a break from each other had made this moment much more special.

See” Jack mumbled from out of the silence, “I knew you could dance”.

Martha failed to respond; she just closed her eyes and allowed for all of her tension to drift away. She had never felt so relaxed and at ease before.

Martha” he again called out softly after several quite seconds.

Hmm” she mumbled back against his shirt.

Taking a deep breath he continued to speak. “I miss you”.

Pulling away from his chest she looked into his watery eyes; swallowing down the lump that had now formed in her throat she spoke up. “Please don’t, I’m doing really well … I’m being strong and not needing you, I can’t fall back now” she released a nervous laugh; her face displaying a certain amount of worry and sadness.

Sorry” he lowered his head.

Its ok” she smiled back sadly; hesitating before she continued, “but if it’s any consolation … I miss you too”.

He nodded slowly as he processed her words; there was something so wonderful and yet so painful about hearing her say that back.

Looking into her eyes and seeing so much sincerity; he could have burst into tears, right then and there. But he couldn’t; he wouldn’t allow for himself to continue moping around in his pain. He would just have to deal with it.

Clearing his throat and pulling himself together, he brushed away his heartbreaking thoughts. It was definitely time for a change of subject.

A smile appeared on his face as he gazed across at her, he hadn’t even complemented her on her ensemble, which was exactly what he was going to do right now. “By the way, you look absolutely amazing tonight; you’re by far the most beautiful here”.

“Oh please” she laughed as she felt her cheeks suddenly fire up. “But thank you, you look great too,” she smiled, “Its not very often we get to dress up like this … it’s been a nice change”.

“Yeah, it has” he nodded back.

Their gaze was held for what felt like a lifetime of seconds; the people around them just drifting away; leaving only them and the sweet and calming music that they swayed too.

The moment was however harshly interrupted, as the rather camp DJ suddenly spoke aloud …

“Alrighty alrighty, you lovely people! That one was for all the young love birds out there” he smirked, “but let’s take a trip down memory lane now! This ones for all the party-goers out there!”

The DJ then flicked the button and WHAM rang aloud on the speakers …

At the sound of the DJ saying ‘for all the young love birds out there’, Martha quickly released Jacks hands. Her insides were beginning to do somersaults; she suddenly felt so awkward standing this close to him. “Erm, so I think I’m going to go and check on Billy now,” she spoke up as she nervously tried to keep his eye contact, “I’ll see you later maybe. Thanks for the dance” she smiled before turning and hastily walking away.

Yeah … whatever” he uttered with a frown below the music. He now stood alone and ‘lost’ on the dance floor as he watched her walk away from him.

Swallowing hard and closing his eyes, he held his head down; before walking off towards the tables and chairs to find Laurie.


“Hey, you’re back” Laurie smiled as she greeted Jack at his return.

“Yeah, looks like” he laughed softly; but not really in the mood to talk.

“So, are you having a good time?” Laurie asked as she raised her eyebrows.

“Erm, yeah, I guess” he cautiously replied as he looked at her face, “why?”

“Oh, no reason” she shrugged as she picked up her drink and took a sip.

“Oh god” he sighed, “I’m so sorry, are you not having a good time?” he frowned as he leant forward and comfortingly touched her leg.

“Well, I’ve danced with every guy in here except for my date, so, what do you think?”

“Erm, is that a trick question?” he nervously laughed.

She just raised her eyebrows back at him.

“Oh god, I’m so sorry Laurie, I don’t know what I’m doing tonight” he shook his head helplessly, “it’s just …”

“Its ok Jack, you don’t have to explain; I get what’s going on here.”

“You do?” he frowned as he pulled back slightly.

“Well, the fact that you’ve been glancing back and fourth at your best friend all evening, pretty much tells me what’s going on”.

“Oh, no, it’s not like that, I just … I can’t explain it, I guess I’m just worried about her or … something” he added with uncertainty as the words drifted away.

“Look, its ok, you’re lucky I’m so easy going” she playfully gave him a poke, “but if you don’t ask me to dance at least once by the end of the night, I may not be so forgiving” she smirked.

He nodded and grinned, “Alright, how about that dance then?” he asked as he held out his hand for her to take.

“Sounds good to me” she happily took his hand and allowed for her date to finally take her onto the dance floor …



“Hey Tash, where’s Martha gone?” Jack asked as his eyes darted from left to right in search of his friend.

“She took off 10 minutes ago”.

“What? You’re kidding me” he sighed, “she didn’t even say goodbye” he muttered.

“Well, they seemed kind of in a hurry, if you know what I mean” she raised her eyebrow suggestively.

“No, I don’t, you care to spell that out for me” he bluntly responded.

Rolling her eyes at him she reluctantly continued. “Well, if you must know, she’s gone to stay at Billy’s tonight”.

What?” His heart fell and his face dropped at her words; that was definitely not what he wanted to hear right now. “Well, why did they leave so early?” Jack persisted as he prodded for details.

“I don’t know, I think Billy just wanted to get her out of here, she was fidgeting around all over the place, she was a right old mess” she rolled her eyes. “But I guess she was just nervous; it’s a big night for her.”

‘A BIG NIGHT!?’ Thought Jack. ‘Oh god, that can only mean one thing!’

He swallowed hard and felt as his skin heated up; the sweat on his hands made his touch wet and clammy. “Did she give you an address?” he hurriedly asked as his breathing grew faster and stronger.

“Erm, yeah … why?” she scrunched up her face at his odd behaviour.

“I need it, give it to me!” he ordered.

“What! No!” she scoffed as she took a step backwards.

Darting his vision from left to right to ensure that know one was watching, he gently pushed her backwards until her back hit the wall. Moving forward until they were merely centimetres apart; he spoke to her very carefully, “you either give it to me, or I’ll get it myself” his hot breath could be felt on her skin as he spoke to her. His eyes glared daggers into her vision; she had never seen him like this before, and she certainly wasn’t going to argue with him; reaching into her pocket she handed him the paper.

“Thank you” he flashed her a sarcastic smile before turning and walking away.

“Wait!” she grabbed at his arm and pulled him around to face her, “Why are you doing this Jack? What are trying to prove?”

I’m not trying to prove anything! She’s my friend; I have to look after her” he spoke in a low and almost sinister-like voice.

And with that final sentence, he had left the building; Billy’s address held firmly in his hand as he frantically rushed towards his car …

Preview: The night continues…

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Enjoy :D

Chapter 22:

His eyes stayed fixed on the dark road ahead; his only source of light coming from the car headlamps which lit up the road; leading him to his destination.

An estimated 25 minutes had now come and gone from the moment that Martha had left the dance hall.

TWENTY FIVE MINUTES! Jack just prayed to god he wasn’t too late.

Hammering his foot down harder on the acceleration, he sped around the corner; he didn’t even know why he was acting this way, he just knew that he had to do everything in his power to stop whatever Billy had planned tonight.

As far as Jack was concerned, Billy wasn’t even allowed to touch a hair on his best friends head, let alone anything else.

Reaching the narrow lane that led up to the house, he finally released the acceleration, and allowed for the car to trail along at a comfortable 30 mph.

Coming to a halt he turned off the engine. Pulling out the car keys and flinging off his seat belt, he slammed the door shut behind him, before making his way up to the front porch.

But what should he say when she sees him? The entire prospect of him turning up at Billy’s house out of the blue, (not to mention in the middle of the night) looked totally suss! She’d definitely start to ask questions.

Oh well, he’d just have to make something up …

Knocking on the door he waited for a response; the lights however, were all turned off, no sound came from the living room and no voices could be heard.

Where was she?

Knocking a little louder he began to grow impatient. There was only one thing left to do …

“MARTHA!” yelled a desperate Jack as he continued to bash his hand against the wooden door, “MARTHA! ARE YOU IN THERE!?”

The door eventually swung open to a rather startled Billy and Martha. “Quieten down mate, the entire neighbourhood will hear you” Billy tried his best to whisper.

“Oh thank god” Jack muttered as he breathed a sigh of relief; looking across at Martha, who was thankfully fully clothed.

“Martha” he stepped forward and took a hold of her hand, cupping it gently in between both of his palms; almost as if it were precious.

“Jack?” she frowned at his odd behaviour as she looked down at their joint hands, “what’s going on?”

“We have to go honey” he told her. “I’m sorry Billy; she’ll call you tomorrow though.”

“Wait, what’s going on?” she halted as Jack tried to gently pull her out of the doorway.

“Erm …” he thought for a brief second; “it’s … Tasha”.

“Something’s wrong with Tash?” her eyes shot open and her forehead creased, showing her clear state of distress.

“Erm, yeah. We have to go” he gently tugged at her arm as he kept a comfortable and secure grip on her hand.

“Ok, but what’s wrong with her? Is she hurt?” she panicked at her lack of knowledge as she roughly shoved her feet into her sandals.

“I’ll tell you in the car, now come on” he urged, her, “sorry Billy” he turned back to the young man that still stood in the doorway.

“No its fine, let me know what’s going on when you find out, I hope Tasha’s ok” replied Billy.


Both Jack and Martha hurried towards the car; their heartbeats pounding in their chests. But for quite different reasons it seemed. Martha was in a state of panic over the condition of her friend, whilst Jack mentally cursed himself for making up such a hurtful and idiotic lie.

Opening their car doors, they both jumped inside. “Jack, please tell me what’s going on! I’m scared!” she cried as she sat down in the passenger seat.

“Its ok, I’ll tell you in a minute, just put on your seat belt”.

Doing as she was told she fastened her seat belt, all the while, anxiously awaiting the news on her friend.


For the entire 10 minute drive home, Jack said nothing about Tasha’s condition, other than that she was ok.

Arriving at their home Jack turned off the engine.

“Jack, what are you doing? We need to get to the hospital!” she looked across at him through glassy eyes.

He sighed as he glanced at her worried face. “Oh god … Look Martha” he spoke softly, already hating himself for what he was about to tell her, “I … Tasha’s fine” he held his head down, unable to look into her eyes.

“What are you talking about? You said she was hurt” she spoke softly through her confusion.

“I’m sorry” he hesitantly glanced over to her; seeing the confusion in her eyes as she looked at him, “I … I lied, there was no accident, Tasha’s still at the party”.

“What?” her voice whispered.

Jack stayed still and rigid in his chair; the atmosphere in the car was now dangerously silent, he could hear his heart pounding in his chest as the seconds went on.

“Why would you do that to me?” she hushed across at him as the tears swam down her cheeks.

“I’m sorry. I don’t know” he shook his head helplessly; the tears in his eyes also trickling down his face, “I just had to get you out of there. But I didn’t mean for that to happen.”

“But why?” she cried, “Why would you want to hurt me like this?”

“I’m sorry” he repeated for the 10 millionth time, “I didn’t mean to hurt you” he reached over to touch her arm.

“DON’T!” she pulled her arm away from him; her eyes displaying a look that he had never seen from her before; fear, sadness and betrayal. And that was all for him …

“How could you do that to me? … What kind of person does that to their best friend” she spoke with so much sadness,

“Martha, I’m so …”

“NO!” she harshly interrupted, “JUST STAY AWAY FROM ME!”

Climbing out of the car and slamming the door with a thud, she marched her way off towards the front door.

Smacking his hand down onto the steering wheel he released a loud groan, but time was of the essence, and he quickly re-gained his composure; pushing the aggression that was threatening to build to the side, before hurriedly exiting the car.

“Martha please let me explain” he called out in his panic as he ran up to the door and tried to stop her, however before he had a chance to get close enough, the door swung flat in his face.

“Damit” he placed his hand to his head in sadness; the tears flooding his eyes.

Close to giving up, a thought popped into his head, urging him to remember that the front door wasn’t the only way of entry for Jack Holden.

Hurrying around the back yard, he clung onto the wall trellis; pulling himself up until he reached the window.

