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Bec's Back!

Guest ter06

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Bec Hewitt has announced she will reprise her role as Summer Bay's Hayley Lawson next year. The 23 year old actress, who's married to tennis ace Lleyton Hewitt, left Home and Away in 2005 after falling pregnant with daughter Mia. But she's poised to make a comeback in 2007 for a top-secret plot!

"I'll be returning to Home and Away," Bec confirms on her website. "It's a three week guest role for a storyline involving Hayley's son Noah. I'll start filming in mid-2007."

When Bec departed the show, the part of Hayley was recast with actress Ella Scott Lynch. The new mum finally found love with on-off boyfriend Scott Hunter before leaving the Bay to start afresh in Paris.

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That will be so odd, Bec, then Ella, then Bec.

It seems wierd to bring her back now...she only just left.

I always thought it was wierd she and Scott were marrying in a different country when all their family and friends were in Australia.

Wonder what the story could be....

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Not that I believe she's returning but...

She left the show of her own accord during a big long running storyline and before her contract expired, forcing not only producers to re-cast the role but also audiences to adjust to a new actress. In my opinion by doing that she forefitted any rights whatsoever to return to the role. Who does she think she is? Bec was Hayley, but then Ella became Hayley and any new Hayley storylines should be played by her. It's not like she was a temp actress just filling in for a few weeks. Bec left the show and Ella took over. End of. :P

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I agree Ste, but wasn't part of her reason for leaving because she was pregnant?

I wonder if Kim is Noah's father after all and that's why she's back :P

Please no, we had enough drama already over the paternity of that baby. Besides Kim will be gone from the Bay by then and as Kip Gamblin is in Casualty now he won't be back either. Bec was and is one of Australia's biggest stars so obviously they would jump at having her back and she always said she would go back. Personally I am thrilled she's returning.

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Brilliant news i'm glad it's finally been confirmed. It'll be great to have the real Hayley back, the one we saw grow up on screen and the one we viewers have history with not that imposter pretending and not doing a very good job at being Hayley just less believeable or likeable. Bec was who the majority of viewers grew to love as Hayley and no matter how good an actress replaced her (IMO ESL wasn't very good) they still wouldn't bring them back in the role as people still mainly associate Bec with the role. It is her role so is rightfully back to play her.

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Ella was a good actress but not for the role of Hayley, and they said from the start her role was only ever going to be temporary. Bec was the award winner and the girl we grew up with. I wish she was coming back for longer!

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