*~Abi~* Posted March 18, 2007 Report Posted March 18, 2007 got a feeeling Kayla has some serious issues and Brad needs to find out what they are wicked adds this is great
Roccoluver Posted March 18, 2007 Report Posted March 18, 2007 He opens his mouth to say something else, but Sally walks into the class and he shifts his attention to her as she starts talking about the pyramids in Egypt. Hehe, loved the chapter, does Sally spell Egypt right this time? Poor Belle and Brad, Kayla had problems .
Sally_Fletcher Posted March 19, 2007 Report Posted March 19, 2007 /\ /\ Thanks guys... And as for Kayla and her issues... you'll find out a lot more about her as the fic continues...
Roccoluver Posted March 19, 2007 Report Posted March 19, 2007 And as for Kayla and her issues... you'll find out a lot more about her as the fic continues... which will be????? come on Im on the edge of my seat
clarky24 Posted March 19, 2007 Report Posted March 19, 2007 Great update. I love the tension between Belle and Kayla. It will be interesting to see what happens between them as the fic continues.
Sally_Fletcher Posted March 19, 2007 Report Posted March 19, 2007 ON THE BEACH. Lucas is sitting on the beach. Kayla walks towards him, wearing baggies and a long sleeved surf top. LUCAS: Hey. KAYLA: Hey. LUCAS: Jack said we could borrow his board. What's with the sleeves? Kayla looks down at her top and smiles. KAYLA: It gets on his nerves. LUCAS: His? KAYLA: Yeah... Whatever I'm supposed to call him. LUCAS: You mean your dad? KAYLA: Yeah. LUCAS: But he's not here now. KAYLA: Not the point. So, let's go. THE DINER Rocco, Cassie, Matilda and Ric are sitting at a table. MATILDA: Lucas seems to like her. CASSIE: Yeah, I've noticed that too... And she seems to talk to him. MATILDA: She's weird. RIC: Well I like her. She's complicated, but... sweet in a way. CASSIE: Except when her dad is around. It looks like she really hates it. ROCCO: Yeah, well can you imagine never having a father and then suddenly having to live with him after seventeen years? It's a big change. The don't notice Colleen coming up to them. CASSIE: I guess you're right... but it's like she doesn't want to try with Brad. Like she just closes up when he gets near her. COLLEEN: Are you talking about young Kayla? RIC: Er... COLLEEN: I saw her with Sally after school, they seem to be getting along fine. ROCCO: Yeah, Kayla and Sal seem to like each other. COLLEEN: And isn't it so sad that the poor girl has lost her mother and now Mr Armstrong has to deal with having a teenage daughter. It can't be easy on him. RIC: I guess it's not. COLLEEN: It's no wonder the poor bloke looks so tired! She seems like a handful that young lady! CASSIE: Colleen, could you get me an Orange juice please? COLLEEN: Well of course. RIC: Was she eaves dropping just now? MATILDA: Who, Colleen? Never! They laugh. FLETCHER HOME Brad is sitting in the living room with the letter that he had received after Amy's death. A photo falls out and he picks it up. It's a picture of a babygirl, laughing at the camera. Brad smiles sadly. ON THE BEACH. Lucas and Kayla come out of the ocean, carrying the surf boards. They sit down on the beach next to each other. LUCAS: You're a quick learner! You've almost got it! KAYLA: I had a good teacher. They smile at each other. LUCAS: Thanks... I had fun. KAYLA: So did I. They look at each other silently. Then Lucas leans over and their lips meet in a tender kiss...
Roccoluver Posted March 19, 2007 Report Posted March 19, 2007 Yay, an update, Love this story, still wary of Kayla, hehe nosy Colleen love it.
Sally_Fletcher Posted March 19, 2007 Report Posted March 19, 2007 /\ /\ Thank you! I'll do that soon... got a brainwave while watching H&A tonight...
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