Landing his feet onto the carpet he stood in her bedroom and waited for her …

Grabbing the tissue box from off the down stairs table, she wiped her teary eyes, before making her way up towards her bedroom …

As she entered her room she took a startled step backwards, seeing Jack Holden who now stood before her beside her bed.

Looking at the opened window she scrunched up her face in fury; damit, why did she always have to leave that open!

“I thought I told you I didn’t want to speak to you” she spoke in a controlled tone of voice as she avoided his eye-line and looked down at the ground.

“Look I know you hate me right now, and you have every right to, but please just give me a chance to explain” he pleaded with her as he took several small steps towards her.

“Why should I!? After what you’ve done tonight. Making up some horrible and thoughtless lie, for no apparent reason!” she raised her voice.

“Look, I know that it looks really bad” he tried to pull himself together as he brushed away his tears, “but can we just put this whole lying issue aside here. Can you not see why I was doing this? I did it for you, to look after you, to stop you from doing something that I know deep down you’ll only end up regretting”.

“Jack, what are you talking about?”

“Oh come on Martha, you were staying at his house for the night, it doesn’t exactly take a genius to realise what was about to happen”.

“That’s none of your business” she spoke in a low and hushed tone of voice.

“It is my business when you’re about to force things onto yourself that I know you don’t really want”.

“No Jack, you have know idea what I really want; you just think you do. The truth is, you don’t have a clue!”

“Yes I do! And that’s the problem, I know you too well. And I know that you’re only forcing yourself into being with him, because you’re tired of waiting around.” he looked on at her in bewilderment, “I mean, you don’t even like the guy!” he flung his arms into the air.

“And how the hell would you know!? You have access to my brain now, is that it” she scoffed.

“No, but I can see it in your face.”

Pausing and taking a breath, he sighed, “That moment, when you came home depressed, you’d spent the afternoon with Billy and you told me, word for word, everything you hated about it. The way he touched you and the way he kissed you. How forceful you thought he was!”

“Oh don’t exaggerate!”

“I’m not! Those were your words, not mine”.

She shook her head stubbornly as she stood on the spot and remained quite; deep down, knowing full well that Jack was right.

“Martha, I know how much that night would mean to you” he began.

“No, you don’t! It’s not a big deal for me anymore, I don’t even care” she ranted in her misery as her head dropped downwards; almost in shame.

“Yes you do. I know you care” he took her hands in his.

Pulling them away, she frowned, “No, it’s just another night, its just sex; it doesn’t mean anything to me anymore!”

“That’s not true and you know it!”

Shaking her head and trying not to listen, she turned away from him, “Well what about you Jack!” she spun back around to face him, “I mean, you do it all the time!”

“But you’re not me; this means way more to you than it ever did to me. You deserve to share that with someone you really love, someone who means something to you. Not just the first person that comes along and offers it to you! You deserve far more than what that guy can give you! And you’re lucky you’ve got me to make you see that!”

Standing helplessly before him, she could no longer hold it in, the moment overcoming her with sadness. Placing her hand to her face, she burst into tears.

“Oh god Martha, please don’t cry” he immediately regretted ever being so hard on her.

Climbing onto the bed she shuffled backwards, her back resting up against the cushioned headboard, as she brought her knees up to her chin and cried.

“Martha” he spoke softly as he sat on the bed to join her, placing his hand on her arm and gently stroking it.

“I just … I don’t know what to do anymore” she said in between sobs.

“Its ok, you don’t have to worry about all that” he hushed her as he sat by her side “It’s going to be ok”.

Lifting her head up to look at him, she nodded slowly, her mouth forming into an unintentional pout. He smiled at her innocent and angel-like face; she was so precious to him.

“It’s going to be ok … I promise” his words continued to soothe her.

Leaning across he wiped away her tears; watching as her eyes fell shut at his touch, her body beginning to relax as his palm cupped her cheek, ever so gently.

Opening her eyes she looked across at him, she felt so drained; all of the partying, and most recently, the crying, had taken a lot out of her.

But there was something else she felt inside as she gazed into his eyes; a feeling she had never felt before, like her insides were beginning to grow warm and jittery; an unexpected urge seeping through …

Lust maybe?

His face suddenly turned serious as he gazed across at her, his sight flicking from her eyes to her lips, before he did the one thing he never thought he would ever do, leant forward, and carefully pressed his lips against hers.

Allowing for their lips to linger for a moment, he tasted her sweet flavour, before slowly pulling away and taking a breath.

Their foreheads touched together as their eyes closed in unison. Their breaths were becoming stronger and their heartbeats growing in power as every silent second passed on.

What was happening to them!?

How could they suddenly be falling!?

“Oh god” she whispered as tear droplets fell onto her cheeks.

His breath caught in his throat as he re-opened his eyes, his vision coming into focus as his gaze met with hers.

The confusion was evident from both parties as they sat there face to face; both were unaware of what was happening, but in harmony they could feel a hunger and a want for more.

Although hesitant, he gradually leant back in, brushing his lips against hers in a soft kiss, before moving further around and trailing kisses along her cheek.

He heard the gentle moan that slipped from her mouth as his lips sucked at the tender skin on her neck.

Placing her hand at the back of his head, she pushed him closer to her, allowing for him to devour her completely.

Moving back around he re-captured her lips in a searing kiss; his one hand beginning to work its way up her thigh, caressing the soft skin that hid away beneath her dress.

Shuffling downwards, she lay beneath him, her body turning to jelly; she was completely helpless and at his mercy … but its not like she was complaining!

She felt as his hand slid back up her leg, seconds later he was feeling the lace on her pink knickers, his fingertip drawing circles on the material as he traced his way all around the pretty pattern.

His touches and caresses drove her crazy; never in her whole life had she felt this good. The pleasure that oozed from her body, just from this one tiny action, completely spun her mind. She could just stay like this forever …

Pulling outwards, he ran both hands up her sides; sliding the dress up her petite frame and pulling it over her head; before he cast it to the floor in a reckless and haphazard manor.

Lying beneath him, she began to shiver, but not because she was cold, far from it in fact, her body felt like an inferno, but mostly because she was bordering a world in which she had never dared to enter.

And Jack was the one that was taking her there …

Preview: What happens next?


^^ Well hello there, stranger <_<:P

I dont know why I'm updating in my condition, but here it is.

Had to halve it yet again because it was 8 pages long :lol:

PS. Some of you people know me too well when it comes to me writing JnM's 'first time' together. And those that do can probably guess whats about to happen :P



Chapter 23:

They kissed each other in desperation; their bodies just aching for more. Their hands and fingertips working there way around; touching everything and anything they could get into contact with.

Both of them felt an excitement of pleasure rush through their bodies; a blissful feeling that they thought only dreams could make.

The minutes flew by, their minds turning a blank due to the intensity of the moment; the previous pain and heartache that had recently been caused, had now drifted away, as both individuals began to lose any ounce of self control.

“Wait” she panted as she placed her hand on his bare chest, “Jack” she called out softly.

Pulling back he studied her flustered face. Her expression however failed to display what he was hoping for; there was no longer a look of lust there, or happiness, instead she just lay there frowning.

“What’s wrong?” he asked as he tried to regain his lower composure, “I’m not hurting you am I?” he looked down at her with worry; however he needn’t have worried where that was concerned, mostly due to the fact that he hadn’t even gotten far enough to actually hurt her.

“No, of course not” she gave him a small smile, hoping to relieve his fear.

“Then, what is it?” he stayed hovering above her; the backs of his fingers now caressing her cheek.

“I … I don’t think I can do this” her lip began to quiver as her emotions took hold.

“But … I don’t understand … you are … we are”.

“I know, but I can’t anymore” she cried as she placed her hand to her forehead in distress.

Pushing himself upwards, he gave her the room she required. Allowing for her to pull on the sheets and cover her semi-naked body.

“Look, I know this wasn’t what we thought would happen, but … it feels so right … doesn’t it?” he spoke softly as he looked into her teary eyes; inside he silently dreaded the answer.

“I don’t know” she replied back following a brief pause.

“You don’t know?” his face fell in sadness.

“Jack” she began, “I don’t want this” she cried.

“What are you talking about?”

“I don’t want it to be like this! I don’t want to be just another one of your one night stands!” she raised her voice at him; “I don’t want to be used like you use them” she spoke to him; almost in a harsh tone of voice.

“What?” he spoke softly; hurt by her words, “But its not ...”

“More importantly” she interrupted, “I don’t want to be the one that helps you cheat on Laurie” her voice turned low, while the tears still swam down her cheeks, “I don’t want to be that person Jack! I WON’T!” she spoke firmly, “I mean, god! I’m supposed to be seeing Billy, and now because of this 'episode of confusion', I’m now a full-on cheater!” she scoffed in disgust.

“But … ok, well maybe it wasn’t the wisest time to do this, but …”

“No Jack! It shouldn’t have happened full stop!”

He looked across at her with so much hurt, his heart breaking at her words. How could she say that to him? When not 5 minutes ago she was begging him not to stop touching her! Her face displaying so much lust and hunger for him!

Was all of that just a lie?

Maybe he had read the signal’s wrong, maybe she really was confused, and it just so happened that Jack had been there at the wrong time, to take the brunt of it ...

“Please just go Jack” she spoke softly as her vision stayed fixed on the sheets; but from the corner of her eye, she noticed as he failed to budge, “Go Jack!” she tried to use the only ounce of strength she had left to push him away, but it still didn’t work, he just stayed in the same position and looked across at her sadly.

She sighed as she placed her hand to her head; feeling as a headache was close to kicking in, “why won’t you leave”.

“Because we need to talk about this! Look, Martha, you’ve got this all wrong …” he tried to ease the situation. However Martha remained stubborn and failed to let him in.

“How many more times!? I want you to go!”

“No, I’m not leaving you when you’re this upset.”

“I’m fine! Just go!” she kept on; the tears threatening to re-build.

“No, you’re upset, just talk to me” he urged, as he leant over and tried to touch her.

“I don’t want to talk to you” she shuffled away from him. “I just want you to go”.

“But …”

“Look! If you care about me at all, then you’ll do as I wish. So go!”

Releasing a sigh and helplessly shaking his head, he finally gave in, “Fine”. There was no getting through to her at a time like this, so he would just have to leave it. If he stayed and kept on pressuring her, he’d only end up making things worse. Not that they could actually get much worse! This moment pretty much summed up the concept of a ‘newly destroyed relationship’.

Standing on his feet, he reached down for his shirt and shoes, before making his way towards the door.

With one final glance, he eventually left the room …



Martha still lay tense and rigid on her bed, her body shaking through her sobs as her fingers clung hard onto the sheets. She felt so drained and washed out, but she couldn’t close her eyes, as all she could see was that moment when Jack left the room, the pain and sadness that was so evident in his eyes as she pushed him away.

Martha could stand a lot of things in life, but this was definitely not one of them, she hated it when Jack was so hurt, and knowing that she was the cause of it, just made it all ten times worse.

Eventually pushing away the covers she slid out of bed, before picking up her crumpled dress off the floor.

Holding it in front of her she smiled sadly, tonight was supposed to be the start of something new, a new page in the Martha Mackenzie life story, a moment that she had hoped she would be proud of, but instead it had turned into something quite different; a nightmare situation, and one that she knew wouldn’t be easily resolved...

Placing the dress to the side she climbed back into bed, taking a glance in the mirror she studied her pink and puffy face, the dark circles under her eyes making her look like something from out of a horror movie.

Shaking her head she turned away, flicking off the lamp and trying to settle down.

Closing her eyes, she prayed that this was just dream, and that tomorrow she would wake up feeling refreshed and happy.

Unfortunately for her, that was all wishful thinking, because when tomorrow would arise, nothing would change, and the reality of the situation would have to be faced. A moment that she was certainly not looking forward too …


(The following day - Tasha and Kim’s apartment)

It had been 10 minutes since Jack had arrived at their apartment; he now sat down with a coffee in hand whilst watching the tele; awaiting Kim’s return from the bathroom.

