Drew Posted March 2, 2007 Report Posted March 2, 2007 Thank you guys for the comments! Really appreciate them Glad you're liking the story so far!
Sally_Fletcher Posted March 3, 2007 Report Posted March 3, 2007 ** Begs for update...** You have no idea how curious I am.
Drew Posted March 4, 2007 Report Posted March 4, 2007 I'll probably update tomorrow. And just to let you all know, the lyrics at the beginning isn't to make the chapters look like a cheesy H&A fan fic. The titles of the chapters are song titles, so I'm putting in a bit of lyrics from that song to help understand. So the whole concept of Home and Away was Dean living with his parents and then with Sally... If it makes sense.
Drew Posted March 7, 2007 Report Posted March 7, 2007 THEN Dean Miller mysteriously came to Summer Bay overnight, found by Brad Armstrong after a huge fight with his parents. Welcoming him into their home, Sally and Brad began to wonder how Dean ended up in Summer Bay, especially when Dean had no memory of the night before, or does he? Heading to a beach party with Ric and Cassie, Dean meets Matilda and begins to fall for her, unbeknown to himself that she’s Ric’s girlfriend. Lucas felt sorry for himself as he witnessed Belle and a footballer together and Henry and Max talk about a master plan… Tony’s neck is on the line after discovering he has a huge debt to pay- over two hundred and fifty thousand dollars worth. And just when Ric and Matilda were getting physical, Dean tells Ric that he met a girl, and plans to ruin her relationship with the boyfriend… “You can try to resist, try to hide from my kiss, but you know, that you, can't fight the moonlight. Deep in the dark, you'll surrender your heart, don't you know, don't you know that you, can't fight the moonlight. No, you can't fight it... It's gonna get to your heart” – Can't Fight The Moonlight - Leann Rimes CHAPTER TWO – Can’t Fight The Moonlight NOW Early the next morning, Dean Miller entered the Summer Bay house after a work out down at the beach. Having a shower, and beginning to clothe himself, he witnessed a disturbing photograph by Ric’s bedside table as Ric continued to sleep away. Slowly, creeping up to the photograph, his mouth began to drop in awe, shocked and outraged. “You’re gotta be kidding me!” Dean whispered to himself as he picked up a photograph of Ric with his arms wrapped around Matilda. “It’s you!” Dean softly said as he placed the photograph down and stared at a very knocked-out Ric Dalby as he continued to snore in the background. Dean sat on his bed, upset and confused. He’s been with many girls before, in every way you can be with one, but none of them compared to her. Even though they only had a brief conversation. Running his hands through his hair, Dean laid back onto his bed and took a huge sigh. Beginning to think of what to do next. Will he still go ahead with his plans to destroy her relationship so he can end up with her? The school bell rang so loud that morning, it could have been heard all over the hills of Summer Bay. The students began to enter the school building and began to make their way to their lockers. Ric and Matilda walked in, holding hands as he began to kiss her up against his locker, moving his arm up and down her body, which seemed a little too graphic for a school background. “That’s enough Ric, not in the school. Keep it in until you get home, please?!” Brad said as he tapped Ric onto his shoulder and made his way into his office where he saw Sally sitting on his desk. “Ms Fletcher?” Brad said with a cheeky smile as he made his way to his desk. “Principal Armstrong.” Sally whispered as she grabbed Brad by his tie and pulled him towards her. Slowly, she kissed him and moved further back onto Brad’s desk so that he could come on too. “Sally, please. We did this an hour ago.” Brad chuckled as he threw his tongue down Sally’s throat. Speeding up the pace, their clothes began to come off as Brad threw everything off his desk and began to make out all over it. The students began to make their way to their first class that morning as Lucas Holden passed Belle Taylor in the corridor. Building up the courage, Lucas walked up to her and gave her a huge smile, but received the opposite off Belle. “What!?” Belle said with a snobby tone as she snorted and walked off. Lucas stood there, watching her walk off as she entered her classroom, feeling sad and somewhat heartbroken. Lucas walked into his classroom as Henry and Max ran in the corridor, late for class. “Hurry up M before we get into trouble!” Henry said as they ran up the stairs and reached the second level. “Don’t run so fast H, I’m not as fit as you!” Max said as he turned a corner and ran into Brad. “Mister Armstrong!” Max said desperately, trying to play the innocent student. “We- we- we- we were stuck in traffic!” Max suggested as Henry rolled his eyes beside him. “Hunter, Sutherland. You don’t need to play the excuse game with me.” Brad smiled as he walked away. “Now have a good day!” Brad talked out loud as he began to walk up the stairs as Henry