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Countdown to the Most Inspiring Movie of All Time

Guest dnp52td

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Countdown to the Most Inspiring Movie of All Time - Special

(170 mins, Rated: PG) Channel Seven, sun 8:30pm (15/10/06)

The most inspiring films, as chosen by experts in the motion picture community, are counted down to the top movie of all time. Including commentary from many of Hollywood's most celebrated actors and film-makers, including Steven Spielberg, Jessica Alba, Don Cheadle, Sally Field, Jabe Fonda, Ben Kingsley, Syney Poitier, and Mickey Rooney. One of the top five movies airs immediately after the countdown. Can you guess which one it will be?

looks like some H&A stars will also be comentating on their favourite movies, I saw Bobby Morley in the ad but I'm sure there will be more.


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