For the past 5 minutes, Jack watched as Tasha shot daggers at him, clearly thinking he wasn’t noticing, when in actual fact he could see her quite clearly from where he was sitting; her eyes so narrow and her stare so piercing.

Urgh” she finally grunted as she pushed herself off the couch, “I’m going out”.

“Wait Tash” he called over to her, standing up and pulling her to one side to avoid being over heard by Kim, “I think I owe you an apology. I’m really sorry about the way I acted last night, it was totally un-called for”.

“Yeah, it was” she paused for a brief moment, “you scared me.”

“I know” he sighed, “I’m really sorry; I was just … worried about Martha”.

She nodded slowly, processing his words, “You know Jack, you don’t have to worry about Martha, I met Billy and he seems like a really decent guy, and even if you don’t like him, maybe Martha does, so don’t you think you should respect her wishes and just leave them to it?” she asked, in a surprisingly civil manor.

Releasing a breath, he eventually nodded, there was no point in arguing with her, that wouldn’t get them anywhere at a time like this.

“Look, all I wanted you to know, was I’m sorry, and I’d never hurt you” he told her with sincerity as he looked into her eyes.

“I believe you” she spoke back to him as she held his gaze, “You’re forgiven” she smirked as she gave him a nudge.

“Thanks” he smiled through relief.

“Right!” she called out, “I’ll see you guys later, be good!”

Exiting the apartment, she left them to it …


“Do you and Martha not understand the concept of the word ‘friendship’?” Kim laughed through bewilderment as Jack replayed the events of the previous night to him, “Seriously, you’re both drawing a very thin line between friendship and relationship, do you realise that” he looked at him through wide eyes.

Jack sat with his head in his hands, “Look I know it sounds freaky, considering we’ve always been best friends and all, but lately, things have been happening between us, and I’ve started feel new stuff, like … oh I don’t know” he sighed.

“So, you’re saying you’ve fallen in love with her?”

“I didn’t say love; I’m not sure about that one yet. The truth is, I’m just so confused. I can’t imagine how Martha’s feeling” he shook his head in his misery.

“Well, you’ve both certainly thrown a spanner in the works; I mean, you are aware you’re both seeing someone?”

“YES KIM! I am aware of that!” he raised his voice in annoyance. “And I really like Laurie; she’s so sweet, but …”

“But what?”

“She’s not Martha” he replied softly …

“Wow! You’ve definitely got it bad!”

Preview: Will Jack finally get through to Martha?


^^ Your words are a great comfort to me Jade <_< lol

I'm updating again! :o But not because I'm feeling that generous lol.

It may have something to do with the fact that England beat Australia in the Rugby today :P



Not sure if I like this chapter ...


Chapter: 24

“Are you alright?” enquired Andy as he looked across at Martha; watching as she cleaned the bars surface in a robot-like manor, moving from one side to the other in a repetitive motion, all the while, staring out into ‘space’. “Martha!” he called out; waving his hand in front of her face to gain her attention.

“Huh?” she snapped back to reality.

“God, where are you today? Pluto?” he laughed.

“Sorry” she apologised as she held her head down, “I guess I’m just a little distracted.”

“Yeah, no kidding, you’ve been off with the fairies for almost a half an hour”.

He noticed as she stroked her creased forehead; her face scrunched up in clear distress, “look Martha, why don’t you take a break, I’ll hold the fort.”

“Oh, no I couldn’t”.

“Its ok, really, you go and sit down”.

Accepting his offer, she gratefully smiled back, “Ok, thanks Andy.”

Choosing the seat in the far corner, she relaxed and took a moment to pull herself together. Her head felt like a brick on her shoulders, with so many thoughts flooding her mind. Mostly of Jack, but also of Billy and Laurie, and for the potential hurt that she feared could arise.

Closing her eyes she leant backwards into the chair; but it wasn’t long until an unexpected shadow covered the light. Opening her eyes, she saw him, standing before her, with so much hope spread across his face.

“Can we talk?” he spoke to her very gently; but the tone of his voice made it clear to her that he was desperate for her to say yes.

Feeling slightly stubborn, and even more so, confused, she chose to re-build her barriers; “I’m sorry Jack, but I’m working right now” she stood up to face him.

“Oh really?” he raised his eyebrows at her in a way that said, ‘I’m not stupid you know’. “Well that’s funny, because it looks to me like you’re on your break”.

“Well then I guess you’re mistaken”.

Walking over towards the bar she called out to Andy, “Hey, I’m going to do the stocks in the store room, I’ll be out when I’m done. You can serve Jack right” she said to the young barman; her eyes all the while avoiding Jacks presence as she escaped and hid away in the store room.

Jack shook his head in frustration; he hated it when she tried to avoid him.

Couldn’t she see that their relationship was in trouble and desperately needed to be mended, and in Jacks book, discussing the issue was the only form of repair.

“So, what can I get you mate?”

“Erm …” his eyes glanced too and fro from the barman to the door out the back, “nothing, I’m fine” taking a breath he made his way over to the bar, “Listen, can you do me a favour?”

“Yeah sure, what’s up?”

“I’ve got this really important thing I need to discuss with Martha, do you mind if were not disturbed”.

“Yeah, sure no worries”.

“Thanks man” he gave him a small smile before walking off out the back.

Entering the room he spotted her only 10 feet away, the room was very narrow and consisted of only a few shelves and one chair, there definitely wasn’t anywhere to hide away in here, much to Martha’s dismay.

The sound of the door closing shut, caused Martha to turn around, only to be faced with the one person she could really have done without.

“What are you doing here Jack, you can’t be here” she shuffled backwards on her feet.

“Yes I can, if we want this sorted out, we have to talk” he tried to reason.

“Well I’m sorry, but there’s no time to talk. I’ve got to help Andy serve the customers” she tried to dodge passed him, but he blocked the way and prevented her from leaving.

“Jack, get out of my way, its really busy out there, he needs my help”.

“Oh yeah, it looked really busy out there; the line was almost right down the beach” he said with sarcasm as he rolled his eyes at her.

“Jack, don’t joke with me, I’m really not in the mood” she folded her arms as she turned away from him.

The moment dropped silent, with Jack just looking ahead at his best friend who kept her back to him. Taking a breath, he began his speech, “look, I know that you’re probably still upset and confused, but I just think if we talk about this, we might actually get somewhere.”

“Fine, talk. The stage is yours” she turned around to face him; gently leaning her back up against the wall as she listened intently.

“Ok, well, first of all, I’m sorry that I upset you last night, and more than once, it seems” he awkwardly avoided her eye contact. “But … well, you already know why I did it, so we wont go into that again” he said, as he tried his best to distract from bringing up the lying incident again.

“I just … I wish you’d open up to me” he sighed as he looked ahead at her through saddened eyes, “I wish you’d just let me in”.

Looking down at the floor she tried to avoid him, but avoiding him was becoming a lot harder than expected, as he proceeded to gradually take steps towards her.

“Martha … last night … it was amazing” he began as he now stood merely a few inches away from her. Martha all the while kept her head down, still feeling slightly embarrassed about the events of the previous night. “But I hope you don’t hate me for what happened, I didn’t mean to be so forceful with you, I just thought that was what you wanted …”

“You weren’t” she at long last spoke up.


“You weren’t forceful Jack, and you didn’t hurt me” he was thankful to hear that. “If anything it was …” her words softly drifted away as she thought back to the previous night.

“What?” he gently urged her.

Looking into his eyes, she suddenly felt hounded by so many emotions, and although she opened her mouth to speak, she couldn’t seem to put into words what she was feeling.

The fact that she was still so confused about where her heart really lies didn’t exactly help matters.

“Martha I …” he began, but felt unable to continue as his heart wouldn’t allow him.

For several long minutes they stood face to face; just staring at each other and not saying a word. Their warm breaths could be felt on each others skin, mixing with the air-conditioning that helped keep the narrow and potentially-muggy-room, cool and refreshed.

Craving to touch her once again, he searched her eyes for any clear sign to let him in. But her face displayed nothing but a vacant and distant expression.

Although deep down he knew it would only backfire on him, he could no longer resist temptation. Placing his one hand on her hip, he moved further forward.

Holding her gaze, he gradually leant inwards, watching as her eyelids fell shut, and a parting between her lips began to present itself.

Closing any previous gap there once was, he gently placed a soft and lingering kiss on her lips.

Pulling away, ever so slightly, he took in a quick and anxious breath, before leaning back in and kissing her lips for the second time that day.

Her lips gently moved with his as the seconds passed by; their kisses ever so sweet and tender.

Leaning further inwards and pressing her into the wall, he cupped her face with his hand, gently pushing her lips into his with added intensity. She moaned at the feeling of being trapped beneath him, he made her feel so warm and protected, like she was the most precious thing in his world, and only he could have her …

As she began to lose her breath she lightly pushed him away.

Now, staring up at him, the world suddenly rushed back. Her emotions beginning to take hold and the many questions and confusion once again began to present themselves …

“Oh god, what am I doing? I can’t …” she cried as she put her hand to her face.

Closing his eyes and frowning his face, he prepared himself for an obvious repeat of last night, “Martha, why do you keep doing this?” he looked into her glassy eyes, “why do you keep pushing me away? When I know that deep down, you want this as badly as I do.”

She shook her head during her state of hysterical crying; but not because she didn’t feel anything for him, quite the opposite in fact, it was mostly because she felt she could no longer handle it. It was emotional torment, and one that she didn’t know how to escape from.

“I cant … Oh god, I don’t know what to do anymore” she ranted as she continued to sob; “I just want my best friend back” the tears swam uncontrollably from her eyes as her legs suddenly gave way, her body turning limp and weak, causing her to fall helplessly into his arms.

Within a quick reflex, he quickly caught her in his arms. Holding her closely to him, he tightly encompassed her small and fragile frame, keeping her steady and on her feet.

Sobbing hard into his chest she cried through her confusion; the mental torture was consuming her body, she felt as if she could no longer think straight.

Her feelings and thoughts were so up in the air, she couldn’t help but turn into a blubbering wreck.

She couldn’t cope with this …

At this very moment in time, she needed a release; she needed the one person who she knew could make it all better.

But he was no longer here …

It was rather ironic really, the one person she wanted more than anything, was the one person she couldn’t have … and that was her best friend … Jack Holden …

She so desperately needed him back; he was the only one that could ease her pain at a time like this. But after everything that had happened recently, could they ever go back to the way they were?

Message to Amber: Now, I'm not a threatening sorta girl, but I will say this *looks tough* either you update within the next two days (and I think 2 days is rather generous of me) or I'll keep cutting the chapters down to ONE measly page!

You have been warned :ph34r:


So much for me bribing Amber :lol:

There better be an update tomorrow missy!

I know you wouldnt want to make me cry :(


Chapter 25:

Laying her down on the bed, he tucked her in.

No matter what had happened, she was still his best friend, she was still the most precious woman in his life (apart from his mom, of course) and so he would always take care of her.

“Its going be ok now, you just rest” he whispered across to her as he crouched down beside the bed. After their little incident at the back of Noah’s bar, Jack had decided to take her home, she was in no state to work; the crying alone had made her exhausted.

Sleep was definitely the best medicine for her now.

“God, I feel like an emotional wreck” she sighed as she rubbed her runny nose.

He nodded and smiled back, “Yeah, you’re not the only one”.

She looked deeply into his eyes; there was so much care there, but also so much sadness.

“Jack” she softly called out.


“I hate the way things have gotten between us” she spoke up after a pause. “And I know that it’s probably all my fault but …” she looked down at the pillow in sadness.

“Why would you say that?”