and Max looked at each other confused by Brad’s chipper tone. “He must of bought a new science book.” Henry slowly suggested. “I’m thinking he just got laid on his desk.” The last five minutes of the first lesson began to tick down slowly as Miss Amanda Vale began to give back her class results of their Drama exam. As she walked past Drew, he slowly began to check her out from behind without her noticing. Releasing a cheeky grin, he looked up to Henry and Max who smiled back at him. His thoughts of her were interrupted when his examination paper was slumped onto his desk, his smile growing bigger after receiving an “A”. Drew shook his head with pleasure as he picked up his paper and showed it to Henry and Max, beginning to whisper “That’s what you receive when you sleep with the teacher.” Drew chuckled as the bell went off. “I’ll see you all tomorrow, and remember to bring in your text books next time! Drew, can I see you for a minute!?” Amanda asked with a smile. “Sure thing, Miss Vale.” Drew laughed as he showed an enormous grin to Henry and Max. As the rest of the class trotted off, Amanda closed the door and faced Drew. “Have I been naughty?” Drew grinned. “Very, very naughty! So naughty you don’t receive a Saturday detention, you receive…” Amanda continued to whisper into Drew’s ear where he let out a childish laugh. “Miss Vale stop, you’re embarrassing me.” Amanda smiled as she leant in for a kiss with Drew, which lasted for several long seconds in heaven. “We have to get this plan going now M, I can’t stand this any longer!” Henry protested as they walked down the stairs. “Don’t you think we should hold off for a few more weeks until we trap her?” “Believe me, she’s already trapped.” Henry grinned as they made their way out of the school gates. Later that afternoon, Dean noticed Matilda by herself sitting on the beach. Letting out a smirk, Dean began to run down to her, ready to make his moves so he could have her. “Hey Matilda!” Dean shouted as he arrived next to her. “Hey Dean.” Matilda smiled as Dean sat next to her, and noticed he stared back at her. “Could I help you with something?” Matilda smiled. “That depends… Do you like lollipops?” Dean asked. “I’m sorry?” “And milkshakes?” Dean suggested as Matilda let out a chuckle. “Dean, if you want me to get you off, you have another thing coming, I’m-“ “Wait, wait, wait, wait!” Dean began to laugh. “I’m talking about the candy and the drink… Get your mind out of the gutter Matilda… You can’t have me, you’re with Ric remember.” Dean grinned as Matilda let out a laugh. “Come on, you can’t fight fate, my shout.” Dean protested, where Matilda finally said yes. As they walked up the beach together, Dean couldn’t help but to hide his grin. Slowly, and peacefully, he was going to lure Matilda into his world, away from Ric. As the sun settled beneath the ocean, Cassie began to walk home from the Surf Club, after meeting up with Belle. Walking home in the dark, she heard a noise from behind her. Turning around sharply she witnessed, nothing! Beginning to think that she was hearing things, Cassie let out a small laugh as she continued to walk home. She was stopped again after hearing noise behind her a second time, as fear began to crawl into her mind. “Hello?” Cassie asked with a soft voice. Beginning to feel scared, she turned around and ran all the way back home, as a person watched her run, as he hid behind the bushes breathing heavily. Beth Hunter began to stack up the dishwasher and moved into the loungeroom where Henry, Max and Matilda were watching the television. Walking towards the front door she received a fright when Tony entered from the other side. “Oh, Tony! You gave me a fright!” Beth laughed, noticing Tony was down, looking sad and depressed. “Tony, what’s wrong?” Beth asked as she kissed Tony on the forehead. “Is everything alright? What was the meeting with the accountant for?” Beth asked curiously. “We need to talk.” Tony softly smiled as he brought Beth into their bedroom, away from the others, because the bombshell Tony was about to drop, is every family’s worst nightmare… “Tony, you’re scaring me… What happened?” LATER… Beth receives a bombshell; which leads to her life being left on the line. Max and Henry have a secret plan, Belle has a secret lover, Amanda is having a secret affair and Matilda finds herself in a triangle she can’t escape. Though which couple are caught cheating, which ends in blood?
bay girl Posted March 7, 2007 Report Posted March 7, 2007 Great chapter Drew. I'm really lovin this fic. I'm very intrigued about Max and Henry. What are they up to? Can't wait for some more. Update soon.
tasha7905 Posted March 7, 2007 Report Posted March 7, 2007 Great chapter drew I love how you keep us guessing. Tut tut at Brad and Sally on school property as well . I cant wait to find out how Beth will react to Tony's revelation. Hope there is more soon.
Sarah_Lewis Posted March 7, 2007 Report Posted March 7, 2007 Aweshum Chapter!! please update again when you can!!
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