“Because! Of course it’s my fault! I tried to change everything; maybe if I’d just shut my mouth and left things as normal, none of this would have ever happened, we’d still be joking around and … just being how we always were … Everything’s so serious now” she spoke to him softly.

“Yeah, I guess that’s what happens when you get older”.

“Then I’d like to stop please. Can’t we just go back to being two loser 18 year olds” she pouted.

He laughed softly at her sweetness, “Hey, who you calling a loser” he smirked as he poked her side.

She giggled to herself as she snuggled further under the covers.

“And in theory that sounds great, but somehow, I doubt that can happen”.

“It’s not fair” she sulked.

“I know”. Placing his hand at the top of her head, he gently stroked her hair. Watching as her eyelids dropped heavy and his touch massaged away all of her stress.

“Gosh, I’m so tired” she yawned closing her eyes.

“You go to sleep then princess”, he began; stopping himself before he could say ‘we’ll discuss this another time’. Now really wasn’t the time to bring that up, they were just starting to get back onto normal speaking terms, plus she needed her rest, and so pressuring her to talk wouldn’t exactly help the situation.

Leaning downwards he went to kiss her; but her eyes unexpectedly flicked open.

Helplessly looking up at him, she swallowed hard.

For a few seconds he just hovered above her, thinking and wishing for it to be her lips he could plant the kiss on. But instead he went for the safest option, and kissed her softly on the cheek.

His lips touching her skin sent a delightful tingle up her spine. He was so warm and caring. She would do anything right now to have him hold her closely in bed.

But she knew that could never happen, not while everything was so up in the air between them …

“Ok, well, I have to head into work now, so, I guess I’ll see you … soon” he forced a small smile.

“Ok” she looked across at him as he approached the doorway, “thanks … for looking after me”.

“Don’t worry about it. As long as you’re alright”.

She nodded slowly before flashing him a small and appreciative smile.

“Get some sleep”.

Not long after, he was gone, exiting her room in silence and leaving the house to head off to work …


(The following day)

Rushing around the kitchen she shoved the toast into her mouth, she was running seriously late. Tasha had called about an hour ago to arrange for them to spend the day together, and at the time, Martha was far from ready to face the world.

Sprinting up the stairs she jumped into the bathroom, brushing her teeth and combing her hair.

“Finally!” she exclaimed as she studied her now-presentable appearance in the mirror.

At least from the outside she looked ready to face the world, even if she didn’t necessarily feel like it inside.

Grabbing her bag and keys, she left the house in a hurry …


“Hey, sorry I’m …” she frowned as she saw Kim and Jack in the kitchen chatting away. “Please tell me they’re not coming with us?” her eyes opened wide with worry.

“Um, yeah, they are actually” she answered, oblivious to the fact that it was a problem.

“You told me it was a girl’s day.” She sighed.

“Aw, sorry. But, they’re practically girls anyway” she smirked with a shrug, before latching her arm onto Martha’s and tugging her along. “Come on girls, were leaving!” she called out to Kim and Jack who just stood there rolling their eyes.

Together the four left the apartment …


“Kim!” Laughed Tasha as he tickled her repeatedly on the sand. “Stop it!”

Martha and Jack sat watching the amusing display of affection; there was something so wonderful and yet so painful about seeing the loved-up couple playing so happily together on the sand. And mostly because deep down, they both craved for it to be them.

“Stop it!” she giggled, “Kim! Stop it or you won’t get any ice cream!” At the mention of ice cream, he gave up on his attack and sat neatly with his hands in his lap, like a good little boy.

“Aw, looks like someone’s fishing for a yummy treat” Tasha teasingly cooed at Kim as she pulled at his one cheek.

“Yes please” he grinned sweetly.

She shook her head laughing at him, he could be such a doofas at times, “You guys want anything?” she turned back to Jack and Martha; almost forgetting that they were even there.

“No thanks” they replied in unison, before their heads slowly fell and they both looked down at the sand.

“Right ok, we’ll be back in a bit then” Tasha and Kim walked off towards the diner.

Only Kim was aware of the current relationship situation between Jack and Martha, and although he feared it may be hard for them, leaving them alone to talk, he hoped may ease their concerns and tension.

Well, it was definitely worth a shot …

Martha and Jack now sat with their heads held downwards, both of them unintentionally mimicking each others actions as they drew circles in the sand.

And … then it got awkward” Jack muttered under his breath, just loud enough for Martha to hear, as he glanced back up to her.

“Yeah” she helplessly rolled her eyes at the situation they had found themselves in.

After a few silent seconds, Jack spoke up. “So, um, are you ok?” he asked, trying to make conversation.

“Um, yeah … I guess” she replied with uncertainty, not really knowing how to answer. “Actually” she took a breath, “I went to see Billy yesterday” she began, “after I had a sleep and sorted myself out; I met him at his house”.

“Oh … right” he frowned as he looked away from her, why on earth was she telling him that!?

“Yeah, I went to see him to tell him … that I didn’t think it would work out” she watched as Jacks head quickly raised; clearly he wasn’t expecting her to say that. “We decided that staying friends would be the best option right now”.

“Oh, right … that’s cool” he forced a small smile.

“Yeah, I don’t think I could handle anything but a friendship right now. I just need to get everything back on track … back to normal”.

He nodded his head, “that’s smart.”

Inside he couldn’t help but feel a little hurt by her words; ‘I don’t think I could handle anything but a friendship right now’. But at least she was being honest. And if anything, he was glad she had started to open up to him, because at least now they knew where they stood with each other, and with that in mind, they could begin to amend their friendship.

“Look Martha” he began, “I want to apologise. I didn’t mean for things to get this bad. And I can’t help but feel as if I’ve pushed you away.”

“No, you haven’t, its not just you Jack, were both going through things right now and … its just all got way too confusing”.

“Yeah, no kidding. But … I think I may have read the signals wrong. These last two days … if I’m being truly honest … I thought I saw something that I hoped might be more than a friendship” he glanced into her eyes and then back down to the ground. “But I know that now, after everything, I was wrong … I guess I just saw things that weren’t there.” Martha stayed silent, listening intently to the words that were spoken by her best friend; her heartbreaking at how completely wrong he was. “But that’s my issue, and I’ll deal with it. The truth is, I don’t care about me in all of this, the only thing I care about, is that I don’t want to lose my friendship with you, so, if it’s possible, I want us to try and move on from this, and maybe see if we can get back to the way we were.” His head rose as he spoke his final sentence to her, “because, I don’t know about you, but, I think I could really do with my best friend right now” he smiled sadly across to her.

She swallowed hard, forcing away the tears that were threatening to break lose. “Me too” she smiled; unable to prevent one tiny tear droplet that fell from her eye.

Although hesitant, he shuffled across the sand, sitting beside her and welcoming her into a warm embrace. Gently swivelling around, she sunk into his chest. Her arms encircling his neck as she comfortably latched onto him.

“God, I missed you so much” he mumbled into her hair, before he placed a soft kiss on the top of her bare shoulder.

She closed her eyes and enjoyed the tender moment they were sharing, she had always gratefully received hugs from Jack, but ever since the other night, where they had been almost-intimate with each other, she had craved to feel his hands and arms on her body more and more. She felt so safe and secure in his hold; she just wished she could stay there forever …

“Aw, what’s going on here then” Kim cheekily interrupted their moment.

Pulling away, they both rolled their eyes at him before shyly giggling to themselves.

“Just having a quiet moment with my best friend here” Jack grinned up at Kim, “nothing that would interest you no doubt”.

Placing his hand onto the sand behind him, he propped himself up; his arm innocently rubbing up against Martha’s as he did, sending a pleasurable tingle up her spine.

She stayed rigid and still, forcing herself to engage in the conversation with her friends, as she tried her best to avoid how much his touch was deeply affecting her.

He laughed by her side as he joked around with Kim; his body now gently leaning further over to hers, causing his arm to lie alongside her hip.

Not only was his skin so blissfully soft, but he smelt like heaven; his aftershave gliding beneath her nose in the wind as he made his various movements.

“Whatever happened to Laurie Jack?” The mention of Jacks current ‘girlfriend’ dragged her mind back to reality.

“Sorry?” he frowned at Kim’s unexpected question.

“Well, are you still ‘seeing her’” he put up his hands to do the air quotes.

“Very good Kim” he grinned in sarcasm at Kim’s clever use of the air quotations, “and no, I’m not. I called her to apologise for taking off the other night, and I honestly think she was cool with it, but I think its safe to say were no longer an ‘item’ now” he smirked at Kim as he too used the air quotations, “she was sweet but …” he shrugged.

All the while Martha sat silently beside him, her ears perked up as she listened intently to Jack discussing his current relationship status. Inside, she couldn’t help but feel relieved that once again, he was single … but for how long? And that thought alone made her stomach turn.

Despite her certainty that they should remain as friends and nothing more, she couldn’t help but wish she was his girl. His one and only. The light of his life.

But at long last, their friendship was beginning to get back on track, and now that Jack was convinced she wanted nothing more than a friendship with him, she figured it was best not to bring it up, it would only end up messing with his head, (as well as her own) and they both certainly didn’t need that right now.

Preview: :):unsure::( ?


I cant stress this enough, but because this fic is in the normal section, I will say ...



Enjoy :D

Chapter 26:

“I’d say thanks for walking me home, but, there’s not really any point considering you live right next door” she laughed.

“Yeah, but hey, I walked you to your door; that’s awfully gentlemanly of me, even if I do say myself”.

“Yeah, I guess I should at least give you credit for that” she grinned back.

Standing at the door the moment dropped silent, with Jack just shuffling nervously on his feet as he waited (and prayed) for Martha to speak.

“Um, so, do you want to stay for tea? I can order a pizza?” she offered with a smile.

“Yeah, ok, that’d be nice” he replied as he tried his best to keep his composure; inside however he was over the moon, he could have easily jumped up and down at that very moment in time; thrilled to finally be spending some quality alone time with his best friend. And boy, he had really missed that!


“Leave me alone” she laughed through her embarrassment as she stuck her head in a cushion. For the past 20 minutes, Jack had been teasing her about their childhood stories.

“You know, I can still remember your reaction when I had my very first kiss”, he continued, “and after it, you came over to me and said, ‘Jack, why were you sucking that girls face?’” he mimicked Martha’s baby voice.

“Jack, I was ten when that happened” she moaned in her defence as she tried to stifle her laughter. “And can you not imagine how scary that was for me!? Seeing my best friend practically eating this girl’s face? I thought things were going to get bloody there for a second; I was about to intervene!” she laughed.

“Well it’s a good job you didn’t, because if you had done, we probably wouldn’t be friends right now” he smirked; which only resulted in Jack getting a cushion thrown at his head. “Now now! Play nice!” he raised an eyebrow at her as he placed the cushion down to one side.

“You would have seriously chosen one of your girlfriends over me?” she raised her eyebrows and pouted.

“Aw, noooo, course not. I couldn’t live without you even if I tried … which, I have done, and it didn’t work” he laughed. “I miss you too much when I’m away from you. In a weird way, it’s like I get home sick” he told her as he scrunched up his face, “if that makes any sense at all?” he laughed.

“Yeah, it does. Its sweet” she giggled back, a blush creeping onto her cheeks as she smiled across at him.

“Hmm, well,” he rubbed his hands together; “I’m feeling a craving for something fattening. Maybe ice cream?”

“Yeah, I think we’ve got some in the freezer, I’ll go check”.

He smiled as he watched her walk away; thankful that things were starting to get back to normal.


“Oh my god!” called out a horrified Jack.

“What? What is it?”

“Look at my hair!” he moaned in a tantrum as he looked down at their childhood photos, “I had a bowl hair cut, oh dear god!” his face fell, “Why would my mother do that to me?” he pouted as he turned to look at Martha.

“AW, well maybe she thought you looked good, I mean, you don’t look that bad, I, suppose” she spoke with uncertainty as she giggled.

“Yeah, thanks for that” he rolled his eyes before grinning. “God, I was such a loser back then” he shook his head in shame.

“Hmm, yeah. Can’t say much has changed” she smirked under her breath.

“Hey! I heard that!” he gave her a nudge, “and excuse me, but you were the one that hung out with that loser” he pointed to the picture of him and Martha together.

“Well, to be fair, I was a bit of a loser too. We were losers together, hence why we made such a great team” she grinned.

“Yuh-huh, I’m not going to deny that” he said with a laugh, before he placed the photo back down onto the mantle piece.

Walking over towards the couch, they both sat down, crossing their legs and facing each other.

Turning her head she glanced over towards the back wall. “God, where’d the time go” she frowned as she looked at the clock which read; 10.45pm.

“Who knows!? But they do say, time fly’s when you’re having fun” he grinned.

She nodded back at him, “Yeah, actually, I’ve had a really great evening, it’s been a nice change”.

“Yeah, definitely! And any time I get to poke fun out of you is definitely time well spent in my eyes” he smirked.

“Hmm, I’m sure it is” she grinned sarcastically.

“So umm” he tried to stifle his laugh, “can I stay here tonight or …” he casually asked, before he watched as Martha’s face turned into an awkward smile. “Oh god, sorry” he sighed, “I don’t even know why I asked that. Old habits and all that” he rolled his eyes before smiling.

“It’s ok” she smiled back understandingly.

“Well, I guess I’ll let you get to bed then”.

“Yeah, right” she stood up and frowned as she watched him walk out the living room, “Wait Jack” she called him back, knowing full well she shouldn’t, but right now, she couldn’t seem to resist, “stay” she smiled at him, “… I want you to stay”.

“Really? I mean, are you sure?” he grinned like an excitable little school girl.

“Yeah, totally. You’re already here, so, you may as well” she smiled back.

“Ok, thanks” he grinned, “oh wait, I don’t have any clothes here” he sighed.

“Its ok, I’ve got some of your old stuff in my drawer” she smiled.

“Oh, ok. Cool”.

“Well, you go on up, I’m just going to lock the doors.”

“You want a hand?”

“No it’s cool; I got it. You go up”


Pulling the covers over their bodies they snuggled into bed. “Ahh, I missed this bed” he grinned as he ducked further under the covers.


“Or, maybe it was just the company I missed” he smiled across at Martha as he turned on his side.

She blushed as he looked at her; her cheeks now red and fiery; she couldn’t help but be thankful for the lack of day light.

“Listen, I just want to say, that I’m sorry about the last couple of days. I didn’t mean to mess with your head”.

“I know, its ok, really. And it wasn’t just you. I’ve been all over the place too … Confused and stuff".

He nodded in agreement, “I’ve hated these last few weeks. How I’ve hurt you, even though I didn’t mean to” he sighed. “You know that I would never intentionally want to hurt you. I just …”

Her heart melted at his words, a tear forming in her eye as she looked across at him.

“… I just want to make you happy” he gently caressed her cheek.

She nodded slowly, swallowing away the lump that formed in her throat. “You do”.

He smiled as he saw the tears and true emotion in her eyes, thankful that he could at least do one thing right.

Reaching over and pulling on his top, she signalled for him to come closer. “Kiss me” she whispered across to him as she looked deeply into his eyes.

“What?” he pulled back slightly.

“Kiss me”

“But I thought …”

“Don’t talk” she hushed him, before shuffling forward and leaning over. Placing her hand on his arm she angled him towards her, before watching as his face neared hers. Her eyelids closing shut as she felt his breath on her skin, until eventually, their lips gently touched.

She cupped his face and continued to kiss him; releasing a heavy, but relaxed breath as his tongue slowly slid into her mouth; massaging with her own. He couldn’t help but feel satisfied to hear the gentle moans that leaked from out of her mouth, as he continued to deepen the kiss ...

“Wait, Martha” he gently pulled away, “Are you sure?”

She nodded slowly, her face displaying a small smile, while her eyes twinkled lustfully in the moon light, before she leaned back up to him and recaptured his lips.

Moving over, he hovered above her, resting his legs either side, and cautiously laying down on top of her; all the while being careful not to crush her.

Tugging on his shirt and lifting it up, she placed her hands on his warm and naked chest; feeling the soft skin that had previously hid away.

Taking control, he pulled the shirt over his head and threw it to the side, before leaning back down and passionately kissing her.

As she ran her sweaty hands down his back, she felt his arousal pressing through; it grew with every touch and kiss she gave him, which only proceeded to drive her even crazier.

“Mmm” she moaned as his tongue slid into her mouth. Wrapping her arms around his neck she pushed him closer down.

Taking a breath from their kissing session, they slowly removed each others clothing.

Now, lying naked and exposed, they gazed into each others eyes ...

“Martha” he spoke down to her gently, “are you sure this is what you want?” he searched her eyes for answers.

“Definitely. Ive never wanted anything more” she hushed back up to him.

He smiled through relief and happiness; that was undeniably the answer he was looking for, before he leant back down and placed kisses on her neck. Trailing downwards along the valley of her breasts, he gently sucked at her soft skin.

He felt as the quick rise and fall of her chest, increased with every kiss he gave her. Her back slowly arching as she craved more and more.

She wanted this ...

She needed this …


“Are you ok?” he asked breathlessly as he continued to move with her body.

“Yeah …” she slowly nodded, “… don’t stop” she added, as she placed her hand on his lower back and pushed him further down.

They both closed their eyes as the pleasure they were experiencing consumed their bodies. Letting themselves sink into the action, they moved together as one …


The room filled with the distinct sound of heavy breathing. The moment had finally passed, and a now-satisfied and relaxed Martha and Jack, lay exhausted on the bed.

“Wow … that felt amazing” Jack grinned as he hovered above Martha, gently stroking her one cheek as he gazed down at her so lovingly.

She nodded back up at him, licking her dry lips before smiling, “Yeah … I feel so relaxed now” she spoke peacefully as she briefly stretched out beneath him.

He smiled to himself, relieved that she hadn’t been scared off and suddenly thrown him out of the window. But the moment quickly passed however, and almost within a split second, the happiness and pleasure that radiated off her face, was gone.

Her expression suddenly fell and the colour in her face was no longer present, as she looked up at him through teary and fearful eyes.

“What is it? What’s wrong?” his voice quivered as he spoke to her.

Placing her hand to her mouth her tears slowly fell.

“Martha tell me, you’re scaring me” he urged her.

And at that moment, she spoke the very words that Jack Holden would never wish to hear …

“We didn’t use protection”

Preview: Are we saying, *sings* con-grat-u-lations, and ce-leb-rations … to Summer Bays new mommy and daddy? :P


Sorry for the wait, the truth is, I've got like two chapters written, but I just fancied letting you sweat it out for a bit longer :P

I'm kind like that :D

Warning: Content maybe unsuitable for younger readers.

Enjoy :)

Chapter 27:

“What is it? What’s wrong?” his voice quivered as he spoke to her.

Placing her hand to her mouth her tears slowly fell.

“Martha tell me, you’re scaring me” he urged her.

And at that moment, she spoke the very words that Jack Holden would never wish to hear …

“We didn’t use protection”

His heart almost stopped as he heard her speak those words. How could he have been so stupid!?

Rolling off her and lying onto the bed, he looked up at the ceiling, the tears gradually flooding his eyes as he processed the true extent of the situation they were currently in.

Taking a breath and swallowing away the tears, he turned back to her, he had to take control of this; he had to stay strong … for her.

“Look, its going to be ok” he hushed her as he wiped away her tears, “We’ll sort this out, I promise. It’s all going to be ok” he repeated. But who exactly was he trying to reassure here? Martha? Or himself?

“How is it going to be ok Jack?” she spoke out softly as she looked at him, “I’m probably pregnant now” she cried. Her breath was increasing by every second, her anxiety and fear getting the better of her.

“No. Not necessarily, and anyway, we can get you something, as long as we go to the clinic first thing tomorrow morning, we should be ok”. He tried to calm her down. The truth was though, he didn’t actually know if that was correct, he’d heard horror stories in the past about the pill failing to work, and the thought of that terrified him to his very core. But, saying that, he would rather stay positive at a time like this, better that than having to face the possibility of having a child on the way; one of which they didn’t even order, might I add!

“I promise it’s going to be ok” he reassured her as he looked deeply into her eyes.

She nodded slowly as the tears began to fall. Despite the mess they were in, she believed him. And that was something at least.

Leaning down, he placed a soft kiss on her lips, before resting the side of his face beside her one cheek.

“I’m sorry” he whispered into her ear; deep down knowing full well that this was mostly his fault. Pulling away he looked down at her.

“It’s ok … you’re not entirely to blame, I didn’t even think about it myself” she tenderly replied as she sniffed away her tears; before reaching up and briefly stroking his one cheek.

Closing his eyes, he tried his best to relax at her touch, but he couldn’t, his body was so stiff and rigid; he felt so restless just thinking about the possibility of their lives soon becoming a lot more complicated than they’d like.

Carefully rising upwards, she met his lips with her own. She needed to feel him with her; any distraction was welcome, she desperately needed something to take her mind away from her growing fears and worries.

As soon as their lips met for the second time, their kisses suddenly became so much more passionate; their emotions and fears had taken over; their minds and bodies becoming engrossed in each other as the two became wrapped up in each others arms.

Rolling them both over, Jack now lay on his back with Martha on top of him. All the while his hands clung desperately onto her small frame, holding her close to him as he kissed her like there was no tomorrow.

Slowly and regretfully, they pulled apart; forcefully preventing themselves from getting too carried away. Resting their tired and exhausted limbs, they re-gained their composures and caught their breaths.

Despite their attempts to relax and ease off, the tension was still evident; with Martha’s arms all the while wound tight and rigid around him; her head huddled safely in the crook of his neck; almost as if she was trying to hide away from reality.

Closing her eyes she prayed to god for this nightmare to be over.

Make no mistake however, it wasn’t that having a child with Jack would be nightmarish, quite the opposite in fact, it was more that Martha was in no way ready to be a mother, she was still trying to discover herself as a woman and get her life and career in check, not to mention Jack who was still enjoying bachelor life way too much to ever want to endure the responsibility of being a parent. Maybe someday when their lives were perfectly settled, they would be ready.

But not now! Definitely not now!


She stirred, feeling a weight press gently on her stomach. Rubbing her sleepy eyes she looked down to see Jacks arm resting tightly around her waist.

Running her fingertips across his skin, she watched as the goose-bumps rose on his arm, causing him to shiver.

Moving his arm away he finally woke up. “Hey” he spoke softly as he looked across at the naked woman that lay beside him.

Surprisingly she didn’t seem to care that she was lying naked and exposed on the bed; but her embarrassment and concern was pushed aside due to the many other worries that bombarded her brain.

“How ya doing princess?” he spoke with tenderness as he leant over and caressed her soft cheek.

“Fine” she replied in an emotionless tone of voice; her eyes looking directly into his; but she appeared so distant, almost as if she was looking straight through him.

“What time is it?” he asked, but that was more of a statement rather than a question as he rolled over and glanced at the clock.

“Urgh, 8.30” he mumbled.

Turning back to Martha he let out a sympathetic smile, before the jitters in his stomach came alive and told him to press on; it was better to discover their fate sooner rather than later; leaving it would not only cause more tension between them, but presumably a one-way ticket to parents-vile.

“Ok, lets get up, we’ll head down to the clinic now and … we’ll sort this out” he said to her gently.

“Jack” she finally called out.


“I erm …” she paused, “look, don’t take this the wrong way but … I think I want Tasha to come with me” she looked on at him with a permanent frown on her face, “I just think I’d be more comfortable with her there, its kind of a girl thing”.

For a brief moment he couldn’t help but feel slightly hurt by her wishes, but deep down he could understand why she felt that way. “Of course, I understand” his face showed a small smile, “I’ll give Tash a call now”.

Sliding off the bed and grabbing his boxer shorts, he pulled them on, before walking off to make the call.


“Ok, she’ll be here in 30 minutes. I can’t say she was entirely thrilled about being waken up by me, but …” he shrugged “desperate times call for desperate measures”.

“Yeah” she spoke up to him, but her face still bore no smile.

Crouching down beside the bed he looked across at her motionless form. Placing his hand at the top of her head he lightly stroked her hair, “Oh Martha” he sighed, “Talk to me … tell me what you’re thinking”

“Nothing much” she briefly shook her head, “but I am thinking … I can’t wait till this is over” she closed her eyes and clung to the sheet that now covered her naked body.

“And it will be, soon. Just try not to worry, or get upset, I’m sure this happens to lots of couples”.

She nodded in agreement, but the knowledge of that, still failed to reassure her or take away her anxieties. Sure this could happen to anyone, but certainly not to her!

“Ok well, maybe you should eat something before Tash gets here” he suggested, “How about I make you some breakfast?”

“Thanks but I’m not hungry”.

A deflated Jack took to his feet, looking down at his new and currently depressed girlfriend. He understood why she was so cold with him, but he always hated it when she shut him out. And especially at a time like this, he wanted her to open up to him; the last thing he would want is for her to feel like she was going through this alone.

Close to giving up, he finally received a sign of hope. Reaching out for his hand she signaled for him to come closer, “Hold me … please”.

With that said, he immediately lay down on the bed beside her, welcoming her small and naked body into his arms, and holding her tightly.


‘Knock knock’

Swinging the door open, he came face to face with Tasha and Kim. Kim was smiling but Tasha looked far from pleased, her eyes glared daggers at him and her head shook slowly from side to side in obvious annoyance.

“Hey man, I hear you got yourself into a bit of pickle” Kim tried to lighten the mood, but Tasha just scoffed and brushed straight passed him.

“Yeah, something like that”.

Closing the door the three friends stood in the hallway, “she’ll be down in a sec” Jack spoke up after a brief silence.

Biting her lip, she tried her best to hold back, but it was no use, someone needed to give this boy a good talking to, and considering she was there, the job may as well be up to her …

“You know Jack, I’ve never had you pegged as a guy who would always use your brains, but with your track record, you’d think you’d remember something like this!” she began with her snide remarks. “I mean, its safe to say that you’ve pretty much been with every girl in summer bay, and then finally, you get the girl of your dreams, the one person that is actually worth something, and you screw it up!” she grinned at him sarcastically, “so congratulations Jackyboy, you nailed this one good and proper” she tapped his chest, “literally!”.

He rolled his eyes at her comment; he really didn’t need to be told how much of an idiot he had been, he was already well aware of that. But still, couldn’t she just shut her mouth for like 5 seconds!”

“Come on Martha!” she finally called up the stairs, “let’s go”.

Once again glaring at Jack she shook her head in frustration, before turning around and exiting the house; Martha now close behind.

“Hey” Jack gently grabbed her arm at the doorway; pulling her around to look at him, “I’ll see you in a bit yeah. And try not to worry; I’m sure it’ll all be alright”.

“Yeah. I know” she forced a small smile before walking away …


“I can’t believe this Kim” sighed Jack as he paced back and forth in Martha’s living room.

“Don’t be so hard on yourself man, it’ll be alright. Once she takes the pill it’ll be like nothing ever happened”.

“Yeah, but … you don’t understand” he began, “last night was … perfect, and now it’s so tainted by the fact that I was too much of an idiot to remember one small but vital detail” he stood on the spot and looked down at Kim. “I mean, Martha shouldn’t be expected to remember that, she’s never even been with anyone before, but me …” the words drifted away as he slowly shook his head.

“Come on man, what’s done is done, no point dwelling on it, you’ll only drive yourself crazy” Kim tried to reason with him. Following a brief silence Kim continued, “So, I take it; you guys are together now?” he asked, “Or, is this just another one of the many intriguing factors in the Martha and Jack relationship. What do we call you now? Bedroom buddies?” he smirked.

Kim’s comment earned a soft but brief laugh from Jack, before he shook his head and frowned, “you know what, I don’t even know. I think were together … I hope we are at least. Providing she doesn’t hate me” he muttered the last bit.

“You know Jack; you guys really need to be clear here, because if you are together, then you need to face the reality of this. Because this is it man, there can’t be anymore random blonde babes along the way, Martha’s the one, and you need to stick with it” Kim added in a surprisingly adult-like manor.

“Yeah, I know, I’ve thought about it alot actually. And … you know what?” he smiled as he turned to Kim, “it doesn’t scare me, I thought it would but … if anything, I’m just really excited. The prospect of spending the rest of my life with Martha … makes me really happy”.

“That’s great man, I’m glad to hear it” he smiled; pleased that his friend was finally thinking as a mature adult for once, rather than a sex-hungry-maniac. “She’s a great girl …” Kim began.

“Yeah she is” he sighed happily. “Smokin’ hot as well” smirked Jack as he finished off Kim’s sentence.

Together the two laughed. But the moment quickly ended at the sound of the car making its way up the drive …

‘Oh god, this is it’, thought Jack. “What if she’s pregnant?” Jack quickly turned to Kim in a panic.

“It’ll be ok man, just try and relax yeah”.

“It’s alright for you to say that, you’re not the one with the girlfriend who’s probably up the duff” he took a big gulp.

Kim shook his head laughing at his friend, before walking over towards the door and allowing for the girls to enter.

“Everything ok?” asked Kim as the girls made their way into the living room.

“Yeah, all sorted. She just has to make sure she takes the pill ASAP, and it should all be fine” replied Tasha to a now relieved looking Jack, “oh yeah, and before I forget …” she walked over towards him, “got you a present” she said as she shoved the packet of condoms in his chest, “don’t be afraid to use them” she grinned sarcastically before turning away.

“Yeah, thanks” he spoke through gritted teeth.

“Alrighty then!” Kim exclaimed as he tried to stifle his laugh, “Since this is all sorted, I think we’ll leave you too it”.

“Yeah ok,” Martha finally spoke up, “and thanks for everything Tash”.

“No worries hun” she smiled at her friend. “Look after her! Or so help me god, you will regret it” she warned Jack with a deathly stare.

“Tash!” Martha scolded as she laughed and pushed her friend out the doorway. “Bye, see you soon” she finally waved them off.

Closing the door she turned back to Jack. “Well” she awkwardly shuffled on her feet, “I guess I better go take this before its too late …” she waved the box at Jack with a small smile.

Nodding back he smiled at her sweetly, before watching as she walked away. Just praying and hoping that from now on, everything would start to look up …


Note: Just so you know Amber, I didn’t mean for this to be similar to yours, I had it planned for a while and it just so happened to be the same lol

You just got in there first, damn you :P

Also, any movie fans out there? :P because I may have sneakily used a line from one very well known film lol

And anyone who spot’s it gets a priiiiize!

Just kidding :P

Warning: Content will NOT be suitable for younger readers!

Chapter: 28:

Looking down at the small grey pill, she frowned. How could this tiny object prevent such a powerful and life-changing occurrence from happening?

The mind boggles, she thought as she rolled her eyes.

Walking over towards the sink, she grabbed a clean glass and filled it with water.

Placing the pill to her lips she attempted to swallow it. But she couldn’t …

Something inside her was telling her to stop. That maybe if fate was decided, then she should just leave it …

“Hey you ok?” a voice appeared from behind her; it was Jack.

“Erm, yeah” she quickly shook away her many contradicting thoughts, before finally placing the pill into her mouth and swallowing down the water.

“All done” she swiveled around to face him.

“Great” he forced a small smile; not really knowing what to do with himself.

The two stood several feet away from each other, their heads bowed downwards to avoid any eye contact. The moment was so awkward. After the unexpected events from last night, everything was so up in the air, their relationship was a big question mark, with neither of them really knowing where they stand.

“Scary huh?” she eventually spoke up, which consequently caused Jacks head to rise, “The thought of … what could have been.”

“Yeah, a little”

“Just a little?” she raised her eyebrows at him.

“Alright, alot” he smirked back.

She let out a soft giggle, before her face fell back into its previous emotionless expression.

“Listen Martha, I’m so sorry” he sighed.

“What for?”

“You know what for” he looked at her sadly, “I’m sorry I put you through this.”

“Jack, stop blaming yourself, it’s not all your fault”.

“Oh of course it is!” he threw his arms into the air, “It was one tiny thing Martha, one tiny thing! And I completely forget it! I mean, I’m supposed to look after you, and I can’t even do that right!” he growled in frustration as he slammed his hand down onto the table.

“Jack, please don’t get upset, ok, it’s done now, let’s just move on” she tried to put an end to the upset.

He sighed knowing that she was right, “Yeah, ok. Sorry”.

“Come sit with me” she held out her hand for him to take.

Looking down at her welcoming hand, he smiled, before taking it and following her out into the living room.

Sitting down on the couch, she snuggled into his chest, tucking her head near the crook of his neck and closing her eyes.

Together they rested, with Jacks arms wound tightly around her waist, holding her close to him and never wanting to let go …

“Jack” she called out from the silence.


She paused before proceeding. “I feel like I need to tell you something … because if I don’t … I won’t be able to stop thinking about it”.

Pulling back slightly he tilted his body to look at her, “You can tell me anything” he gently caressed her cheek.

She nodded and smiled shyly, “I know ... at least, I think I can”.

Staying silent he waited for her to continue …

“These past few weeks, I’ve been really confused, as you know, my heads been all over the place” she started, “but … I think deep down, even way before this even happened, I always wanted something more from you”.

He listened hard, not really expecting her to say that. “Why didn’t you say something?”

“I was scared” she continued, “I guess there was just something holding me back.” she paused, “The truth is, I feel like … I felt like” she corrected herself, “I can’t compete with those other girls”.

“What are you talking about? Martha you …”

“Wait! Just let me finish … please” she turned to him, her eyes willing him to let her carry on. ”I felt like … maybe I’m not enough for you” she looked into his saddened eyes. “God this is going to sound awful” she sighed as she dropped her head and closed her eyes, “What I’m trying to say is …” she paused, unable to put it into words, “look, the fact is, you’ve been with so many girls, and that’s fine, I know that I mean more to you than they ever would. But … I can’t help but think; what if I put my guard down and let you in, and then you …” the words drifted away.

After a few silent seconds he continued. “You think I’ll leave you … that I’ll get bored and find someone else” he finished her sentence.

“Im so sorry Jack, I don’t want to think like this, but I can’t help it I just …”

“You don’t trust me” he spoke softly.

“But I do … I know that I do, I just … god I don’t know” she put her hand to her head in confusion, her eyes welling up with tears. “I do trust you Jack, please don’t ever doubt that. And if you say that you’ll never hurt me then I believe you … but … things change … Today, when I went to get the pill, this thought kept wracking my brain, and I know that were not ready for anything that requires that much responsibility, but I just kept thinking that maybe if I was pregnant …” she swallowed hard, hating herself for what she was about to say, “then at least I’d get a guarantee that you’d stay with me” she looked at him through cautious eyes. “Jack, please don’t hate me for saying this, I’m only trying to be honest with you” she quickly added as her glassy eyes continued to water.

“I know … I know” he spoke softly and then took a gentle breath. “I don’t hate you” he mulled over the words she had just said. “If I’m honest, I understand.”

She smiled in appreciation; thankful that he hadn’t been mad or upset with her for being so honest.

“But Martha, you have to understand how much these last few days have changed me. I know I’ve got this reputation of going from girl to girl, and, to be honest, I know that it’s hardly anything to be proud of. But I have changed. And I know that in the past I always made these promises to you, and I always ended up screwing them up, but things will be different from now on. I’m not going to mess this up, it’s far too perfect to ever want to let this go” he smiled.

The tears slowly fell from her glassy eyes as she listened to her best friend speak such sweet words…

“The truth is, I didn’t need all of those girls to make me happy. I guess in the end I was just waiting for that one person to come along and make my head spin, but then I realized something, that that persons already here … she’s been here all along, I just never saw it”.

She smiled through her tears as she glanced down at the lips that spoke those wonderful words …

“Martha … I love you, so much … it hurts” a tear crept from his eye as he gazed across at her. “I’ve never felt this way about anyone before; my heart feels like it’s about to explode … but I never want it to stop” he gushed as he grabbed her and kissed her with every ounce of passion he had.

Wrapping her arms around his neck she pulled him even closer; he had just spoken the words she had so longed to hear … he loved her! He really did!

Sliding down, so that her back lay against the couch, she allowed for him to devour her; kissing her and touching her in every way possible, his tongue gently licking her bottom lip before slipping inside and caressing the roof of her mouth.

She moaned as she massaged her tongue with his; tasting his sweet flavor as she went on. Fully embracing the passionate but very loving moment they were currently engaged in.

Placing her hand to his chest she gently pushed him away; allowing for them to both catch their breaths.

Gazing into his eyes she felt overcome with emotion, her heart and body craving for the only man that she would ever truly want.

“I love you too” she finally whispered up to him; which earned a loving smile from Jack.

She grinned back at him as she pushed herself upwards and removed her top; casting it to the carpet with not a care in the world.

Now, lying in her bra and skirt, her heart began to pound faster, her body temperature had risen dramatically, she just ached to feel him inside.

“Put your hands on me Jack”

His eyes stared down hungrily at her chest, before he recaptured her lips in a searing kiss.

While he passionately kissed her, he placed his hands over her front; his fingers sneakily finding their way beneath the lace of her pretty patterned bra; feeling the tender skin that lay there, hidden away.

She moaned as she felt his fingertips play and tweak her skin; this was beyond heavenly.

“God … I can’t believe how much I want you …” his voice was low and husky as he whispered into her ear.

His breath on her neck sent a shiver up her spine, and the recently presented bulge that lay beneath his trousers, began to press against her leg; initiating and enhancing her own arousal.

God she wanted him!

Pulling away slightly, he looked down at her as she lay helplessly beneath him. The pain and desperation was so evident on both of their faces; their bodies just ached and throbbed for more, they would do anything right now to go further, but they knew they shouldn’t.

Not only were they trying to avoid getting pregnant at all costs, but Martha required time to heal; mentally as well as physically.

“God” she hushed as she closed her eyes, “I wish I’d known how hard this would be … I never would have started” she shivered as she placed her hand on his bare chest and gently stroked him; her breathing heavy and raspy.

Sinking into the sofa she tried to relax her body. The built up sexual tension that had tightened up her muscles finally began to ease off.

However, before she could fully settle, she felt something firm but tender touch her leg; recognizing the warm object as Jacks hand; she pleasantly sighed.

She felt as his hand made its way upwards and towards her crotch, gently rubbing up and down, causing her body to stiffen with apprehension.

Maybe having sex wasn’t the wisest move to make, and Jack was well aware of that, but he could at least give her a ‘treat;’ after the somewhat grueling events of the day, she deserved that much at least.

As for Jack, he would just have to wait …

He smiled as he noticed her lips slowly separate, the entrance to her mouth had never looked so appealing. He could easily just kiss those pink and enticing lips for every second until the sun came down.

Her breath was becoming sharper and much more forceful with every touch, her eyes closed shut and her forehead permanently creased as she allowed for him to pleasure her completely.

She moaned and threw her head back as she moved against his hand. He loved that he could get such a powerful reaction from her, just by simply touching her.

Her eyelids gradually opened and her face was now fully flushed; her watery vision showed just how much she was enjoying this.

Leaning downwards he placed a soft and lingering kiss on her lips.

Almost about to pull away, her hands quickly rose upwards, cupping his face, before passionately and impatiently kissing him.

Not that Jack minded!

Finally gasping through her release she lay weak and exhausted on the couch, her heart pounding like a drum in her chest, with every beat, fast and almost deafeningly loud.

“Wow” she licked her lips as she gazed up at him, “… that was …”

A tall figure with eyes the size of golf balls, now stood fuming at their side;

“WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON HERE!?” Roared the horrified voice.

Her eyes stayed open wide through shock, her heart pounding in her chest from a combination of fear as well as the action she had just surrendered too.

Almost choking due to her lack of breath intake, she finally opened her mouth to quiver the words …

“Hi dad”

Preview: How will Martha’s parents take to the news of their daughter’s relationship?


Note: Martha's parents arent called Brett and Roo in this fic; I made up my own names *looks smug* :D

Her parents are now called - Jenny Mackenzie and Daniel Mackenzie – doesn’t really sound right but who cares, its all a part of the fun :P

Also, any facts about her parents will be made up by me!

Warning: Content maybe unsuitable for younger readers

Enjoy :)

Chapter 29:

“So … does someone mind telling me what’s going on” her father spoke in a robot-like manor as he clearly tried to suppress his anger; while her mother stood beside him, her head shaking from side to side in obvious disappointment.

“Erm … oh god” whispered Martha as she cringed at the state her parents had caught them in.

Pushing herself upwards and away from Jack, she grabbed her top off the floor. Quickly pulling it over her head, she smartened herself up.

“Look … it’s not what it looks like” she quickly spoke up as she flicked her vision too and fro from both of her parents.

Raising an eyebrow in unison, they looked at her as if to say; do you think were blind or something!?

“Ok, I don’t even know why I said that” she muttered.

“Martha!?” her father continued to prod.

“Erm … well … Jack and I are together now” she tried to smile as she glanced across at Jack, who sat there silently in much discomfort, “I guess that was pretty obvious though” she sighed, “I’m sorry you had to see that” she mumbled through embarrassment.

Looking across at his girlfriend he finally spoke up, her face clearly showed him she needed rescuing. “Look, Mr. and Mrs. Mackenzie, I’m really sorry about what you saw, we honestly didn’t want you to find out that way” he swallowed hard. “But you have to know that were really happy. I’m going to look after her, I promise” he looked up at Daniel with confidence.

“Well, that’s something at least” he then stepped to the side and allowed for his wife to take over.

Sitting down beside Martha, she took her hands in her own. “Martha, please don’t think that were not happy for you both, because we are. Of all the people in the world for you to be with, I would choose Jack over everyone else” she smiled as she turned to Jack briefly.

“But” she continued, “considering you’re together now, I think we should lay down some ground rules, don’t you” she took to her feet and stood beside Daniel.

“What?” Martha narrowed her eyes, hoping she had heard wrong.

“Firstly, Jack will not be staying over, under any circumstances, if you want to sleep together, you’ll have to find somewhere else to … do it” she spoke through gritted teeth, “and secondly, if you are to go into your room, you will keep the door open at all times!”

“What!? Why!?” cried Martha.

“Because, I’m not risking having you … fooling around and doing god knows what under my roof” For a woman that grew up on a farm and gave birth to Martha at the tender age of 19; Jenny was surprisingly conservative when it came to things like this.

“I can’t believe this” Martha shook her head in frustration. Looking up at her mother she frowned, “Why are you doing this?”

“Because I’m not having another fiasco like this to come home to every day”.

“But we weren’t even doing anything bad!” she raised her voice at her mother while she moaned.

“Well, then I guess your definition of ‘bad’ must be quite different to ours” Jenny looked down at her daughter with wide eyes.

“Ok fine, it looked bad, but … we were just …” she shrugged through desperation; the words just wouldn’t come to her.

Martha sat silent on the couch, her mind all the while ticking over ways in which they could be together.

“Can’t he at least stay at night? Just some nights even, it doesn’t have to be every night. And we won’t do anything, we promise, we’ll stay fully clothed all of the time” she tried to persuade them.

“No Martha, I’m sorry, but it’s not going to happen”.

Martha huffed in annoyance before turning back to her mother, “Well fine, I guess we’ll just have to have sex on the pool table in Noah’s bar then” she said smartly as she grinned sarcastically up at her parents.

“I beg your pardon! You’ll do no such thing!”

Martha shook her head at her parent’s lack of care, “This is so unfair, for 10 years we’ve slept together and it’s never been a problem! And now just because were together, you’re acting like you can’t even trust us, you’re treating us like children!”

“Martha that’s enough!” her mother raised her voice.

For a brief moment the atmosphere dropped silent, all that could be heard was the heavy breathing coming from Martha’s direction.

“Come on honey, lets just leave it now” Jack gently urged his girl friend.

“No!” she yelled as the tears slowly fell, “this is so unfair. You know that I can’t sleep without Jack next to me, you know that!”

“Well, then I suggest you start learning young lady! Because Jack is NOT staying here!” she told her daughter in final.

“Urgh, I’m going, I’m not listening to anymore of this” she scoffed as she rushed over towards the door, grabbing her sandals and leaving the house with one almighty BANG!

Jack sat silent on the couch, his eyes looking down at the carpet, not knowing where to look. Eventually glancing up, he forced an awkward smile; “I think I’ll go and check on her” he stood up before quickly hurrying out the door.


Jack and Martha now stood by the side of the house; Martha with her back up against the wall, and Jack with his arms wound protectively around her waist.

“I hate my parents” she said, as she sniffled away her tears.

“No you don’t” he smiled as he wiped away at her moist cheek.

She flashed him a small smile before closing her eyes in annoyance; “How am I going to sleep without you next to me” she sulked as she leant forward and stuck her head in his chest.

“Aw. It’ll be alright, I promise. We’ll figure something out. Besides, my dad won’t mind you staying over; he’s pretty cool like that” he grinned.


“But dad! Why!?” moaned Jack as he stood with his hands on his hips in a strop.

“Because, your mother doesn’t want that kind of … activity in the house” he rolled his eyes at his avoidance of using the word ‘sex’ in front of his son.

“But it’s normal! Were just young adults and want to spend some time together, if we can’t be together here then where the hell are we going to go!?”

“I don’t know, but as long as it’s not in this house, we really don’t care” he raised his eyebrows as he looked at his son.

“Oh my god! You are such hypocrites! I’m nearly 21 years old, and you’re acting like you’ve never even heard of the word sex!” he yelled at his father, “Do you think I’m stupid or something!? Do you think I don’t know that you two have sex in there practically every night!” he pointed up towards his parents bedroom as his words came out like verbal diarrhoea.

Martha’s eyes shot open and her head turned away in embarrassment; there was something so hilarious and yet so disturbing about where this conversation was heading.

“Jack that’s enough!” his father ordered.

“No, it’s not! This needs to be said! If you guys can do whatever the hell you like, then why cant we!? Are you worried that were going to scream the place down or something? Or do you just think that were going to be up there 'at it like bunnies' every waking minute of the day!? Because it won’t be like that, we just want the chance to spend some time together, can’t you understand that?”

“Of course we can, but I’m sorry, it’s not going to happen, you will not be alone together in this house!”

“Oh, well great!” he laughed sarcastically, “So basically we can’t even be alone together without you keeping a watchful eye on us; how lucky are we” he gritted his teeth. “You know if you want to keep an eye on us that badly, how about we just come down here every night and you can watch us while we have sex on your floor, would you like that!?” He roared.

“JACK! His father snapped at his sons words.

“Ok, erm, how about we go take a walk” Martha quickly intervened as she latched onto Jacks hand; trying her best to defuse the argument.

Entwining his fingers with hers, he slowly nodded, “fine, let’s go” with one last glare at his dad, he allowed for Martha to lead him out …


Martha and Jack now strolled hand in hand down the beach, the fresh air had done them both some good, unfortunately the depression and misery still lingered on their minds, as all they could think about was how little time they would now get to spend together …

“So, I guess that pool table idea isn’t looking so bad now is it?” Jack tried to joke, but neither of them felt in the mood for laughing.

“Nope, and desperate times call for desperate measures … plus, the pool table could be kind of fun” she perked up, “I’ll just have to make sure I don’t get mixed up with which balls I’m playing with” she smirked as she looked at him.

He laughed at her comment, “that’s a good one”.

“Thanks” she grinned. “I still can’t believe you said all that stuff to your dad though!” she tried to suppress her giggle.

“I know, I can’t either, it just came out, I couldn’t seem to stop myself” he laughed. “Felt good though. Not that it actually did any good mind you” he groaned.

“Aw. Come on, lets sit down” she halted and tugged on his hand.

Placing the rug down onto the sand, they both dropped to their knees, before moving onto their fronts and lying down.

“Ahh” he breathed in the fresh air, “I guess we’ll just have to make the most of our time here then”.

She nodded slowly, her eyes transfixed up head on the sparkling blue ocean.

Shuffling across he pursed his lips together and closed his eyes.

She giggled at his face as he clearly waited for her to kiss him.

“You are so cute” she whispered across to him as she admired his beautiful face.

Opening one eye, he cocked an eyebrow, “where’s my kiss” he pouted.

She grinned back at him as she leant further in; finally kissing him on the lips.

“Mmm” she moaned as their lips lingered together for several seconds. Eventually pulling away she pecked him on the cheek, before shuffling over and lying on her back.

Gazing into the blue and white sky, she frowned, her mind was still mulling over any possible ways for them to be together, but as of yet, nothing had come to her.

And then there it was, as clear as day, the answer they were after staring them both in the face; sure it wouldn’t be easy, but it was definitely worth a try.

“It’ll be alright” she smiled as she thought about her plan.

“How come you’re so positive all of a sudden, you were crying less than 2 hours ago” he gently nudged her side.

“I know, but …” her eyes lit up mischievously, “I have an idea!”


^^Lmao Jade! You have extremely good timing! :lol:

Thanks everyone!

10 more it is then :D

If I'm honest, I dont really want to let it go :(


Note: The majority of this chapter is spoken in a whisper, but I couldnt put it all in italics because it would have been really hard to read. Just thought I'd tell you to help you get the atmosphere :wink: lol

Enjoy :)

Chapter: 30

“Ok, let’s get back, I need to …” she paused, her eyes opening wide through fear, “hide the pills from my parents!” she cried in a panic.

“You left the pills on the side!?”

“Erm, yeah” she gulped hard.

“Oh, well great, another reason to make them hate me” he rolled his eyes.

“They don’t hate you Jack, my parents love you” she told him, “and hey, if they do find them, lets just hope they see it as a positive, because at least it shows them were being careful” she tried to smile.

“Yeah, I guess”

“Come on, lets go” she pulled on his hand as she made her way back up the beach.


“Ok, here goes … time to face the music” she took in a deep breath as she wrapped her fingers around the door knob.

“Wait” he pulled her back, “You still haven’t told me what the plan is?”

“Oh, you’ll find out soon enough” she grinned. “Let’s just get through this first”.

Opening the door, they crept inside. There was no one around, the house looked almost deserted.

Releasing a relieved sigh, they made their way into the kitchen. Walking over towards the kitchen sink her eyes darted from left to right, searching for the small blue box.

“Huh?” she frowned; “it’s not here” her hands scurried around the kitchen work surface. “Someone must have moved them” she spoke with dread as she turned back to Jack.

The two were brought to a sudden stop however, at the familiar sound of her mother clearing her throat. “I take it these are yours?” she raised her eyebrows as she held the small box out to Martha.

“Erm …” she turned around to face her with caution, “well that depends, would you like them to be mine?” she hushed back, keeping her head down to avoid her mother’s eye-contact at all costs.

Jenny rolled her eyes at her daughter’s comment, before walking forward and handing her the pills, “I’m glad you’re being careful” she smiled at her daughter, before exiting the kitchen completely.

“Well, that’s something at least” she turned back to Jack with a small smile.


(The Holden’s house)

They sat on the edge of Jacks bed, both with eyes glaring daggers at the door they had previously been ordered to keep open.

“God, this is so unfair” groaned Jack as he forcefully kept his hands in his lap, preventing himself from doing something or touching something he ‘shouldn’t’. “I feel like I’m on big brother! Like if I touch you I’ll suddenly get evicted or something” he laughed, before his head fell in sadness.

“Aw” she giggled softly, “Look I know it feels like that now, but, I’m thinking with time, they’ll get used to us, and hopefully give us a chance” she tried to stay optimistic.

“And if they don’t?” he turned to her with sad eyes.

She pouted as she looked into his misery-filled eyes.

Shimmying across, she sat closer to him, “and if they don’t we’ll just … we’ll figure something out” she leant across and pecked him on the cheek. Placing her hand to the back of his head, she lightly played with his hair, running it through her fingers and massaging his scalp.

His eyelids fell heavy as he turned to her; a look of helplessness spread across his face as he took in the pleasurable feeling of her soothing him. His vision couldn’t help but glance down at her lips; his inside’s just craved so badly to kiss her.

Although hesitant, he gradually leant across; his lips searching for a soft and satisfying kiss that only Martha could give him. They both sighed through relief and pleasure as their lips finally met and gently moved together as one.

Cupping her face in his hand, he pulled her closer, his tongue now slipping inside of her mouth and entwining with hers.

Her hand pressed firmly but tenderly against his thigh, working its way up towards his crotch before it finally rested on the inside of his leg. He moaned through pleasure as her touch aroused every inch of him; he craved so much more of what he knew she could give him.

Imitating her action, his hand too crept up her leg. A soft whimper couldn’t help but seep from her throat as she felt him apply more pressure.

Getting lost in the moment, both forget that the door was in fact, wide open...

The sound of a creak down the hallway forced them to stop their kissing session. Turning their heads towards the sound, they watched as his mother strolled passed the entrance, her eagle eyes glaring at them as she did; she was quite clearly just doing it to check on them.

“God, I can’t believe this” he groaned when she was out of sight, “Everything was starting to get so perfect and now … it’s all been taken away” he stood up in frustration.

“Its like …” he thought for a second, “say you give a fat person a cookie, and then at the last minute, you take it away from them … its painful.”

She raised her eyebrow as she looked across at him, “Interesting metaphor” she giggled.

“Yeah, I know, it’s the best I could think of” he chuckled back.

“I know what you mean though” she sighed; reaching out for his hand and sitting him back down, “It sucks”.

He nodded slowly, looking down at their joint hands. “Temptation …” he whispered as his head rose and he gazed into her eyes, “it’s hard to resist”

She slowly nodded back as she held his gaze; feeling as her body began to react to the look of lust in his eyes.

She swallowed hard. “Maybe I should go” she reluctantly hushed back; their eyes failing to blink, they were so mesmerized and ‘lost’ in each other.

He shook his head and forced his eyes away; knowing that if he kept it up for much longer, he wouldn’t be able to stop “No, you can’t go yet. How about we just watch some TV or something?” he suggested as he kept a firm hold of her hand

Although she knew deep down it would be easier if she left, she couldn’t seem drag herself away from him. “Yeah, sounds good”.



After much reluctance and objection, Jack had eventually let Martha go. His parents had made it quite clear that they didn’t want any activities, of the intimate variety, in the house; therefore he would just have to learn to deal with it and move on.

It was their house after all!

Now, after almost an hour of tossing and turning, he had finally drifted off to sleep.


Latching her hand onto the fencing she pulled herself up, trying her best to avoid making too much racket as she went on, step by step.

Finally reaching the top, she smiled. The window was open-wide as always, allowing for her to slip inside without being heard.

Stepping down onto the carpet she crept across to him. His eyes were closed shut and his breath’s were calm; he was sleeping like a baby.

Standing beside the bed she pulled off her top and trousers, placing them to the side and leaving her naked.

Lifting the sheet up slightly, she peered inside, noticing that he was surprisingly naked.

‘Perfect’ she thought as she licked her lips.

Lifting the covers up further, she carefully slid inside, gently shuffling on top of him and laying herself down.

His eyes flickered open and his face frowned through confusion as he felt the weight of another person lie on top of him.

His vision coming into focus he looked down to see Martha’s smiling face. “Am I dreaming?”

“Nope, I’m right here.”

He sighed with content as he wrapped his arms around her warm and naked body. “Mmm, you feel nice” he mumbled through his dry throat; keeping his voice low to avoid waking the entire house.

“And you taste nice” she replied as her lips and tongue worked their way around his chest.

“So this was your ingenious plan huh” he raised his eyebrow at her, “sneak into my room at midnight, and then …?” he shrugged.

“And then sneak out in the morning before everyone gets up … almost as if I was never here” she grinned; feeling awfully pleased with herself for coming up with it.

“Hmm, I’m not sure it’ll work, but, I’ll give you points for trying”.

She released a soft giggle as she pushed herself upwards and met his lips. His body shivered beneath her as she gently rubbed up against him.

“You’re shivering” she pulled back and placed her hand on his hot and sweaty chest; feeling him uncontrollably tremble. His breathing had also grown noticeably heavier as his eyes stayed fixed on hers.

“You probably shouldn’t have come” he tried to laugh, but his heart continued to pound in his chest; he had never wanted her so badly.

“Aw, I go to all of this trouble and now you’re telling me to go” she pouted teasingly; “I feel so rejected” she giggled.

“No, its not that … it’s just …” he paused trying to control himself as his fingertips gently trickled up and down the side of her leg, “… its hard”

“It doesn’t have to be” she tore her vision away from him and resumed the kissing on his chest.

He sighed, throwing his head back and taking in every feeling she generated within him, her lips and tongue working their magic on his skin.

No other woman had ever had so much power over him.

Eventually detaching her lips off his torso, she pushed herself upwards; sitting on his lower half and straddling him. Her eyes now twinkled suggestively in the moon light; he knew exactly what she had in mind …

“You know we can’t” he whispered up to her.

“Sure we can, we can be quiet” she put on her innocent and angel-like face.

“Since when were you ever quiet?” he smirked as he raised an eyebrow, “and it’s not just that … we should wait”

“I don’t want to wait … the only thing I want right now … is you” she spoke to him seductively as she looked down at him with lustful eyes.

He breathed a heavy sigh, it was no use trying to fight this, he wanted it, she wanted it, so why bother trying to resist the inevitable!?

Placing his hand on the small of her back, he pulled her down to him; chest to chest. Their lips meeting in a passion-fueled kiss.

Pulling back he looked deeply into her eyes, “if we do this, you have to be very very quiet, as in, the quietest you’ve ever been in your entire life” he told her, “can you do that?”

“If it means I get to be with you … then I’ll do anything”.

And that was all that Jack needed …

Crashing his lips to hers, he pulled her even closer; their bodies molding together as one.

Rolling them both over, so that she lay on her back, he hovered above her.

Placing his hand over her mouth he cheekily grinned down at her, before slowly but surely, he slid inside.

In retrospect, it was a damn good job that Jack had closed her mouth, as her moans, no matter how hard she forced herself to stop them, couldn’t help but slip out.

She giggled softly as he finally removed his hand, her sweet and innocent face smiling up at him, “So much for being quiet”.

He tried to stifle his laugh as he shook his head at her teasingly. “Should have guessed you were all talk” he whispered into her ear as he leant downwards.

They giggled together for a brief moment, before their laughter disappeared and their eyes locked in an intense and passionate gaze.

The moment dropped peacefully silent, with all that could be heard was the growing intensity of breath on breath; their molded bodies moving together as one …

Closing their eyes, they allowed for passion to completely consume them …

Preview: Things arent getting any easier for Jack and Martha


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